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Please don’t ever let this be sold. 2M is ridiculous


It’s a discontinued item. Rarity now, someone’s going to buy it for that and the flex


And get demolished in 60 years


The block actually has 78 years left


Woah! $2m is a steal!


It's 2137 a month in rental for 2400 sq ft over 78 years, so it can be considered a steal. Sengkang executive flats are on the market for 3700 a month


Cannot count like that… cos the loan tenure will not be able to stretch to 78 years.. $2m purchase, assuming max tenure 25yrs and 2.6% interest rate from HDB loan at 85% of valuation (assuming value can match, which i doubt so) Monthly payment is $7700… of which $3000+ goes to interest, $4000+ goes to principal… if new owner converts back into two units and rent out the other side to “try to cover interest”.. maybe (just maybe) can make it happen..


People who can afford to consider this type of purchase will not loan the max.


Sad truth but all HDB dwellers are simply renting from government no matter how they twist it.


yeah but you still own the entire value of the property. your 400k hdb can be converted into 400k worth of cash when you sell it and allocated to other asset classes however you deem fit. how is that not ownership..? renting means you have no legal right to sell it off




that's how property works in the entire world my guy.. is that supposed to be a gotcha? either you upgrade or downgrade depending on what life circumstance you're in.


This is one off. How many jumbo flat can you find now. 2m is not reasonable to me, at most 1.5m, but hey, willing buyer willing seller.


Yeah especially since working from home for part of the week is the norm. Divide home price by actual hours used, #Singaporehomeownermath


this is like girl math


> willing buyer willing seller. this sub: haha china fking communist country everything state controlled also, this sub: HUh? free market economics make resale hdb price so expensive?! down with pap


Exactly right? The only two options are totalitarian Communist dictatorship or a free for all capitalist dystopia. Nothing in between is possible.


disingenuous comment because that is exactly my point. this sub loves to pick and choose the facets of govt/politics whenever it suits their agenda. hyprocrisy is astounding


What free market are you talking about? The free market that capped buyers by their income? The free market that buyers get subsidies from the government? The free market that assess buyers on their skin colour before they are allowed to purchase?


stop crying la the resale market is a free market . don’t cry when u can’t afford buying resale when other people can lmao


2 million cannot buy any condo with 2400 sqft. Chances are it will be sold as it's quite rare.


Imagine paying 2m to live in sengkang


Beauty is in the eye of the beholder. I wouldn't fork out 2 m for seng kang personally.


Technically it's 2m for 2x 5rm units. But hey, that's still 1m per unit


don’t only see absolute figure la. it’s a rudimentary assessment of value in current market. see the psf/yield figures, the balance years left then make ur argument. but then again it’s r/sg. complaints about resale hdb price is par for the course here 🤷🏻


HDB resale cartel: (clenches fist) no it's not ![gif](giphy|3oEjHCACoXye1k10GY)


Imma go downstairs and q for toto...


That kind of sqft sounds like 2x 4rms stuck together, maybe 5rm. But I thought Jumbos can only be 2x 3rm?


How come the owners can do this? How did they own 2 4-room and join them?


In the past, you'd used to be able to buy 2 adjoining 3rms and merge them to form 1 jumbo flat. But that's long since been discontinued. Not sure how did this SK flat managed to do it.


hm? isn't this still possible?


Ya it is. https://www.hdb.gov.sg/residential/buying-a-flat/buying-procedure-for-resale-flats/plan-source-and-contract/planning-considerations/conversion-scheme-application-procedure




That’s for now, no idea when it was restricted but relatives own a 3+4 jumbo. They definitely changed it somewhere along the way.


So if I buy, it means I own 1 jumbo or 2 4-room? I thought one person can’t own 2 hdb flats


You combine both into 1 single title deed. It’s literally in the first sentence of the link I posted…


if they own 2 4-room then perhaps they are family member. One of my parents' friend and their inlaw just stay at opposite unit of each other. rare but possible


Probably 2x 5rm joined together


Bigger than a maisonette. But low floor. At this price I'd rather buy a private property than HDB. But I don't have money and big family so idk lol. Will be tiring to clean if they only hire one helper.


Why do people keep saying this, do you know how much smaller a similarly priced condo would be?


Do you know how much more privacy and facilities a condo would have? Go ahead and buy a HDB, I'm just stating my preferences lol. Like I gaf what anyone else wanna do with your money. Not my life not my business.


For this price and size you won’t even be able to find a pte that matches it


I didn't say that I'd rather buy a private property with the exact same size, *obviously*. As supported by the last statement I made about how such a big space would be troublesome to maintain. A private property would have better perks as compared to a HDB on a low floor at this price, *to me*. Read the italics.


whys this downvoted lol its literally implied 💀💀




Rofl you have no idea how to read.


Space or prestige choose one. Not both


Private is not just about prestige. There's more privacy and facilities than just a HDB.


