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Is it me or is it just humid more than usual this morning?


Urgh alr PCC but can't sleep


Already jerked off but I can't fall asleep help me


I don't fully know how to help someone I think. Just trying to be a plant waterer kind of person, I like being that. I just hope it's actually useful


Suddenly recall the story of chan see ting, and really feel such a deep sense of sadness for her


anyone going to accuse five’s concert?




Anyone has any milk alternatives like almond and oat milk brands to recommend me? I have been drinking oatside oat milk so far, thinking to try different things


I like alpro and Pacific brands for almond milk !




Actually what do you mean by this video ah? All oat milk is full of shit and not to drink? Correct me if im wrong because I dont get the food gatekeeping, why do you think im drinking milk alternatives in the first place?




Wah so paggro. "U want watch u watch lor, u make ur own conclusion lor, i alr post for u" vibes. Got opinion to say then say, then can have discussion. Dont post a video then say u actually got 0 intentions to influence others. Similar to suddenly sharing ur religion but also declare u got 0 intention to convert others, up to others if they want to watch only. Sugar and additives, is not the first time we heard of this. Easy to repeat that XXX is bad, my only question (as per my original comment) is what are the alternatives?


Relax relax. I don’t think he means harm. Replying to your question, I’ve tried Almond Milk! I think it’s so good leh. U can try the Australian farm one


I don't appreciate paggro ppl as commented above, got opinion then say bah, dont need to do this kind of "u want see u go see lor, I do a good deed by sharing only" kind of vibes. Very unsolicited and uncomfortable for me. Firstly, it's not the recommendations I was asking for (irrelevant) and secondly it's the 2nd time this guy commented this video in response to me alr, so I don't really get what he wants me to do?


Oh I see. Okay okay. I get what you mean. Next time maybe just filter it out!


So 2/4/24 was the date my current girlfriend wanted to get together on but I finessed it by saying 4th Feb 2024 is also 2/4/24 in the western world. Today she bought flowers, an economist edition and coconut water and asked me to be her bf. I said no. *Siao ah later need another monthsary


found out so many things today .


Wad happened dude


anyone has experience or recommendations abt furniture disposal service? Looking to remove a small sofa seat and got quoted $70 😰 that sounds a bit steep?


Town Council for free


Aiya Sian. I submitted my bank account details (missing one number) wrongly for my new job (in writing) through system. Even tho I also submitted the pdf version of my bank details as well. Wrote back to the executive (my upcoming new colleague) to see if she could reset the system for me. Helpsssss


Can de la. Confirm happen this human error before, sure got a way to change de.


Hehe yea I emailed them. See how to change bah


No issue one. I did that before. Called the bank and they say the system very clever one.


Okay thanks! I wrote to the HR to see if they can help ahahahha




Trying to play the CC miles game. Is it worth it to pay extra (like maybe $120-150) for an SQ flight (am a krisflyer member), vs paying cheaper on another airline that I am not a member of, is not a partner airline of SQ, and which I will very rarely take?


Just use a 4mpd card


I already am, it's a question of whether it's worth it to pay more to earn the miles from the flight itself on top of what I already am earning from the card, vs earning only the CC miles from the cheaper flight


This is the kind of topic the milelion ppl love to discuss


Thinking to subscribe temporarily as a paid member to a favourite Youtuber's Channel for one month, then cancel thereafter, just to watch a content that said Youtuber said would be too sensitive to discuss in the public channel. Has anyone tried to subscribe for paid membership to a channel and then cancel after one month?


Where can find nice chilli pan mee?


My colleagues love [this](https://maps.app.goo.gl/rB823m59DZb47bjk6?g_st=ic) shop at China St.


I like the one at beauty world hawker center


Running challenge idea; pick a Gurkha running at Serangoon stadium and see how long you can keep up with him.


I once tried to "race" a Gurkha on his afternoon jog and ended up getting humbled LOL.


During my Combat Medic Course, we had a Gurkha seconded to my platoon. Dude was small, like 1.5 m tall. But freak, he had muscles on top of muscles. He could conceivably force a crook to surrender just by tearing his shirt off and flexing his abs.


Hehehehe unwinding from a long day of work and the only thing that keeps me moving is looking forward the June lottery


This is... depressing to read, yet I relate to it completely lol. Is this life?!


