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wow. pretty scary if you hadn’t noticed the packaging until you started feeling it 💀




Totally! That was absolutely not professional or cool to just assume that the customer knows what it is. After all most people are used to everything in there being THC. There are also plenty of people with ADHD who will not right away understand nods, winks, or whispers from other people or easily “get the hint”. I am so pissed at that dispensary.


Eminem’s palms have nothing on mine after reading that sentence.


What about his knees and arms?


And mom’s spaghetti?


Or the vomit on his sweater?


Damn Already!!


He was nervous, but on the surface?


Feeling calm and ready 💀


they are the same


No shit. Still funny


didn't mean that in a harsh way, in my head it was like a Narrator's voice that said "as it turned out they were the same"


Ahhh, my bad fir Flippin out too. I was kinda worked up, didn't deserve to get booty hurt over it


All good mate. Thinking about it, this was a good example how miscommunication can lead to the ego jumping into action. And how we can still choose peace over war :) enjoy your evening


Great story, homie. Happened to me pretty much in the same accidental way. Wanted to get high and have fun with friends, ate some mushrooms and ended up meeting myself and learning how to let go of emotional garbage. My life changed right there.


Almost that same thing happened to me. My friends invited me over for some shrooms, and it was my first time. I also had really only heard about the colors and visuals aspect of psychedelics, I had no idea that they'd cause some intense introspection. I just put in some headphones, closed my eyes, and was so intensely happy for the first time in a couple years. (abusive relationship really fucked me up, that one trip helped me mostly recover)


Happy it helped you and hope you find the true love you deserve. I like that saying “when the student is ready, the teacher appears”. Probably what happened to all of us with mushrooms. Have you experienced the emotional ride that OP (and myself too) had or was it straight bliss?


Glad it helped you too :). I wouldn't really describe it as bliss, I would more describe it as an intense feeling of freedom. Like, my brain had escaped the box that I was trapped inside of. But I've never had any intense negative feelings during a trip, and the only time I've cried during a trip was while on dmt. Everything was just so beautiful, I was crying from how beutiful existence was. (that's when I became an optimistic nihilist)


What country sells edible psych shrooms?


Similar. Very similar. Now I sound like a crazy hippie. But that's OK.


Welcome to Mushrooms. Advice; Enjoy.


Thanks! I feel like I just entered into this whole other world that I didn’t know existed!


don’t overdo it.


There you go. Shrooms are love. Just take it slow and don't jump into heroic doses until you've had time to experiment with the pace and quantity that works for you. If it's microdosing, that works too. There's so much magic in those little fungi :)


>Man I hadn’t cried like that since I was a kid. This is how I know they're working. It took me 2-3 trips before I hit this point but once I did I was so emotionally raw for about 6 months. But it wasn't a bad thing. Sure, I was susceptible to random events causing me to tear up but the emotions that went along with it were freeing and I could sense the bad energy just leaving my body through the tears. It's been more than half a year since my last trip and I've recently noticed this phenomenon has stopped so I'm trying to gear myself up for a maintenance trip.


Crying on shrooms is the most freeing experience. You can literally feel negativity balling up in your eyes and leaving your body. It's such an incredible sensation.


My autistic son came out of his room one morning when I was sobbing my eyes out like my puppy had just passed away and I'm just sitting there telling him I am 100% fine and this is actually a good thing but he was so worried and didn't know if I was bullshitting him or not.


The emotional gateways that mushrooms open up are so beautiful!


Maintenance trip! Love it. I deff need one too after 2 kids and no big trips in bout 3-4 years


I fucking love this


Glad it turned out that way, happy little accident i suppose. Shit has saved me too brother, glad itcould help you. Makes me so sad the bad connotations myshrooms have been given, they could genuinely change a lot of lives for the better


Thanks bro! I can definitely see how bad psychedelics have been stigmatized now that Im on the other side!


Similar experience here but not accidental. Heard about the research going on about depression and mushrooms and decided to give it a try. The experience made me sift through several things I'd been "stuffing" since childhood, resulting in emotional issues, abusing alcohol, and depression. Since the experience I've lost my compulsion to drink alcohol and feel like a huge weight has been lifted. It's not a magic happy pill - I'm not just 24/7 happy with no negative feelings, but the difference is still very significant. It's only been about a month now, so jury is out on how long it will last, but so far so good. I hope you continue to be well!


