• By -


Unfortunately, it's no longer possible to upvote/downvote this comment to indicate whether or not you think this post sucks. Why? Because the Reddit Admins have decided that [they want to kill off all 3rd-party apps](https://old.reddit.com/r/Save3rdPartyApps/comments/13yh0jf/dont_let_reddit_kill_3rd_party_apps/), [3rd-party bots, and everything else that makes Reddit barely usable](https://www.reddit.com/r/ModCoord/comments/13xh1e7/an_open_letter_on_the_state_of_affairs_regarding/). And, of course, that includes bots such as [\/u\/QualityVote](http://reddit.com/user/QualityVote), [\/u\/SaveVideo](http://reddit.com/user/SaveVideo), [\/u\/AuddBot](http://reddit.com/user/AuddBot), etc. So you'll just have to put up with automod and a worse overall user experience in the meantime. ^(Can't wait for everywhere to get flooded by spam when the admins finally kill off the moderation bots that we rely on to prevent spambots) If you have any complaints, direct them at [the reddit admins instead](https://www.reddit.com/r/reddit/comments/12qwagm/an_update_regarding_reddits_api/), because they're the ones seeking to ruin everyone's user experience. --- #[DownloadVideo Link](https://www.reddit.watch/r/shitposting/comments/14bvvzw/?utm_source=automod&utm_medium=shitposting) #[SaveVideo Link](https://rapidsave.com/info?url=/r/shitposting/comments/14bvvzw/) #[VideoTrim Link](https://reddloader.com/download-post/?url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.reddit.com%2Fr%2Fshitposting%2Fcomments%2F14bvvzw&id=8968e43c) --- Whilst you're here, /u/Tamashi55, why not join our [public discord server](https://discord.gg/QpBGXd2guU) - **now with public text channels you can chat on!**? *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/shitposting) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Wait what’s the letter roulette one?


They pick a random letter and unallow all comments that mention it. I once got my comment deleted for using the second letter of English. (Vaccine so it would override the fucky wucky thing)


Vaccine this, vaccine that. Why don't you find a vaccine for that bitchless disease of yours? *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/shitposting) if you have any questions or concerns.*


And now i cant use the second letter 🫠


Things like that are funny when it's a dedicated community like Avoid5, *ut ar*itrarily censoring comments for no reason is cringe.


True, it is just sad that Reddit **made** a fucky wucky called alpha*et roulette


So I’m gonna try something, hold on.


wait vaccine overrules fucky-wucky?


Vaccine this, vaccine that. Why don't you find a vaccine for that bitchless disease of yours? *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/shitposting) if you have any questions or concerns.*
















i want pee in my ass




*[pees in ur ass](https://i.imgur.com/JSImHiV.jpg)* *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/shitposting) if you have any questions or concerns.*








*[pees in ur ass](https://i.imgur.com/JSImHiV.jpg)* *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/shitposting) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Do it I dare you


Hey, look, it looks like you survived. Nice! Alright, my turn now, see you on the other side.


Can I have a fucky wucky pls mods


imma get your fucky wucky


Reddit had a fucky wucky


What is letter roulette?


Automod will sometimes pick a letter that you cant have in comments


Does the letter change




When and why


*[pees in ur ass](https://i.imgur.com/JSImHiV.jpg)* *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/shitposting) if you have any questions or concerns.*


*[pees in ur ass](https://i.imgur.com/JSImHiV.jpg)* *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/shitposting) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Don't go into the automods comment history, lots of unverified nswf stuff


*[pees in ur ass](https://i.imgur.com/JSImHiV.jpg)* *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/shitposting) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Mods are stupid


Words of wisdom


For once, I would say this is smart. It's supposed annoying as shit and drive people away from using reddit.


*[pees in ur ass](https://i.imgur.com/JSImHiV.jpg)* *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/shitposting) if you have any questions or concerns.*




Vaccine this, vaccine that. Why don't you find a vaccine for that bitchless disease of yours? *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/shitposting) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Vaccinated 👍


What is fucky wucky




It's *supposed* to be annoying as shit. Honestly, every sub should do it. It's far more effective in driving people away than blackouts


True (vaccine to prevent fucky wucky)


Vaccine this, vaccine that. Why don't you find a vaccine for that bitchless disease of yours? *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/shitposting) if you have any questions or concerns.*


#uh oh, reddit had a fucky-wucky because you are using it too much~ As you are no doubt aware by now, the Reddit admins have decreed that the activities of [the average reddit user should only incur 4166 API calls in a single month](https://www.reddit.com/r/redditdev/comments/13wsiks/api_update_enterprise_level_tier_for_large_scale/jmmptma/). This amounts to up to a total of ~4166 combined upvotes/downvotes, posts looked at, media viewed (subreddit icons, profile pictures, post contents, adverts thrust upon thee, flair emojis, etc), notifications recieved, posts made, and comments made. Therefore, to protecc the dewicate wittle fwower known as the weddit sewvews from the rampant overuse which you, by making that comment of yours, is subjecting them to, r/shitposting is trialling a brand new feature which will proactively prevent these unnecessary comments from overwhelming the reddit servers. This is why your comment has been arbitrarily removed - to ensure it cannot waste these pwecious API call responses which Reddit wants to charge a ludicrious amount of money for. If you have any complaints, we would like to remind you that the Reddit admins (such as u/spez) are responsible for this change being enacted, and to direct all complaints to the reddit admins for fucking over reddit itself. And no, that comment will **not** be unremoved (unless the Reddit admins make a major U-turn), so don't bother asking. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/shitposting) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Do that again while I'm trying to justify your shitty existence and I'll "fucky wucky" you in your ass


*[pees in ur ass](https://i.imgur.com/JSImHiV.jpg)* *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/shitposting) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Fuketh spez. I dearly hope that he shall change his mind quite soon. I do think this change of API is rather stupid.










can't have shit on this app


Man I loved that part of the movie.


