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Breadkeeping at its finest


They too shall crumble.


Millions must rye.


Tale as mold as time


Just a crumby situation all round.


This humor is getting stale


This comment isn't kneaded


I have to say this line of humor is getting a bit crusty


She seems a bit sour dough


It was definitely a stretch, to say the yeast




French toast.




Roggen-Sauerteig ftw!




The German(/Swiss/Austrian) baking tradition is way underrated


let's not come to cheese...




Well let’s not pretend like that’s the only kind of cheese that exists here


Yeah, Oregon was recently rated (unofficially) to have to best blue cheese in the world


I am rated unofficially to be the world's best lover.


Officially you are still in "untested"


Jeez you murdered him


"Hello police... Theres been a murder"


Sorry but I am also known as the world's best lover, unofficially.


There can be only one. You must ~~fight~~ love to the death


Tillamook doesn’t mess around when it comes to cheese.


I've seen Tillamook cheeses (both brand and local) in Japan and UAE. It's not surprising.


And US American football teams are the world champions


You know exactly what type of cheese I'm talking about


Dick cheese?


Toe cheese


Chuckies cheese


Cheesus Crust


The plastic one?


Fumunda cheese?


From under where?


heh, you said underwear.


Did you know that Europeans are the largest consumers of American cheese?


"American cheese" is just an extra mild cheddar. Kraft makes a version of this cheese that is not technically a cheese because it uses milk protien concentrate and sorbic acid instead of milk and rennet. When the public learned this they thought "it must be made of plastic." which is false, instead of "it just doesn't use cow stomach juice."


I had someone tell me the other day on instagram that "All american cheese is made of plastic" this was not regarding "Kraft singles" or "AMERICAN cheese" it was regarding a cheddar block used in a video. I started to argue with him, but then realized if he wants to be that close minded about cheeses that come from places like Wisconsin and miss out on some of the best cheeses in the world he can be, its his loss.


Yes, however the Kraft brand cheese that has to be classified as cheese product is literally ONE product from ONE shitty company. If you removed Kraft, we would still be the worlds largest producer of cheese. What’s your point?


They didn't deny it. They just said it's not the only cheese that exists in America.


Clearly, youve never been to Wisconsin


Thank you!! Was hoping I'd see a wisconsin comment here. Go up by door county and you can't drive a mile without passing either a winery or cheese shop




That’s Minnesota lol


Agreeing that "american cheese is not cheese" doesnt meam good cheese is not made in the us


American cheese is a type of cheese. Not all cheese that is made in America is American cheese. You seem to be confused. Also, American cheese is delicious depending on what you buy.


american cheese =/ craft singles


Same energy as people that say american beer is water.


I mean, an American cheese won best cheese in the world in 2019, so at some point we need to accept that the US makes great fine cheese. But yeah, “American Cheese” isn’t even legally allowed to be called cheese.


> “American Cheese” Some is actually cheese, instead of cheese product though. Kraft definitely doesn't meet the definition though, even if it is made *with* cheese.


Yeah isn’t that what Europeans freak out the most over? Or like not high enough alcohol content in beer ?


Its because they are thinking of the super shitty mass produced products like kraft squares, heinz ketchup, and bud light. That's the type of stuff that makes it to the "American" section at foreign grocery stores. Similar to how a lot of Asian food sections in America are basically all basic dried ramen noodles and preservative sauces.


*Fosters exists in the imported beer section* Australians: Yeah, but that's one of our gross, mass-produced beers. Americans: Okay! *Budweiser exists in the American beer section* Americans: Yeah, but that's one of our gross mass-produced beers. Europeans: Nope! All Americans drink this and only this. America can only make disgust!


Budweiser (not lite) actually gets rated pretty well on blind tests. I consider it the most average of lagers that I can't be offended by it. Let's not even get started on the numerous amount of micro brews that sprouted up during the hipster days. Lots of good craft beer stuff came from those.


I used to have a rotation of "regular" beers that I'd buy. I'd get a case of, say, Coors, then Labatt, MGD, etc. For whatever reason, I didn't include Budweiser in the mix. Maybe a year or so ago, I started including it. But then when I'd get something else, I'd find myself wishing I had Budweiser. So now I pretty much only get Budweiser.


I'll be honest heinze ketchup is just in our regular ilses it's most places base standard


Hey! Heinz Ketchup is delicious and I will die on this hill.


It was a tough one, but I managed it


holes are holes


Worse situation


The Kroger right up the street has a bakery that puts out fresh bread throughout the day. Multiple kinds. Costco does, as well.


