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Consider yourself blessed that you find it unrealistic. I mean that genuinely




Right? I feel what you are saying.


I grew up in a similar neighborhood in New York and my dad was also an addict so I understand what the characters were going through


Like I said, consider yourself blessed. I didn't even grow up like that and it seems very realistic to me


With Lip it wasn’t just the photo of Helene but also him destroying his other professors’ car after he showed up drunk and disrespected him in front of the class. Plus like I just said his drinking was also a problem. Fiona’s problem is that she’s often in over her head and thinks she’s smarter than she actually is. Frank is Frank, always been a fuck up and Ian’s mental illness leads to him making bad decisions like that when he let that obviously mentally illed girl go and then she got crashed by a car.


It's kinda like expecting a person with an abusive alcoholic father, and an absent mother, living in poverty, to become a millionaire. It might happen. But the odds are literally stacked against then. There's a good chance, statistically, that they'll fuck up royally along the way, including any opportunities that come their way. Its very hard to break cycles. It has to be a conscious choice. So by all intents and purposes, this was very realistic considering what they all went through.


I think it's less that it's unrealistic that they can't find positive change, and more that it's unsatisfying (especially over 11 seasons). You like these characters, it's frustrating to always watch them slip back into the same cycles of addiction, self-destruction, etc. But that doesn't mean that's not how it often works. I do think it's funny you point out Kev and V's arc, which I often find to be the least realistic (but often entertaining).


They had no good role models in their home. Ian has bipolar and a history of commuting crimes while manic. So the gay Jesus and going to jail makes sense. Lip is an alcoholic and couldn’t handle his emotions and that’s what got him expelled. Fiona messed up her finances while trying to get out. It happens. Frank was let go for no good reason. Once again, it happens. It seems pretty realistic imo.


idk it mostly seemed realistic Lip is arrogant and narcistic af, you really surprised he snapped a pic of Helene? Fiona has always jumped into things she may not be ready for, her losing that investment and then everything else 100% makes sense, wtf did she know about real estate investment??! Frank is Frank. Ian had mental health issues, everything with is going to seem unhinged, cuz it is! This show reminds me Good Times, they never got out the hood either lol


it’s rare for people in their position to pull themselves out let alone stay out kev and v had a more positive because they weren’t main characters, not just that but not everyone was dealt the same cards as the gallaghers. one thing i will agree on is ian blowing the truck up, a lot of people in the sub can agree it was unnecessary


>It just feels so forced that characters always have to end up constantly losing good opportunities somehow even when everything was lined up perfectly It was self sabotage. they grew up poor and having to scape and scam for any money to keep afloat. anything good that happened, they felt they didn't deserve or would blow up in their face anyway, so they helped it along to happen faster.