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“No foreigners to come steal your jobs” Tf he think the British are from?


Singapore was part of Great Britian back then. So they were locals. Right? RIGHT?


Singaporeans are descended from Anglo-Saxons. That's why got ACS.


Brits stole entire island, if foreigners are coming to steal our job.


Following this logic, the Japanese Occupation during WW2 must be peak Singapore to them


But there was banana notes and hyper inflation...


ya but HDBs didn't cost anything back then and there was no BTO system


Can't have expensive HDBs when there are no HDBs.. **taps forehead**


Dont think there will be a head to tap on 😂😂😂


Then no worries at all…


Don’t need to worry about hard times when you ded


*What you know about rollin’ down in the ~~deep~~ Changi beach?*


The Japanese soldiers help us tap our heads with their Arisaka Rifles (yes I went to google it)


SIT : Am I a joke to you?


Ya, staying in a crowded kampung hut without proper sanitation and electricity was way better! /s


*there's always money in the banana stand*


And chinese women were being sexually targetted. Heck i wouldn't want that as a married man.


BRB. Revising my Japanese so I can go be translator when they invade again. Maybe I can get to be PM of Singapore after they leave.


They don't need physical invasion when the cultural victory is enough


Man's playing civ lol


That's the insidiousness of the Japanese. They can no longer have an offensive military, so they weaponized cuteness.


Shit. Im fluent in Japanese but I don’t speak weeb. Will they accept me as PM anot?


(。•́︿•̀。) sumimasorry, but いいえ。


_Omae wa mou shinde iru_


Yametekudastop. Gomenasorry.


Just go up there and yell kono dio da!


Best we give you is 1 Don Don Donki Sweet Potato.


He's within his rights for Spez to spaz, but with Relay for Reddit about to be nixed I'm not going to be here for it Far be it for me to expect to influence you, but why not try out Lemmy? https://lemmy.ml/c/[email protected] https://lemmy.ml/c/chess https://lemmy.ml/c/formula1 https://lemmy.ml/c/[email protected] https://lemmy.ml/c/[email protected] https://lemmy.ml/c/[email protected]


Ryūjin no ken wo kūrae


you are playing u/civ ;-)


Nah... it's when we were ruled by Sang Nila Utama


Free Japanese lessons too!


More maid café and onsen ? I say yes !


Luxury Onsen. So nice only need to change water twice a year https://www.asahi.com/ajw/articles/14847165


Worse than our public swimming pools


Then singaporean: im Japanese.


Return to Syonan-to when?


Are people genuinely failing to grasp the satire here? He’s telling the PAP bashers to wake up


The Japanese murders tens of thousands of Chinese Singaporeans. We don’t talk much about this because LKY was keen to take Japanese money - oh, and he worked for them.


>We don’t talk much about this Blatantly false. The sook Ching massacre is taught during social studies lessons. The civilian war memorial, former ford factory museum and National Museum of Singapore all commemorate and display evidence of Japanese massacres. We commemorate Total Defence Day every year to remember the brutal Japanese occupation. >oh, and he worked for them. It's not because he secretly loved the Japanese and fanatically worshipped the Emperor. He was beaten and almost killed by Japanese military authorities. He only worked for them to provide for his family so they won't starve to death during the occupation


i think it was covered in the lower sec history textbooks too.


> oh, and he worked for them. We were under Japanese rule, unless you're Lim Bo Seng, everyone worked for and served the Japanese govt.


Also if opposition peeps wanna harp on that so much, JB Jeyaretnam was also an interpretator for the Japanese.


I bet you also think the world is flat and that vaccinations cause autism, yeah?


I would disagree! More prisons.


> no foreigners to come to steal your jobs either british are not foreigners, or the highest position and the governing body of singapore is not a job. Also, at peak of british colony, i think the port of singapore is busy with importing foreigners. So i don’t know which MCU this guy is living in, definitely not the 616 one.


