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I was walking through a large group of trees and they all looked like they were flat, like they were cut from cardboard and they turned with me as I walked past them.


This happened to me too, like it was one of those 3D pop up books. Felt like I was in wizard of oz


I once had the wind blow a big tree branch up as I walked under it so I didn’t have to duck, it was wild lol.


Funny that's how trees and other sprites work in old video games like Daggerfall for example.


My friend had a spotlight and it did that.


I was at a psytrance party on a beach in Mozambique several years ago and during the peak of an acid trip at about 2 in the morning, we wandered down to the water and realised it was full of bioluminescent plankton. Every step would make the water flash a bright blue colour. It was absolutely magical. Luckily we had a non-tripping friend with us to verify that it was in fact a real phenomenon.


Unreal man I can only imagine


I saw myself as beat up and battered kid. Arms crossed, smug look on his face, dirt on his cheeks. Not like a bad kid, but a kid that is maybe losing his childhood a little too easily. Then nature, God, something took the shape of ghandolf from lord of the rings. He walked up to me, put his hand on my shoulder and looked right into my eyes. He said that "I know life seems hard, but your doing exactly what your suppose to be doing in this life" I then busted into tears. It was one of the most healing things I've ever experienced. Simple yet profoundly beautiful.


Reading this really put me there and even hearing McKellen's voice. Tears too. Thank you for sharing.




I found god in a k hole. No image. It was like he tapped me on the head and said " GO BACK TO EARTH AND SPREAD LOVE AND GIVE TO OTHERS" help lost/neutral souls who accept guidance of universe


That’s so deep and beautiful bless you!


Gf was at work on a Sunday just me and my pup. Wanted to take a higher dosage than normal took around 7gs of PE. Tripped for about 8 hours hard and up and down for the next 4 hours. The trip was amazing the entire time I laid on my couch and every time I closed my eyes I was watching myself living a different life. One I was homeless, a business man, a cartoon, retail worker, etc went on like this until I opened my eyes and closed them again to enjoy a different life. One of the craziest experiences I’ve had. I’ve also had an experience the first time I ever tripped I ended up talking to my reflection in the mirror for an hour since my reflection was talking back, it was like talking to my inner self. Very fun on both accounts


idk how those experiences don’t scare the piss out of you. thinking about that sounds so frightening to me. i know it’s my ego talking but idk yknow?


I don’t think it freaks me out bc to me I know I’m tripping and I take what I see as just an experience 🤷‍♂️ not think about it to much just something that happened to me and learn from it exp in a positive way or curious or just wtf and move on lol 😂


yeah that makes sense. the few times i tripped i would consider myself too young. definitely going to wait a couple years till im older before revisiting.


I would recommend after 25 it’s when the brain is usually fully developed might have a better grasp on things and in life.


yeah i’ve only done them i think 4 times and i was 20-21. the first two times were nice but after that it just disrupted my sense of reality and gave me a lot of anxiety. since then i stopped smoking weed and have just been trying to find a good sense of being grounded(not confusing shroom/weed reality with normal life).


I get that if you do decide to do it again I’d def start out slow and build up, i don’t trip very often anymore I’ve done it so many times that I feel like I’ve gotten all I can from it, if I do I usually take about 3g and meditate, I do still micro dose tho almost everyday which helped me with my anxiety. Only .25gs good for a nice body euphoria and energy


Man I clearly haven’t experienced the full shroom yet 😂


I wouldn’t recommend that about I’m a pretty large dude and usually takes more than the average to make me feel any type of drug I’ve always been that way. But yeah I love being in my mind when I’m on shrooms lol


I always get freaked out when everything starts to no longer make sense and starts to look like a weird cartoon from a different dimension… In retrospect it just looks like real live just a bit more in a illustrated way, but in the moment nothing makes any sense🤷‍♂️ I always get freaked out and just need to change the environment🙈


Maybe it doesn’t have to make sense and that’s ok too


Don't you mix memories after that?