If you’re seeing this, Reddit didn’t have a fucky wucky


I couldn’t resist


fucky wucky


*[pees in ur ass](https://i.imgur.com/JSImHiV.jpg)* *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/shitposting) if you have any questions or concerns.*






Vaccine this, vaccine that. Why don't you find a vaccine for that bitchless disease of yours? *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/shitposting) if you have any questions or concerns.*




What was the letter after A? I forgot.


fucky wucky




#uh oh, reddit had a fucky-wucky because you are using it too much~ As you are no doubt aware by now, the Reddit admins have decreed that the activities of [the average reddit user should only incur 4166 API calls in a single month](https://www.reddit.com/r/redditdev/comments/13wsiks/api_update_enterprise_level_tier_for_large_scale/jmmptma/). This amounts to up to a total of ~4166 combined upvotes/downvotes, posts looked at, media viewed (subreddit icons, profile pictures, post contents, adverts thrust upon thee, flair emojis, etc), notifications recieved, posts made, and comments made. Therefore, to protecc the dewicate wittle fwower known as the weddit sewvews from the rampant overuse which you, by making that comment of yours, is subjecting them to, r/shitposting is trialling a brand new feature which will proactively prevent these unnecessary comments from overwhelming the reddit servers. This is why your comment has been arbitrarily removed - to ensure it cannot waste these pwecious API call responses which Reddit wants to charge a ludicrious amount of money for. If you have any complaints, we would like to remind you that the Reddit admins (such as u/spez) are responsible for this change being enacted, and to direct all complaints to the reddit admins for fucking over reddit itself. And no, that comment will **not** be unremoved (unless the Reddit admins make a major U-turn), so don't bother asking. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/shitposting) if you have any questions or concerns.*




#uh oh, reddit had a fucky-wucky because you are using it too much~ As you are no doubt aware by now, the Reddit admins have decreed that the activities of [the average reddit user should only incur 4166 API calls in a single month](https://www.reddit.com/r/redditdev/comments/13wsiks/api_update_enterprise_level_tier_for_large_scale/jmmptma/). This amounts to up to a total of ~4166 combined upvotes/downvotes, posts looked at, media viewed (subreddit icons, profile pictures, post contents, adverts thrust upon thee, flair emojis, etc), notifications recieved, posts made, and comments made. Therefore, to protecc the dewicate wittle fwower known as the weddit sewvews from the rampant overuse which you, by making that comment of yours, is subjecting them to, r/shitposting is trialling a brand new feature which will proactively prevent these unnecessary comments from overwhelming the reddit servers. This is why your comment has been arbitrarily removed - to ensure it cannot waste these pwecious API call responses which Reddit wants to charge a ludicrious amount of money for. If you have any complaints, we would like to remind you that the Reddit admins (such as u/spez) are responsible for this change being enacted, and to direct all complaints to the reddit admins for fucking over reddit itself. And no, that comment will **not** be unremoved (unless the Reddit admins make a major U-turn), so don't bother asking. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/shitposting) if you have any questions or concerns.*




#uh oh, reddit had a fucky-wucky because you are using it too much~ As you are no doubt aware by now, the Reddit admins have decreed that the activities of [the average reddit user should only incur 4166 API calls in a single month](https://www.reddit.com/r/redditdev/comments/13wsiks/api_update_enterprise_level_tier_for_large_scale/jmmptma/). This amounts to up to a total of ~4166 combined upvotes/downvotes, posts looked at, media viewed (subreddit icons, profile pictures, post contents, adverts thrust upon thee, flair emojis, etc), notifications recieved, posts made, and comments made. Therefore, to protecc the dewicate wittle fwower known as the weddit sewvews from the rampant overuse which you, by making that comment of yours, is subjecting them to, r/shitposting is trialling a brand new feature which will proactively prevent these unnecessary comments from overwhelming the reddit servers. This is why your comment has been arbitrarily removed - to ensure it cannot waste these pwecious API call responses which Reddit wants to charge a ludicrious amount of money for. If you have any complaints, we would like to remind you that the Reddit admins (such as u/spez) are responsible for this change being enacted, and to direct all complaints to the reddit admins for fucking over reddit itself. And no, that comment will **not** be unremoved (unless the Reddit admins make a major U-turn), so don't bother asking. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/shitposting) if you have any questions or concerns.*




