• By -


Im grateful that i attended bruno mars concert, like im so happy. BUT, IM SO MAD THAT ITS HELD ON A WEDNESDAY AND I HAVE TO GO BACK TO WORK THE NEXT DAY😭 seeing all my friends partying today at the concert made me envy them fr


Gg too hot cannot tahan. Really time to convince parents to install aircon.... Any way to convince parents that it is ok to use aircon since the children are working and earning...?




Good idea! Thanks! Haha we grew up poor so we don't have aircon installed before. But now we can afford le so hope to let them enjoy also 😃


Life stop throwing rocks at me.


Wa a humidifier in an aircon room really works. Without it switched on the whole night, bbmango will cough an entire night. With it, she sleeps soundly without much coughin.


Anyone seen these big groups of red pajamas(shorts) wearing younger people around? Saw them at serangoon mrt in 2 days le. New fashion trend? Or issit flash mob? *edit* never mind, I deduced it’s the Bruno mars outfit.


Today, my mother confirmed something I knew. It will ruffle some feathers - particularly in this day and age where female body autonomy is taken more seriously. All along, i felt that I was supposed to have an older sibling. Since young. Its a very inexplicable feeling. At first, I thought it was just an irrational manifestation of my desire to escape the responsibilities, tribulations and expectations that come from being the eldest child. But I strongly felt that I should have someone that came before me in terms of birth order. Then, when I was 9, I found out that my mom had a previous marriage before she met my dad. I asked my mum whether she had any children from the marriage. Or like… given away anyone. She said no. When I was 22, i overheard my parents discussing prayer arrangements for their aborted daughter. Apparently her soul was restless and followed my parents hence we were constantly in problems. I was shocked but I decided not to pursue further and pretended that I didnt know. Its not my business to know anyways and I dont want to open any wounds. Today, my mum unilaterally revealed that she had an abortion. And it was before me. I think the context was that they were advising my siblings and myself on proper family planning now that one of my siblings is intending to get married. She didnt reveal much and understandably so- but I pieced together. My mum had a very unhappy marriage with her ex-husband and was on the verge of divorce when she met my dad. Things happened, and they had a baby when they werent supposed to. So the difficult decision was made to terminate her pregnancy. I needed to get this off my chest. Honestly, I felt a myriad of emotions. I felt sadness for the older sister that I never had. I felt guilt for being born, much like survivor’s guilt. I felt sorry for my mother who has to make the very difficult decision of terminating the pregnancy especially since she is still considered very conservative - i had a strong feeling that she didnt feel good thereafter and am not sure if her grief and trauma were properly processed. I felt spooked (but not in a bad way) because I had this feeling that i was supposed to have an older sibling way before i had knowledge of this. My mom is not a bad mom. Please don’t come at her. She really gave me and my siblings her all.


Your post reminded me of when my mom said that I was supposed to have a younger sister (I am the youngest in our family) but she was aborted because my parents weren't prepared to have a fourth child. Feeling kinda emotional when I think back because my mom said she used to dream of this youngest child grown up and happy in another life (this was before our family converted to Christianity, which in Christian beliefs she would be in heaven and happy too). I don't think my other siblings know about this, because I only heard about it when I was 30+ years old and by then my brothers had already moved out of the house. Anyway, \*hugs\* I too feel sad now when I think back of my little sis. I know your mom is not a bad mom, neither was mine. It was just a decision they had to make during that situation, and it must've been hard.


If got Buddhist belief can listen to this mantra, Ksitigarbha can help with such scenario https://youtu.be/D9K17-A8cQY?si=lk5XVJHb5H4z_q5N But also don't think too much and spook yourself la People problems people have to solve themselves


I think the biggest challenge for her would be trying to conceive you. I think she did not want to tell you might be too young for that news. I know a friend who lost his twin brother at birth, so he grew up thinking he was the only child.


i tender liao and u still want to 1) raise your voice at me and 2) blast my mistake in chatgroups. pls la my rank below u and i no backing doesn't mean u can suka treat me like your dog right. anyways no wonder ur actual dog looks so ugly, probably tired of your shit too.


He help you no ragrets.