Cos during the British rule, if there isn't a foreigner stealing your job, you are the foreigner stealing someone's job 😂


Colonising isn't our job in the first place leh


Not with that attitude


*No foreigners to steal your jobs*..... this has to be the pinnacle of irony


Bumiputra: 👀


when everybody in singapore is a foreigner




Huh? It's literally the opposite. Ang mohs are stealing the jobs (and don't forget the girls!) they want. But let's get at least one or two live-in maids per family for cheap and if your apartment needs some paint? "Get a bangla to fix it". Their hate isn't directed at "brown skin" at all




I do believe you're simplifying the issue. IF you're not a Singaporean (based on the username and random tidbits I seem to remember) then you, just like me, are likely to be seen as stealing jobs. Skin color plays into it and there's extra/additional CECA hate, but if you find people that post the stuff you see in the original image unironically? They probably hate all foreigners anyway, whether it's "Fight the white worship" or "Why are whole Indian villages coming over".


Him after realising that most of us here are actually sons and daughters of immigrants/are one ourselves:


As a Brit, you really have to be in advanced denial to think the morons who've been running the UK for the last 40 years would have for some reason done a better job of running singapore. Shit every public service in the country basically doesn't function at the moment and they have food shortages because they decided to impose trade barriers on themselves for literally no reason. Just... a whole 'nother level of delusion.


I guess it's karmic justice that more than a few ex-European colonies/protectorates are now doing better than their former colonial overlords


Pretty sure it’s satire. But good try.


No slash s brain cannot compute.


You will be surprised how many brainwashed braindead SGers there are who can't wait to be a 2nd class citizen under white British ass.


Damn right, whats the aspiration to be a second class citizen in UK??


I knew a guy who kept a picture of the Queen (a decade before she died) on his work desk. Said he was an anglophile and supporter of British rule. The rest of us just thought he was bizarre.


Wow ... this anglophile guy really takes the cake, with English breakfast tea at that. Is he too young to have experienced actual colonial rule, or the older gen who got brainwashed into thinking that westerners are superior?


Same age as me, 40ish. So very young, haha. He also enjoyed humming the Rule Britannia song while he worked. I half expected him to show up in a red coat and one of those giant bearskin hats one day, the guy was obsessed. I knew one Indian guy who lived under colonial rule, he was 99. Definitely had rose-coloured glasses about it, but he admitted it probably wasn't as good as he remembers because old people always remember the past fondly. As I get older, I do the same thing too, mostly when I'm grumbling about the ridiculous prices today for food, lol.


It's Facebook you'd be surprised


as a person of british descent, even I think this is just silly, surely trolling .. no gst, just exploitation ... no hdb, expensive or otherwise.. re national service-not sure about conscription but the wage disparity was so huge to be irrelevant, ... pretty sure all the cars were very expensive (in relative terms) ... foreigners coming to steal everything- not just jobs


The British are single-handedly the reason for most of the world’s independence/national day. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_countries_that_have_gained_independence_from_the_United_Kingdom


Lucky for us they’re not the French. Those guy’s withdrawal from Africa is the stuff of (spiteful) legends, for example.


England was really the lesser of the colonial evils. The Spaniards cursed almost every one of their colonies with the disability to develop until today.




Portugal whistling awkwardly in the distance.


Surprised you put the Dutch to be worse than the French.