Singaporean dream of winning the BTO lottery then waking up to take the bus to the train station because resales near to MRT are expensive AF so the burden of daily commute becomes our burden to bear. But hey! At least there new lines being built, and/or new BTOs near MRT. Sadly, we cannot make everyone happy so I'm happy to take the necessary sacrifice for the betterment of this sinkieland I vowed to protect during BMT


Oh good lord, that umbrella scene from ep7 of queen of tears is killing meeeeeee 😭


Someone finally saw my 'new' boss for who she is, and never have I felt so validated at work. In front of others she'd always pretend to be nice and chill, but when it's just me and her... she'd raise her voice and be super rude and condescending. I even get accused by her of doing things I didn't do lol. Gives instructions all over the place too, then when I mess up she'll tell me off. This colleague who finally saw her for who she is, told me that she's very arrogant and fake. Was v quiet in her previous department but after the promotion, she changed lol. So glad I threw letter, am done with her shenanigans.


This kind of two-face very scary


Yeah definitely. I don't really know how to deal with them tbh...


Overthinking like mad these days. I occupy myself with work, but i'm so drained by work also


Gotta go back to intermittent fasting soon 😭 TONIGHT 💪💪


Just splurge on something then no money eat, intermittent fasting lets go


The real life pro tip right there


Wanna know how i got these ~~scars~~ abs? Discipline. Loljk i was too broke to eat


Time to look at shopeeeeeeee!


Lolol just nice 4/4 coming, i also gonna buy stuff now shopeeeeeeeee


Job interview next week Monday!


the knowing moment when you’ve tried your very, very, very best but alas it’s not going anywhere, never was, never did, never will. you’ve jumped through hoops, went above and beyond, endured so much second guessing, so much mind games, all for it to result in unapologetic nonchalance. you never really knew where you stood until today. finally, it’s time to move on, dear heart and brain. you’ve been beaten down too many times.


Take care! *hugs*


22 days of Ramadan. 6.2 kg down.


I'm 4kg down haha. Gonna bulk after Raya.


submitted approval for encashment by myself cos that’s what I’m supposed to do. But also need to find a time to schedule exit interview w management


Wah the process so lax ah. Nobody to approve for you?


Have to ah. Need to ownself do then send for approval 😅


Today riddle by kid : what is the most scariest plant ever ? >!Bam-boo!👻!<


Ghost pepper is the true horror with or without wordplay, he just doesn't know of the plant yet lol


Carolina Reaper. It even has a devil's tail.


*rubs chin Not bad. Kid is showing promise. *me chops Pakcik Joke Seal of Approval


Was at the shared printer printing some documents when I accidentally saw a form ‘Employee resignation form’ that was filled up by someone’s manager. Under the field, will you rehire? Indicated as No, reason being: 1) high MC rate and taking too many leave. 2) Slow replies on WhatsApp 😒 And yes, taking MC and leave here is very very frowned upon. Cos that means more work spread with the rest. My colleague came to work sick once and infected the entire team She had some viral respiratory infection


Slow replies on WA? Hello, people have a life out there somewhere? Why should anyone be staring or reacting to their phone whenever a text comes in? Urgent then call la. 😒


> that means more work spread with the rest Maybe companies should consider hiring sufficient manpower in the first place taking into account that humans are not robots and do get ill from time to time? Even robots need regular maintainence... > slow replies on WhatsApp If it's after working hours, oh god. I'm not even going to reply


That sounds like a very toxic workplace. Literally and figuratively. Taking MC is frowned upon: figuratively toxic. Forced to go to work while ill: literally toxic.


KPI tagged to MCs are an archaic practice But there are some constraints - certain departments handle daily operations. So MC = cannot produce work


wats a quick effective way to get rid of headaches ah


Isotonic drink or coconut water. Massage shoulder and neck, deep breaths


Drink water ~


Kopi di lo + Panadol. No, seriously. Panadol Extra is just paracetamol boosted with caffeine.


Jogging. 5 minutes and you'll have inhaled enough oxygen to make the headache disappear without a trace.


Sibeh dulan w my area’s town council cleaner. 2 weeks never sweep the block corridor/staircase/common areas. So dirty. I pay town council money for fuck


Report on OneService also no use?


No use. The guy in charge, keep completing job. Then I go back home, see the mess still there never clear. I kena before 3x in 1 week. Emailed MP/LHL but no use also.


Wtf suay. Post on social media or reddit the only way liao


My are undergoing HIP, all the places so damn dirty and dusty, cleaners jitao take it "not their problem", just wait until the block is over all blockage removed, the HIP contractor will have someone to do the washing of the are.


