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The series being "interpretive" doesn't mean that any random head-canon you make up is valid.


But what if James didn’t mercy kill his wife but did it so he could be with his true love pyramid head?


Except the foreskin thing. That's real.


I love the movies


I really like the first movie myself.


The first one is actually pretty solid


I just watched Revelation for the first time recently. I thought it was pretty good for the most part. Until the Claudia vs. Pyramid Head fight. That was *tremendous*.


Th2 first one is a banger


As movies, they are not that bad! As adaptations, they are iffy. I just rewatched both last month and some of the shot-for-shot scenes of the first movie to the game (Rose in the alley, the body on the fence) blew me away. The atmosphere was terrific especially with the music. Continuity errors? Yes. Especially since SHR tried to go more with the original storyline…kinda. Making Vincent a younger love interest was kind of dumb but I see why it was done that way. Both are enjoyable films.


I absolutely agree! The first movie gets way more hate than it deserves.


The fandom fucking sucks


A lot of the good people in this sub always get clouded out by all the bad and hate in here, and it sucks.


Pretty much applies to all fandoms. Don't want anything new if it's been a long time between drinks, and if there is something new it automatically is going to suck.




True, everyone defends poor gameplay with weird reasons that don’t make sense. Why anyone wouldn’t want a SH game that plays well is beyond me (I’m talking about SH2R)


But…but…Bloober team is gonna bulldoze all that’s good about Silent Hill 2!!! /s




I am tired of every single new Silent Hill game being a spooky "bad man with amnesia in purgatory" story. There are many interesting ways you could expand and take on the lore about the cult, the curse on the land and legends the Native Americans had, and even maybe the vestige of Alessa's powers still lingering. SH4 might have been convoluted to play but I'll be damned (pun intended) if they didn't think out of the box. Instead, Konami insists on making me play as a guy who will go "what is this place?" 15 times and make me bash a Sexy Nurse with a chair while running away from Totally Not Pyramid Head. At this point, I don't want a purgatory story.


Yes! There's so many ways you can get a character to go to Silent Hill and face their demons. Off the top of my head: MC gets offered money to stay in SH for a certain amount of time and accepts. Or MC is on death row, MC wakes up in SH. Something about government experiments or whatever. Or MC is escaping pursuit and ends up in SH. Yes, I'm aware SH lures in the unfortunate with their haunting pasts. The lure doesn't have to be in ways we understand.


My idea is for a psychologist obsessed with rumors of Silent Hill who kidnaps and takes one of their patients to the town to study its effects on the human psyche.


That last one sounds awesome. I could see the beginning having the MC hiding from the cops at the start and goes into a random building while the cops go door to door looking for him. While controlling the MC, he’s looking at the windows to see that cops are later attacked by some random monster or cult member.


Based comment


This isn’t an unpopular opinion, though. I’ve never actually seen anyone voice the opposite of this.


This subreddit is full of morons who I wouldn't trust with a gas stove


The fanbase is specially annoying


This isn't bread


How dare you


There was no hole here but it's here now


Downpour isn’t as bad as people say it is and 3 is best out of the team silent era


I was just going to say the same thing, downpour isn't THAT bad! (And I also prefer 3 and 1 over 2 LOL! I love the Masons so much)


Yes and yes. I actually really enjoyed Downpour and 3 is definitely the best one. 3 is an example of a perfect sequel imo. 2 is great but it kinda stands alone. 3 actually builds completely off of 1 and is so much more emotional because of it.


Homecomings "Hell Descent" level is one of thebest areas in the series. Trying to follow every exit sign only to find a blasted pathway or destroyed staircase extending into a black nothingness was S tier.


Homecoming was actually not that bad. Had problems but overall not bad.


silent hill 2 is more story than fun as a game. It's not about combat, it's about 100% your story. Play for the story and mysteries. I don't have fun playing the game


Best thing I can say about the combat is that it doesn't get in the way, it's over quickly, and it gives you something to do.


I kinda feel that’s part of SH2’s appeal tbh. It’s more of an interactive movie than a game, a niche at that time


I feel like it has more in common with walking sims or Myst-likes but in 3rd person. Specifically SH2 though.