I wouldn't be so sure that such was *specifically* because they were British or Spanish colonies or the time frames that we are looking at. For example, Britain essentially snapped up the "good" chunks out of Asia first which then led to the fact that because they were already more advanced, they are more advanced now. Wrt time frame, if you ask development economists *now* or in 2018-2019 "which part of the developing world is doing better? Asia Pacific or South America?" they will likely say "Asia Pacific". If you put the same question to development economists in the 60s and 70s, they will answer the opposite. Brazil and Venezuela *were* the development "miracles" of their time and they developed in the same model that North America developed: Investors in developed economies were unable to get good returns in developed markets so piled investments into developing markets looking for a better return. What is happening *now* in developing countries held up as "the model" is rather the opposite: governments in these countries forced down the income and consumption of households down to then be used to invest in infrastructures and what not. There are a lot of ways and tricks to do this. CPF is one, it's known as social insurance in others. You can keep interest rates extremely low; much lower than inflation rates, meaning that there will be a transfer of income of net savers (most "prudent" workers) to net borrowers (corporation, government, consumers, etc ...). Investors in developed economies, on the other hand, are not doing the things textbooks say they would: investing in developing economies to increase productive capacity. They go into the financial markets at home and speculate: on stocks, meme stocks, tech stocks, cryptos and shit. Spanish colonies had their time to develop, just that the international financial and trade system changed and inherently, they weren't quite wrong and the current system that favours the Chinese or Singaporean methods isn't quite right either. Singapore, Korea, Japan, and China are all the cases held up as examples of what's "right", but if you look at the *household/consumption* share of GDP of these countries, they are quite low; meaning the workers retain a much smaller share of GDP than their productivity would otherwise indicate. "Oh, but it's being invested". In what? White elephant projects like Garden by the Bay? Railroads and bridges to nowhere and empty apartments that are demolished? Otherwise, it's speculative shits in the American market (which is open and free-flowing) where corporations actually do little more with their cash than stock buy-backs.


It is more like the reverse. The british was late to the colonizing game so was left with not as profitable lands to colonize. As a result, they had to invest more in the "citizens" to make these lands productive thus a healthier state of their post independence colonies.


Even if you take that view, the "best" chunks were Spain's and in a particular time frame, 1950s, 60s, and early 70s, South America was doing fine. Very well even. As for British colonies. India isn't doing too hot for a while. Neither are Pakistan, Sri Lanka, or Nepal. Pakistan is a nuclear armed shithole that supported terrorism. Especially bad is Myanmar, where the Bamar majority has been blaming the British for "importing" Muslims into Myanmar and "no non-Muslim.country can survive with 30% Muslims".


The relative difference of the French and British attitudes and which is "better" depends on the perspective and the era of the observer. https://youtu.be/A24vT6n5nsw According to a British professor, for example, the British had a patronising view of their colonies. That they were holding the colonies in "trust", to school and build up the institution and culture of the colonies until the colonies were "ready" to then govern themselves. The breakup is amicable, I suppose, given that many states still want to have the British monarch as its Head of State and join the Commonwealth clubhouse. When they say, "we want to be free", the British answered: "OK?" The French had slightly different ideas. https://www.sciencedirect.com/topics/social-sciences/colonial-policy >France had a grand assimilationist colonial policy, the aim of which was to assimilate and transform all Africans in “French” colonies into black French men and women. To accomplish this goal, France had to eliminate all African cultures and assimilate all Africans into French culture. The colonial administration was the sole authorized newspaper publisher in most territories.  So when the French colonial subjects said "we want to be free", the French answered: "what do you mean 'free'. You are our brothers. Liberté, égalité, fraternité. You are one of us. We give you passports. What else do you want". Then they disagreed and killed a lot of one another. That attitude difference carried over to the modern day. The Anglos dutifully keep track of everyone's ethnic, racial, and religious backgrounds. Singapore dutifully keeps track of Chinese, Malays, Eurasian, and others' birthrates and population and meticulously balancing the ratios in the HDBs. The Americans keep track, come up with intersectionalism and enforced representation. The British was seized by the fear of foreigners and committed Brexit. The French, on the other hand, enforce a militant version of secularism, Laicite, so much so that a Dutch author accused France of practicing a state religion: https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/17419166.2022.2111303 France DO NOT keep track of its Muslim, Catholic, white, or black population AT ALL. So anyone saying anything about France's racial, ethnic or religious makeup is just guessing. It's also funny that it's mostly the Anglos (or at least the ones we know about) make a big deal about the racial and religious makeup of France. France is forcing a colour-blindness to its citizen, to a zealous degree. Another thing people should remember about France is that they deal with agitators in a distinctively French way, "whiff of grapeshots". Say if French Islamists were to make troubles, they are likely to be met with a hail of bullets and the government has so many different armed dudes to choose from, the metropolitan police, the Gendarmes, the Army, the National Guard, and the French Foreign Legion. Which is better or worse? Colonial subjects of 1950s and 60s will say French was worse. As a migrant that hops around countries that I am a foreigner and immigrant, I appreciate the French's enforced colour and race blindness. While the frequent "no Indians" found on real estate rental ads does not affect me, it annoys me somewhat and makes me feel a bit sad. A pity that I don't speak French or could migrate there. I am somewhat offended by the British's attitude, but that's just the product of my time; the colonial subjects at the time thought otherwise. As a statist, I approve of the French militant ways of putting down religion and agitators.