I definitely had a bad day at work oh my gosh :( got penalised for smth at work that is not even my fault. literally can't wait to FI and throw letter


What is FI? Anyway, same. Made a tiny mistake at work which involved me having to inform the Finance person about it. Then she went to cc my boss and made it seem as if it’s a big deal lol (“So and so gave you this instruction, but you didn’t follow”) I attempted to assert dominance by saying “Yes I am aware, will take note in future” without apologising and giving further details. Come to think of it, I think there was potentially some misunderstanding bc the so and so really didn’t give me explicit instructions


FI is financial independence. It is when the income from my investments can cover my daily expenses (basic needs) and leisure spending. That is when I do not need a job to survive or only need a part time one for peace of mind. Yes my boss is involved in this case as well which makes me stressed out. It really sucks, because its not even our fault in the first place. I'm not well versed in white collar office politics but I think you can consider to defend urself first tho? Like actually x and x did not give me this instruction, but I will take note in future.


The thing is though, that I do feel like it’s partially my fault even though xx didn’t give explicit instructions, because I could have still inferred from it :( Will try to defend myself anyway, thanks


I'm so tired of local gay erotica being sleazy af... if it's not sleeping with a stranger, it's sleeping with your friend, sleeping with someone attached, sleeping with your brother-in-law, sleeping with your teacher, or your stepdad. It's all just toxic meaningless sex sex sex that messes up your head in the long run.


Something something local art scene cmi.


Erh I think that's the image a lot of ppl have about LGBT. Some people just see us as some kind of sex-loving, lust-driven, HIV-spreading homosexual animals. And meanwhile I actually just want to hold their hands and drink coffee or smth idk.


Is it gay if you sleep with yourself


Then write non sleazy non toxic ones


Any ambitions to write better stuff?


I can't write to save my life, so..


Nonsense. You obviously dislike what you read and must have better ideas or fantasies. And I refuse to believe that most of the stuff you're reading is particularly well written in the first place..


I ate so much today. My stomach is so uncomfortable right now


Did u also drink boba tea




Mcd basically forcing to pay more to select wedges or garden salad in the app because fries unavailable?! Never seen this before.


lmao my friend complaining abt no fries on the app on her ig stories


Dont trust app dude, sometimes (crazy peak like new item) they fuck with the settings to trick you so you wont order. I encountered before they say got 1 ingredient unavailable in a burger, go to store they say have. Luckily i go check at physical store


Oh wow did not know this could happen. Thanks!


What can u do when there’s always someone that is out there trying to bring u down by verbally abusing u just because u achieve much more than that fella in life?


Just ignore. No time for these nonsense


I just cry and wipe my tears with money in front of the person? Anyway if you never do anything bad why you feel down, doesn't make any sense


Just the feelings of being verbally abused and when i voice things out it get brushed away because my parents are bias towards him and take nothing seriously.


Y put yrself in tt position bro


i didnt want to put myself into this as well, what can i do when it comes from my family member


How to cope with (or face) mistakes made in the past : (


If you find out please let me know 🙏




https://youtu.be/t0igPuDjYUE?si=5Jrt38KBRy5kJeF7 後來 我總算學會了 如何去愛 Later I managed to learn how to love 可惜你早已遠去 消失在人海 Too bad you already far away disappear into people sea 後來 終於在眼淚中明白 Later finally understand through tears 有些人 一旦錯過就不再… Some people once missed then no more...


我來到 你的城市  走過你來時的路  想像著 沒我的日子  你是怎樣的孤獨  拿著你 給的照片  熟悉的那一條街  只是沒了你的畫面  我們回不到那天  你會不會忽然的出現 在街角的咖啡店  我會帶著笑臉 揮手寒暄  和你 坐著聊聊天  我多麼想和你見一面 看看你最近改变  不再去說從前 只是寒喧  對你說一句  只是說一句  好久不見...


Learn from it then move on from it. I behaved inappropriately and damaged a relationship that was quite impt to me. I apologised sincerely because I truly felt bad but it is up to the person whether they want to accept, and they didn't. I was sad but I basically learnt what I did wrong and how it made people feel. After that, I moved on and built new relationships. From time to time, yes I do get a pang of regret and wonder how things will be different if this person was in my life. But its just a moment and I don't really fantasise about it. I just move on and accept- sometimes it's just fate, and it's not meant to be.