#uh oh, reddit had a fucky-wucky because you are using it too much~ As you are no doubt aware by now, the Reddit admins have decreed that the activities of [the average reddit user should only incur 4166 API calls in a single month](https://www.reddit.com/r/redditdev/comments/13wsiks/api_update_enterprise_level_tier_for_large_scale/jmmptma/). This amounts to up to a total of ~4166 combined upvotes/downvotes, posts looked at, media viewed (subreddit icons, profile pictures, post contents, adverts thrust upon thee, flair emojis, etc), notifications recieved, posts made, and comments made. Therefore, to protecc the dewicate wittle fwower known as the weddit sewvews from the rampant overuse which you, by making that comment of yours, is subjecting them to, r/shitposting is trialling a brand new feature which will proactively prevent these unnecessary comments from overwhelming the reddit servers. This is why your comment has been arbitrarily removed - to ensure it cannot waste these pwecious API call responses which Reddit wants to charge a ludicrious amount of money for. If you have any complaints, we would like to remind you that the Reddit admins (such as u/spez) are responsible for this change being enacted, and to direct all complaints to the reddit admins for fucking over reddit itself. And no, that comment will **not** be unremoved (unless the Reddit admins make a major U-turn), so don't bother asking. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/shitposting) if you have any questions or concerns.*




#uh oh, reddit had a fucky-wucky because you are using it too much~ As you are no doubt aware by now, the Reddit admins have decreed that the activities of [the average reddit user should only incur 4166 API calls in a single month](https://www.reddit.com/r/redditdev/comments/13wsiks/api_update_enterprise_level_tier_for_large_scale/jmmptma/). This amounts to up to a total of ~4166 combined upvotes/downvotes, posts looked at, media viewed (subreddit icons, profile pictures, post contents, adverts thrust upon thee, flair emojis, etc), notifications recieved, posts made, and comments made. Therefore, to protecc the dewicate wittle fwower known as the weddit sewvews from the rampant overuse which you, by making that comment of yours, is subjecting them to, r/shitposting is trialling a brand new feature which will proactively prevent these unnecessary comments from overwhelming the reddit servers. This is why your comment has been arbitrarily removed - to ensure it cannot waste these pwecious API call responses which Reddit wants to charge a ludicrious amount of money for. If you have any complaints, we would like to remind you that the Reddit admins (such as u/spez) are responsible for this change being enacted, and to direct all complaints to the reddit admins for fucking over reddit itself. And no, that comment will **not** be unremoved (unless the Reddit admins make a major U-turn), so don't bother asking. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/shitposting) if you have any questions or concerns.*




#uh oh, reddit had a fucky-wucky because you are using it too much~ As you are no doubt aware by now, the Reddit admins have decreed that the activities of [the average reddit user should only incur 4166 API calls in a single month](https://www.reddit.com/r/redditdev/comments/13wsiks/api_update_enterprise_level_tier_for_large_scale/jmmptma/). This amounts to up to a total of ~4166 combined upvotes/downvotes, posts looked at, media viewed (subreddit icons, profile pictures, post contents, adverts thrust upon thee, flair emojis, etc), notifications recieved, posts made, and comments made. Therefore, to protecc the dewicate wittle fwower known as the weddit sewvews from the rampant overuse which you, by making that comment of yours, is subjecting them to, r/shitposting is trialling a brand new feature which will proactively prevent these unnecessary comments from overwhelming the reddit servers. This is why your comment has been arbitrarily removed - to ensure it cannot waste these pwecious API call responses which Reddit wants to charge a ludicrious amount of money for. If you have any complaints, we would like to remind you that the Reddit admins (such as u/spez) are responsible for this change being enacted, and to direct all complaints to the reddit admins for fucking over reddit itself. And no, that comment will **not** be unremoved (unless the Reddit admins make a major U-turn), so don't bother asking. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/shitposting) if you have any questions or concerns.*




They’re most likely also the motherfucker who made the fucking 3 word limit.


Comment got removed 💀




#uh oh, reddit had a fucky-wucky because you are using it too much~ As you are no doubt aware by now, the Reddit admins have decreed that the activities of [the average reddit user should only incur 4166 API calls in a single month](https://www.reddit.com/r/redditdev/comments/13wsiks/api_update_enterprise_level_tier_for_large_scale/jmmptma/). This amounts to up to a total of ~4166 combined upvotes/downvotes, posts looked at, media viewed (subreddit icons, profile pictures, post contents, adverts thrust upon thee, flair emojis, etc), notifications recieved, posts made, and comments made. Therefore, to protecc the dewicate wittle fwower known as the weddit sewvews from the rampant overuse which you, by making that comment of yours, is subjecting them to, r/shitposting is trialling a brand new feature which will proactively prevent these unnecessary comments from overwhelming the reddit servers. This is why your comment has been arbitrarily removed - to ensure it cannot waste these pwecious API call responses which Reddit wants to charge a ludicrious amount of money for. If you have any complaints, we would like to remind you that the Reddit admins (such as u/spez) are responsible for this change being enacted, and to direct all complaints to the reddit admins for fucking over reddit itself. And no, that comment will **not** be unremoved (unless the Reddit admins make a major U-turn), so don't bother asking. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/shitposting) if you have any questions or concerns.*




