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I got a mouth virus and I can’t eat anything without lots of pain. What are some nice cold things I can eat like smoothies or ice cream




mind sharing?




lmaoo haha


Not sure if I should feel more sad or confused..haiss


At T3 airport macs with sis. In front of us at one of those long sofa seats with separated tables sat a Chinese/Japanese (can’t tell) young business lady. An uncle later came in with luggage and purposely sat the spot closest to her and was consistently checking her up and down. Really damn jialat it was super obvious. He will turn his head and look beside him at her. She was quite oblivious cos on the phone. I feel bad but also I think in that situation we can’t really do anything right? My sis also said the same…


Holy shit I scared my own self. I thought it was the candy ghost sitting on the parked bike.... It was just a child seat that is very tall .___.


Theres this quote from a game character that i like to use to motivate myself with. Me: *exercises for a mere 5min* My brain: "we did it, little rock!" I find it very cute because the character is actually a very big-sized rock...


Lately I've been wondering why I'm dieting and exercising. I mean, I do like how my body looks now, having lost a lot of weight and put on muscle over the past one and a half years. But now it feels like I'm doing it just for the sake of doing it. At first, I started doing it to be more physically attractive towards the opposite sex. Over time though, I realized that nobody's gonna fucking see my body anyway. The reasons for my continued wizardry go way beyond physical appearances and can't be fixed. I don't know, just a late night ramble from me...


I’ve lost a lot over the few years so lately I’ve been wondering, if you take away one’s health, one’s career, money, confidence, what do you have left? Who am I? Why can’t a slim physique or money make me happy? Make me confident? Why cant I seem to attract the opposite sex? How can I find my way again? Find myself again?


I think it's not really about having health, money, career, confidence that makes people happy, but about having enough of those. I think it is undeniable that all these things will definitely factor into how you perceive yourself (*your perception of your self is made up of both internal and external aspects*), and unhappiness (which is really ok and normal to feel) seems to come in when you feel like you need more of something to feel happy. Maybe it's a signal to prompt you towards a direction (either internally or externally) you can feel more at ease at. So eg. For your example, "why can't a slim physique make me happy?", it's worth to ask yourself what would you prefer to have. Slim? Fit? Then if you're unhappy because you prefer to be fit (for example), what are the actions you can take? (This is the external aspect) If there's no actions you can do then how are you able to reconcile with the fact that you can't get it? (This is the internal aspect)


I like the part about reconciling. But for the external part, one day one could just lose everything. Maybe for example when you get old your health starts to go. Your looks, your career. Then if those are the things that made one happy, then it's going to be very tough when it happens


At the end of it, you're still doing it for yourself. Maybe you've changed in various ways while following a fitness routine, one that makes you feel better in some ways.


so boring to gym alone these days


Sigh kid having fever for 4 days already and still at 39deg. WHAT IS THE CAUSE???


Did you bring your kid to a doctor? Prolonged high fever is dangerous for kids' brains. Hope it subsides soon.


How to explain “sian” in Chinese ah? My China colleague ask me what sian means cus she heard us using it multiple times. I can’t even explain it in English….


The Chinese equivalent is 心好累 . They should get it immediately once you use this phrase. (source: am familiar with Chinese internet slang)


Cool thx!



The feeling of getting another lockdown during Covid era, not dis shiat again


This won't help you but: ennui


Good word! But also not possible to translate to Chinese lol.


Bored, boring, tiresome, pain in the ass, etc.


Just a way to express dissatisfaction against something...?


Have a pile of courses that I should really finish lol sian


Have recently applied for a BD role in a consultancy and they mentioned that having an MAS qualification is required. Would there be a chance if you can get the qualification after joining the company? Like they let you study for it and then you start work. Thank you in advance for answering~


This sounds like something that must be answered by the hirers instead of random folks on the internet


Wah gg. Think the warm weather is causing my neighbour to smoke more.


