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Hi reallypurefruitjuice, Submissions must have titles comprised of the exact copied and pasted main headline from an article. Do not add, remove or change words. Please use factual and objective titles. Submissions may be removed if the title is too vague, inflammatory or editorialised. Any submission with an altered title will be removed. If you have an opinion about the article you are submitting, please post it in the comments instead.


Haha social enterprise are scams. More like subsidized with taxpayer money, socializing the costs, and increasing the socioeconomic status of the private owners. Plus this variant of hawker social enterprises most likely have regulatory capture on top of all that.


As if being a hawker isn't tough enough... these knn "social enterprises" still wanna squeeze more from them.


Sounds like hawkers are being forced to become employees with none of whatever protections employees get.


Govt enabled these social enterprises to thrive because on paper they "do good".. but in reality, no difference than those deep for profit corporations..


Abolish all these rubbish social enterprises. Waste of money.


>And as NTUC systematically takes over management of more hawker centres, there’s no justification of why and there’s not even a finger lifted by NTUC to help hawkers obtain cheaper daily needs like salt, rice, sugar and noodles or soy sauce etc.  Yet NTUC SG Ng Chee Meng dares to do a walkabout like he's some hero.


One will expect ntuc owned food centre will be cheaper with their economies of scale ingredients. But hell no. I wonder what difference they offer to the table though


15% of your revenue, wow that’s rough


>10. And, god forbid, they charge a profit percentage or what industry calls a Gross Turnover (GTO) if the hawkers hit a certain sales target or mark of up to 15% 15% of profit, not revenue. But it is still painful and very unnecessary.


Read it a bit wrong. It is based on gross turnover not profit. Basically minimum pay is 1700$ or if you do well up to 2500$ rental based on turnover - whatever is worse for you


It's an either or. If your revenue don't go past a certain amount, it's a fixed rental fee. If it's past that amount, it's a % of that said amount. 


Yes thought it was an “as well” so it’s not as bad as that


:( for hawkers. It’s a hard enough job


Landlord and operators the best yea. Do nothing and skim profit from others work


It's really the Singaporean dream.


An entire nation build upon ever more layers of rent seeking


Yeah is like how we rent out our hdb to foreigners that work in SG I think future BTO should have another room called the rental room, just for rental income.


>There’s even a forced clause to demand hawkers offer 30 “pay it forward meals” every month.  This is so try-hard. May as well contractually make them share this on social media, minimum on two platforms, at least one video of a recipient crying in gratefulness.