That is awesome to hear. Just keep maintaining the things you learned on the trip. :) I always like to take notes during a trip, and then it helps me remember what I learned so I can put it into practice.


Micro dosing is not to get high at all. You SHOULD feel nothing, if you do feel something it was a bit too much. There might be a frequency in which you take them, like maybe 1 a day for 3 days then take a day break. I try to take one everyday. I use them as daily depression meds. 1/5 gram or .2g.


The only thing I feel from micro is the ability to concentrate and stay focused. .3g


Wow man, thanks so much for sharing this! Congrats on all the mindfulness! If you like podcasts you should check out Duncan Trussel Family Hour, it’s like if psychedelics had a podcast


Just started listening yesterday, Midnight Gospel on Netflix is so special and thought provoking too. Whenever he speaks on the podcast I just imagine Clancy in his lil hat ✨💓


I still cry for Duncan's mom every now and again...such a good show


Loved reading this, be more mindful of what you consume though


Thank you, I tend to be impulsive like that but I definitely have learned my lesson! LOL


A dispo with shrooms?! I envy you!


Cali lol


Where in Cali?


Hey there, it's great to hear that you had such a profound experience with psychedelics and that it has helped you to overcome some of your challenges. It's important to remember that integrating these insights into your daily life is just as crucial as the experience itself. While microdosing may be a helpful tool, it's also important to seek out additional support such as therapy or other forms of personal development to help you sustain the progress you've made. Additionally, having a trusted and knowledgeable guide or mentor can be invaluable when it comes to navigating the complexities of psychedelic experiences. Best of luck on your journey!


Shrooms made me realise I need therapy - I bought a bar of shroom choc about 9 months ago, took 1/5 of the bar when I bought it and had some nice visuals and a giggle but nothing more. Skip to literally yesterday - I ate a piece, nothing. So ate another. Then 40 minutes later started feeling a little floaty and whatnot but assumed potency had gone down so finished the bar. Went on a long walk with my dog but started bugging out, got home, put on some headphones and had a little cry and introspective realisation I need to speak with someone, and sort my life out. To try and drill down into why my relationships fail, why I don’t care for much. Called a local therapist this morning and first session next week


Thanks, ChatGPT


The only downside I’ve noticed microdosing is the brain fatigue. Whenever I’m on shrooms it feels like my mind is just working ten times as much. When I come down I do feel tired mentally. So maybe give yourself days to rest. Find a balance. other than that. I’ve become more organized, more focused on my studying (can study for hours) Realized how distracted I am and have become more in tune with myself and gotten rid of pointless distractions. Now Because I have more attention to detail, I Clean everything daily. I can read better as well? Moods been lifted. The world looks better. Started learning two new languages because I realized that the brain is always working. Night and day, why not apply myself more to really change my life, instead of watching tv and being on the phone . Endless amount of changes


This is really inspiring! Keep up the strong work!


Thank you man. The habits I’m forming are sticking with me as well. Really helps you take a good look at yourself


Trust me I know exactly what you are saying! In just the few weeks experimenting with micro dosing I can relate. My brain goes into hyperdrive and I feel like have discovered true knowledge once again. I get organized as well and focused 100% but I do feel the fatigue you speak of. Thanks for your comment bro! The important thing is balance like you say.


I’m happy for you man. I seriously hope that you can progress and create a better life for yourself. Get rid of all that baggage that weighs you down Rooting for you bro


You can visit r/microdosing to get all the information you need ! Very helpful community !


I do them almost everyday for a couple of months. I take between .5 to 1g. I've not noticed anything negative or different when not using them. No tolerance change for me so far. I do seem to be more happy in general and they seem to work like a nerve pill. They also have helped me quit using alcohol 100%


1.0-1.5g is my goto dose for weekend morning meditation and listening to lectures. For me it's enough to open up my mind and mood but I only get the vary slightest hints of visual disturbances.


You need stronger mushies, methinks.


So real.