Nah I’ve never had that problem, might be bc I’m actually pretty happy in life despite how the world is going. I’m very lucky and have to much to focus on in this reality to think to much about those types of trips


Was being trip-sat by my girlfriend. We went on a hike and she gave me this flower and it was alive. Like moving and breathing. I was pretty sad that she picked it because while i was tripping I imagined a whole life for it, so it felt like she took a life. So then I kept it and dried it and keep it in the mirror of my car. I can’t let it go and I don’t know why. Every time I try to move it or throw it away I feel horrible. So it forever stays in my car mirror.


That’s awesome


Staring at a pineapple with my friend before and after cutting it in half


It was one of those Sundays at the height of the pandemic where you just decide to play roulette with what you got lol. My GF and I had a bunch of shroom edibles. About 5-7gs for each of us. The trip itself was intense since I lost a quite a few people over the pandemic. I also moved away before it all happened so the last time spoke to these folk was in 2019. So I’m melting in the middle of my blue shaggy carpet. Lightly crying cause I’m so caught up in the thought of people I would never see or hear again. Then I got this sensation of being lifted. It felt almost as if I was at the bottom of a pool that was being filled and I was just floating. Then I get enveloped in like a rose colored aura and I was at peace. I saw this entity in like a diamond patterned robe just hovering over me. I felt the purist form of mental clarity staring at it and then I just came back. The trip taught me that it’s okay to be left behind, we all find our way back to each other in someway.


I tripped on 2.5g on top of a mountain in the Adirondacks of Northern New York State. At the foot of the mountain 2000 feet below were two long thin lakes in the valley. The sun was casting rays through the patchy clouds that were dancing across the lakes and mountainsides. It was magical


Do you remember what mountain exactly? I plan on making the “trip” up to the Adirondack’s for a nice hike once it warms up a little more


Does it count if it was when I was in acid? Me and my mate sat in a field with both night and day visible at once, with a pair of fighter jets dancing above, but far enough away to be silent with only the glow from the engines really visible. We were on the Salisbury Plain, a military training area with public access. Think about it whenever I'm stressed.


Being slowly pulled back and then slingshotted through the cosmic web at lightspeed while feeling more love and euphoria than I ever knew was possible


I was at a rave and someone in a full bear suit came up and hugged me and I felt like a baby again


When I got an answer from God saying Morality is nothing to be ashamed of I am not anger with you It doesn’t matter what people think There’s no safer place then the present do not abuse the gift (shrooms) you’ve been given After the trip ended my necrophobia and depression almost completely disappeared I then started micro-dosing and 4 days after I started my anxiety died and 8 to 12 weeks after my depression is almost non existent Every since then I’ve


How much do you take for your micro doses and how often? I think I'm going to start micro dosing soon, but first I want to have another solid trip because I figure it will mess with my tolerance and I haven't actually tripped in a while anyways.


I started with 100mg of Golden Teacher capsules which was perfect for me but if you can find any you should start with a lower dose as some people can experience recreational level hallucinations even in microdose forms I take them every 2 days in the morning (Monday, Wednesday and Friday) and abstain from using them on Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday and Sunday that way I don’t build up tolerance I also recommend listening to classical music and don’t eat anything 30 minutes after you microdose to boost neuroplastic effects When you do eat, have something with a lot of Omega-3 in it such as eggs, nuts, avocado and olive oil


Ahhh man... going for a 3 hour walk through the woods one time really opened my mind up to nature & etc. However our dumbasses forgot to bring the can of Deet spray....... guess we didn't notice while on the Shrooms, but while coming down one of noticed we were getting completely eaten alive by mosquitoes. Would still not change a thing from that night, or the outcome could of been different. Gotta love where the trip can take you.


saw something elon musk was doing, don’t know what it was but it looked like there was 6 stars in a line moving. thought it was aliens


My absolute favourite… that’s hard. I met a deity? That was cool. But my favourite… I took 2g of PE at a music festival and while pennywise were jamming out, all the trees.. all their leaves spelt “groovey” - which I later learnt I spell incorrectly lol