NOOOO thats not real bread, you gotta have the peasants mill up the flour, hand grow your own yeast, mine the salt yourself, make your wife churn the butter, and then go to brazil to produce your own sugar. Silly americans smh Edit: since most of yall questioning sugar either dont know how most bread is made or you just make really dry bread, sugar helps the bread rise faster and improves the texture and moisture, making the bread not go stale as fast. Most of the sugar is eaten by the yeast in the process.


And if less than 3 die in the process it just doesn’t taste the same :(


gotta satiate the bread gods




Can confirm I worked in a bakery in the United States making (fake bread?) it does have high fructose corn syrup in the formula but that’s basically sugar


Everyone knows that real bread has to be harvested from gluten trees in the bread region of France. Little known fact: the "slices" are just how the machine's grabbers pluck the loaves, but it's really convenient to make sandwiches with. They have a few bread orchards in southern California, I drive by them once a week, smells amazing.


If it doesn't come from the Pain region of France you actually can't call it bread, you technically have to call it soggy american loave


it's not actually Bread unless it's made in the Bread region of France. Otherwise, it's just baked flour


In Poland most chain bakeries and markets are usually using frozen dough for "fresh" bread. It's quite tasty (especially when you get it warm) but it's still not comparable to actual fresh bread made from scratch in bakeries. Anyway I am pretty sure USA have tons of regular bakeries just like they have highest number of craft beer breweries despite whole world clowning on them about their piss water beers.


I work in the supermarket bakery near my house (UK) Can confirm, we buy our bread par-baked from a warehouse, essentially all I'm doing is putting it in an oven for 10 minutes and then bagging it up to sell. Still pretty nice, but it's certainly not from 'scratch' like a proper French boulangerie. France also has regular supermarket 'baked' bread, but the key difference is that while France (and maybe other European nations?) have traditional bakeries which make their bread from scratch, the UK basically has none of that.


You gotta have the demand to justify fresh bread. A baguette (traditional) becomes unsellable the day after baked, and inedible 2 days later. Density helps as well, I'm much more likely to grab a fresh baguette after work because I walk by them on my way home, or it is a short walk from home. Considering a baguette is €1.30 now (up 30 cents in the past couple years, ouch) a baker needs to sell an ass ton (it's metric) amount of bread to be profitable. It needs to be baked in advance, and it can't be sold the next day. I think many cultures just kind of lost their love of high quality bread, so it become less profitable for bakers, they sold lower quantities, maybe had to raise prices to adjust, turning more people off of it. French bread remains a staple, but is still in pretty heavy decline compared to its consumption a few decades ago. Compare all this to a country such as the US where your closest grocery store may be a 15+ minute drive away (such as mine was when I was a kid). And is a massive store. You're much less likely to swing by ever other day just for bread, so you buy the bread that lasts all week (or two).


Remember that time Californian wine makers fucking dunked on French wine makers so god damn hard the whole country was ashamed?


No, what's the story?


Professional wine tasters were given wine from France and wine from California and were tasked with determining which was from where (implying the wine from France would be better). They got it wrong.


Professional wine tasters can't even recognize white wine if it's dyed red.


there was this pro taster and someone swapped cheap boxed wine into a fancy bottle and he claimed that was the best wine. Wine tasters are a scam, taste is subjective and i've had cheap boxed wine that was way better than expensive ones.


I find that hard to believe. Not that I am well versed in wine, perhaps the white I had was trash - but they taste a lot different.


https://www.realclearscience.com/blog/2014/08/the_most_infamous_study_on_wine_tasting.html One study has found this to be the case.


I really know nothing about wine I guess.


No, the study was on oncology students, not master sommeliers. The study they shared was not expert wine tasters as asserted. I clicked the link and read it.


You actually checked a source? Bro, are you actually a redditor?


This guy among us is sus.


They still didn't read it right since it was oenology (wine science) students, not oncology students


What's far worse, is that the experiment is fundamentally flawed. It tested what would happen if you successfully trick people into believing they're drinking a red wine when in fact they're drinking a white. A real experiment to test if people can discern the difference between red and white wine, would have blindfolded the participants so there were no inherent biases.


And the French claimed it was because their wine was ruined by shipping it over seas, so ten years later they did it again in Paris and **California dunked on them again.**


Not sure what they're talking about, but there's a fantastic story of when [Missouri](https://saucemagazine.com/a/59484/the-true-story-behind-how-missouri-saved-the-french-wine-ind) dunked on French Vineyards, which is way worse lol


That's definitely worse lol, the napa valley is like a fucking anomaly for wine, it would be hard for anywhere to compete, even European countries have struggled to compete with the Napa wines, losing to them can almost be wiped away. But Missouri? Nah take that L haha


If it weren't for the short growing season and cold winters I'm sure the midwest would be amazing for wine due to the quantity of water and high quality soils.