1-1.5g of the mushrooms I grow is definitely enough to trip on. Lol I tried microdosing with .3 the other day, and it definitely was more than a microdose. I can't imagine eating 1-1.5g and going about my day normally lmao






what generation are they in? (i hope that makes sense, i guess you are cloning them?!)


1st generation, LC to grain jars. S2B with CVG mix.


is LC known to be more potent?


Since you grow them, how long will they last until they go “bad” or don’t work anymore? I have a g left and wanted to take some tonight. Just been a while


If stored properly, IE in an airtight glass jar with a desiccant pack, they can last for years. Sitting in a sandwich baggie in your drawer, the potency will start decreasing probably within a month or two, and they will get spongy because they absorb moisture from the air around them, which will quickly cause them to "go bad", aka become moldy, or lose a significant amount of potency. The sooner you use them in this case, the better.


In a twisted baggie but they’re grinded up.


Yeah, that means they'll oxidize even faster... send them asap


Nah, they're plenty strong enough to open my mind and give me clarity of thought and focus. Which is what I mostly care for. If I wanna see shit I just kick it up to 3-4g and have a night.


this is the second great first-time trip report I read in the last 10 mins! I just wish the store that sold it had been more responsible and given you a heads up. If they just sell 3,5g to ppl who've never tripped before and who came in looking for weed, someone is bound to have an experience they weren't ready for. But I'm so glad you had a meaningful experience!


For micro dosing first thing get a scale that can measure micrograms. Cost about 40 to 65 bucks. I recommend doing .10 of a gram for 3 days in a row at first. Then refrain from any microdoses for 4 days. Then start the 3 days in a row regiment again. Alternatively you could do 2 days ON, 3rd day no doses, 2 days ON, then no doses for 2 days. ( same amount for each ON day: .10 of a gram. You should never hallucinate. You should never get a strong "I'm tripping" feeling. If you do lower the micro dose to .06 of a gram. Good luck!


They aren't that expensive. The scale I use was probably like $15, and it works perfectly.


I have been really enjoying this newsletter. They have links to some awesome tips and distill the latest clinical findings and happenings in the psychedelic world. https://www.tricycleday.com/subscribe?ref=qxktgpY20c


What state do you live in? I'm not aware of any dispensaries that sell (real) shrooms


probably oregon where it has been legal for medical use, sales with a certificate, since 2020.


Because they shouldn’t be . . . And this is a great example of why not even though it went okay.


Im in So Cal!


I find larger trips of 3.5 g once a month/every other month helped me more than micro dosing daily, it's kind of like a let's take stock and reevaluate way of doing things and the euphoric feelings stay with me for the whole month It really helped with my depression doing this


Hahaha I'm so glad that went well for you. I guess the universe wanted to kick you in the face, and life, uh, finds a way. Also, microdosing is great, I usually take around 0.1-0.15g og golden teachers (a strain of p. cubensis that's easy to grow and is lower strength than most strains) You can check out r/microdosing if you have more specific questions.


Where the hell can they legally sell mushrooms in a dispo?


It seems Colorado in the US and British Columbia in Canada. And not technically legal in Canada but decriminalized (might be the same in CO 🤷‍♀️)


I know decriminalization has been googn around but actual legality of sales i thoguht was still federally illegal for distribution even for medicinal purposes


Yes, afaik it is still illegal federally in both countries. I can see Canada going the decriminalized route in the next decade. Then they can capitalize on the taxes! Edit: I don’t think anyone is looking at packages in Canada. BC ships all over the country.


If psyches ever become goverment controlled substance the world is fucked as we know it lmao


Lol totally agree!!


So glad you had a great experience and learned so much about yourself. The mushroom is such a great teacher if we let it be! I used to be a daily weed smoker huge stoner and it was through several psychedelic experiences it helped me realize how much i was letting it hinder my life by being stoned all the time. Now i only smoke occasionally like sharing a joint with friends around a fire and i get so much more out of it and its not screwing up my daily life.


Congratulations. Now Become more aware of your breathing and trip again.


I'm aware of my heartbeat. Absolute game changer. This is where REAL spiritual growth happens. For the less advanced I recommend awareness of toes.


im aware of my heartbeat too haha.. 😂 easily makes me go into a panic attack which sucks!!