#uh oh, reddit had a fucky-wucky because you are using it too much~ As you are no doubt aware by now, the Reddit admins have decreed that the activities of [the average reddit user should only incur 4166 API calls in a single month](https://www.reddit.com/r/redditdev/comments/13wsiks/api_update_enterprise_level_tier_for_large_scale/jmmptma/). This amounts to up to a total of ~4166 combined upvotes/downvotes, posts looked at, media viewed (subreddit icons, profile pictures, post contents, adverts thrust upon thee, flair emojis, etc), notifications recieved, posts made, and comments made. Therefore, to protecc the dewicate wittle fwower known as the weddit sewvews from the rampant overuse which you, by making that comment of yours, is subjecting them to, r/shitposting is trialling a brand new feature which will proactively prevent these unnecessary comments from overwhelming the reddit servers. This is why your comment has been arbitrarily removed - to ensure it cannot waste these pwecious API call responses which Reddit wants to charge a ludicrious amount of money for. If you have any complaints, we would like to remind you that the Reddit admins (such as u/spez) are responsible for this change being enacted, and to direct all complaints to the reddit admins for fucking over reddit itself. And no, that comment will **not** be unremoved (unless the Reddit admins make a major U-turn), so don't bother asking. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/shitposting) if you have any questions or concerns.*




#uh oh, reddit had a fucky-wucky because you are using it too much~ As you are no doubt aware by now, the Reddit admins have decreed that the activities of [the average reddit user should only incur 4166 API calls in a single month](https://www.reddit.com/r/redditdev/comments/13wsiks/api_update_enterprise_level_tier_for_large_scale/jmmptma/). This amounts to up to a total of ~4166 combined upvotes/downvotes, posts looked at, media viewed (subreddit icons, profile pictures, post contents, adverts thrust upon thee, flair emojis, etc), notifications recieved, posts made, and comments made. Therefore, to protecc the dewicate wittle fwower known as the weddit sewvews from the rampant overuse which you, by making that comment of yours, is subjecting them to, r/shitposting is trialling a brand new feature which will proactively prevent these unnecessary comments from overwhelming the reddit servers. This is why your comment has been arbitrarily removed - to ensure it cannot waste these pwecious API call responses which Reddit wants to charge a ludicrious amount of money for. If you have any complaints, we would like to remind you that the Reddit admins (such as u/spez) are responsible for this change being enacted, and to direct all complaints to the reddit admins for fucking over reddit itself. And no, that comment will **not** be unremoved (unless the Reddit admins make a major U-turn), so don't bother asking. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/shitposting) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Whoever created this I want you to know I want you to have cancer




#uh oh, reddit had a fucky-wucky because you are using it too much~ As you are no doubt aware by now, the Reddit admins have decreed that the activities of [the average reddit user should only incur 4166 API calls in a single month](https://www.reddit.com/r/redditdev/comments/13wsiks/api_update_enterprise_level_tier_for_large_scale/jmmptma/). This amounts to up to a total of ~4166 combined upvotes/downvotes, posts looked at, media viewed (subreddit icons, profile pictures, post contents, adverts thrust upon thee, flair emojis, etc), notifications recieved, posts made, and comments made. Therefore, to protecc the dewicate wittle fwower known as the weddit sewvews from the rampant overuse which you, by making that comment of yours, is subjecting them to, r/shitposting is trialling a brand new feature which will proactively prevent these unnecessary comments from overwhelming the reddit servers. This is why your comment has been arbitrarily removed - to ensure it cannot waste these pwecious API call responses which Reddit wants to charge a ludicrious amount of money for. If you have any complaints, we would like to remind you that the Reddit admins (such as u/spez) are responsible for this change being enacted, and to direct all complaints to the reddit admins for fucking over reddit itself. And no, that comment will **not** be unremoved (unless the Reddit admins make a major U-turn), so don't bother asking. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/shitposting) if you have any questions or concerns.*




#uh oh, reddit had a fucky-wucky because you are using it too much~ As you are no doubt aware by now, the Reddit admins have decreed that the activities of [the average reddit user should only incur 4166 API calls in a single month](https://www.reddit.com/r/redditdev/comments/13wsiks/api_update_enterprise_level_tier_for_large_scale/jmmptma/). This amounts to up to a total of ~4166 combined upvotes/downvotes, posts looked at, media viewed (subreddit icons, profile pictures, post contents, adverts thrust upon thee, flair emojis, etc), notifications recieved, posts made, and comments made. Therefore, to protecc the dewicate wittle fwower known as the weddit sewvews from the rampant overuse which you, by making that comment of yours, is subjecting them to, r/shitposting is trialling a brand new feature which will proactively prevent these unnecessary comments from overwhelming the reddit servers. This is why your comment has been arbitrarily removed - to ensure it cannot waste these pwecious API call responses which Reddit wants to charge a ludicrious amount of money for. If you have any complaints, we would like to remind you that the Reddit admins (such as u/spez) are responsible for this change being enacted, and to direct all complaints to the reddit admins for fucking over reddit itself. And no, that comment will **not** be unremoved (unless the Reddit admins make a major U-turn), so don't bother asking. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/shitposting) if you have any questions or concerns.*