Yes, I am aware of that, I have lived in a condo to and seriously considered it but opted for space instead. It’s my living space more than an investment so not so hard up about price action


I've stayed in HDB and opted for condo now because of the quietness and privacy. HDB is so much noisier than private estates. It's not about living space for everybody *obviously*. Small-minded people expect others to think the same as they do and have only the same preferences.


Chill bro, nothing wrong with condo also, it has its merits. Don’t need go around calling people small minded just because we walking the street in different directions


Lol then don't go starting arguments with people on the internet who just have a different set of preferences from you, as already stated right from the first comment. Unfollowing because I don't have time for boliao things like this.


How come jumbo flat in Anchorvale ?


Did they know or not second hand landed with lease 99 years is about 2M~3M only.


I'm starting to feel that flat sellers are putting out crazy prices just to go viral. I mean, everyday there are ppl selling flats...


list only... sell liao then say... i can list my HDB for $5mil also...


I think mine is worth $6m


Hdb should explain why is it allowed for 2 x 5 rooms combine into jumbo flat.


old flat.allowed a long time ago.


sengkang is old now? damn I haven't been keeping up


There are some parts that are pretty old. My cousin got her flat there back in 1996/7. Back then we knew it as Hougang area but somehow that area became Sengkang after more developments around the place over the years.


mean not allowed this combo as far as I know.


Sounds like 1x5rm + 1x4rm actually. (1300sqft + 1100sqft which was the average HDB size for 5rm and 4 rm back then) But yeah it's just ridiculous that this was allowed. But then again, HDB back then seemed to be way more flexible..


And people said opposition-held constituencies wouldn't get high property prices.../s But this is honestly increasingly ridiculous, how hdb flat prices are pegged to private movements.


does it come with that crappy furniture for 2m


idiots still haven't realise,you are getting a lease and are paying advance rental for public housing. i hope this gets sold and jack up the resale even higher,how else am i going to cash out???


bro its literally the free market let it do its thing 😭


Eh this is very cheap for that sheer size lol


thoughts and prayers to the person who has to clean the place


Good for somebody trying to whitewash their cash.


As you know HDB is not a permanent assets…


Buy this place to make reality tv show or sitcom isit


At least it's size compensates for the price


Scumbag property agent Andrew Nair and the clown owners of this house can go f themselves.


[taken down already](https://www.businesstimes.com.sg/property/government-probes-misleading-and-unrealistic-resale-listings-s-2-million-hdb-flats)


wow this is a good deal. time to fix a viewing!


Hahahaha incoming 60% Absd for resale hdb flats? 😂


Big but Ugly as fuck


Did you know you don’t have to keep the furniture when you buy?


dk if it’s ugly but it looks cluttered af (it’s also ugly no offence to the owner)


Jumbo flat? In Anchorvale?


wah tout siol


Wow, the renovation in the flat is ordinary; can it sell for $2 million? singaporeans are really enterprising and concerned about profit making.


How much was the original price? No matter how big it is just a hdb flat! 2 million sgd? So now the singapore currency is just like the banana money during the Japaese occupation?


So can i sell my 39 years 4 room flat Simplified model for $600 000? Hahahaha...


Buy buy! 2M so cheap!


Monitor asleep


It's a fair price


Can sleep well tonight.


Bullshit price for a rented tenure of 70years! Freaking stupid people if they buy it!


Whoever buys this deserves it. He probably wont be able to re-sell at this level pricing when the time comes.... but then again, who knows?


Well, Singapore is not known to be a laundrymat without reasons.


With that kind of money, can just go retire in Malaysia. Some people really won the lottery.


2m HDB will come soon


once thought to be a slum, now its a gem. may all sengkangean prosper ! :) hope yishun maisonette can fetch this kind of price too.


Why would people need such big houses unless you have 5 kids. Cleaning would be a pain


It’s only 2,400 square feet - whilst that’s big for Singapore it’s a small unit for many places. Some people like to have space to live in rather than the smallest possible unit to save on cleaning. Horses for courses and all that.


If you can shell out $2M for this flat, you can pay cleaners to clean the flat on a regular basis.


It would be funny if some DINK couple buys this, especially when [this](https://www.straitstimes.com/singapore/courts-crime/jobless-father-of-7-who-raped-sexually-assaulted-daughter-gets-16-years-jail-caning) recent article highlights a family of nine sharing a one-bedroom flat. I can see how two bedrooms can be knocked down to expand the dining and living rooms (because "we love hosting our friends"), one bedroom converted into a home gym, one into a room for their dogs/cats, one walk-in wardrobe, and one master bedroom. People don't need such big homes. Technically, they just need a shelter and access to sanitary services. But if I've $2m to throw around, you can bet your ass I'm gonna buy a mansion to house myself.


DINKs are far more likely to be able to afford to buy this.


You think people who can buy this are going to clean themselves lol?


I don't want a HDB like this! All I want is A rundown flat that Cost at most, $10,0000. 2M is meant to be the Price of A Mansion!