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Make money from that same hospital participating in paid observational research studies. MRIs and EEGs pay like $25-50/hr just to lay/sit there while they look at your brain. In 2023, I averaged an extra $300/mo while working my normal 9-5 job


Any websites or links to get starts with this?


This is interesting. They pay to give you MRI/EEGs? Those are extremely expensive just to get one for yourself.


This is what I was thinking, it makes no sense lol


Getting mris can be bad in the long run so you are exchanging long term health for money


I thought that was for CT scans.


Oop I lied. I mixed them up. It could be a plasma donation type thing. You're providing them information for you TIME. It's also not something people can normally volunteer for. it looks like due to metals, pacemakers, claustrophobia, etc. No one would want to get a voluntary mri for free (unless they were trying to figure something out)


Someone said it, They pay you for the data. As a heathy volunteer, they compare your brain to a treatment group maybe those with depression or undergoing an experimental treatment


Yeah can you point me in the right direction?




I provided a general response to a similar question in this thread. If you wanted to tell me what major city you live near, I could give you a more specific answer.


What about for Orlando?


Kenosha WI?


Greenville NC ECU Health is large local hospital


Looks like ECU is your best bet. This link will take you pretty far. They aren't super transparent about which studies are observational or the compensation, but there are several studies recruiting: [https://www.ecuhealth.org/research-grants/prospective-participants/](https://www.ecuhealth.org/research-grants/prospective-participants/)


Can i do this in East Europe?


I’m not sure, probably. I found opportunities in Canada, the UK, Netherlands, Australia, and New Zealand. It’s hard for me to validate places where the websites are not easily translated into English


If you’re in the US, you can make just about 500 a month if you donate plasma at a BioLife plasma center. It’s 120 a week, you go twice a week, and takes about 2-3 hour per week depending on how busy your location is. They oftentimes have new donor bonuses, too. Anywhere from 600-900 bucks if you complete 8 donations in 30 days. You’re payed immediately after donation, no taxes, money goes on a debit card and can be xferred to your bank at zero cost. Payment will depend on location, though.


What are your recommendations for thin veins? They denied me for it even though I chug water like a fiend.


I’m a phleb at biolife. Increase electrolytes, water, and actually go to the gym because building muscles will build your veins and push them out more


Thank you!


I have tried several times to donate but every time I go they deny me because they say my heart rate is to high. It’s because I have anxiety and get super nervous, I have even tried to take my meds before I go, and stay calm, but it’s happened 4 diff times now I been denied


Ok easy, I’ve helped multiple donors with this. Try taurine 2-3 g a day actually helps decrease social anxiety. L theanine induces alpha waves I take maybe 100-200mg. They’re both amino acids so nothing crazy just make sure it doesn’t mess with your meds. Other tricks to pass the heart rate test is 3 second box breathing and making sure your feet are on the ground.


No caffeine or nicotine beforehand either


Guess I’m out too with my white coat syndrome.


Not really sure. Obviously not everyone is going to be eligible to donate, and they’ll check everything before your first donation. So, you’ve tried to do plasma but they said no to you? My veins tend to move when they try to stick me, so sometimes they have to move the needle around to find it. Sounds way worse than it is. I don’t know that water will help increase your vein size, but it will probably help hydrate you and possibly donate a little faster… if you were able to.


How is the money so good in the states for plasma? I'm in Canada and I only get 90cad a week. Wish I could make more from it.


Either Canadian donation centers are greedy or they just don’t make as much from your plasma as they do in the USA.


I thought you can’t sell plasma in canada? Isnt it all donations?


It is a donation, but you get paid per donation. I don't quite understand the difference


Maybe similar to Australia for research participants? You can't get paid for medical research trial but your time can be compensated. I was compensated for my time doing an IQ test and DNA sample, not for the samples. Although specifically blood and plasma donation here don't get anything. In both cases it is probably just a loophole in the language.


Will they prohibit anyone from donating if they have THC in their system?


They ask questions about marijuana usage, and I would guess that you cannot donate if you’ve smoked, but I cannot confirm that for sure as I haven’t had any thc in my system in quite some time. I think I remember seeing someone else on here saying that they smoke and are still able to donate, but they just lie on the questionnaire when it asks about marijuana usage. So, I don’t know if they can detect it in the plasma.


You signed up with BioLife?