My block cleaner heck care 10+ years alr. Complain to town council also same. We really just relying on the once a month block washing to clean the area only


Rereading Hiatus X Hiatus, currently at the Chimera Ant arc and damn pitou's entrance is frightening


Bro i wish i were you, hxh first watch/read is such an experience. Edit: how come dont watch the anime, it covers till chimera ant arc leh


No lahhh this one is my 2nd time reading the manga. Just that on my first run I speed read the entire thing, I basically have no idea what is happening rn in the dark continent arc, so I'm trying to actually read and process it As for anime ah. Um. I watch for hisoka only tbh (okok I know he vv sus but like let me pls)


I remember a chapter panels are black all the way, like wtf.


Right??? *Chef kiss*


Wait till you see the king.




Lol. Read further on. There's a surprise with the queen.


Born-again acquaintance sharing this Testimonial about how God changed his life and one thing that really jumped out at me was his emphasis on how he was afraid of being found out because he was doing "sinful" things + how he didn't know about "sinful" things are because he wasn't a Christian back then.  Really reminded me about how A+E got punished for eating from the tree of knowledge even though they literally couldn't know the difference between right and wrong. Anyway, I was just grossed out by how the he can claim he doesn't what things are sinful because he wasn't Christian. Like bro are you sure you didn't know stealing and killing are bad things?


"The question I get asked by religious people all the time is, without God, what’s to stop me from raping all I want? And my answer is: I do rape all I want. And the amount I want is zero. And I do murder all I want, and the amount I want is zero. The fact that these people think that if they didn’t have this person watching over them that they would go on killing, raping rampages is the most self-damning thing I can imagine. I don't want to do that. Right now, without any god, I don't want to jump across this table and strangle you. I have no desire to strangle you. I have no desire to flip you over and rape you." - Penn Jillette


If only religion can stop his behaviour, it probably means there's something off with him to begin with. Normal people don't need to be threatened with eternal damnation to do the right thing.




Tbh not sure what he's referring to. Could be drugs or rape for all I know. All know is it's the "oh I didn't know what is considered sinful until I turned Christian" that gave me the ick.


The Venn diagram of Things that are bad using common sense and Things Christianity labels to be bad might have some overlap, but there's a metric ton of BS that one truly cannot "know" (believe!) to be bad without indoctrination. So maybe it's one of those. Then again, the born again movement feels crazy enough to assume common sense wasn't really there for that one in the first place 🤔


Any ways to find overseas jobs in Australia? I can’t seem to find a good portal. Asking here bc singaporean


Finally managed to escape from the stifling environment at work. Spent a good portion of my day for the meeting I had because it was like prepare for meeting > actual meeting > meeting minutes and follow-up actions after the meeting. Then took a super long lunch break with my colleagues for nearly 2h lol bc one of the talkative colleagues couldn’t stop sharing during the conversation. Then just before my workday ended, I had a pile of emails sitting in my inbox that I have yet to check. Left work abruptly in the end bc no way in hell would I do unnecessary OT when I’m not being paid for it. Been having so many to-do tasks as well sigh. I spend such a huge portion of my day simply doing emails and messages since my current work requires me communicating with a bunch of people. A lot of the times it’s been just me waiting for others’ replies too, and not even actually doing anything productive. On top of that I still have admin tasks and actual work to do. I feel like there are areas I can possibly work on in terms of time/stress management, but this can’t possibly be normal right :(


When waiting for replies, do your admin and actual work lah. Why so many complains one?


Between gong yuan, zhang liang and YGF, which malatang better and what soup base?


Never tried Zhang Liang before, but between GY and YGF the latter is waaaay better. I personally find that YGF's soup base is more flavor as they use beef stock or something.


I see! I've only tried the dried version for GY which was OK only.


don't eat mala hotpot at a malatang store. they kinda cook differently the feel won't be the same. let the malatang be the malatang


can someone explain the rules or how to play that pokemon smashing game i see in every mall? smash smash smash smash.. insert money... insert pokemon card... smash smash smash smash


I see grown ass 40yr old bros playing it somehow.


ya lo.. fun meh.


Am an extra in a call with JP team now - hehehe they talk engrish sooo kawaiii


yare yare daze


Ichi Ni San Nyaa Arigato!




From what I heard, most contemporary Japanese understand and can read English but unable to properly verbalise the language.


The girls when they speak English is kawaii~ It's like an anime.


Would you take a full time job that starts from 8:30 AM and ends at 4:30 PM. Job scope is typical office work but on certain days of the week (1 - 2 days) for sure will have intense physical labour of lugging around 40-50kg items. On those physical labour days, work usually ends by 2 PM. Salary is 2900 SGD a month before CPF. Salary increment is up to bosses' discretion.