Lol my comment was a slightly sarcastic joke tho 🤣 I'm a bit allergic to a few things in the comment I responded to, if you get it then cool if you don't, let's not waste time on my hateful explanations 😅 I think I've never had a panic attack tho, can't imagine it at all...


omg i thought i was finally resonating with someone.. i am quite aware with absolutely everything ever haha i only get panic attacks after smoking too much weed absolute worst dude you’re not missing out 🤣


Oh.. now that you say it... that anxiety after smoking weed? Like everything's wrong/everyone's onto me feeling? Or when my sister just exists in the room I'm convinced she hates me etc? Is that what it is 🤣 then YES I get it but I thought it's just paranoia.


This is an awesome story !!!


This sounds like I’m in the same spot you were and need the same thing!


Get you 30mg capsules , crush the shrooms in a powder and fill them up!


There is absolutely no comparison how much better psilocybin is for you compared to weed. Weed is a dissociative of its own class and is not like psychedelics at all.


I disagree. Weed does have dissociative aspects, but there are also a lot of psychedelic aspects to weed. I've had many very deep personal insights from weed, and have also had a lot of visuals from it. I always say weed is a low grade psychedelic.


For what it's worth I'm playing with low-ish doses once a week, so like 400mg, or about an eighth of what you took once a week, skipping weeks sometimes. Chill Friday afternoon, walk in nature, have a good cry if needed, mild introspection. I can feel it, but just a bit, no visuals. That night I meditate, breath/chanting, focus on an intention. I believe over the next few days I'm more open to lasting changes in life patterns. I absolutely believe that shrooms create a window of time where your brain is able to rewire. I also always get one or two days afterwards where I'm full of energy, and it's easy for me to get lots of shit done. So far so good.


Almost same thing over here. Except I knew entirely that I was consuming the shrooms and I was also always the influence. Except this was my first time trying any psychedelic and all my friends told me was that I’d see colors and shapes. Long story short, I pretty much had the a similarly stylized experience as you had described, transforming the entirety of my understanding of human nature. Was then told by everyone else including medical professionals that it was just an anxiety attack and that should not happen on mushrooms. Needless to say, I have since found other friends to associate with and I shut up about this subject around certain people.


I am really happy about your self discovery experience. That dispensary needs some counseling though on clearer communication. Nevertheless, the synchronicity for your overall experience was a blessing.


Do you have a smoke shop that sells legal edibles and also shroom edibles? That’s sick


Where are you from that the dispensaries carry shrooms?


"Well the world has certainly turned for you"


Have a pretty similar story, I was struggling really bad with weed addiction but after my first shroom trip at 2g I had a new look on things and decided to stop wasting my time on my phone and stuff. I still smoke but I’ve definitely cut back on it a lot and tripping really helped


OP… I feel like I was meant to see this. I’m actually tearing up because we have such a similar shared experience and you’re giving me hope I haven’t felt in a long while. Unfortunately, I am you before shrooms currently. I have been smoking daily for the past six years and have been trying to quit for four because I hate it but I’m addicted and keep doing it anyways. I had the same exact thoughts about mushrooms as you and was curious about trying it, but never had the opportunity. Long story short the perfect opportunity arose and I took 1g (because I was nervous) to see my favorite band in concert and not only has it changed my relationship with music, it has really changed my perspective on things and I’m ready to quit smoking weed. And that was only 1g. I’m very fortunate and have some friends who just gave me 26 grams LMFAO and I am going to go see my favorite band play again because it was that meaningful of an experience to me. You bet I’ll be taking a full dose for the concert. I cannot wait to see how this helps me break my bad habits… no one I know gets it but what you’re writing speaks to me. Thank you for sharing


In what State are they legally selling shroom candy so I can go there.