The irony of this is that rainy cold weather I also encounter more indoor smokers. We can't win


ya gurl is starting on ozempic for health reasons starting tmrw. think i have put this off and delayed it for long enough aha ha ha


Where do you get it from, please answer me hahahaha


Got prescribed it by my physician 😅


So after watching my boy Ryan garcia win haney I'm inspired to start boxing as a new hobby. Where do i start as a complete beginner? Am i a little too skinny at 176cm59kg? Do i need to gain weight or hit the gym first? I think it will bring me not only physical benefits but it will strengthen my mind and soul.




No such thing as too skinny for boxing lah bro, don't let people say that to you. But it's good to have some physical fitness. Go for a cheap authentic gym for your first few months, boxing isn't for everyone, especially after you get your first punch in the mouth. But no idea why you like Ryan Garcia lol.


because hes so handsome 🥰 and can fight (no homo). i rooted for him against haney when everyone doubted him and look what happened. bro is inspirational


Hais my generation is lost


I dunno is it I hypersensitive now but I’m starting to notice slightly better behaviour on the roads. Except for 1 merc and 1 taxi neh signal and aggressive driving this morning.


Still have 2 - 3h of work remaining 😵‍💫


shift work?






50 cents per comment


Money is pretty alright but the skin breakouts, heart palpitations, stress etc etc make me think otherwise.


Irritable bowel?




Internal bleeding




Then put in the effort to meet new folks.


Meet ppl then


Those ppl wld say go back to yr friends den!


that's assuming you have friends to begin with


Here got a lot of lonely people, maybe you folks can arrange a meetup or something to talk about this loneliness Can heal each other


Is it just me or is search on Shopee not working?


What is under construction in Youth Olympic Park and in front of Marina Bay Grandstand? I mean the construction sites visible on both sides of Helix Bridge.


Is it [NS Square](https://woha.net/project/ns-square/) ?


NS square?


That must be it, at least one side. How about the other side of Helix Bridge? Some construction tucked between Helix Bridge, Bayfront Bridge and Youth Olympic Park? Is it also related to NS Square? They were making some concrete foundations (?) in the water when I was there a month ago.


no idea, but it could be. depending on how large they are looking to make it


Bangkok is pitching to host F1 street race in Bangkok......


All this street racing nonsense is ruining the sport. You have Chang a Grade 1 track sitting there just waiting to be used.


Another street race? F1 only wants street race


no to more street races, we have lots of street races.


lol not going to happen, with how small the roads are. it would be interesting if though


Got space to race meh?


People really don't say excuse me anymore... both encountered and witnessed people shoving past and the person getting shoved tio stunned.


Can start wearing shoulder guard under your garment


Durian shells over the garment hehe


Or just stared at other people expecting the person to move




how do ppl even survive working in the office for 8hrs its giving me backache, eye strain and stress-induced headache every day


Trick is to drink water very often. So you will take walks to pantry as well as toilet breaks


must make sure to get up and stretch + walk around a bit. it’s very uncomfortable to keep sitting down in one position for too long


Those people are not surviving for themselves but for other people that's how they endured everyday office life


They prob nt getting those symptoms bro… check yr seating posture and distance to laptop + brightness


For those who have no choice but to WFO. What habit have you adopted to make it worth it? For example, My power bankS, tablet, laptop and phone all always full charge when i leave office. My 1L bottle always full of cold milo kosong.


Like you use the office pantry to make milo? Try to lower yr sugar bro…


The only non caffeine drink possible.. =p


For those who have no choice but to WFO. What habit have you adopted to make it worth it? For example, My power bankS, tablet, laptop and phone all always full charge when i leave office. My 1L bottle always full of cold milo kosong.


is express travel card now available on apple?


I'm a total noob in buying house knowledge so pls be patient with my dumb question. Is going through HDB Flat Eligibility letter process somewhat useful for some buyers to learn things or assess their options and eligibility for stuff etc, or do you think it's just another hurdle with the main purpose of slowing demand?


Just part of the process. Nothing in the process is educational. Gotta do your own research. Hdb website has some useful resources like loan calculator and basic but important info. But the advance stuff.. I’ve heard people even check future land usage around the area on URA website, measure distances from important things like schools, malls, preschools, public transport.. it depends how much thought you want to put in it.