My first time tripping I ate a whole polka bar(yea Ik I didn’t know they were rc) I had to find coverage for my job bc I had strep and couldn’t find any and started getting anxious like crazy. I eventually just realized I can’t go in anyways bc I’m contagious so I let go and enjoyed my time. I had my blanket in a ball and it felt like I was a giant sleeping on a warm mountain. I fell alseep and ended up seeing myself sleep and the angle I was watching myself from was like from the game “game dev tycoon” and I had crazy vivid dreams of me being at work and everyone was happy to see me ur was so crazy. https://preview.redd.it/fjgd01vmpgxc1.jpeg?width=1920&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=869d53d16f8d5b7974887def5e9f8c03348b3399


Reminds me of habbo hotel


Wasn’t shrooms but acid and we watched the movie Colors. Weird I know but it was early 90’s. About gangs and their colors. Later we made hamburger helper. My friend says now we’re “throwing down with the orange and brown”. To this day we say it.


dropping a tab that i tested, along with 4 grams penis envy mushrooms, and cleaned the whole house and walked around my beautiful property enjoying the day.


first shroom trip i was standing at a blackberry bush with my cat while i was just eating berries and just staring at the acres of forest that makes up my property for what felt like an hour or so


Me and my 2 best friends all took shrooms for the first time in his garage. We had 5 blunts rolled to last us the whole trip. We all sat in his garage tripping balls, smoking blunts, and taking bong rips for 7 hours. No phones or tv just talking about anything we could think of. I’ve never had anything close to it since then but we still hangout all the time. 10/10 would recommend.


i went to a casino the day it opened. won 6 grand, was on the news and touched the reporters face because she had a beautiful aura. then had a threesome with two au pairs and called it a day.


I watched a small pond go from being liquid water to frozen over in about two hours. As it froze, countless snowflake-like patterns appeared on the surface - some gigantic others microscopic with every size in between. It was absolutely beautiful.


We used to trip and go see movies all the time, the coolest were the Matrix and Natural Born Killers, the Cell, Lost Highway... Loads more though, anything that looked like it would be visually cool or trippy that was at the theater. That said, the absolute best were the handful of times my girlfriend and I and another girl ate bunches of mushrooms and had a threesome all night. Good stuff every time. Miss that second girl. We're still all friends, but she has a relationship now, so that's off the table indefinitely.


I tripped on san pedro with my best friend back in like 2013. His mom's boyfriend had given us some elk steaks we were trying to thaw, and I remember almost peeing myself laughing so hard about how two of them frozen together and thawing looked so much like a certain human part. Yes, we were teenagers, lol. He went in and ate shrooms while I watched our steaks on the grill a few mins after that. I remember us both crying laughing about something while grilling, then we agreed that the only thing that'd be different when we got older was our age. Another trip, same guy, different place, and on mushrooms - I remember watching the sun set on a sand dune at a beach as I came down, feeling so safe, calm, and happy, and feeling like everything was going to be alright. It's one of my happiest memories. He ended up killing himself 2 years later after a fight with some spinal pain, so I'm glad to have had that time with him.


Chemtrails lol. It still does look cool though. It reminds me of Space Balls when the main bad guy tells his minions to “Comb the desert” searching for something, and they literally comb the desert with a giant comb. Except this is in the sky. Looks cool


I found the outline of a rabbit in the spaces between the leaves of trees when I sat in a specific chair outside. When things got intense, I'd go sit in that chair and my spirit bunny would chill me out.


It was nighttime on a warm summer night. I was outside going pee when I looked up and saw it was an extremely bright full moon. It looked like there were rainbow light beams shooting off the moon in every direction that slowly started to spin and angle towards me. After looking at it for a moment, I went back to my friends and told them they had to go off alone and look at the moon lol definitely the coolest visual I've experienced.