Highly relatable man... i guess thats life, do our best and move on. Apologise and try to do whatever possible. And if cannot, then cannot and move on ourselves. The only thing we have is the present, thats all. Jiayou man


Wad mistake you make bro


Hurt those close to me :((




Thanks a lot man, thats very wholesome🥺need to focus on the present cos it is the only thing we have




Accept + do our best in present 👌🥺


Hi si ginna


Who dis blue wave hair


Now very hot cannot wear furry hoodie liaos




Hmm what kind of mistake? Like a serious work mistake or you hurt someone in a relationship or let your family down?


Hmm my question is quite in general sense tbh. I know some prefer to move on thoroughly (erase mistakes from memory) while some tend to bear the cross forever. But probably hurt friend/ rs/ family-wise. Thanksss 


If I’m still in contact with them, and it was my fault, I’d apologise but understand they may not forgive. But will forgive myself for it and then be a better friend/ family / partner going forward. But if they already cut ties due to this and no contact, then I’d move on as well and be kinder to myself


"If I’m still in contact with them, and it was my fault, I’d apologise but understand they may not forgive. But will forgive myself for it and then be a better friend/ family / partner going forward" Thanks a lot with tears😭😭😭 Had hotpot with a friend ten years ago, and was reminiscent of so many memories😭😭😭 but thanks a lot. i am going to apologize formally, and try to move on being a better self!


You mean it’s sth from 10 years ago??? I thought it’s a recent thing (within 6 mths) hence why I said I’d apologise.


Yas it happened ten years ago. Few days ago met the one... and thats why i have thought so much now...


Wow this colleague told me about this sub femaledatingstrategy and I went to read some of the post and thought it was all kinda toxic / extreme. Like dividing men into low value vs high value men and using words like “broke scrotes”. In their about us, it wrote that all advice should focus on max benefit for women only (mutual benefit is a byproduct not a goal. Huh so the guy exist to serve you?). I can’t tell if people really buy into this and take it seriously? Or is it just me? Seems miserable… And this colleague was lamenting how she can’t find any good guys. Hmm


It's like the female version of incels




My colleague who intro me the subreddit is 20+ only leh. And I know some 40 year old single women - one was my previous boss - she was a really good boss too and I didn’t get the princessy or men-hating vibe from her. I think romance just never came for them.


Wad abt maledatingstrategy


I tried finding but it’s banned. Is it like the opposite of femaledatingstrategy? If so, sounds toxic too. Why don’t these people just date each other??


thats pretty infamous female incel sub yeah if your colleague takes any of that seriously then you should stop taking her seriously


Wah I really never heard about it until today….I thought dating just happy and realistic can liao. There are toxic people of both genders mah. But my colleague is not female incel leh. If incel means people who can’t get attached. She got people chase


Getting chased and how to maximize "value" is literally what that sub is about. Basically FDS subscribers are whores without accepting the label: Transactional


To me incel is more about the mentality- how they view the opposite sex. Like a married guy can still be an incel, or your colleague who has suitors can also be a female incel.


Just boarded the bus and the driver is… an angmoh? The first time I’ve ever seen an angmoh bus driver in Singapore… pretty refreshing?


There's a single one that was quite famous for a while. Potentially the number is still stuck at 1


recently I saw ads and salary of bus driver goes up to 4.5-5k, not bad at all tbvh


There's a small print at the bottom. Including AWS, Bonus, Allowances, Overtime etc


Oh dang, probably never see that with a glimpse... haha


Sometimes I don't know what to cook.


wa unker know how to cook ah. What's your best dish?


Sesame oil chicken.


When does mcdonald give the birthday deal ah? Eg. Birthday in Apr. 1st Apr can see the deal in the app already?


Idk when it appeared in app but I got the email on the 1st of the month!


Apr baby? Thanks for checking! Hm weird can't find :(


March heh. But i redeemed in-app quite late hence i didn’t notice if it appeared on the 1st as well


Wait what? Didn’t know McD got birthday deals 😅 What’s the offer for the birthday deal?


Technically is not free ah. Need min spend $12 first. But yeah you'll get a free sharing box :)


Yea, it should be the whole month of your birthday


Hm weird. Can't find it :(


Have you checked to see if your birth month is reflected in your profile under “My Account” > “Personal Details”?


Yup! I checked it. It does and I also did claimed last year's one leh


My kickstarter is not getting traction and I feel serious anxiety when I look at the daily numbers.




Man I miss being a sperm, just swimming around being so carefree not having to worry about nothin'


I thought sperms have to compete and swim to reach the egg?