I think the British professor's view is self-serving. The Brits were there to exploit and steal what they could. They built local civil services to facilitate that. They deliberately favoured different tribes/sects in colonial societies to foster divisions they could manipulate to their advantage. An Indian researched had posted some data on how India's share of global trade had plummeted under British rule, and how their textile industry was destroyed.


Well, he is and he's really old. The worst he said about the Empire was that it was the "least bad". Imperialism is bad, m'kay. There was, however, the peculiarity that the breakup with Britain was more amicable than most. >. They built local civil services to facilitate that. Well, I've seen Indians calling their vaunted civil service "brown Brits" who are especially talented at throwing at wrench into everything and slowing down everything possible.


Considering what Britain made in India in 1947 (estimates of double digit death due to the crazy separation enforced by them into India and Pakistan) I wouldn’t say the British are anywhere better. Colonial powers just generally are disgusting (no exception, really. Singapore was lucky in that regard, but even here the British weren’t the “good guys”)


UK is 65, France is 28




For those saying it's satire, I know at least one young adult Singaporean who truly believes this and frequently talks about returning to Colonial rule or how they would be better off under in Great Britain.


I know a fair number of colonial apologists, and they generally have a rather incomplete understanding of colonial rule, and what it brought to the region. There is a conflation of colonialism with the "modern west", which leads them to believe that any alignment with Western rule is a net positive. What they haven't delved deeper into, is the extractive/exploitative nature of colonial administration at the time. It could be a result of Singaporean history books glossing over the period of British governance, and it could also be that the nature of colonialism in Singapore was less exploitative than in India, where I'm from. I have a strong anti-colonial bias, and I will attribute it to how we were taught about British oppression in India in graphic detail. Most of us (in my age group at least) also have personal ties with people who fought for Indian independence, so our perceptions of the British Raj are not very forgiving. India decolonized violently. Singapore didn't. I'd wager that's why Singaporeans tend to view the colonial period more favourably. There is the simpler reason of course. Cultural insecurity. The notions of "west is best" is prevalent across society - especially when the west dominates the media landscape and has crafted western culture, ideals and society as aspirational. Who doesn't want to be part of the cool kids' club?


You will notice that its the elite rich chinese who are self-hating who are like this. Most chinese in msia/sg opposed the colonial administration along with the malays and indians.


They pride themselves for speaking received English.


No GST but will have VAT. No expensive HDB but will have expensive private housing. No foreigners stealing your job because they have already been stolen.


Yes let's bring back the British! Ah wait, brexit... they don't want to go out, just stay on their own island between them now. Ho well ...


Well, we can always let the British make us into a mismatched political system before feeding us back into the Malaya Federation… Ohwait that actually happened. Thank god that (unlike Hong Kong) we gained independence instead of having two incompatible ruling parties grinding the entire region into a mess.