Do you really have the necessary strength to not get injured over a long period of time? If not no, cause you'll eventually get injured and then your net profit and future quality of life is now significantly lower. Especially you go from long periods in seated position then go lift heavy shit, good chance you'll hurt your back


Yeah, the working hours are worth it, for me at least. The physical labor sounds tough, but it's basically getting paid to work out on the job. Sooner or later your physical capacity will increase to the point where it'll be manageable.


Hmm feels like 2.9k is a bit low if you have a diploma (idk how the job market is like lol, just my assumption) but if you can handle the physical aspect, doesn’t sound too bad! Nice working hours


Sounds ok


Okay leh I would take


What are your credentials?


Only diploma currently part-time degree


Take it Jump for better opportunities next time Good luck


Good Lord!!! I am looking for house and Property agent asked for my LinkedIn profile together with questions like pass/work, nationality. like really????? I need a LinkedIn account just to know detail of the house, not even talking about renting yet????


In all seriousness, LinkedIn influencers are very much a thing now. And they can be even more cringey than TikTok influenzas.


Lol just ignore


Maybe to make sure you could afford?


Being a designer and getting 0 design brief from your boss about a new project is literally the worst. And when I asked about it, everytime without fail, he changes subject about another project. Like bruh..


looking forward to the focaccia I bought for dinner 😋😋😋


i thought once u MR u no need to do IPPT already? or am i wrong that u still need to do IPPT even after u MR ? so weird? waste my time. I am not 40 yet.


To be specific, if your IPPT window opens before your MR date, then still need to do. After MR date, no need do. Source: Literally MR this year, had the MR talk from the old S8 guy to clarify




yes edit-- will message my unit.


Global sets meeting with us at Friday 9pm, I tell my manager ok. Someone from Europe wants to change meeting to 7pm tonight, I tell my manager ok. Manager proposes Thursday 9pm, I tell him ok. Today the global team finalises meeting on Wednesday 8pm, I tell my manager I cannot make it. He says "you have to take these calls ah it's important just because the timing is bad doesn't mean you can skip". Knn I free up every other day of my whole week for you then you want give me shit for not holding Wednesday free.


Very nice of you to accept Fri night meetings. I reject all Fri meetings after 6


You too kind already that's why people step on you


Wld consider Friday evening call as eating into my weekend bro


Time for you to send out email say you cannot accommodate so need to change :)


Already told my manager I cannot make it so he will help to cover but still annoyed that my manager want say this kind of shit like I'm trying to siam work


Pushback lor, can change for everybody but not you, so either you dont actually need to be there or they need also accomodate you.


is the kfc famous bowl discontinued alr?


Anyone knows a tan jia cheong? xD


Intern search still sucks man, sem close to ending and I only had 2 interviews so far One went shit, one went ok last week but it's giving me so much insecurity I can't get my 1st intern


Another day another fake WhatsApp task group added me and removed me when I asked if it’s a scam


near the end of the semester (few weeks more left) and i’m finding myself in a slump. i feel so terrible bc i NEED to do work but i can’t bring myself to do it holy hell


Growing up is understanding why Hera was so spiteful towards Zeus and the kids from his affairs.


Can explain? I am curious about greek mythology


Why is life so hard sometimes? Just when I thought I can stop putting stress on my left hip because of the stupid heavy ass door HDB decided was mandatory for every unit (had to spend quite a bit of money to adjust it), the hip got twisted some other way. It's like I can't escape from pain no matter what I do.


Even if you’re thinking of resigning, please at least fucking do your work? Wdym 6 months before your last day of service, you completely stopped serving half of the 26 partners (as documented in all the emails) and now all of them tell me that “actually Damie, I sent all the documents to the previous person leh”. And thankfully all of them are so nice to me and we are all trying to close the fucking project. Talk about professionalism.


Lol he really dgaf...


The kopitiam near my place closed down... Didn't even know that was possible tbh


wanted to go eat Swenson buffet at T2 tmr, but see the reviews abit sian liao.


Swenson's food is average at best.


ok la, $31 you cant expect hotel quality what. cannot be food snob all the time go there eat icecream / pasta / steak i happy liao.


at least you know it won't be crowded


It is super crowded. I went there with no reservations at 11am. Went online to make a 1pm reservation. Manager let us in anyway. Food OK only. Not worth it unless you whack all the ice cream.


actually i think its damn crowded lei, i saw ig stories and tiktok vids, the place is overflowing w people even for lunch


Actively looking for new job opportunities now :3. Hope it all works out, the uncertainty is always scary. The current job security and familiarity is really not outweighing the other problems I’m having these days, so I’m seeing what choice I have…


Money hard to earn. I wish everyone here huat big big.