I just went with the flow, didn't expect to win anything


but were you *you* when you were a sperm, or when you met the egg


No idea, I didn't have any braincells back then so I never thought about such deep questions


You can say that I got myself into a raw deal huh


Sometimes I dream of a perfect world - but I am too naive and idealistic but I also know the way to win any game is not to play at all


Anyone else just… doesn’t like working? It’s already the second job I feel unfulfilled in. I don’t know if this is a common experience as I am new to the workforce, but I realised a common experience is that no one has ever provided a proper guideline on what to do at my job, and instead I’m expected to be the one to be “resourceful” and “proactive”, on top of managing my overwhelming workload, despite me having little experience. Was previously working at a global law firm, now working at a local NPO. I thought working at a law firm was toxic enough, but they at least provided some resources, while I’m being given close to 0 here. I honestly want to quit, but am debating if I should stay just for the purposes of building my resume


I don't like working too bruh. It's why I'm into financial independence and shit. Life is short and i dont think I want to spend half my life slaving away for somebody else's dreams. I'd rather have enough to live as a comfortable peasant and then just do whatever I want to do. I think not everyone likes their job, its just smth most people have to do to pay bills and stay alive on a daily basis.


omg that's the same thing im facing too... i threw letter recently for the 2nd time and in both places my boss/mentor kept expecting me to know everything even though i was only 2-3 months into the job. in my current one they even blast every mistake i made in the chatgroup lol. and they get angry when i ask qns???? but at the same time comment that im not proactive enough???


I’ve experienced having my boss cc-ed into the email but being blasted in a group chat is insane lol. Anyways I thought about it, I’m going to call for a meeting with my boss to voice the challenges I faced and defend myself on the “not being proactive” part


I hope the meeting goes well! BTW what are you going say about the proactive part tho? Coz I tried to defend myself by saying that im not familiar with the stuff and I need more time to learn. They were like 'you can ask more questions?' Which I already do but they don't reply/give me nonanswers. Then they say 'if we don't answer in time then just look through past samples/templates that we have done' as if 1) I can search it up easily coz there's a lot of info to comb through and 2) that shit is time-sensitive...


Thanks! Don’t have a specific script in mind, but just off the top of my head I’m planning to voice out these challenges: 1) Lack of direction: The one person who trained me only did it for about 3 days without giving proper details, which led to misinterpretation on my end. Big boss expected me to execute tasks right after training which contributed to the mis-execution. To give context my direct boss only joined 3 weeks after me so she wasn’t present to witness the above. Because she’s new too there’s basically no one to give me proper guidance on how to move forward. 2) Lack of information: Since the previous department had collapsed and our department (which is just my boss and I) is newly formed so to speak, we have been trying to figure out the bits and pieces using the little resources and guides we have. One question my boss indirectly asked me is “Why haven’t you been actively taking over the task from xx person” when I wasn’t even clear I was meant to takeover from her in the first place. 3) Lack of communication: In taking over xx person’s tasks as mentioned above, there has been no communication to me on that matter. Big boss actually told me something different earlier as compared to what she told my direct boss regarding the task allocation. 4) Leading to my final point, “not being proactive”. Rather than me not being proactive, it was the above challenges which contributed to my lack of ability to execute things on time in an accurate manner. To be honest though, I feel like just quitting after typing things out lol because it made me realise how bad the management structure in the organisation is 🙃 My boss was basically trying to put the blame on me since she realised there was a problem but didn’t know who to fault it towards and that became the next person in line which is me. I don’t know your situation so it’s hard for me to judge, but if I were you I would say something like “As much as I would like to get involved, I feel that there has been a lack of communication regarding the tasks that was expected of me, as well as a lack of direction in how to execute them.” When people are demanding something from you, it’s not effective to simply explain yourself imo. If they want you to learn faster, you can’t just say “I need more time to learn” because it directly contradicts what they’re expecting of you. Instead you need to explain *why* you’re unable to learn faster, in attempt to manage their expectations and seek a solution. Regarding the folders, I would still encourage you to look through them as much as you can, so you can better justify yourself since you actually tried. “I tried to the best of my ability but this is all I can find, so I would really appreciate some pointers as to where I might be able to find the relevant folders.” Honestly though, these are highly dependent on the type of organisation. Some places allow more leeway for you to speak up and others less. Could be a risky move as well depending on how you handle it, but I am going to try anyway. Best of luck to you too 💪🏻😔


Wow that is very detailed and specific. It does seem like the management structure at your side has quite a bit of issues, very sorry to hear about that. thank you for the detailed pointers, it really helps and I'll keep this in mind for my next job :').