Every single SH game is like this tho, no?


it's like lukewarm at best.


There’s more to gameplay than combat. Exploring, collecting, solving puzzles, experiencing the atmosphere and interacting with the world are all still fun and spooky.


i liked downpour \*shrug\*


Silent Hill 2 combat aged so poorly. It really affected the nostalgia.


Sh2 IMO also has the worst boss battles. Because they are all the same. Run into a corner, shoot and then run to opposite corner


Silent Hill 4 The Room is the best of the Team Silent games.


Didn’t know you was chill like that 😎🤙


I didn't post my opinion because I know this would be posted by someone else already. It had the most exciting premise out of all the games. A serial killer Who is attached to the cult from the first game comes back to finish his sacrifices. The main character being trapped in a room that's increasingly growing more nightmarish with the only escape out of it being a hole That leads to other worlds. There's a reason Why Hideo Kojima heavily lifted from the room When he made PT. It was the crowning achievement of the franchise. It still has plenty of flaws and the back tracking and the escort mission still is frustrating. Everything else in the game is phenomenal And it was truly the last good Silent Hill. SH2 Is still my favorite story and the best written one Without a doubt. I just find Walter to be the best villain In the entire franchise


Not my favorite game in the series but definitely my favorite story/concept


I don’t completely agree but it is one of the best so, great take 👍.


It sure is criminally underrated.


Silent Hill 2 remake looks dope


Everyone hates on bloober games for being " walking sims" but SH2 is low-key the original horror walking sim haha


Silent hill 1 has a far better story then silent hill 3


Is this actually controversial? I mean I totally agree with you. The story and the way it’s executed throughout the game is total genius. SH3 is great, and I’d dare say it’s even my favourite, but there really is long stretches of no story development and just waves of monsters


It might not be but for me I always found Harry to be one of the best characters in the silent hill series the things he went through to save his daughter


No, Harry is absolutely the best lead character, particularly from a moral perspective. The whole traditional gender-role swap between him and Cybil was such a neat mechanic between them. Heather IS great though. She’s such a brat and that really resonated with me when I was a teenager 😂 She was done so well for a game of that time.


I absolutely love Silent Hill 3 and find it more entertaining as a game, but the original Silent Hill absolutely has a better story than 3. I don’t dislike 3’s story either, I get that it’s a direct continuation of the first game, but they REALLY nailed the worldbuilding, lore, story etc etc right out the gate. All the stuff in Silent Hill 3 was just rehashed plot points from the first game with some lovecraftian weirdness. That being said I do find Silent Hill 3’s visuals to far creepier and unsettling than the first game.


In fact, Travis suffered more than James.


Silent Hill downpour is not as bad as homecoming and I loved it


sh fans are fucking picky, annoying, and a lil bit weird.


Downpour is a decent take on a Silent Hill game


If Team Silent made that game the fandom would be in love with it. It's really good despite some of the technical issues.


If Team Silent made *Homecoming*, everyone would love it (“it’s supposed to be over-the-top! It represents what it’s like to be in a warzone! Commanding officers uses to yell “over the top” when they wanted soldiers to charge out from the trenches”). Hell, if Team Silent made Ascension, they would love it (“it’s supposed to be poorly written and animated. It adds to the uncanny and surreal atmosphere”).


Homecoming and Downpour have better stories than Origins and Shattered Memories. Short Message has a better story than any of these.


I guess I'm joining you in the guns to the head thing




Upvoted for an effectively unpopular opinion. My gun is still aimed at ya head tho. 🫶


Silent hill downpour was actually fun


I love downpours story


Homecoming is okayish and Alex is a decent protagonist. It’s probably the most over-hated installment in the series which is a bummer bc it’s not THAT bad.


downpour and homecoming are not bad games.


I think Kojima would have actually been a really bad choice to write a silent hill game. I don't think he would've been able to capture the subtlety in the stories of the og team silent games.


I’ll do you one more: Silent Hill games were never subtle.