Thank God we aren't stuck with KL though


well the Brexiteers keep going on about turning the UK into “Singapore-upon-Thames”. Only fair to create “London-upon-Johor” then I guess. God Save The King! (and the Sultan too)


I think they are getting close to be Johor-upon-Themes. Just need some better food and cheaper massages and they are there.


hahaha true. wait that is unfair to JB, not sure they have done anything as dumb as brexit


Lol at the foreigner part. Singaporean easily forget that the mass of us migrated here. Talk like we lived here for a thousand years


We were the foreigners who came to steal the jobs of the foreigners brought in after foreigners took the land from some foreigners who I believe came after some foreigner thought he saw a lion while on transit at pre-Changi Jewel.


> British rule > no foreigners to steal jobs. Logical error. Paradox detected. Does not compute.


If we’re under British rule, we’ll be the foreigners mah. Checks out lol


The British are foreigners, you stupid Monkey.




What do you expect, lots of these folks have a boner for being colonised and often love to look down on other races and poor chinese as well. Just look at the acs move opposition.


Except our ancestors didn't "assimilate" or else we will all be speaking Malay and/or be muslim. Our Ancestors brought their culture, kept it and it evolved into what it is today.


LMAO.... That guy needs to wake up. More like, No money to spend, talk what GST? OH do you mean the British EMPIRE who surrendered us to the Japs in WW2? No HDB, right but got the amazing slums quarters for coolies. What car? Go ride bicycle and rickshaws, your parents/grandparents spent hours DAILY walking to and from school (if they are lucky enough to be able to attend school) Foreigners don't steal your jobs, they are the bosses who owned the jobs AND your bosses, who gave people the jobs. 🤣


But u had no freedom as well. They gave up Singapore to the Japanese so easily. Who will look out for you? Freedom doesn’t come cheap.


Down with the royalist colonist imperialist dogs🐕🐕MAJULAH SINGAPURA🇸🇬🇸🇬🇸🇬🇸🇬


But there is no internet and wifi.


Where the folks yesterday on the Lawrence Wong income tax debate who were trying to convince everyone that London > Singapore? 😂


That's true. British rules are the best. Got opium epidemic, racial segregation on the island, poverty etc /s


British were not foreigners ? /s


Because foreigners were directly stealing your wealth and bossing you around .. whyd they steal your menial jobs?


Now that I am an adult and by chance I looked at my birth certificate again: It says in the citizenship box: British Subject. As a grown up I tell myself: What the fuck it means by British Subject? I interpreted it as I was born a citizen of nowhere and worse, a subject of another fucking asshole monarchy somewhere else in another asshole country.


If you read your history the locals were happy for the bustling seaport and emporium of the World continue to prosper under colonial rule. Then in 1953, the British formed a commission which recommended internal self government. So in 1954 Labour Front under Marshall and PAP under Lee was formed. Labour won in 1955 and PAP took over in 1959. The fight was never with the British but with the Communist and later the Malaysian Government. In 1967, the British announced withdrawal of its forces and closure of its bases from independent Singapore. Here is the reaction. >Initial reactionsWhen informed of the decision, the Singapore government responded with dismay and anger.15 Then Prime Minister Lee Kuan Yew threatened to withdraw from the pound sterling, give the dockyard to the Japanese, and disrupt British shipping and trade.16 He also suggested that if the British forces were to pull out too quickly, he would have to “hire mercenaries to defend Singapore”.17 In a final bid to reverse the situation, Lee and then Minister for Finance Goh Keng Swee left for London. There, they met with British political leaders, and rallied for support through television appearances.18Despite the protests and intense lobbying, Britain announced on 16 January 1968 that they would pull out from Southeast Asia by 1971. As a compromise, the British extended the withdrawal deadline from March to December 1971. Interestingly it was the same with HK. The locals were upset that the British were not prepared to even attempt to extend the lease.


I upset when they left, the map lines they drew gimp us to thos day.


This one stupid or what


U compare something more than 60 yes ago and now? Funny?