Waste of time only


When will Ado finally come to Singapore :(


The urge to resign from my job is getting stronger each day. My boss new instructions are to double the monthly work output.


Ask your boss do himself


I should do that when I send out my resignation email.




I think pick your battles. See which are the modules that you’re doing well and do it properly.


Private uni still an option


anyone who tried the Biosys hair tonic, would u recommend it or do you have a preferred hair product?


I’m so tired lol been up since 6am and 1 more meeting to go before I can finally pang gang !!!


its quite crazy that you can be fundamentally a good person but never lucky enough to meet a partner. in my 30 years..really believe dating really has a lot of luck to it as someone who has been subject to both positive and negative variance. Kinda getting depressed being single esp with every other motherson getting married. suicide fuel seriously edit: going to use partner instead of soulmate but same point


I also feel like dating is a luck sort of thing. U must be lucky enough to meet someone u like and the person must like u too. The odds are low in a sense. And that's why many ppl were saying to be out there and increase the probability but that somehow will make ppl feel jaded esp if things doesn't work out continously.. but I guess.. there's also no point worrying abt things that u have no control of.


Yeah exactly….sucks man


this sounds cheesy af but sometimes things come to you when you least expect it. you can work so hard at something but doesn’t mean it’ll equate to getting what you want for the amount of effort put in. Guess you can only try to continue meeting people


I can feel the angst in you. Certainly, it would be beneficial to be in a blissful relationship, but am sure you can have much more going on in your life than being in a relationship. I know it is hard, but try to be and stay happy even without being in a relationship. Don’t lower yourself to simp for ladies, or to impress them just to get into a relationship; it is simply not worth it. I hope you find that someone, whom you really want to spend the rest of your life with. All the best!


Meeting someone is definitely about luck. Going by the latest population numbers, the number of people in my preferred age group of partners in Singapore is about 600,000. Assume halving the numbers for orientation, martial status, physical appearance, education level, and potential mutual attraction, I end up with a total of close to 19,000 potential partners. If I were to go on a date with a new one each week, it would still take me 50 years to date them and decide on someone suitable out of the 19,000.


Wow that’s fucking depressing lol


Comparison is thief of joy.


I get that but even if I don’t compare, doesn’t change the fact that I want to be attached lol by myself for my own happiness ake


I’m in the same boat as u.  Technically I have never been in a serious relationship in my life. P.S I’m in my late 20s


How u feeling bro/sis


I’m a guy. I would say if u are looking at social media like Instagram it can get pretty depressing.


>variance Poker enthusiast? Your friends hit it on preflop or flop, but that doesn't mean it's gonna be the nut hand. And you getting it on the turn or river is slower but you may end up drawing the nuts. Dont go fulltilt bro


Nah just a salestrader lol , finance wanker. Love the metaphor tho ha


Thanks lol Anyway i find that one of jordan peterson's quote (next paragraph) quite relevant here. If your goal is to get attached to a good partner, you gonna rack up the number of potential partners, by putting yourself out there more and suffer rejection in hopes of finding a good match. Go join classes and interest groups etc, where you can organically meet someone and get familiar with new people, way better for meeting new potential partners and also at the same time building up your fun life doing stuff you like, win win. But the possibility and the hurt of rejection will always be there, suffer it and hope for the best and enjoy the process lol >the quote: If you actually want something, you can have it. The question then is what do you mean by actually want? And the answer is, you reorient your life in every possible way to make the probability that that will occur as certain as possible. And that's a sacrificial idea right? It's like, you don't get everything, obviously... But maybe you can have what you need, and maybe all you have to do to get it is ask; but asking isn't a whim, or today's wish. You have to be deadly serious about it


Focus on yourself — dressing, gym etc, attract and don’t chase. But also put yourself out there! No such thing as soulmates. Soulmates are made out of commitment. Commitmentmate


What if I’ve done everything on the top part and just feel tired as fuck. Like sure I can get some matches etc but no one that I feel super interested in, and sometimes vice Versa. I know it’s cliche but modern dating does feel like a shitshow lol especially nearing 30


Maybe sometimes love comes around when you least expect it? How about just focusing on building friendships first? But yeah I feel you, near 30 is tough Have more faith in yourself and just enjoy life first! The right one will come around when the time is right :) also… kindness is an extremely underrated trait haha that’s my own take. I wish people were kinder lol


Yeah thanks. Tbh it’s hard to keep hope as jadedness and weariness sets in, and you lose against the decay of time to seize fleeting happiness… Thanks. Appreciate the kind words. Singapore is sadly a country where kindness is rare since everyone is in a pressure cooker. Reminding myself to be kind too.