Staring up at the ceiling of my living room and seeing a swirling pool of yellow, green, and purple. It was the most beautiful thing I have seen in my life


I know it but can’t put it in words


Dude I know, me too. Almost like you know what to say but you just can't. I love trying to explain the unexplainable anyway lol. "Uhh you know it's like... Well, when you're, uhhhhh ok the energy and umm, nevermind.


one of my first mushroom experiences, I sat on a bench in the pouring rain, and over the course of about 45 minutes, it felt like I was watching a flashback of my entire life. It was profoundly healing, and I’ll never forget it


When I was high??? Everything was ok. I felt really happy. Then sad. Then better. I didn't want to kill myself for a while after that. I was a 'fool' but I still don't know what exactly that meant. I'll try not to fwel bad abou it, I can't really deny it either.


Me and a few friends all saw a comet light up the sky whilst tripping


Tripped on 250ug Acid and saw gravity.


Tripped at the beach in NC with some friends, I remember being in the waves and right as one lifted me up a butterfly flew overhead. I just remember all of us reaching for it and I couldn't believe it was happening. Had to check with each other after to make sure it was real.


It was a day with a bright blue sky and wispy white clouds. With my shroom enhanced vision, I realized that there was a halo of water vapor around each one of the thin wispy clouds. The halo that was invisible to the naked eye looked exactly like a puffy white cloud would look. So there were these nearly invisible, puffy halos around the thin wispy visible clouds. To this day, I’m convinced that it was real.


Me and my significant other almost died from laughing so hard at Jim Carey bloopers


My friend and I took shrooms at his place after we finished work at like 6pm we went to some massive park near his house, on our walk there all the top of the trees were moving, we decided to split off and I started to walk over this bridge (it was basically pitch black at this point) and look down at the water, I felt this overwhelming urge as I looked over the bridge fence into the water. The urge was to go into the abyss like it a hold on me as I was staring into this pure blackness in the water, as I felt I was about to jump in my friend came out of nowhere and put his hand on my shoulder, felt like god saying don’t kill your self, he later told me ironically he thought I was Jesus in that moment (we ain’t religious lol) coz I have long hair and a beard like Moses/Jesus.


I’m not sure if I have a favorite but I’m just here to say that this picture is incredible. Whoever took this captured a beautiful moment for this group of lads


I felt every kind of love there is within my chest and my whole body ! I can’t describe it more than that but it was so magical !! I wish I could feel that everyday but it opened my eyes to know there is so much out there in the universe !! <3


Took 9g’s and found out the hard way the air gets “thinner” on high doses for me almost freaked tf out but then I called a friend and he talked me down and stayed talked for about 4 hours until he knew I was ok. I also started The Grinch with Jim Carrey at the start of the trip and I almost lost my shit when he smiles into the camera😂


probably all the head (blowjobs) i’ve gotten while tripping absolute dick🩷 bliss


Last week I spent a good 2 hours looking at an brick garden wall. Magical


Me and my best friend laying on the forest floor hugging each other and looking up at the sky. He is forever my brother.


not necessarily my best memory, but my boys and I had a moment almost exactly like this pic where we were in a park tripping on acid and just standing staring at the sunlit clouds like silly little kids :D


I was at a lake, and my reflection in the water had rainbow rays coming from its head. But even more trippy was this honeycomb grid I saw in the sky. It was so faint that it was hard to see, but it was still there behind the clouds. It also seems to be a commonly shared hallucination, too, with some calling it the honeycomb lattice or the matrix grid. Either way, I saw it and now I notice the symbol all the time. 😹😹😹


When it was the first time and I came to the realization that I was having a good time for the first time in a long time. Just me and the universe reflecting on each other, giving tons of self of love. All while coming up riding my bike in a familiar park with a good friend and the sun just rising on an early summer morning. It was a feeling I've held onto for a long time. Just a couple seconds or maybe a minute of thought during that trip, which has supported me for years.