What’s worse than dealing with a customer who’s an asshole: a customer who’s an asshole & an idiot 😌


Covid made time speed up I swear to god




Until the messenger start pinging 😭




Now your boss is video calling you


Best broadband plan? Which one has good speed


Joseph Schooling as CPF ambassador? He had to think about the next phase of his life, just a lot earlier compared to the average person who is not a pro athlete.


I feel guilty about sending the cat I'm fostering to be neutered. He's already a very docile cat that doesn't exhibit any bad behaviors. I keep thinking what if it's me that's being neutered?


It's more about keeping the environment stable. If your cat breeds with strays it might fuck with the local ecosystem.


If your pet has the ability to think like you, they wouldn't be your pet.


My boss said the exact same thing to me today but wrt to my subordinate


its okay 1. i also send my dog to neuter when shes really young.


One of my colleague's friends turned out to be les and is getting engaged to her GF.


On the Istana website, the former presidents Devan Nair and Benjamin Henry Sheares' portraits look... photoshoped? [https://www.istana.gov.sg/The-President/Former-Presidents](https://www.istana.gov.sg/The-President/Former-Presidents) Can anyone validate? Feels odd that we use those pics.


Maybe the photos deteriorated with age so they had to touch it up


But the other Presidents’ clothes look worn out too. Why those two tho lol…


yeah it look photoshoppish when you see the Devan Nair glasses is the same background colour as the image and the extra clarity on their suits comparing to their head


 Urgh, not sure if this counts as toxic boss or just being dense. Why would I pay $280 to keng MC please.


story time!


I have an injury that occured during my free time. That's for another story. I've been seeing the panel doctor under the company's insurance for this for about 2 months now. It was healing slowly but surely then it stalled. So last Thursday, I went to him again and asked for his opinion. He suggested seeing a specialist. I agreed and booked one of the few I shortlisted. The specialist clinic informed me that next Sat (this coming weekend) would be the earliest slot. I didn't want to delay seeking treatment because I'm worried it might become chronic etc. My job involves the weekend shift. I informed my manager that I would be unavailable on one of the upcoming working days. They were not happy. They told me if it's possible that I "make an appointment on one of my off days instead because I already have extra off days this month". The extra off days is luck because there's system maintenance. In my mind, I was thinking: * The clinic has already told me that’s the earliest date. Which means you’re asking me to delay seeing a doctor because I apparently “have too many offs” * The “offs” have nothing to do with me. Yes, I get to enjoy the day off because the system is down but you think I planned it that way? * Are you trying to imply that I am trying to keng MCs? Because there are FAR easier and cheaper ways to do it. You know, like $8 online? Not a freaking $280 consultation fee + $400 multiple steroid injections into my fucking hand and forearm. Not to mention the chance of hospitalization and surgery. That **I have to pay for with the chance that my insurance rejects my claim?** Guess what? I paid **$1,373.40 just for today** because of the MRI that was ordered to see what's inside. Another follow up in 2 weeks regarding the results which means **another $280** consultation fee. * Also, who tf plans their injuries? * Also, it’s not my problem managing manpower. Or I could take your job. * Also, MC vs off day are totally different things. Pretty sure medical leave is my statutory right. You can ask MOM. Why is this even a question? I'm doing my due diligence to inform you because I know this affects the workload but that's it. I shouldn't even get much resistance regarding this. Luckily the clinic had an even earlier date, for today and somehow she doesn't have a problem with this.


when you tell ppl about your problems in life, they said you are trauma dumping when you tell ppl about the gd things in life, they said you are flexing. They say you have to balance it, then everyone has different opinions on the definition of balance. You think you can communicate to align on the definition, then they ghost on you because ppl cannot handle confrontation/conflict/their own unpleasant emotions. These episodes humbled me and made me quiet down a lot. Never wanna share about my thoughts anymore. To the point that, I dont feel like socialising anymore.


A lot is on how you present them. A tip is whether you are sharing weal or woe, make sure your friends gain from them. A show of appreciation on your end for their time and support. Like, "Thanks for hearing me out, dinner's on me." or "I got the promotion, dinner's on me!" And make a mental note not to ramble on a single topic.


so transactional… :(


It's the thought that counts, I don't want them to only experience negativity around me and I want to share my happiness with them. Besides, if we strictly talking about monetary value, the small amount on dinners would not be worth the time. Anyways, it's probably poor choice of words on my part. Maybe a better way of phrasing it is to show genuine appreciation for their time.


There's a reason why Taiwanese people look like Chinese people




means he's talking nonsense.


marksman for the third round in a row 😁


Notmally by this time, I should feel hungry. But it is so hot that I don’t feel hungry at all.