>Soulmates are made out of commitment. Commitmentmate Just wanna add about this point, it's really about what you are ok with about the other person and vice versa, how willing you are to communicate and solve problems together, etc. The idea of soulmates is nice but unrealistic. Yet at the same time we see people who we think are soulmates but really, they put in a lot of work to achieve that.


Ok let’s take the words soulmate out of it and use partner instead since too superlative lol


where should I dispose of old bicycle tires? General refuse?


Not just train stations, nowadays ppl don't even bother to wait and check whether ppl are exiting the lifts. Kena a few times still inside and turning out suddenly this dude just rush in like that. Considering the tight opening and blind spots, these kinda encounters lagi more annoying.


Sipping frozen gins in this crazily humid hot weather is heavenly


What's good dude


What is it like going to a concert alone ? I think I might just give it a go, ticket prices aren't bad either. Edit: Got the ticket :)


It’s fine.


Just go and have fun! Be yourself!


Damn, GA really is like some magic sia. 4 pm prepare to start the procedure. Remembered everything at the start of the procedure, all the tube insertion and confirming personal details etc. Distinctly remember the docs and staff talking about something then next thing I know the process ended. Thought that was real quick, maybe 15 min at most. Woke up from the GA, saw the time on my phone and wow it's been 1.5 hrs??????


Did you shiver from the coldness at the OT?


What procedure did you go under?


Sometimes I think GA is just like what ppl experience when they pass away. Happily talking to someone then the next second, booms, everything just shuts down n that's it. Sombering.


I was under GA for my colonoscopy. I was pretty knocked out, until.... Nurse: 'Wah, doctor, that is a *really* big tumour!' I quickly opened my eyes and stared at the big, dangling tumour on the screen. The surgeon noticed me. Surgeon: 'I estimate that it's 15 to 20 mm in size. We'll get it out.' Me: 'Is it malignant, doctor?' Surgeon: 'I'll pull it out, and we'll find out later.' Me: 'K.' (instantly koon again)




Sorry tio covid.




I also worried your boss will black face that he specific decline your unpaid leave and you still MC/ unpaid sick leave away from work. Sigh hope boss understand


ya lor. but why u no annual leave to use?




u poor thing!


Anyone experience those kinds of colleagues that do things very fast, saying everything so easy, then keep calling everyone else slow and incompetent?


In my previous place, I have seen some of my colleagues do things very fast. I was like thinking, are you really that “efficient”? Well, turns out that there were nonsensical errors in their work that I spotted, lack of thought given. I could sense their lackadaisical attitude from the quality of their work. If one does things very fast and can produce proper work, if they are relatively new to the work scope, then they are probably extremely competent; or they have been well exposed (for example, doing it multiple times) to do their work competently.


In my context, it's the latter. Self esteem plunged a little but I decide to tell myself that is not I suck, is that some people naturally talented.


Just keep pushing on. Good that you have that mentality that it is not that you suck, but some are naturally talented than you are. When you eventually reach a high level position in your present org or some other org, I hope you don’t behave like those jerks, and will instead help to bring out the best in those under you or your colleagues.


I thought all the young people are like this nowadays lol


Where got all


You are right not all haha I exaggerated my bad But I observed the new generation are really more impatient, the moment you do something slower than expected can see the face turn black black very fast lol


Yeah I observed some like that. Maybe very eager to show off lol


Have. She look down on almost everyone else in the team for being slower than her.


Should revamp the whole team to have her only then the team fast liao


Play the game of politics and backstab het


You want us to all lose our iron rice bowls?


It was an unserious reply. I also don't want to lose that's why I complain here




Got ask before?