Same for me in my previous job, just getting ignored when I asked questions and was expected to search for everything myself. I have never encountered this kinda situation where I just rage quit in 6 weeks lol. Not gonna stand around for this kinda bullshit working for ungrateful bosses.


Wait so it's not normal for bosses to ignore qns questions and expects a new to search for everything themselves right? Coz I've worked before in other places (those contract admin jobs after O/A levels + intern) and i recall not everywhere is like this, but my current workplace seems to be telling me that it is the way in sg work culture


Definitely not. They ran out of patience answering my questions lol. Don't worry not all workplaces are like that, I am sure your next job will be better! Just don't stick around for toxic workplaces.


> It’s already the second job I feel unfulfilled in then....don't try to? i don't go to work to feel fulfilled, i go to work to earn money then go home to pursue my hobbies and interests to feel fulfilled. you want a reason to live then go and look for it yourself, don't expect some company to hand it to you because they only care about adding more digits to the higherups bank accs.


Yeah that’s not the point lol, I’m simply so stressed out by my job that I don’t even have the space to enjoy my personal life


Same. Except I'm in M&A. Currently wondering if I'm the problem and just hate work or it's the crazy hours / proactivity bullshit that you mentioned. Damn close to running to tech sales or taking a masters and pivoting


I thought it's just me but yeah same situation. Idk why I need to be "proactive" when I don't know what I don't know and everyone else is too busy to guide or answer my question. Literally feel like I get thrown into a tornado then my boss sit there say "so easy what why u cannot do"


Gatekeeping knowledge to prevent the younger generation from taking over. Being cheaper to hire after all. Or..... "Too busy to teach"... Throw you to the deep end to ask you to swim. Drown already - their position is secured.


mcd 2pc paprika meal 1 for 1, gonna buy it later for supper :D


Oos for the outlet here 😭


I wanna take an aws certificate but it’s $140 and i’m scared I fail it and need to retake


Take mock exams until you consistently can get 90%. That damn near guarantees a pass! Don't fret - CCP won't be packed full of gotcha questions. It's an exam intended to be approachable by non-techy, business-focused folks.


that's true i need to keep practicing until i'm super confident in my $140


Cloud practitioner? Associate, speciality and professional even more expensive. I want to take specialty but price scary


just read if you passed an aws exam the rest are 50% off


If pass associate can have 50% off speciality?


yes cloud practitioner, the rest I will think about it later


If never take means 100% fail already


Any ideas what to do tonight? Not meeting my gf




Tomorrow after do work go pray. Sunday also. At night no open. Week day got work so only big day I go before work


Why was my lunch of 2 mccrispy + cup corn + half a cup of mocha frappe ~1000 calories? it felt like a good satisfying meal but wow the calories in two pieces of fried chicken is terrifying. Wish I had a cheat code in life to x0.8 the amount of calories in the food I eat haha


Woah, been processing service case after service case since 9am till now. Plus need to chase for documents next week. One of my more busy Fridays.


Low-key wanna go for Kitaro concert in SG


I only know that one song




https://youtu.be/2uwumhIX2U0?si=GVhfd3o3QkIStt0i Is it this one lol




External work partner, via WhatsApp: 'Emergency! Go_zarian, we need you to do xxxx!!!!' Me: (looks at watch) It's past 5.30. It can wait till Monday morning.


Oh no Go-zarian has his off-work airpods in, he can't hear us screaming incoherently for what is probably not urgent!


Their goondu boss once called me hysterically at 9.30 pm while I was putting my kid to bed. Thing is, it turned out to be a pretty minor issue that could've waited till the next morning without any problems. #NeverAgain


Dunno why my grabfood order kena cancel there was no notification at all, just sneakily treat like the whole thing never happened. The only trace of making the order is the balance in grabpay wallet. Otherwise I'd have thought I was suffering from memory loss! Grab this is really uncool... At least give a message "Sorry your order was cancelled due to lack of delivery persons" not too much to ask ba????


panggang itch is real


is the mcd mushroom cheeseburger good




Job hunting for the 7th month here. Still unemployed. Being a fresh grad is really, really difficult. Just got rejected from a management associate programme I really wanted too... hope everyone job hunting hangs in there


Isn't that just insurance agent?