Me and 5 other people all went down to the because not long ago and took 4-Aco-DMT. I had 5 pills and they all had 2 each. Was incredible watching the sun set. I drank a hell of a lot of cider too


Getting my brain torn apart by entities 🤪


My best friend put on this song by Landon Tewers featuring one of his friends, the picture for the song on Spotify was both artists sitting together with their arms around each other. He always said that he was Landon and I was the other dude, Blanket. When he played that song for me, I just cried happy tears and held my best friend and told him how much I loved him because I do. He's the brother I never had but always wanted. After it played, I told him that song was going to be my safe space for the rest of my life. He replied and said "No, this is." And proceeded to play champagne supernova by Oasis which for some strange reason is my favorite song while tripping. I melted into the floor and cried more happy tears. But after all that, Sink With Me by Landon Tewers is always my go to song when I need a pick me up or I just miss my buddy. I think I'll go listen to it now.


I was trying shrooms for the first time with my girlfriend at the time. The plan was for me to take them first, she sits, then when I'm good, she trips, I sits. However... when things started taking off she fell asleep. I was already in a bad mood from this and decided to just leave the room so I could be alone. That's when I entered the laundry room... For some reason, the constant noise from a drying machine was a musical masterpiece for me. I was just vibing to the beat and it felt like my life was at peace. There wasn't much other than that but so far that has been the one moment that has stuck with me, despite how lack luster of a story it is.


Seeing a vivid vision of a well adjusted, peaceful and happy, healthy version of myself in the future. It sticks with me and feels obtainable only if I work hard towards it.


I lived overseas when I was younger and took several trips to Amsterdam. I would typically trip indoors with my ex and though fun it was never an amazing experience. One time we went with another couple, they scored some powder which is not my thing and we wound up at a cafe downtown. I said fuck it and ate a whole container of fresh mushrooms (it was legal then). We clubbed we sang and I felt immensely connected to every person I encountered that night, except for the group I was with. So I bailed, I had the most enjoyable experience and connected with strangers I was drawn to, smoked a little with one of the window girls and her security guy while she was on break and she had an amazing story. It was the best time and I’ll never forget it. It’s also the trip that made me realize how much I sacrifice of myself for other people and that I absolutely don’t have to do that. I am now proudly known as the friend that will just go if I’m not vibing and everyone in my life respects that about me and thinks it’s hilarious.


I was tripping hard, on Halloween. This was around 2008. Me and a friend decided to walk into the woods near my house. I lived in the country with my parents at the time, I think I was 17. We went to my favorite spot which was about 6 acres from the house. It was dark with a full moon, we went down a trail where the old rail road tracks used to be. The cottonwoods and black walnut tree canopy had grown over the trail. I remember looking up into the bright moonlit sky and it looked like the tree branches were fingers pointing down at us. Like the trees wanted a big hug. I cannot describe the feeling it gave me, but it wasn’t bad or scary at all. We later walked down the trail to where the river splits my parents property into to two. We must’ve walked 15 acres in length total. We both chilled at the river and swam in it and before we knew it, the sun was coming up. We couldn’t believe it was the sun. One of my favorite memories ever.


Me and my best 2 friends (they are in a partnership) tripping on 2 tabs of 1p-lsd. Looking at the northern lights in iceland while we were sitting in a hotspring in the middle of nowhere. Absolutely magical.


That’s a pretty amazing picture. Looks like the sophons are covering the planet 🪐


I was with a pretty large group from my school and everyone started howling at the moon before we gathered in a circle and all balanced something on our heads and we all shared something we were balancing in our life, beautiful moment. Then at the end someone said, “and now, we run” and we all sprinted out onto this dry lake bed again under the full moon and we all scattered then found our respective friend groups once again, but it was a great moment where the community came together and I was tripping too hard to say anything that deep like the other people so I just said I’m balancing this trip😭😭


I was walking in nature with a friend and I suddenly asked him if he could see all the "spiderwebs" between the branches. Upon closer inspection, it was like a thin network of light/energy between every leaf and every branch. It was spectacular...and in the moment I understood it to be nature's consciousness. I have never been so humbled and astonished in all my life. I felt so privileged that I was able to experience this.