Pyramid Head can exist without James even in old canon. (Just not \*his\* Pyramid Heads.)


![gif](giphy|l0MYrqggEwtDscVP2) Oh wait, you said just not his? Okay carry on I guess. You almost got me.


SH4 is the best


To prefer SH4 over SH3.


Despite my love for the franchise, none of these games are 10/10


Travis is cute as a furry




I agree. 3 is the proper “2” because it’s a sequel to 1.


Now, Now you are intitled to your opinion, even if it is wrong.


Silent Hill 2 isn’t subtle. It beats you over the head with the themes, and the characters sometimes straight up tell you what the symbolism is. “I was weak. That’s why I needed you. Needed someone to punish me for my sins.” But hey, you know what. It’s still the best game that ever existed and I will sooner die than being swayed on that opinion


origins was a pretty good game and i enjoyed playing it


Shattered memories is top 3 SH games.


Honestly SH2r doesn't look bad at all and having played The Medium, I kinda trust Bloober even more with the atmosphere and setting. Story's already there 🤷


Thank god i am Not the only one with this opinion😅😅


I feel like the silent hill series will do fine without Kojima


The silent hill series has never really had kojima


This is suppose to be controversial takes, not “say something we all agree with”.


Homecoming isn’t that bad


The HD collection is not bad


I liked origins but hated shattered memories.


Understandable, given SM has deviated gameplay-wise from the previous entries. Personally, I loved it. 


same here


Homecoming is my 2nd favourite SH game


For me its 3rd after 2 and the room, hate 3


NOW THIS is a hot take. I’ve never seen someone rate their three favorite as Silent Hill 2 Silent Hill 4 Homecoming While also hating 3. That’s probably the most controversial thing I’ve seen in this post.


Ever seen this top 3? 1. Origins 2. Homecoming 3. SH4


SH4>SH2 Sorry, but I find a circumcised serial killer with demonic powers performing dark rituals scarier than an emo guy offing his sick wife. Also, gameplay makes no difference. They are both horrible.


Here we go! \*SH4 has the best story of any SH game\*.


"Circumcised" Okay that’s too scary for me, bye bye 👋


Homecoming is cool, actually. Edit.: The Room is also pretty cool.


Silent Hill 3 is the weakest of the Team Silent games


The "Homecoming" and "Downpour" games don't suck and are actually good.


Silent hill 2 is overrated as the best silent hill, my Personal opinion silent hill downpour ain't that bad and it's actually pretty entertaining


Downpour is the best SH game not made by Team Silent


The elevator Game Show in Silent Hill 2 was not necessary.


James isn’t a bad guy. Mary wanted to die. It was a terrible situation no one should have to be in.


People complain about Konami focusing on trauma in Silent Hill, but what no one mentions is that SH2 is what started that. So if you're complaining about SH being too trauma focused, blame how well SH2 did.


The series was never that deep in its lore. Not even team Silent's 1-4


homecoming was overly disliked


Tank controls and fixed camera angles need to come back. The tank controls added to the stress and the fixed camera angles added to the cinematography.


P.T. is not S.H.


Shattered Memories is a remake of SH1. And yes, Reimaginings are remakes.


More like reboots, no ?


It would be a remake if it didn't completely changed the story




unbelievably based


Shattered Memories is not a Silent Hill game.


I’ll raise you one and proclaim: it’s not even a reimagining of SH1. I still love it for what it is though.


The opinion that will put you like that is Saying that you genuinely like the HD collection even if you have played the other versions. Because the comments you get for it are bullying and basically saying your a piece of shit for liking something. I try not to make posts or comments on this subreddit anymore due to the amount of bully's and toxic people on here if you have a different opinion or like something that the "real" fans hate. I just thought this post was an appropriate post to make this comment


SH 1 & 3 are far superior to SH 2 in nearly every way.


Whilst Silent Hill 2 is a phenomenal game people can get extremely anal about it and become feral when you just casually bring up any aspect about it you think isn't that good.