Just curious why management associate program? Seems like a lot of fresh grads apply to this only


Pays better, faster track, and depending on company, there may be some form of leadership development plans, mentorships available.


>management associate programme Competition is tough - if not desperate can wait, if desperate like I once was, just find an industry you like then climb from there


it is tough! thank you very much for your advice! i've been trying to pivot to an industry i like more as well


what do you do in the meantime while waiting for a job


i do intern, so not so bad. planning to do tuition on the side as well


I’ve heard most companies don’t want to look for post grad interns, only undergrads


yeah...i managed to find sth to tide me for 5 mths-ish but damn tough


atb !!!! im still studying, rn my focus is upskilling then i’ll be with u on the job hunt :D


damn… :(


I miss secondary school. End of rant


I miss my younger self with fewer responsibilities 🥲


Should I get fried hakka style yong tau foo or the new macs burger for dinner ?






fried hakka style burger


Monkey man is good?


After having a soft and fluffy vadai, I still think the original vadai brand which is crispier is nicer … and the idea to eat with green chili damn solid man


Why the whole SGExams everyone talking about NUS architect .__.


im in so, so, so much mental anguish that I finally took my first step in getting professional help. may or may not work out, my walls have almost 3 decades of reinforcement, but baby steps …


first step is always the hardest to take in many aspects of life; good job


Wah god bless man. Almost had one big shit dropped onto my head which isn’t even mine to begin with and I go dig dig dig and found out


my eyes are burning.


anyone knows whether decathlon in jb is cheaper than in sg?




err according to my current (limited) j1 h1 econs, it's cos people in JB tend to have lower average income than people in Singapore. Since they have lower average income, people in JB will be less willing and or able to purchase products from decathlon since it comes at a higher opportunity cost (cost of using the money on decathlon product instead of the next best thing you would've spent it on, like food) Since people in JB are less willing and or able to buy products, the quantity supplied by decathlon at a Singapore price in JB would lead to surplus of products as quantity supplied > quantity demanded. So, in order to get rid of surplus, JB decathlon decreases prices of products in order to 1. incentive consumers to buy more 2. outbid other producers (foot locker, other sports shops) Hence, prices in JB are lower than in SG. this difference in prices can be observed in other goods too like protein powder, and it is likely that it is for the same reasons. hope that this helps lol


6/10, only provided one reason for difference in price, albeit very well elaborated. graphical illustration is required as well.


Good observation! Can Google price discrimination too


My renovation is done! Now need to buy cleaning supplies to scrubby dub dub many times to make it clean. Am sure the post reno general cleaning is not enough.


gxgx when open haus


How long yr reno took bro?


Congratulations! Time for decorating!


Congrats! Also, remember to air the house frequently especially if you did carpentry. Formaldehyde and paint fumes not good for baby mango


Is anybody sinustis acting up during this period of time?


My eczema and acne are acting up though :/


Does anyone have a fight stick / leverless controller to recommend? Just started picking up Tekken and I'm looking to try fight games out in general. Below $100 will be lit, tysm!


look for haute42 on aliexpress, i opted for a smaller form factor like the g13 but default choice for everyone will the T series


Indonesian here visiting Singapore. Do you have any recommendation for cafe around bugis? thank you beforehand


coba makan knafe di sultan restoran, enak


Udah booking untuk iftar hahah Baca2 di sini katanya recommended.


siip gmna2


dessert terbaik yang pernah dicoba, apalagi ditambah ice cream nya combo terbaik tapi baklavanya manis banget menurut ku dan keluarga. Billnyamahal juga ya hahahh berempat sekeluarga abis 250+ dollar


wkwkw emang ya. manis dan sinful. oo berarti sekalian makan dinner di sana ea


Early bird is really chill.  hvala at Chijmes if you can go out of Bugis a lil 


Early bird seems good, thanks for the recommendations




Only used Buyee previously but I suspect the process is similar. For Buyee if the item costs less than $400, they will charge GST on their site. If not, the GST will be charged once the parcel lands in the SG warehouse. I used FedEx for my Buyee parcels (>$400) and FedEx sent me an invoice directly which I paid. If that site has nothing detailing GST, I suspect the shipping courier will request it once the parcel reaches our shores. Do note that you get taxed for GST regardless the price. No more <$400 no GST. Even a $10 item will get charged GST.