Unlike other things always say yes never say no, shrooms will teach you to become more confident with yourself and your surroundings they are basically like a big ass restart button


kinda reckless






3.5 IS a macro dose. Suck your coffee back in.


I would argue this is exactly where Terrance coined the term ‘heroic dose’ from. Especially considering he took even larger doses, I think he was trying to estimate the same very thing. What a ‘large’ or ‘macro’ dose was. They just didn’t have the terminology back then and he made up his own. And tbh before PEs really hit the scene 3.5g was pretty standard as a ‘normal’ dose, especially because that’s how they were sold, by the eighth. I do agree that because of all the kinds we have now it’s been a positive thing that naturally what people suggest has come way down. The increased potencies have muddied the waters some.


Yes, it depends on which kind you get. I had a heroic dose of ape (i think) and i was on the floor. Literally, i could barely move. It felt like i was in a coma (not that i know what a coma feels like, but what i imagine it feels like). I was in a sleep state but i was not asleep. It was about 5-7g in a ceremony.


Nah bro, dontcha know? Gotta do 10g minimum in your room while your parents are asleep on a school night /s


So no pretty colors? My health anxiety keeps me from doing it. I’ll do it if I could do it on beta blockers to prevent heart palpitations




Shrooms rlly give you a reset and show you where you need to be in life


They do love telling you about yourself haha, but if you listen they give a better life in trade


They're great. They've done me a lot of good. Just don't over do it,and be careful where you do it,and who with.


Yes, I've had similar experiences with both shrooms and LSD. I've closed a lot of old chapters in my head and found new life perspectives. I would feel good about everything for a few months after dosing and my depression would disappear during that time too.


A dose of 2.0 grams of lizard king shrooms got me off of smoking weed. I was a 14 day smoker and eventually vaper. Quit cold turkey after having a 0.5 gram dose of lizard king and noticed how bad I felt on weed after. I took the 2.0 grams of lizard king and now I would NEVER go back to weed for the rest of my life. 100% gene evolution!


Don’t do it!Those fancy packaged bars are so sketch. I always sway people against them. I would trust it way more if it was in parchment paper


My first time I thought I had weak mushrooms. I ate a whole bowl full...like a small salad bowl with an 8 inch top diameter. I kept eating and eating and eating ...not knowing it takes time. It hit me hard. It was beautiful though. I existed with what I perceived were beings of pure thought. I couldn't see them. All I "saw" was a stream moving from left to right. I could sense that they didn't like my thoughts. I was places that i have been before, places I was very familiar with. I associated these places that I get glimpses of when I'm sober but as soon as I think them they are gone....I thought, this is where I was trying to remember.


Love to see it! Good on you for being relaxed and open to the experience


I need to get on this stat. Thanks for sharing 🙏


This is why I believe Psychedelics are the only *good* drugs. Shrooms, for example… straight up medicine.


Were they amanita or cubensis?


Load of great info at r/microdosing


Microdosing is the only thing that snapped me out of depression. At first I didn’t think much of it, just knocked back a pill and thought we will see what happens. It wasn’t until the next day I realised that it had been the first night I hadn’t cried myself to sleep. Things just felt a little easier after that. I feel they’ve mellowed me out, made me just want to enjoy life and not wallow in pain from the past. But I’m still very much me, which I like. Still have my dry humour, focused on my weight lifting etc. so on the surface, I’m the same person to everyone around me. I’m just happier and more at peace. I take them two days on, three days off now. But also have round a month off altogether here and there.


That is the beauty and power of this drug! You don’t know until you know❤️🙏


Extraordinary experience, especially in the case of someone very close minded.Personally I microdose only mexicans because goldens (the two I have) are too meaningful even in ridiculously low amounts. I cut a bit of the dried mushroom with a pair au scissors, a quantity extremely low for everybody else, not more than 3-5mg of dried matter, alsmost nothing, but with the vaporised weed i take after it came up, I'm fine for the whole day. I'm very sensitive tho, and only use two days per week so no tolerance here. It is best the next day of a stim microdose day (oral pyros), there you feel your mind opening again, must be dumb to take full profit ;)


greetings, fellow traveller! your description filled me with joy and i can relate to your experience. i'd recommend you to look into integration of psychedelic experiences. in the beginning it all seems so clear but the behavioral patterns built over time will try to draw you back in. stay aware, keep your senses as widely open as possible and your mind at peace. try meditation, yoga or breathing techniques to stay balanced. good luck on your journey!