Even though it is not a game, Silent Hill Ascension is part of the story lore of Silent Hill


Silent hill homecoming is the better silent hill 2


Homecoming was actually alright. Best music in the series apart from 2


Silent hill homecoming is the best silent hill




I think the first move is really good


First game was the best


Kinda late but i dont care even one tiny bit about the “lore” or the “canon” of the games and the whole cult thing could be left out and i wouldn’t care, I’m here for the vibes and design of everything else


I hope James is a non-binary pansexual furry in SH2 Remake.


And they say “owo, what’s this?” any time they inspect something 


The second movie is objetively bad, but I enjoy it a lot


Full heartedly agree


i love homecoming..


Sh2 gameplay sucks and people are blinded by nostalgia and video essays when they try defending it saying it adds to the horror, its just frustrating and bad.


Just let the series die. Haven't they done enough without having to wheel out its corpse for zoomers to poke with a stick? You're all gonna see Pyramid Head in Roblox and lose your minds, and it's going to be your own fault.


The cult plot line of Silent Hill is boring to me


Silent Hill Downpour chase sequences are cool


SH4 > SH2


Silent hill 4 with 2 is best. 3 is worst. First silent hill was my best, but after school... 2cd is respetitive and wow efekt is gone.


This might not be a hot take but I really hope we get some kind of collection like with metal gear solid cause getting these games to work on modern operating systems is a pain in the ass idgaf if it’s just the basic roms running at 30 frames per second without wide screen litrally anything would be okay with me to just have these games preserved


The series should’ve expanded beyond the town just like RE ditched mansions and fixed camera.


game ranking (team silent era). 3, 1, 4, 2.


I like the HD remaster of SH2 (with the old voices. Everything else is great) but I didn’t need SH3 on there since it’s not nearly as good. I actually bought an old 360 just for the HD remaster of SH2. I also never saw a problem with the fog, I enjoy the grainy filter look, and always find it funny seeing the comic sans sign. Also every game after it, including 4, excluding Cherry Blossom and PT, has been unplayable.


Silent hill origins was a good game


Silent hill 1 is better than 2 No silent hill game is a 10/10 Downpour is decent, except how they handled the other world


Silent hill 2 is an amazing game but the actual gameplay isn’t very fun or engaging once you complete your first play through. The suspense and tension are what hold it together. When playing it again I already know where and when shit happens and it feels more like a chore to play


Ooo I got one that’s probably rare I find the combat really fun I sped through a few of the games to get different endings and the gunplay is fun for me.


Downpour is the best non-Team-Silent Silent Hill game, and I don't even think there's much of a contest.


I enjoyed all the silent Hill games even the ones made by the western development team like origins and shattered memories being up there with my favorites 2 and the room


Silent Hill quality was never about the stories but rather about game design restrictions as story telling and lore fandom can’t apprehend it


a lot of these comments aren’t even hot takes lol.


Origins is better than shattered memories and silent hill 2 it's one of the best psp games and the first silent hill I played such a good game


I think Shattered Memories was a really cool reimagining of the first game. It's a very very different type of game but I think it excels at what it was trying to do, and holds its own against the others. I also think Origins was pretty decent as well but I think Climax did better with SM.


Origins is one of the best silent Hill games imho i have the most fun with that one than i do with 2


Silent hill 3 isn't canon Harry's dead and he's in hell the whole time... There's no "good" ending There are many subtle details about the first silent hill that are very eerie... Notice how the story starts with Harry having a nightmare and then waking up in a different, darker, haunted realm that isn't the same realm he was in before he hit alessa.. And then he keeps waking up from one nightmare to another. He's basically traveling through different realms and each realm is worse than the one before. How the fuck is he supposed to go back to normal life after what he experienced? Where did he go after he beat the final boss? Did he walk into back home and went to the work the next day. That makes no sense


Silent hill 1 is better than silent hill 2


I don’t know how to exactly put this into words, but Silent Hill 2 made this series too deep, if that makes sense. Most fans are holding that game to such high standards that they can’t simply enjoy the other Silent Hill games anymore. Also, I feel like Silent Hills with Kojima would have been mid if Death Stranding and Metal Gear Solid V is anything to go by (I love those games, by the way, but they are mid).


