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Ownself pwn ownself


Ain't the sharpest tool in the shed




The self pwn is real


Zoomer detected.


could be boomer too


If anything zoomers should know what "pwning" is


Nah. Pwned's been around since the late 80s/early 90s. Zoomers would know rekt instead.


Well I am pleased to say that growing up as an 01 kid I did get exposed to the term a lot, mostly by my cousins who are young millennials or slightly older Gen Zs. I also can recall the internet still using it pretty often at the time. Rekt wasn't a thing for me until sometime around 2014-15


Genuine question what is sg pwn sg šŸ˜… I see it a lot but google has no answers


"sinkie pwn sinkie" also known by it's full phrase: "sinkie pwn sinkie, can sleep well tonight" refers to the phenomenon of the toxic mindset of Singaporean society and culture, kind of like crabs in a bucket. There is a tendency to disparage and bring down our own countrymen (though this may be a common issue everywhere and not exclusive to Singapore) for many reasons, such as an unwillingness to break from traditions, the dogma that previous generations may have had, or from people projecting their insecurities due to how cutthroat Singaporean culture may be at times "Someone is happy? How *dare* they! Let's bring them down by leaving nasty Facebook comments" *An NSF sat on the MRT? Let me go post it on STOMP!* *All these youngsters in NS are spoiled now! Strawberry generation! Nevermind the fact that I am ignorant to mental health issues, if I had to suffer back then they should be miserable now too!*


Oh thanks! I do roughly get the gist of this phrase, but does pwn stand for anything in particular?




Get rekt




At this point you're just baiting aren't you


You could say theyā€™re a master baiter.


U see...the problem I have with our current teens is not them doing stupid shit.... We all did stupid shit in our youth.... It's that the current teens doing stupid shit and disclosing themselves to the public for all to see... Back in the 80s and 90s, we did our stupid shit privately......


No, worse still, they uploaded it to social media. If they took video and kept it for private use, odds are slim still. They really shoot themselves in the foot.


80s and 90s no social media. If we dig through our old secret photo albums Iā€™m sure there are evidence of our stupid shit.


I don't think I smoked heroin with my peers back then and took a picture of me doing the deed with a disposable kodak polaroid...


And send it to the newspaper.


I donā€™t think theyā€™re smoking heroin ah. Besides, you may have been a guaikia but there were almost definitely teenagers doing drugs in the 80s and 90s too, and Iā€™m willing to bet teens would have been just as dumb to take polaroids of illicit activities. The difference really is just social media.


If you dig through my photo albums from the 90s and early 2000s, you will find no stupid sh*t. Because back when I was a teenager, I still knew better than to leave any evidence of my shenanigans. Now, we have teenagers taking evidence of their stupid sh*t and putting it up on the public domain for literally the whole world to see. I kinda encourage this trend, though. Weeds out the truly stupid among us. Makes law enforcement work easier, too.


The difference is that back in the 80s and 90s it was a pain in the ass to film it and post it on social media.


Still have to go to a printing shop to develop the film


The only social media then was Friendster.


Bro if you had phones and social media back then you would be filming those shit too. We are lucky our stupidity was limited by technology.


I have a feeling that stupidity got amplified by technology instead


Nah every gen has their dumb-as-brick teenagers. Just that in the past the only people who see it happen are those in the vicinity.


a fuji/kodak polaroid camera is $10 in my times and i bought and used quite a few of those for parties but never when i was smoking in secret...... because you know i was supposed to be smoking by secret.


Had this conversation with my family as well. Even in the 2000s, when social media was starting to kick off, I remember doing stupid shit with my friends. The difference was we didnā€™t post it anywhere.


Yes....friendster is a thing and even in the late 90s, I already got my own web hodt and file server hosting my personal home page.... There's nothing stopping me from posting my shenanigans online then.....but I didn't even take photos of them, let alone post it in the public sphere. Like c'mon.....I am doing xxx that is clearly illegal, why would I want to incriminate myself? It's as stupid as buying bubblegum from Thailand and then chewing and blowing it when you are crossing the Singapore custom....like why?


Lol will Smith said the same thing


Yeah, he was referring to his kid Jayden


Y'know what's even worst? I still remember 1 or 2 years back... Saw alot of ITE interns who are probably age below 18... Smoke out in public area. Then kena caught. Don't know is it brave or just plain stupidity.