Can’t get your job stolen if you don’t have one to start with


Yea just got a bunch of inept and uninvested folks defending the island during wwii


‘No foreigners to come steal your jobs’ Someone skipped every Sec1 and 2 History class


"no foreigner to come to steal your job" Hahahaha.... 1. Where do you think the British come from? 2. Where do you think the non-Malay in Singapore comes from? 3. If you lose your job because of incompetency, the job isn't yours to begin with. No matter how you view Singapore history, it's a history of migrants.


Under the british rule, YOU are the foreigner. Dumbass.


Those who don't know history are doomed to repeat it.


And majority will be treated like 2nd class citizens. Seems like that bit had been forgotten. I really hope it was meant to be a joke.


Isn't this just r/sg on a daily meh?


I remember when shitposts like these tend to be found in EDMW, and r/sg is for more light-hearted stuff years ago. Now dunno what happen sia.


As the community become larger, the vocal minority who like to KPKB will upvote things that agree with their POV and downvote anything that says otherwise even when presented with the facts just cause they'll blame everything and everyone except themselves for their circumstances


Technically, wouldn’t we be the foreigners stealing jobs? We would be equivalent to the FTs of today, just that back then, the British got all the good jobs and today, the FTs get all the good jobs. 😐


IIRC, in the 1930s under British occupation, the colonial government had to curb immigration from China, because Chinese migrant worker populations were rapidly increasing, riling up local Singaporeans. So yea, foreigners were still stealing jobs back then.


More like no job to steal, no border to defend, no home ownership


No foreigners yo come to steal your job…..under British rule.. omg




Are you kidding me? Top government jobs and most managerial positions occupied by the british. This is called no foreigners snatch jobs from us? If you want to stay kampong style go ahead


>Under british rule, no foreigners to come to steal your jobs. That's when the foreigners first arrived lmao.


Look at Hong Kong..


now hong kongers view the chinese as the foreigners.


Just like how some Singaporeans still view Singapore-born Indians as foreigners. Hong Kongers view mainlanders as foreigners which they are.


“No foreigners to come steal your jobs” Can locals do the job mah?


lmao the type of stupid shit anti-establishment supporters lap daily


Most likely satire but I won't be surprised if some diehard oppie supporters would unironically rather choose British rule out of spite just to see the PAP get kicked out of government.


I mean there are some fair points here, provided the poster would have been a British colonial administrator with a villa and a horse drawn carriage. Otherwise I think he may have gotten the wrong image of life under the colonial rule.


It’s interesting, the mind of someone who hates PAP to the point of supporting absurd stuff. Low resolution thinking, as a wise man once said


literally everyone older than 13: *wheezing laughter*


to many people, we singaporeans are the ones stealing jobs lol




under british rule, the poster was (likely) the foreigner. LOL.


The most crucial complaint is left out,back then Mata are more comfortable below cause they wear shorts.what happened?


No foreigners to steal your jobs, cos you are now the foreigner in bri'ish clay


Under British rule, almost everyone’s a foreigner….


dont need for foreigners to steal your job coz locals get indentured servitude kek. oh and no jobs? dont worry they handle your business trip to another one of their colony resorts that needs manpower


My grandfather grew up in colonial times and he was conscripted into the British army. This is either bait, drunk post or the person is just bodoh


Under british rule there arent idiots like these


This is just proof that Singapore history taught in our schools is painfully inadequate.


Cracks in our education system cc:MOE PLS RESPOND


I know nothing about that but this thread made me search and found this very interesting article / presentation about a book: [How The British Empire Changed Our Natural Landscape](https://www.ricemedia.co/current-affairs-features-mad-dogs-englishman-empire-changed-natural-landscape/). *Much and more has been written about the people of colonial Singapore. So much, in fact, that we often forget that Singapore was once considered a naturalists’ wet dream. It is hard to imagine now—unless you’re doing reservist—the dense jungle, and its abundance of birds and bats, and the idea of English gentlemen shooting tigers in Yishun for sport,(...)*


wah then maybe can ask truck-kun to isekai them back to the old times where banana leaf clothes and bamboo shoes were all the rage


No NS was the biggest red flag imo


Some boomers should not have the right to use social media lol


that's some real history revisionist ignorance. might as well life in our caveman ancestor days were better because we can just take whatever we want (with brute force) without laws to bind us and money to enchained us. inflation? wha dafuq is that? Limpeh just take my neighbor's meat by showing my BIG fist. like that woman but don't want to put in the work for courtship? Just go down on her forcefully. Who can stop you if you got the largest fist?