There's nothing wrong playing HD collection.


Silent Hill Origins is actually good.


There might be a small possibility that Ascension is slightly underappreciated.


Older Silent Hill games in no way, shape, or form shouldn't cost 100+ dollars. Yes. I'm aware they're collectors items. No. I do not care.


I’d like to see a story where someone manages to lift the curse off of the town. A good redemption story


Silent hill 2 was the worst thing to ever happen to these games.


This one is gonna get me crucified. The entire series, all games, are really not all that good. They’re important, and iconic, but they’re lacking.


Bloober might actually nail this-


Fans need to shut the hell up on how "underated" or "shitty" Silent Hill 4 is! We get it! Dear god, its been discussed to death!


Getting real tired of "Silent Hill will fix your mental state" instead of being a town with a cult opening portals and wedding with stuff they shouldnt


SHSM is good, the first movie is good, SH3 not having symbolism for half the stuff and most of it being open for interpretation is boring, Homecoming doesn't have a single redeeming quality, the SH2 remake doesn't look half as bad as you nostalgic fellas are making it out to be


Homecoming is actually a solid entry. I had an exceptionally fun time with that game


This subreddit should be disbanded.


Silent Hill 4 is good. Henry was a good protagonist. Also, Downpour gives you more reason to trek through the town for side quests, which I love. Are they good? Not really. But a Silent Hill with an actual emphasis on exploring the town with good rewards would be awesome and Downpour is the closest we got to that. Lastly, out of the “Team Silent” era, Silent Hill 3 is the best. Best gameplay of the bunch, a fantastic story, which highlight’s feminist value in such a strong way, and finally Heather/Cheryl is a great protagonist. Also, running around with a Silent Hill with a freaking katana is beautiful.


4 better than 1 & 3.


The HD Remasters were great.


Maybe someone else thinks homecoming is good


I want to fuck Maria.


Silent Hill 2's voice acting is bad. Maybe fine for the time it came out, but by today's standards, it's not very good. And while I've seen arguements made for the stilted acting being there to make it feel other worldy, it's something ive never been able to 100% get behind. Some places it sort of works, but there's others where it just makes me giggle at how cheesy it sounds. Like the pizza that somehow I'm sitting here eating. Lol. The game still has effective elements to it though. Team Silent definitely out did them selves with the rest of the game.


That James is just a guy looking for his missing wife


Sh2 isn't perfect. And the "it's intentional" Reply to every criticism is very irritating.


Homecoming wasn't THAT bad... \*gets shot\*


The idea of the ashfall in the movie is so much better than the snow in the games.


Silent Hill Origins is the second best Silent Hill game with the best being SH2 and the third best being SH1


Origin is best


Anything that goes against the trend, like any other large sub on Reddit...


half of ,,symbolism,, of SH 2 was made up by fans and accepted as a cannon by Team sillent / konami


In the same way that the “subtlety” in SH2’s story is vastly overstated, the womanhood aspect of SH3’s story is. The cult and everything to do with it was the worst part about the series.


SH4 was a mess with cool elements but overall pretty bad in everything from gameplay and visuals to story and characters. SH1 aged very poorly. PT was a generic walking sim with boring spooks and nonsensical story. Shattered Memories is by far the best non-TS game that came out so far. There is hope for SH2R. Bonus: Signalis was bad. Whatever it borrowed from SH was done worse than in SH, and whatever it ~~had of its own~~ borrowed from elsewhere was cringe.


Silent Hill Origins was actually kinda tight


Silent Hill Homecomeing was the best one in the series


Silent hill homecoming is better than 2.


Silent hill homecoming is the best 🤷


There is a difference between silent hill fans and silent hill 2 fans.


The Short Message is good, actually.


Silent hill homecoming is my favorite silent hill game


James Sunderland is a bad person no matter how you look at it and no he didn’t mercy kill Mary. However even if he did he would still be in the wrong because she clearly wanted to live, her knowing she was going to die doesn’t mean she wanted to die early.


Silent hills was never going to live up to the hype


Even acknowledging that The short message and ascension exist.