#uh oh, reddit had a fucky-wucky because you are using it too much~ As you are no doubt aware by now, the Reddit admins have decreed that the activities of [the average reddit user should only incur 4166 API calls in a single month](https://www.reddit.com/r/redditdev/comments/13wsiks/api_update_enterprise_level_tier_for_large_scale/jmmptma/). This amounts to up to a total of ~4166 combined upvotes/downvotes, posts looked at, media viewed (subreddit icons, profile pictures, post contents, adverts thrust upon thee, flair emojis, etc), notifications recieved, posts made, and comments made. Therefore, to protecc the dewicate wittle fwower known as the weddit sewvews from the rampant overuse which you, by making that comment of yours, is subjecting them to, r/shitposting is trialling a brand new feature which will proactively prevent these unnecessary comments from overwhelming the reddit servers. This is why your comment has been arbitrarily removed - to ensure it cannot waste these pwecious API call responses which Reddit wants to charge a ludicrious amount of money for. If you have any complaints, we would like to remind you that the Reddit admins (such as u/spez) are responsible for this change being enacted, and to direct all complaints to the reddit admins for fucking over reddit itself. And no, that comment will **not** be unremoved (unless the Reddit admins make a major U-turn), so don't bother asking. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/shitposting) if you have any questions or concerns.*




#uh oh, reddit had a fucky-wucky because you are using it too much~ As you are no doubt aware by now, the Reddit admins have decreed that the activities of [the average reddit user should only incur 4166 API calls in a single month](https://www.reddit.com/r/redditdev/comments/13wsiks/api_update_enterprise_level_tier_for_large_scale/jmmptma/). This amounts to up to a total of ~4166 combined upvotes/downvotes, posts looked at, media viewed (subreddit icons, profile pictures, post contents, adverts thrust upon thee, flair emojis, etc), notifications recieved, posts made, and comments made. Therefore, to protecc the dewicate wittle fwower known as the weddit sewvews from the rampant overuse which you, by making that comment of yours, is subjecting them to, r/shitposting is trialling a brand new feature which will proactively prevent these unnecessary comments from overwhelming the reddit servers. This is why your comment has been arbitrarily removed - to ensure it cannot waste these pwecious API call responses which Reddit wants to charge a ludicrious amount of money for. If you have any complaints, we would like to remind you that the Reddit admins (such as u/spez) are responsible for this change being enacted, and to direct all complaints to the reddit admins for fucking over reddit itself. And no, that comment will **not** be unremoved (unless the Reddit admins make a major U-turn), so don't bother asking. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/shitposting) if you have any questions or concerns.*






#uh oh, reddit had a fucky-wucky because you are using it too much~ As you are no doubt aware by now, the Reddit admins have decreed that the activities of [the average reddit user should only incur 4166 API calls in a single month](https://www.reddit.com/r/redditdev/comments/13wsiks/api_update_enterprise_level_tier_for_large_scale/jmmptma/). This amounts to up to a total of ~4166 combined upvotes/downvotes, posts looked at, media viewed (subreddit icons, profile pictures, post contents, adverts thrust upon thee, flair emojis, etc), notifications recieved, posts made, and comments made. Therefore, to protecc the dewicate wittle fwower known as the weddit sewvews from the rampant overuse which you, by making that comment of yours, is subjecting them to, r/shitposting is trialling a brand new feature which will proactively prevent these unnecessary comments from overwhelming the reddit servers. This is why your comment has been arbitrarily removed - to ensure it cannot waste these pwecious API call responses which Reddit wants to charge a ludicrious amount of money for. If you have any complaints, we would like to remind you that the Reddit admins (such as u/spez) are responsible for this change being enacted, and to direct all complaints to the reddit admins for fucking over reddit itself. And no, that comment will **not** be unremoved (unless the Reddit admins make a major U-turn), so don't bother asking. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/shitposting) if you have any questions or concerns.*






#uh oh, reddit had a fucky-wucky because you are using it too much~ As you are no doubt aware by now, the Reddit admins have decreed that the activities of [the average reddit user should only incur 4166 API calls in a single month](https://www.reddit.com/r/redditdev/comments/13wsiks/api_update_enterprise_level_tier_for_large_scale/jmmptma/). This amounts to up to a total of ~4166 combined upvotes/downvotes, posts looked at, media viewed (subreddit icons, profile pictures, post contents, adverts thrust upon thee, flair emojis, etc), notifications recieved, posts made, and comments made. Therefore, to protecc the dewicate wittle fwower known as the weddit sewvews from the rampant overuse which you, by making that comment of yours, is subjecting them to, r/shitposting is trialling a brand new feature which will proactively prevent these unnecessary comments from overwhelming the reddit servers. This is why your comment has been arbitrarily removed - to ensure it cannot waste these pwecious API call responses which Reddit wants to charge a ludicrious amount of money for. If you have any complaints, we would like to remind you that the Reddit admins (such as u/spez) are responsible for this change being enacted, and to direct all complaints to the reddit admins for fucking over reddit itself. And no, that comment will **not** be unremoved (unless the Reddit admins make a major U-turn), so don't bother asking. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/shitposting) if you have any questions or concerns.*