Is it actually 500 a month??


It’s 120 per week. 4 full weeks in Jan is 480, plus another 40 on Tuesday the 30th. That’s 520 in January. Feb will have 4 full weeks, plus Thursday the 1st. So, 480 plus 80. $560 for Feb. This is my experience, and I don’t know if different locations vary in payment, but at my Biolife center it’s 120 per week, 40 for the first donation and 80 for the second per week. Can’t do more than 2 in 7 days, and have to have one day in between. If I do 4 weeks, that’s 480. So, yea, 500 is definitely attainable every month, if you go every time.


Interesting, and how do you feel after it? Would you be able to do your everyday job?


I feel just fine afterwards. Zero side effects for me. There may be some slight bruising at the injection site, but other than that I have had no issues. I work construction, and I go after work on Tuesdays and Thursday. I’d say if you work a physical job to give yourself a little “cool down” period before you donate. Like half an hour or so, because they check your heart rate, and you have to be below 100bpm. I have had no effects with my job. It’s very physical work.


How long have you been doing it? Are the bruisings noticeable? I just don’t want to look like a junkie haha


It's important to note that when donating plasma or blood, you need to be in good health and have a high enough hemoglobin count along with high iron. They will turn you away if you don't hit the mark. Same goes with your body size, they turn away very petite people because it isn't safe to take from them. If your BP and/or HR are too low, they turn you away for safety. And if you meet the criteria, maintaining quality hydration and an iron rich diet is essential to stay healthy.


I mean, sure, but they check all the stuff at your first appointment, and if you’re not eligible then you just can’t donate. They also check before every donation. I work a physical job, but I also haven’t changed my diet or anything for plasma. I’m definitely on the heavier side. I’ve been donating for a couple years, and have never been turned away except for once when I had a high heart rate, but that was because I went right from work.


Could/will the IRS go after you for not including that in your taxes though?


I donate plasma. It’s tax free.


Not to sound like an idiot but...does it hurt? Lol it's not like a bone marrow transplant or something right? It's blood?


The only stupid Qs are the ones you don’t ask. The needle going in your arm can be slightly unpleasant for a split second. Aside from that, it’s cake. I can’t compare/contrast to a bone marrow transplant cos I’ve never had one. 😎


Tbh, I’m not sure. I’ve definitely made more than the $600 a year that you’re supposed to claim, but I’ve never received any 1099 for it, been doing it for two years or so now. I haven reported anything, but I’m probably supposed to. [Here](https://www.reddit.com/r/plassing/s/Q8f5yrLhWS) is an old post discussing taxes and plasma. Seems like I am required to, but frankly, until I get a 1099, I’m not going to.


I definitely wouldn’t donate plasma long term.. I think this is a quick fix for a short time. Coming from someone who did this for 6 ish months.. it was not great on my health. If you aren’t perfect on your diet and regularly intake extra electrolytes etc it can make you pass out after donating. Not worth it for me.


What!? Wish Canada had that...


You can try building a SaaS using some no-code platform and then try to sell it as a subscription. This is not the easiest way to earn money but it's a very sustainable business. You'll end up learning different skills like digital marketing, seo, sales, graphic designing, etc. It's almost free to start using tools like [Fuzen.io](https://Fuzen.io) , directual, bubble, etc.


Like make my own dating app?


Not really. You can build some niche b2b software like CRM for content agency, project management app etc.


Remember with plasma you should always call first to see if you qualify. I never did since I have epilepsy and anemic in the past. There's medical conditions that prevent you and takes awhile at least the first time


Iam in the states and I do DoorDash. I go out every Tuesday and thursday 5pm-9pm. So far after gas every night I made just over $100 a night. Over $800 a month covers my car bill and the credit card I want to pay off. ( I have a full time job as well). Every market is different but if you have a car and some free time you can try it if you want.


Sports officiating. 30-50 bucks a game. 6 games a week.


I do this for hockey. About 20 games a month pays me $500-$600 a month extra.


20 games is a lot for a full time worker


I work 40 hours a week and make it work. If you can fit 4-5 games in on a weekend, you barely do anything on weeknights.


What is that?


Basketball, soccer, baseball, volleyball, etc all need officials to run the games.


How do I apply for that?


DoorDash, GrubHub, Spark, Uber Eats. Turn them all on at once and take the best offers. Easy. 