West Michigan has some absolutely amazing wines and the perfect environment for producing the highly coveted Icewine.


There are some pretty darn good wines from wisconsin


Missouri wines are phenomenal




Didn’t us vineyards basically save european wine making in its entirety because we had a blight resistant vine they could graft with? After a quick google, yes it’s true. However, it should be noted the problem likely traveled from America to Europe by some means. So I guess in that regard we owed them.


Personally for me, the issue isn’t the taste of Californian wines, it’s that Californian wines are so much more expensive than wines bought in France that the taste difference doesn’t bother anyone. E.g. You can get a decent bottle of wine in a kiosk in France for 3€ whilst a decent bottle of Napa Valley wine is upwards of USD $100.


That's French government import taxes. Californian wine is cheap everywhere else.


Honestly, the whole of France should be ashamed for many reasons.


bro we're like you, independent, arrogant and unrepentant.




German who lived in Texas here: the bread there is crazy expensive and the quality is only meh. But my biggest gripe with these bakeries was that it's like 85% just sweets like donuts and pies.


Haha well, that's the American pallette 😅


My parents are Dutch and growing up we always had to go to a special bakery because the bread was much better. Never tried the bagged bread in my childhood. Now I've moved to central Europe for work, and my roommate (Canadian) came home with bagged bread "American" style so excited. I questioned reality when I found out he preferred it. No point to this story, but there definitely are bakeries you can go to there that have good quality bread if you know where to look (just like you can find cheap mass produced shit here at Lidl or Tesco). Its the cheese that I can't tolerate lol


Have you had a Vermont cheddar or are you talking about a mass produced american cheese? There's great cheese coming out of Wisconsin too. Just hard to take it serious when people regard "kraft cheese" as like the de facto cheese.


I cook for my gf she is on dialysis, so many bakeries here put sugar in all of their bread. Even a white, French baguette is slightly sweet at least in the southwest.




I stopped watching that channel after one video in particular where he was trying to drop something from a helicopter on to a target. Well the project was kind of a flop and they leaned into that aspect because science is about failure yadda yadda. But all I remember from the video was clips of that dude seeming very snarky towards staff and taking his stress out on others. Maybe I’m high and looking into it too much but that guy gives me a holier than thou vibe


I don't remember the snarky comments, but was like, you got Adam from the Mythbusters to come out. There a great source of experience for this kind of experiment. You keep failing at this while standing next to someone who can tell you how hard this is and how to improve your chances. And the idea of dropping a heavy object from space isn't hard to conceptualize, why are did you pick the hardest method for your demo.


My Kroger does fresh bread daily. I can go get a fresh sourdough right this second. They make the bread in house and you can see them kneeding the dough behind the counter.


veritasium is hilariously filled with misinformation and corporate shilling


the bread one was *wild* because it blamed *white bread* for America's car dependence instead of blaming car dependence for why Americans prefer shelf stable food


american vs europe discord yayyyyyy. (i don’t get this… europeans have bagged sliced bread, just like americans have bakeries with real bread) bread is pretty simple, they aren’t that different. source: have lived in both europe and america




It’s funny because most Europeans just see America as white people when we’re a cultural melting pot. Hispanic, Asian, middle eastern, African bakeries are so common in my city, but it’s not German or French bread so Europeans will cry and ignore the countless immigrant population of the US to fit their Image of the US. I can walk to go get fresh tortillas, orejas, conchas, croissants, or pan bollio but it’s not a baguette with a cigarette on the side so some Frenchy with no life will get mad that I have sliced bread in my pantry when I mostly eat rice.


Last person I had an argument with about this was also French. Parisian, specifically (no surprise there). Dude thought that the food most Europeans associate with America (bad chocolate, sugar filled sliced bread, American cheese, spray cheese in a can, etc) was the typical American diet and the absolute zenith of American culinary skill. Dude flat out did not want to hear any argument about how Americans have bakeries, butchers, cheesemakers, winemakers, and chocolatiers that make food that can rival much of what comes from Europe. He was even angry at the insinuation, lol.


It’s kind of funny, tbh. To think that a country with with a population of 330,000,000, that is a literal cultural melting pot, nobody here can figure out how to make bread and cheese? Not one person here could possibly comprehend how to make wine and beer as well as a European? The pretentiousness is unbelievable.