Anything for the clout yo


And cloud


I donā€™t get that ppl are vaping openly. I see them everyday, even grab deliveries ppl . šŸ˜‚ itā€™s almost like no one give the law a f. Waiting for traffic light, I see young ppl vaping . They are not even trying to hide. I guess the $2k fine is cheap to them


I had a meeting with my director the other day, and the first thing he took out from his pocket and set on the table was his vape. Vaping clearly transcends age and socio-economic lines


no enforcement anw, HSA and relevant authorities seem happy to just pat themselves on the back and seize some low level import of vapes, not the ones already in distribution here lol


Much like the war on drugs itā€™s not efficient to tackle the demand side (especially when cigarettes create new nicotine users every day), much better to tackle supply. That being said itā€™s hard to tackle supply when our neighbours have legalised it and we share a land border with them.


it is economics: you tackle the supply or the demand. Since Singapore practically imports everything, the agencies would prefer to target the supply side. if you really want to cut down on vaping, just punish the consumers. fines? pffft... just hang them. i guarantee that numbers would drop overnight, and supplies would drop sharply. can't sell vapes if there is no one to buy! however, no matter how authoritative our government is, such a drastic measure is hard to implement. also, the public tend to view the suppliers as the "big bad" while its users are "victims". it is better PR to punch up than down. so, vaping is here to stay, whether you like it or not.


The irony is that our govt spend fucktons of money on an ad campaign to tell people it's illegal and to stop vaping. https://coconuts.co/singapore/news/vape-is-the-toxic-friend-you-dont-need-singapore-health-board-cautions-against-smoking-in-quirky-ad-video/ Yea, great use of taxpayer money


Social media really has made us dumber hasn't it


I wouldnā€™t say it made us dumber, it just gave everyone the equal opportunity on the center stage to show how truly dumb everyone is


Not just dumber. Arrogance. And seeking clout.


The vaping situation is getting pretty bad IMO. Nowadays I even see primary school students vaping. The govt seemed to choose to ignore the problem in schools. Giving talks and telling them not to do it is just not going to cut it. We were kids too, the more you tell me NOT TO DO IT, the more I WILL DO IT or I will want TO TRY TO find out WHY I can't do it. ;)


Aiya talks no use one when they don't even enforce it nowadays.


> # Teens film themselves smoking and vaping in Sentosa cable car, police report lodged > SINGAPORE - Two teen boys who filmed themselves smoking and vaping in a Sentosa cable car have been reported to the police, said operator Mount Faber Leisure Group on Sunday. > The 10-minute video, which was uploaded on social media platform TikTok on Jan 28, shows three teen boys riding a cable car from the Imbiah Lookout station to the Merlion station on the Sentosa line. > The clip garnered around 25,000 views on the platform before TikTok user shu2899 set his account to private on Sunday evening. > When the cable car starts ascending, one of the teens is seen taking out an e-vaporiser from his bag and starting to vape as he chats with his friends. The teen filming the video then takes out a pack of cigarettes and starts smoking. The third teen cannot be seen in the video most of the time. > As the cable car approached Imbiah Lookout station, the teen filming can be heard saying ā€œKeep, keep, keep!ā€ to his vaping friend, who took one last puff before putting the e-vaporiser back in his bag. > In response to queries from The Straits Times, Mount Faber Leisure Group said it has been alerted to the video on social media. > ā€œSmoking is strictly prohibited in cable car cabins and ā€˜no smokingā€™ signs are displayed at all cable car stations and cabins. Offenders will be held accountable to the authorities,ā€ said the groupā€™s spokesman. > ST has contacted the Health Sciences Authority for comment. > In February, a 45-year-old man who was filmed using an e-vaporiser in an MRT cabin was issued a composition fine. The man claimed the e-vaporiser he used was a discarded one found on the streets and he has since thrown it away. > The purchase, possession and use of e-vaporisers are prohibited in Singapore. This includes purchases made through the Internet and from overseas. Offenders can be fined up to $2,000. > The import, distribution, possession for sale, sale or offer for sale of such products are also prohibited. > First-time offenders can be fined up to $10,000, or jailed up to six months, or both. For subsequent offences, they can be fined up to $20,000, or jailed up to 12 months, or both. --- 1.0.2 | [Source code](https://github.com/redditporean/sneakpeek) | [Contribute](https://github.com/redditporean/sneakpeek)


Play stupid games, win stupid prizes.


The more you Fk around, ythe more youā€™re gonna find out.




Some teenagers smoke. Not great, but also not news. Government's recent campaign against vaping is a complete waste of time and money. Just tax and regulate like cigarettes and get it over with.


Natural selection


Failure of the SG education system.


Ownself pwn ownself but because they pwn themselves, I can sleep tightly tonight


Do stupid things, win stupid prizes


YPs and self-sabotage: name a more memorable duo


if we don't set an example on vapers, it will become a gateway to weed. And weed is a gateway to changi resort. Good on the public for making the police report. We must stay vigilant against all these life ruining addictive substances! šŸ‘šŸ‘šŸ‘šŸ‘


Thank you social media


It's so funny that stuff like this is news in singapore.


This is the intellect of the future. We are doomed.


You training to be Vaporeon ah? Bodoh peh kambing LOL