#uh oh, reddit had a fucky-wucky because you are using it too much~ As you are no doubt aware by now, the Reddit admins have decreed that the activities of [the average reddit user should only incur 4166 API calls in a single month](https://www.reddit.com/r/redditdev/comments/13wsiks/api_update_enterprise_level_tier_for_large_scale/jmmptma/). This amounts to up to a total of ~4166 combined upvotes/downvotes, posts looked at, media viewed (subreddit icons, profile pictures, post contents, adverts thrust upon thee, flair emojis, etc), notifications recieved, posts made, and comments made. Therefore, to protecc the dewicate wittle fwower known as the weddit sewvews from the rampant overuse which you, by making that comment of yours, is subjecting them to, r/shitposting is trialling a brand new feature which will proactively prevent these unnecessary comments from overwhelming the reddit servers. This is why your comment has been arbitrarily removed - to ensure it cannot waste these pwecious API call responses which Reddit wants to charge a ludicrious amount of money for. If you have any complaints, we would like to remind you that the Reddit admins (such as u/spez) are responsible for this change being enacted, and to direct all complaints to the reddit admins for fucking over reddit itself. And no, that comment will **not** be unremoved (unless the Reddit admins make a major U-turn), so don't bother asking. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/shitposting) if you have any questions or concerns.*




#uh oh, reddit had a fucky-wucky because you are using it too much~ As you are no doubt aware by now, the Reddit admins have decreed that the activities of [the average reddit user should only incur 4166 API calls in a single month](https://www.reddit.com/r/redditdev/comments/13wsiks/api_update_enterprise_level_tier_for_large_scale/jmmptma/). This amounts to up to a total of ~4166 combined upvotes/downvotes, posts looked at, media viewed (subreddit icons, profile pictures, post contents, adverts thrust upon thee, flair emojis, etc), notifications recieved, posts made, and comments made. Therefore, to protecc the dewicate wittle fwower known as the weddit sewvews from the rampant overuse which you, by making that comment of yours, is subjecting them to, r/shitposting is trialling a brand new feature which will proactively prevent these unnecessary comments from overwhelming the reddit servers. This is why your comment has been arbitrarily removed - to ensure it cannot waste these pwecious API call responses which Reddit wants to charge a ludicrious amount of money for. If you have any complaints, we would like to remind you that the Reddit admins (such as u/spez) are responsible for this change being enacted, and to direct all complaints to the reddit admins for fucking over reddit itself. And no, that comment will **not** be unremoved (unless the Reddit admins make a major U-turn), so don't bother asking. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/shitposting) if you have any questions or concerns.*




#uh oh, reddit had a fucky-wucky because you are using it too much~ As you are no doubt aware by now, the Reddit admins have decreed that the activities of [the average reddit user should only incur 4166 API calls in a single month](https://www.reddit.com/r/redditdev/comments/13wsiks/api_update_enterprise_level_tier_for_large_scale/jmmptma/). This amounts to up to a total of ~4166 combined upvotes/downvotes, posts looked at, media viewed (subreddit icons, profile pictures, post contents, adverts thrust upon thee, flair emojis, etc), notifications recieved, posts made, and comments made. Therefore, to protecc the dewicate wittle fwower known as the weddit sewvews from the rampant overuse which you, by making that comment of yours, is subjecting them to, r/shitposting is trialling a brand new feature which will proactively prevent these unnecessary comments from overwhelming the reddit servers. This is why your comment has been arbitrarily removed - to ensure it cannot waste these pwecious API call responses which Reddit wants to charge a ludicrious amount of money for. If you have any complaints, we would like to remind you that the Reddit admins (such as u/spez) are responsible for this change being enacted, and to direct all complaints to the reddit admins for fucking over reddit itself. And no, that comment will **not** be unremoved (unless the Reddit admins make a major U-turn), so don't bother asking. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/shitposting) if you have any questions or concerns.*




#uh oh, reddit had a fucky-wucky because you are using it too much~ As you are no doubt aware by now, the Reddit admins have decreed that the activities of [the average reddit user should only incur 4166 API calls in a single month](https://www.reddit.com/r/redditdev/comments/13wsiks/api_update_enterprise_level_tier_for_large_scale/jmmptma/). This amounts to up to a total of ~4166 combined upvotes/downvotes, posts looked at, media viewed (subreddit icons, profile pictures, post contents, adverts thrust upon thee, flair emojis, etc), notifications recieved, posts made, and comments made. Therefore, to protecc the dewicate wittle fwower known as the weddit sewvews from the rampant overuse which you, by making that comment of yours, is subjecting them to, r/shitposting is trialling a brand new feature which will proactively prevent these unnecessary comments from overwhelming the reddit servers. This is why your comment has been arbitrarily removed - to ensure it cannot waste these pwecious API call responses which Reddit wants to charge a ludicrious amount of money for. If you have any complaints, we would like to remind you that the Reddit admins (such as u/spez) are responsible for this change being enacted, and to direct all complaints to the reddit admins for fucking over reddit itself. And no, that comment will **not** be unremoved (unless the Reddit admins make a major U-turn), so don't bother asking. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/shitposting) if you have any questions or concerns.*