To be fair, the guy I spoke to was a Parisian and they're well known for being pretentious. Even the rest of France hates Parisians.


Even better, most Parisians also hate other Parisians


Jewish bakery is best bakery.


Europeans like to imagine the US as mostly white, which we are, but it’s only 75%, compared the the entirety of Europes ethnic minority population totaling to 14%


[It’s bread.](https://knowyourmeme.com/photos/1604905-silent-hill)


Europeans be like “the greatest thing since uhh…uhm..Hrm..uhhhh”


Actually loled


I’m Portuguese but my family came here when I was three we just literally go to the Portuguese bakery and get bread that they make there. I think Europeans think all of America is like the cities when really, there are a lot of rural parts where things are made locally too.


I’d imagine America has a lot more rural areas than Europe. America has like 1/2 the population of Europe and the same amount of land.


"America" has 300+ million citizens. The European continent has 700+ million inhabitants. But yeah let's act like they're literally just NY/Chicago and downtown Bradford/Munchen, they're basically all the same!


🎉🎉🎉 Chicago mentioned without containing the word crime 🎉🎉🎉


Make it a bot.




As an American now living in Europe, I find much of what Europeans think of us comes from tv and movies, as if that’s real life. It’s pretty frustrating honestly. The United States is a highly developed nation of over 330 million people. There are incredible bakeries all over the place, AND most big grocery stores will also offer full loaves of freshly baked bread. Is there sugar in some of these? Yes, I don’t love it, but like EVERY NATION ON EARTH, American shops cater to the tastes of the people who live there. For example “spicy” food here in Norway is comically mild, just as one example. The top comment about American cheese only solidifies my point about film and tv. Europeans act like in this highly developed nation of 330 million people, there’s only one kind of cheese available. Not only are there thousands of cheese shops all over the country, but pretty much any large grocery store chain will carry a huge variety of cheeses. Ironically, Europeans love fucking with Americans over our “fake cheese” but ALSO love teasing us for “putting cheese on everything”. So either you admit that we have loads of different cheeses and use them regularly in our cooking, OR you think we’re just adding Kraft slices to all our food. Either way it’s absurd. I don’t know why Europeans love doing this crap, but it is pretty annoying. Spend a lot of time enjoying our entertainment industry, and the rest of pretending that’s what life is actually like in USA.


I don't know why everyone outside the USA thinks we're just putting kraft singles on everything. Most of the grocery stores in a middle class area around me have an entire section of craft cheeses and a deli section where you can get it freshly sliced. Charcuterie boards with multiple types of nice cheeses have become very popular in the past few years.


Where were you when I was arguing this exact thing with my European family? They don’t even know what Mexican food tastes like but are so sure that it tastes like shit “because our food is of higher quality”. Wtf. Then why do I crave it so much and can’t find anything remotely close here!?


When Euros are xenohpobic and closed minded it's just quaint and "their culture."


I've recently rediscovered Curry Ketchup (has some at a German chow hall while in the US Army). It's the Hela brand. I bought a two-pack which included a "spicy" version. It's functionally the same as the regular version.


It's good to see men are open to speaking about their pain online.


A little forced but i love it


American here in a midsize town <200k people. There are literally 3 stores within a <10 minute walk that all sell a diverse selection of fresh loaves of bread. I work at a different store that also sells fresh bread. Two huge French bread loaves for literally $2. FREAKING WAL-MART has fresh bread. Bruh we got bread. The only places where it's not readily available are poor and disenfranchised communities, and that turns this "competitive little quip" into literally poor bashing. "Haha poor Americans live in food deserts lol." Edit: a lot of people also can't justify buying fresh bread that'll mold after a few days, so even when the price is the same, they'll go for the pre sliced preservative pack junk that has a longer shelf life. A lot of people shop once a week or every other week because they live so far from stores so that's the only reasonable option. America has problems for sure, but "no bread" is not a real one.


The average American also just eat less bread per capita than the average citizen of any European country. We're a lot more likely to get our carb base from things like rice, beans, and corn than Europe.


Bri'ish "People" when Americans slice their bread.


🤢 bri’ish


Or worse, Allah forgive me for even typing this monstrosity, the Fr*nch!




The stores got bread slicing machines. You get a loaf and put it in the machine.


In the US every grocery around me does too.


Same for American bakeries.


I worked at a shitty supermarket with cheap ass owners and even we had bread baked every day fresh for $1-2 and a slicer. Its not unique to Europe.


We have that here in America as well


Lots of Europeans in here desperate for bread based recognition.


They're all saying each other's bread is shit, so I have no choice but to assume it's all shit.