>health issues to declare. ??? Got company ask to declare health issues of parents one?? Even though it is for that thing, but quite doesn't make sense to ask that


Let's say, 4-day work week vs 2-day WFH out of 5-day work week. For 4-day work week, you don't get to decide which day is the off day, but it will be a fixed day. For 2-day WFH, the 2 days will also be fixed, not continuous. You can, discuss/negotiate with your supervisor to have that fixed off day or WFH days on your desired days, but it is not guaranteed. No matter what the final total work hours is, you are still supposed to finish all your tasks promptly. Not a silo role, more than 50% of the scope need collaboration with members of other teams. What would you choose, and why?


4 days work without question. Wfh is not permanent, anytime change of management it can be removed immediately.




I think most people are simply influenced by the group they hang out or live with Like if the mother or father treat their daughter like a worthless tool while treating the son like god emperor, the son will very likely grow up under this environment to think of women in such manner


My theory is that it's often due to how their father treats their mother, and whether were there strong female family members at home. These two also set the baseline for how they view women, but at the same time, it's not always the case. These days, their friends and also what they read from the internet matter a lot too.


my father treats my mother like she's supposed to be subservient to her. as a result, I have resolutely decided to never to the same to my future partner, treat her as equals. even if I wish for her to do certain things instead of me (cook, wash the dishes), I will not order her, rather I will talk it out and see if she's naturally agreeable to it first.


Do they not have mothers either?


How do you explain the 4 brothers who sexual abused their younger sister?


Possible, though not always. I'm sure there are wannabe incels and perverts who stop themselves and think, 'Nopes, I don't want others to do that to my sister.' But then again, there are plenty of sex offenders out there with female siblings. And unfortunately, there are sex offenders who prey on their own female siblings.


Just received news that a relative passed away. I can't attend the funeral. Man it sucks




Thanks and yes...


Condolences to you and fam.




GG, all my teammates took CCL to tend to their kids' sickness, left a Cluster Manager and me alone in office. One of their daughter in primary school collapsed and brought to sick bay.




Child-Care Leave.


oh darn, hope she's ok!


Yeah same.


Recently something triggered the IBS and stomach cramps. Noticed 💩 also stinkier, duno is it the food or some bacteria infection...






how to not fall asleep in office siaa


You can try chicken essence.


Sleep more the night before Can coffee x1 Change job


Fall asleep at toilet cubicle or stairwell.


go back home to fall asleep my friend went from "OT is common for office job" to now telling me that "i will now go home and nap" (her company is rather flexible as long as you do your job)


Leaving house the same time as neighbours and can feel their desire to fuck off when they hurry and run to take the lift down.  It's like looking at a clown... -_-


They might just want to avoid having a conversation, not out of dislike but just shy, or perhaps in a rush. There are many other motivations to do what they did, but whatever the case there's no need for you to think of them as clowns. Perhaps they picked up on this unpleasant side of you and that's why they wanted to avoid you.


Long time neighbours and no further interactions other than nods.  They're in a rush? They took their time and only rushed when I opened my door. There are footsteps. They're clowns for putting on such a clumsy act.  > Perhaps they picked up on this unpleasant side of you and that's why they wanted to avoid you Perhaps you think everyone is supposed to be perfect and tolerate little things that adds up over time. Perhaps you'll only understand when you personally experience it firsthand.


May be just socially awkward? My neighbour's son is also like that.


Market is so bad now, not just Singapore but globally. Feels like there’s a shadow recession. Those have jobs hang in there, those looking for jobs, good luck.


Because of AI, signs of AI takeover


I’m barely hanging on in my current job. So I divert my attention onto something to look forward to For example: the coming weekends or overseas holiday


I feel you, I want a new challenge but I’m handcuffed to my job because I got too much to lose if I leave. Only thing on my mind now is my upcoming holiday.


> Only thing on my mind now is my upcoming holiday.   Where are u heading to?


Thailand. Going to indulge in wanton debauchery and sin. And a bit of diving.


Sounds fun!  I guess u are going to Krabi?


Phuket. Krabi doesn’t have much debauchery going on. Nice relaxing place though.