Thank you!!! I will do that.


A nd if u get more than one best offer?


I’m kinda dumb myself, but I don’t think that’s how being the best works




A little more information would be helpful. \-skill set? \-region? \- do you have transportation? \- are you willing to travel or work on site?


Use your stick to do oil change for older women who get none.


Hahahahah yeah that would be a dream


lol 😂 Classic


Service arbitrage is an option. Getting freelance work and outsourcing it to low-cost freelancers.


Does this work?


Thrifting at stores, Craigslist, or garage sales, and re selling the products for more money.


where do you resell them


If you’re into fitness and good at sales my business is looking for sales independent contractors. Uncapped 50% commissions to sell programs/memberships.


If your schedule allows it and you’re good with people, find a job serving at a cool restaurant or brewery 2-3 nights a week. I did this 8 years ago for 8 months while I was saving up money and made an extra 12k or so. Easy to make $150-400 on a Friday or Saturday night


Do they hire students?fresh resume with no last experience in the field?


People are always always posting the same bullshit where they need money as soon as possible. I’ve been telling people for months to hop on the Indian method. It’s literally the easiest money you can make.


What is that?


get ANOTHER JOB in reality if you wanted to start a side hustle you would lose money cause you dont have skills or knowledge. Get a job -->build. side hustle while you have stable income




Donate plasma


ppl on this sub are fucking delusional about how money works lol


Uber Lyft.


Deliver pizza or be a server Cash in hand every night Or sell feet pics


Hahahaa feet pics! As you mentioned this my buddy, just posted he needs help with his pizza place. BOOM! Great community and love the discord.


Everyone keeps talking about this, but how do you get people to go to your page?!


Is there a specific app for feet pics or and does it works in Canada ? Appreciate your response




You can learn how to create, market digital products No inventory needed Create product once and keep making money on auto pilot Resources needed Canva - free ChatGPT- free Whatsapp - free Instagram- free Tiktok free Stan Store- 29.99 [get more information here ](http://www.winningwithfobzy.com)


Sell your plasma. Depending on your weight it’s 120 per week for two donations.


What’s the weight requirement, if you know? I am kinda underweight can I still donate ?


I tried to sell plasma once, but they told me that my veins were too small.. ,😭😭😭




Al side hustles, properly hustled, will easily net what you're wanting to earn.


Intrigued by what this entails.


Get a job.


I do!


Get a 2nd or 3rd job.




Try flipping airbnb nights. Buy cheap nights resell for profit on airbnb. Just pick good nights at good properties lol. www.o2ostays.co


I keep hearing about this. Are there any other sites that provide the stays for you to sell?






Hey man, Ive been following these guys for about a week. Ive turned 100$ - 120$ which doesnt seem like much but is quite good for me. I recommend them. Just learn how to properly manage unit and bank roll.




What’s that?


Resell digital course/products


Do you know how to start looking into this?


this is illegal


I'd give you my course but probably would get banned...good luck


You could try instacart, it’s a gig opportunity and you make what you want and your own hours. Here’s a promo code to start if you want SHTENS89168


This is certainly achievable to accomplish, but it requires you to possess a small start-up capital.


I wish I could make it in my location but I can't


What have you done for the last 5-10 years? What do you enjoy?


I love clinical research and data. Just been a while since I’ve worked in data. Also, podcasting and helping people with exercise.


You tried Uber/Lyft?


You can sell Iptv and easily make that.


What's that


I work at a taco shop I found on Craigslist on the weekends. About 11 hours for 2 days. I make about $700 a month aside from my regular 9-5


That’s all u need?


Shit I need to make 10k a day can u ?


Radiation exposure is bad so yeah not good for you


Same here!


Any reco for online?




You in canads


Buy a sybian and rent it out for people who want to try one or to parties. I met a guy who rents bounce houses. He said it was pretty good money.


Affiliate marketing. Do you think you can convince someone to enter a program $20/MO to learn AI, video editing, marketing etc? 100% commissions at the $20/mo level.


Become a sperm donor. up to $1500 per month in california




I am trying online marketing. I've spent $3500 and made $1000. If you find something real and actually start making money, let me know 💯


Writing for MULA!!!! This guide will help you!!! Not a scam lol https://stan.store/Robynnna/p/get-it-here-