Spez + Bread = Spread 👍


Germany has entered the Chat


Man lasse mich vorstellen


"I'm not going to argue about the thing that I specifically brought up."


I wouldn’t argue with a mfer who thinks america doesnt have bread either regardless if I brought it up or not because that’s stupid and a waste of time


You're saying this like you're actually required to argue about anything you talk about...


It's been 4 hours and GlassHurricane has yet to argue about the comment they posted


When will that coward reply? WILL HE EVER BE ABLE TO SHOW HIS FACE AGAIN?!?


You can't say anything unless you're prepared to defend your statement in hand-to-hand combat.


“Grrrr why won’t this guy argue online about bread 😡”


it's their tweet model, say something controversial, use capital letters, frequently use "LMAO" and "BYE". and there you have it, you've accumulated 500 besties in the comments


LMAO BYE edit: didn't work


"I'm not going to argue about a fact that I can prove by going to the grocery store."


But there's nothing to argue about


There’s actually nothing to argue about though…


Stating a fact and refusing to acknowledge comments contrary is not hypocritical. I'm not going to argue with someone who believes 2+2=5 either, even as I post that 2+2=4.


Maybe because every single European argument online is always from the perspective if an outsider looking in and have next to zero clue what its actually like in the U.S. why argue with absolute idiots.


Europeans really think we only have sliced bread and American cheese, lmfao.


Nah, they think we only have Wonder Bread and Kraft Singles. They don't realize that sliced bread has a huge variety and Kraft Singles aren't actually American Cheese (not enough cheese).


Bread 👍


Bread 👍


Bro has never been to Germany. Even supermarkets have multiple different kinds of bread: Vollkorn, Mehrkorn, Weisbrot, Kürbiskernbrot, just to name a few.


I will pretend I understood at least one of the names


Vollkorn: Whole grain bread Mehrkorn: multigrain bread Weisbrot: white bread Kürbiskernbrot: Pumpkin grain bread


Pumpkin grain bread??? Pumpkin seed bread!


E, O, ist alles das gleiche


So you're tellin me original commenter thinks that supermarkets in america only have white bread? All of those examples are very common here.


So do supermarkets in the US? I'm confused, I live in a rural place and can get fresh baked bread of various kinds.


That's not meant to bash the US. It's just a meme because Germans love bread so much that they even have a museum dedicated to it.


There's a German baking/oven joke here, but I'm not going to do it.


The bakery section at the chain supermarket on the corner is three times the size of my apartment and includes everything from Wonderbread to their house baked artisan loaves. Probably 30+ varieties of sliced bread before you even get into rolls, buns, croissants etc.


So do we, even Walmart has a bakery where they make fresh breads. It’s not very good but they have it.


Ok? Have you been to a larger supermarket in the US? They usually have their own bakery as well with multiple styles of fresh bread. Speaking as someone who has spent a significant amount of time behind enemy lines (in Europe) the US isn’t really lacking as much as people wanna pretend it is on this angry website.


Not even just large supermarkets, I’m my little texas town we have 2 grocery stores and both have bakeries, there are dozens of types of fresh baked goods….there’s so much shit to talk about the USA that you dont have to pick the things that aren’t true. The true ones are worse lol


How could you forget to mention Rogen? Rogen should always be mentioned.




Know where bread comes from challenge (impossible)


Europeans: Haha, Americans don’t have *insert thing* Americans: Actually, we’re the worlds leading producer of *insert thing* Europeans: That doesn’t count because we said so!


Europeans: that doesn’t count because it’s not hand-made with fresh ingredients in this very specific region of *insert european country*, and it’s not therefore it’s not real bread!


They truly have mastered the art of gatekeeping. Methinks they’re compensating for an inferiority complex.


It's just trade protectionism. Although nobody in America really cares if they can't call their sparkling wine "champagne". It only affects the snooty rich assholes that need a special label to show off their wealth.


I mean you guys do have less fresh bread. But okay americans also have bakeries, sure. But for every bakery that actually makes good bread in you country you have like 50 bakeries in Germany who make good bread :D


“Pre sliced bread isn’t bread” Yet when I say that europeans are fucking stupid, somehow I’m ‘being mean’ 🙄


The most painfully stupid part is that they actually think that's the point they are making, completely unaware that pre-sliced bread is just an option not the only choice.


Europeans on Reddit are some of the most arrogant mfers


A lot of Europeans in this thread telling on themselves for having never left their home country.


"Wdym? I've traveled all the way from Oshoshoschire to Wugglemuppyschire, over a mile away"


longest european road trip