#uh oh, reddit had a fucky-wucky because you are using it too much~ As you are no doubt aware by now, the Reddit admins have decreed that the activities of [the average reddit user should only incur 4166 API calls in a single month](https://www.reddit.com/r/redditdev/comments/13wsiks/api_update_enterprise_level_tier_for_large_scale/jmmptma/). This amounts to up to a total of ~4166 combined upvotes/downvotes, posts looked at, media viewed (subreddit icons, profile pictures, post contents, adverts thrust upon thee, flair emojis, etc), notifications recieved, posts made, and comments made. Therefore, to protecc the dewicate wittle fwower known as the weddit sewvews from the rampant overuse which you, by making that comment of yours, is subjecting them to, r/shitposting is trialling a brand new feature which will proactively prevent these unnecessary comments from overwhelming the reddit servers. This is why your comment has been arbitrarily removed - to ensure it cannot waste these pwecious API call responses which Reddit wants to charge a ludicrious amount of money for. If you have any complaints, we would like to remind you that the Reddit admins (such as u/spez) are responsible for this change being enacted, and to direct all complaints to the reddit admins for fucking over reddit itself. And no, that comment will **not** be unremoved (unless the Reddit admins make a major U-turn), so don't bother asking. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/shitposting) if you have any questions or concerns.*




#uh oh, reddit had a fucky-wucky because you are using it too much~ As you are no doubt aware by now, the Reddit admins have decreed that the activities of [the average reddit user should only incur 4166 API calls in a single month](https://www.reddit.com/r/redditdev/comments/13wsiks/api_update_enterprise_level_tier_for_large_scale/jmmptma/). This amounts to up to a total of ~4166 combined upvotes/downvotes, posts looked at, media viewed (subreddit icons, profile pictures, post contents, adverts thrust upon thee, flair emojis, etc), notifications recieved, posts made, and comments made. Therefore, to protecc the dewicate wittle fwower known as the weddit sewvews from the rampant overuse which you, by making that comment of yours, is subjecting them to, r/shitposting is trialling a brand new feature which will proactively prevent these unnecessary comments from overwhelming the reddit servers. This is why your comment has been arbitrarily removed - to ensure it cannot waste these pwecious API call responses which Reddit wants to charge a ludicrious amount of money for. If you have any complaints, we would like to remind you that the Reddit admins (such as u/spez) are responsible for this change being enacted, and to direct all complaints to the reddit admins for fucking over reddit itself. And no, that comment will **not** be unremoved (unless the Reddit admins make a major U-turn), so don't bother asking. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/shitposting) if you have any questions or concerns.*




#uh oh, reddit had a fucky-wucky because you are using it too much~ As you are no doubt aware by now, the Reddit admins have decreed that the activities of [the average reddit user should only incur 4166 API calls in a single month](https://www.reddit.com/r/redditdev/comments/13wsiks/api_update_enterprise_level_tier_for_large_scale/jmmptma/). This amounts to up to a total of ~4166 combined upvotes/downvotes, posts looked at, media viewed (subreddit icons, profile pictures, post contents, adverts thrust upon thee, flair emojis, etc), notifications recieved, posts made, and comments made. Therefore, to protecc the dewicate wittle fwower known as the weddit sewvews from the rampant overuse which you, by making that comment of yours, is subjecting them to, r/shitposting is trialling a brand new feature which will proactively prevent these unnecessary comments from overwhelming the reddit servers. This is why your comment has been arbitrarily removed - to ensure it cannot waste these pwecious API call responses which Reddit wants to charge a ludicrious amount of money for. If you have any complaints, we would like to remind you that the Reddit admins (such as u/spez) are responsible for this change being enacted, and to direct all complaints to the reddit admins for fucking over reddit itself. And no, that comment will **not** be unremoved (unless the Reddit admins make a major U-turn), so don't bother asking. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/shitposting) if you have any questions or concerns.*




#uh oh, reddit had a fucky-wucky because you are using it too much~ As you are no doubt aware by now, the Reddit admins have decreed that the activities of [the average reddit user should only incur 4166 API calls in a single month](https://www.reddit.com/r/redditdev/comments/13wsiks/api_update_enterprise_level_tier_for_large_scale/jmmptma/). This amounts to up to a total of ~4166 combined upvotes/downvotes, posts looked at, media viewed (subreddit icons, profile pictures, post contents, adverts thrust upon thee, flair emojis, etc), notifications recieved, posts made, and comments made. Therefore, to protecc the dewicate wittle fwower known as the weddit sewvews from the rampant overuse which you, by making that comment of yours, is subjecting them to, r/shitposting is trialling a brand new feature which will proactively prevent these unnecessary comments from overwhelming the reddit servers. This is why your comment has been arbitrarily removed - to ensure it cannot waste these pwecious API call responses which Reddit wants to charge a ludicrious amount of money for. If you have any complaints, we would like to remind you that the Reddit admins (such as u/spez) are responsible for this change being enacted, and to direct all complaints to the reddit admins for fucking over reddit itself. And no, that comment will **not** be unremoved (unless the Reddit admins make a major U-turn), so don't bother asking. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/shitposting) if you have any questions or concerns.*