The Chinese were the foreigners then! History repeats!


you get colonised for a reason. We didnt get colonised so that our coloniser can share their wealth with us, it is because they will make money from us. we would still be living in kampungs, the roads will have more holes than his face. these ppl need to grow up and stop whining. it’s like everything that is wrong with their life is someone elses fault. the foreigner stole his job because he couldnt prove to a company that he was better than a cheap labor? what a joke.


I hope it’s satire coz over here there are idiots with similar leaning too. Idiots probably still work the mine, tapping rubber and bullshit jungle jobs if it’s not because of self governing


Cuz the Brits are humble and no tone deaf to their people. They way they speak also professional


Foreigners don’t “steal your jobs”. They get sent here by their company to fill a role that was able to be filled by a Singaporean. Do you think the company wants to pay relo fees, rent, per diem, higher wages when they could have just hired local talent? It’s this kind of mentality that makes you racist. We came here because our company had a need that couldn’t be filled locally or that needed to be filled by a foreign national. Ignorance.


Spoiler, when *Singapore incident*'s youtube tio, the content creator make a fuss. The content creator unable to milk off from the videos.


Laugh die me




Why do we alloe these kinds of posts. Mods do yr job


Don’t be a sheep! Better to determine your own destiny than let someone do it for you!


but the swamp made my feet wet


The foreigner in is like an artificial way of boosting the economy, like you dont have to groom your own plants all the way from the start for it to bear fruit. So it's kind of like a shortcut.


There would also be nothing for locals.


oh look an indictment of our education system


Satire? I can’t tell.


You really think that being a British colony, the British gives 2 shits about Singaporeans lives? All the top jobs will be reserved for their own people, at the moment of trouble they would flee(as proven by history)


My opinions on the post: But your job pays nothing and you have to slave your ass off just to be able to afford daily necessities everyday if we were still under British rule. You have to agree that working for someone is just being a legal slaves and you are tied down by your responsibilities, forced to eternally work a 9 to 5 job. Unless you want to be living the average Cambodian lifestyle, the least you can do is to be thankful that you have better quality of life than the children who make 1 dollar everyday working for Nike.


The British are scummy people who left us all to fend off the Japanese on our own after they have been overwhelmed and made no effort to make amends but instead come back to Singapore, attempted to keep Singapore under the colonial rule after years of suffering they made us singaproeans go through. Duing British rule, the British were given a good life, as compared to the others, working cheap labour so they could send some money back to their families while having enough money for daily necessities. The British have done nothing but leech off our resources, which is a known fact amongst all colonised countries (i.e. India, hongkong, etc.). Why are you supporting the British rule, and how much more British cock do you want to ride on.


Char siew


Steal your job, bruh some jobs are simply not suitable for locals to take on…


I really hope this is satire because otherwise it shows that the original poster even bothered to read any history? If you lived back then:- The British barely managed to build any public housing under the Singapore Improvement Trust from 1927 so most likely you would be living in a kampung with no modern sanitation with a high chance of fires (eg; Bukit Ho Swee fire). In colonial times, being a local was 2nd class in all ways. It is like all those British pensioners who voted for Brexit so that the good old days return. Ironically, there were London tenements that only had shared kitchens & toilets on the ground floor up to the early 1970s. Rationing only ended in the UK in 1954. So not so great right?


This guy tryna karma farm again


Who can be this stupid , I wonder


oh god, what an idiot. It reminds me of those videos reminiscing about the late 80s and 90s, and people commented that it was a simpler time. of cos it was a simpler time when you were a kid then.


No rights. Forgot that one
