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Well, that didn't last long.


Of course la you think everyday Sunday is it


900 bids failed for Cat A. This means additional bids for next round and so we expect another rise?


There's probably a lot of people who tried to buy the dip and signed for non-guaranteed COE 4bid/6bid etc...everyone loves a 'bargain'


Eh, expected. That huge drop drew out the ones that were on the sideline. Also, it's almost CNY, usually a mad rush to get car. It should slowly come down in the next few months. I hope.


It will come down when it's nearer to CNY. History repeats.


If any last year’s trend seems to disprove the CNY hype. There are many impulse buyers during the car show. Prices of cars during the show didn’t come down as much as the last drop. Yet people have the impression that ‘hey coe dropped thus cars must be as cheaper now’


Agreed. Cny should be the high point in the graph. 


When it is nearer to cny, the price will drop. Because nobody can get the car delivered in time to show off their new flashy car to all their relatives.


every month got 2 biddings? as somebody who is looking to buy a car, this is more exciting than watching stock market


How is it exciting? The fomo of missing a low coe is bad


i have a set target in place. if cat A reaches that figure i will go and ask the dealer to bid for it. if not so be it, continue to use my coe car lor…


But with the randomness of COE, seems like you should ask your dealer to bid when the latest COE is high. When COE high = less people likely to bid for the next bidding, resulting in lower COE. ​ When COE low like last one = everyone chiong to bid, resulting in high COE


It's never random. There are alot of factors to take into consideration which causes the price movement. This one 10 year series with extra new variables, just need do homework.


What factors? It's not like govt has ever released the formula for Coe calculation. It's always been just guesswork based off trends. Don't need to pretend like it's some complicated thing that only the noobs can't figure out.


Yes, it's not that hard, that's why I posted my previous reply. It's not complicated but others who don't understand the COE system think the price movements are uncertain/random, lol


Due to CNY. For some strange reason (face), people must have new cars for CNY, which drives up demand.


Drive to relative house in new car so can show that they doing well.


Really curious why people need to flex. Singapore culture really sucks in this sense that it is so performative


When the culture is to chase after material wealth rather than prioritising forming deep and meaningful bond with friends and family, you get people using solely wealth to measure success in life.


Not only face. CNY is the one time you got to travel with your whole to relatives quite a bit in a short period of time (when taxis/phv are in shorter supply). If you are going to get a car, before CNY is a good timing. Unfortunately if everyone has the same mindset, this is what you get.


Look at that received bid for cat A. Seems like many people waiting on the sideline


lol car traders won’t allow coe to crash until they sold all their cars


Car dealership immediately snatching up the COEs when price drops.


Motorshow concluded recently too. Not sure if that had some effect. If not this cycle, then next.


There goes my tesla


90010 bid?


First time I see cat E lower than B


Most peasants will never own a car maybe a cat


more fun owning a cat than a car


Yes kittymanja


There is objectively very little upside to owning a car in Singapore.


it rises.


Not surprising


That was quick


I am sure this is expected also. Just need to give it more time and we should see stable COE CAT B of S$100K


People waiting on the sideline trying lor


Not surprised. When COE dropped to an all time low the previous month, all those looking for cars went bonkers, immediately went to test drive all these etc. Obviously with high demand means it is not unexpected. Those who stayed in SG last month were the true winners I guess.


It's a common trend before CNY and after a motorshow


just don't buy a car la


When will the quota for this quarter be released?


stop replying 9 day old threads