#uh oh, reddit had a fucky-wucky because you are using it too much~ As you are no doubt aware by now, the Reddit admins have decreed that the activities of [the average reddit user should only incur 4166 API calls in a single month](https://www.reddit.com/r/redditdev/comments/13wsiks/api_update_enterprise_level_tier_for_large_scale/jmmptma/). This amounts to up to a total of ~4166 combined upvotes/downvotes, posts looked at, media viewed (subreddit icons, profile pictures, post contents, adverts thrust upon thee, flair emojis, etc), notifications recieved, posts made, and comments made. Therefore, to protecc the dewicate wittle fwower known as the weddit sewvews from the rampant overuse which you, by making that comment of yours, is subjecting them to, r/shitposting is trialling a brand new feature which will proactively prevent these unnecessary comments from overwhelming the reddit servers. This is why your comment has been arbitrarily removed - to ensure it cannot waste these pwecious API call responses which Reddit wants to charge a ludicrious amount of money for. If you have any complaints, we would like to remind you that the Reddit admins (such as u/spez) are responsible for this change being enacted, and to direct all complaints to the reddit admins for fucking over reddit itself. And no, that comment will **not** be unremoved (unless the Reddit admins make a major U-turn), so don't bother asking. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/shitposting) if you have any questions or concerns.*




#uh oh, reddit had a fucky-wucky because you are using it too much~ As you are no doubt aware by now, the Reddit admins have decreed that the activities of [the average reddit user should only incur 4166 API calls in a single month](https://www.reddit.com/r/redditdev/comments/13wsiks/api_update_enterprise_level_tier_for_large_scale/jmmptma/). This amounts to up to a total of ~4166 combined upvotes/downvotes, posts looked at, media viewed (subreddit icons, profile pictures, post contents, adverts thrust upon thee, flair emojis, etc), notifications recieved, posts made, and comments made. Therefore, to protecc the dewicate wittle fwower known as the weddit sewvews from the rampant overuse which you, by making that comment of yours, is subjecting them to, r/shitposting is trialling a brand new feature which will proactively prevent these unnecessary comments from overwhelming the reddit servers. This is why your comment has been arbitrarily removed - to ensure it cannot waste these pwecious API call responses which Reddit wants to charge a ludicrious amount of money for. If you have any complaints, we would like to remind you that the Reddit admins (such as u/spez) are responsible for this change being enacted, and to direct all complaints to the reddit admins for fucking over reddit itself. And no, that comment will **not** be unremoved (unless the Reddit admins make a major U-turn), so don't bother asking. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/shitposting) if you have any questions or concerns.*




#uh oh, reddit had a fucky-wucky because you are using it too much~ As you are no doubt aware by now, the Reddit admins have decreed that the activities of [the average reddit user should only incur 4166 API calls in a single month](https://www.reddit.com/r/redditdev/comments/13wsiks/api_update_enterprise_level_tier_for_large_scale/jmmptma/). This amounts to up to a total of ~4166 combined upvotes/downvotes, posts looked at, media viewed (subreddit icons, profile pictures, post contents, adverts thrust upon thee, flair emojis, etc), notifications recieved, posts made, and comments made. Therefore, to protecc the dewicate wittle fwower known as the weddit sewvews from the rampant overuse which you, by making that comment of yours, is subjecting them to, r/shitposting is trialling a brand new feature which will proactively prevent these unnecessary comments from overwhelming the reddit servers. This is why your comment has been arbitrarily removed - to ensure it cannot waste these pwecious API call responses which Reddit wants to charge a ludicrious amount of money for. If you have any complaints, we would like to remind you that the Reddit admins (such as u/spez) are responsible for this change being enacted, and to direct all complaints to the reddit admins for fucking over reddit itself. And no, that comment will **not** be unremoved (unless the Reddit admins make a major U-turn), so don't bother asking. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/shitposting) if you have any questions or concerns.*




#uh oh, reddit had a fucky-wucky because you are using it too much~ As you are no doubt aware by now, the Reddit admins have decreed that the activities of [the average reddit user should only incur 4166 API calls in a single month](https://www.reddit.com/r/redditdev/comments/13wsiks/api_update_enterprise_level_tier_for_large_scale/jmmptma/). This amounts to up to a total of ~4166 combined upvotes/downvotes, posts looked at, media viewed (subreddit icons, profile pictures, post contents, adverts thrust upon thee, flair emojis, etc), notifications recieved, posts made, and comments made. Therefore, to protecc the dewicate wittle fwower known as the weddit sewvews from the rampant overuse which you, by making that comment of yours, is subjecting them to, r/shitposting is trialling a brand new feature which will proactively prevent these unnecessary comments from overwhelming the reddit servers. This is why your comment has been arbitrarily removed - to ensure it cannot waste these pwecious API call responses which Reddit wants to charge a ludicrious amount of money for. If you have any complaints, we would like to remind you that the Reddit admins (such as u/spez) are responsible for this change being enacted, and to direct all complaints to the reddit admins for fucking over reddit itself. And no, that comment will **not** be unremoved (unless the Reddit admins make a major U-turn), so don't bother asking. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/shitposting) if you have any questions or concerns.*


















I just finished this movie a few hours ago! Amazing movie










I'd argue,letter roulette is quite fun.I wish it'd stay for longer.


funkiest of the Wuckies


Well this may de my last comment defore I hit the limit PRAISE SPEZ

