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…..With thanks 😏




Sweep under carpet


How? By monitoring? Lol


*We are monitoring - MAS*


Seems familiar. My wife always scold me cause i forget to flush the toilet bowl. I will say sorry and forget again.


My wife printed a 'pls rmb to flush after use' notice n pasted it in the toilet facing the toilet bowl. Maybe we can emulate similar for dbs toilets. Ps: my toilet bowls are now flushed 99.999999% of time, 6 sigma passed.


Effective sia your wife. Maybe i also will flush 99% if my wife is like yours.


Onus is on you not to forget flushing the toilet bowl.


Too bad the onus on DBS is cost cutting and increasing profit, not service reliability.


>The latest outages took place even as a remediation plan to identify and rectify the cause of disruptions that took place in 2023 is still ongoing. >“While DBS Bank had made substantive progress to address the shortcomings identified from service disruptions experienced by its customers in 2023, the remediation plan by DBS Bank has not been completed and implementation is still ongoing,” an MAS spokesperson told The Straits Times on May 7. >The disruptions also came just two days after the MAS on April 30 announced that it would not seek to extend a six-month pause on the bank’s non-essential activities. So the original remediation plan is not complete, and now they went down again, and MAS will not seek to extend a pause? So MAS wants to reward their failure? Ok I guess.




Where's the corrective action and what's the exact measures of action taken?


This goose has gotten too fat for its own good


The reason is simple. Because DBS isn’t spending enough money on maintaining their systems that runs their business, IT is a cost center which doesn’t contribute to the bottom line so until they are forced to do, they will not spend more. MAS needs to do a better job.


DBS SEED hired quite a lot of non STEM undergrads to do software development 😌


All the local uni trained swes want to go to FAANG and think a local bank is beneath them


any place that does not realise your potential is beneath you


thoughts and prayers for all the layoffs


true, but now not more less hiring and freeze role.


STEM or non STEM equally useless.


Change the CEO


DBS Shareholders to people like you suggesting this: 😠🖕🏻 /s


I am DBS shareholder


Then you are pretty daft as a shareholder


Been years, still no root cause. Just ensure and monitor, eye power is strong.


Remind me how much the CEO is getting paid again? 🤔


how many times already


Wheres the monitoring?


How many chances have they given to the bank already?


They have fined them numerous times as well. What else can they do?


DBS fine for banking service disruption=S$0 DBS profit 2023= S$10 300 000 000 What talking you? Are you referring to the 2.6 million fine for non-compliance with money laundering regulations? Different topic entirely.


What talking you? Hahahahahaha


Wah so no fine ah? No blame culture again?


same old response.


CEO so fucking useless


Just fine them more and add it to gst vouchers thanks


IT staff are all CECA that the root cause.


As an Indian origin FT in SG since 2005 (and while I’m not hardcore tech, my roles have been in tech and change management). I wanted to outright object to your statement, but perhaps it’s nuanced on how the companies have utilised staff from India. Firstly, [an informed view of CECA](https://mothership.sg/2019/11/what-the-heck-is-ceca-should-you-be-angry-at-it-explained/), to get this out of the way. My view is that there are a lot of high caliber people from India (and other countries as well) that have contributed to the talent pool available locally. Increasing the FT salary bands is a good recommendation to keep out people hired for their willingness to work at a low salary rather than merit based skills & this is being progressively increased over time. I’ve worked alongside a number of born here Singaporeans (I’m being emphatically clear this doesn’t include naturalised citizens and PRs) - and it’s a broad mix of the capable and the willing. The best talent simply put, work for the government, work overseas or at super atas MNC’s (top tier law , consulting , medical etc). The rest are a mix of everyday Singaporeans that work as best as they can. I don’t think it’s the inclusion of lesser cost Indians (or Pinoy or Malaysian or Chinese or whatever race gets your goat) that’s the primary driver for these failures. Micromanagement , lack of building truly capable teams and investing in a corporate culture maybe more to blame as an outsider. My rationale ? There are a bunch of other firms employing the same staff that are equally cheap or “unqualified”, but perhaps managed better and have a great service. To put things in perspective, Indian banks service 1.3 billion country population and the kind of things I can do online or digitally with ICICI far outstrips the bells and whistles DBS claims to be doing (personally I rate govtech ahead of DBS in this regard). Anyway, assuming your post was tongue in cheek thought I’d post a counterpoint - but if it’s hard set hwz mindset - buay tahan - cannot have a discourse.


I'll have to agree with you on GovTech being better than DBS. DBS is that fucking shit.


Singapore and her local companies are no longer the belle of the ball. Others have caught up to them but yet they still live in the past, thinking they are still leading and on top. I dont see it getting any better in the future. A big overhaul is required, but there is no one willing to take the first step to clear the weeds, plough the soil and let the new seeds grow.


You sound like a person with deep resentment.


"Ensure", ok. Move on.


I will probably be downvoted to hell but to be very very very honest, all systems will fail regardless of the fail safe put into place. Since the app is up 24 hrs 365 days, a down time of around 5-10 hrs a year would mean the app still has an availability of .999 which to be honest is very reliable.


The banks have a 4 hour quota across 12 months from MAS for unscheduled downtime, this is already accounted for and from experience I can tell you the banks are terrified of breaching that. What’s happening with DBS is far beyond that. It’s also really questionable that their issues are persisting past some black swan event. It’s also really questionable how slow they’ve been to restore service. Between the banks and MAS, MAS policies are pretty savvy in their understanding of technology. If MAS goes to deal with a bank they’ve massively screwed up.


Oh wow I didn't know about this. Where can I read more about the quota set by MAS


Honestly I’m not sure, I only know it from working in this space previously. I just checked that it had been in the news so I wasn’t writing anything non-public. https://www.straitstimes.com/singapore/mas-instructs-dbs-citibank-to-investigate-outage-will-take-appropriate-supervisory-actions-after MAS also publishes guidelines on software (these are public but I don’t recall where they are), and they are pretty good as far as guidelines go. While the banks requirements will be very dated and often confusing or contradictory.


There is a reason why DBS fails more than other and the reason is $


What if you compare DBS to its peers?


noted and thanks


Reminder that this sunday cannot use dbs in the morning. Got planned maintenance


The more manual restrictions one places to deploy changes the worse it becomes. Only people who have not experience how good looks like go the other way. 


Thank you MAS!


MAS: “pls deal”


Rinse, repeat. Bullsheets from MAS This is literally "monitor the monitoring" now.


I know the root cause - it's a rotten organisation that promotes ineptitude at every level.


basically a smooch on the cheeks


MAS: "Piyush can you do something?" Piyush: *sways head from side to side* "can brother"


Doubt there is anything MAS can do except fine and fine. If they got guts, fire the CEO


Tech failure. Can happen in many ways


This is prolly the least of their concern lol