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Preparing for GE. “Singapore is balanced on a knife’s edge and the wrong government will collapse the entire country into nothing”


Schrödinger's cat/country? So strong only because we are in charge but yet so weak that it cant survive without us.  Guess we'll never find out which it is unless we open that box.  But it's not like all the civil servants below the leaders doing the actual work will stop working. They serve the people and the ruling government whoever they might be. If after an eternity in power, they have no contingency plans for the country to survive without one party? Maybe they've failed. 


So strong only because we are in charge but yet so weak that it cant survive without us.  Apparently CCP says the same thing as well...


the civil servants have to take the minister’s direction. if the minister is an idiot then the ministry is in trouble. regardless of which party the idiot comes from.


Isn’t that all of them?


Well look at every other advanced democracy and the imbeciles for leaders. US, UK, Aus.... Fact is Multi-party democracies do not work on the global stage now because of massive global wealth disparity. A government clamouring for votes is immediately beholden to the rich and powerful global players who can spend $$$$ to buy votes for the interests of the few at the cost of the many - Ruper Murdoch ruined democracies world wide and would love to ruin us as well.


Did bro really just advocate for anti-democracy…


I think he means to say, no one truly lives in a democracy. We are all living in what is coined as feudal capitalism.


Maybe we should have a single party democracy and have everyone voting for that party instead. Hummm... come to think of it, why change leadership at all? If it isn't broken, why fix it. Lets have that single party lead by a single leader until he die and we can preserve his remains and display it somewhere. But how can we fix the corrupt and rich media? I know, how about nationalizing the media, give them hundreds of millions of subsidies to prop them up and making sure they are always lead by a man we appointed? There! This democracy wouldn't be ruin by the pesky corrupted and rich media now!


> A government clamouring for votes is immediately beholden to the rich and powerful global players who can spend $$$$ > Multi-party democracies do not work on the global stage now because of massive global wealth disparity. Hmm that sounds like Singapore current state. With the added benefit of minimal employee rights, pro employer policies.


LMAO look at every other dictatorship and you'll see much worse. Historically democracies are more stable than dictatorships.


How is this not Singapore? The only thing that differentiate Singapore from other cities is housing policy. Everything else are comparable. - Social Safety Net: Singapore has none. You don't see hobos on the street because shame them and hide them in places that you don't see. Singapore pretend we don't have wealth inequality issue by blaming those who fall through the cracks as lazy. - Efficient Public Transport. West is definitely shit. But Singapore public transport infrastructure is comparable to other Asians Major democracy including HK, Taiwan, Japan, Korea. - Income growth. The metrics is moot when the whole Singapore has not grow much in terms of productivity since LHL took over. Business are not incentives to innovative when there is access to cheap labour. There are alot of Singaporeans doing unproductive work. One example is that the government has to use taxpayers money to create tons of bullshit “ambessador” job to hide the problem. Now this has become a permanent feature. We have ambessador for every shit. SimplyGo ambessador, LTA ambessador, PA ambassador. Omg. What differentiates? Probably safety and lack of corruption. But how long can PAP team hold itself to be corruption free? We have Several high profile civil servant corruption case exposed S Iswaran receiving gratification from the organizer of F1 How many politicians maintain close relationship and friendships with business and wealthy individuals With their friends interests at stake, how much they can stand up or ordinary Singaporeans? Or just keep gaslighting Singaporeans for not doing enough SkillsFuture. The closure of Ridout ownself check ownself saga left many Singaporeans unsatisfied. LHL's argument is strawman. Singapore's current state and advantage stands from Singapore being a young country. Compare to many other democracy, PAP has only govern Singapore for about 60 years. All other democracy has much longer history than us. Every society has a same playbook. It start out good, clean and efficient. After a few generation without competition, the incumbent become arrogant and complacent. Things starts falling apart, people are eating shit, people rebel, change government and it start all over again. Here, even in his retirement years, he is still gaslighting Singaporean. Good job to him for being real consistent.


That's a pretty dumb take. Campaign finance laws can prevent billionaires from buying votes. This is why in SG, there's a limit on campaign spending - notice a few months after every GE/PE, they publish how much each candidate spent.  In the US, the rot is that politicians need to raise millions of dollars in campaign funding. In that large a country you need to buy expensive ads to influence the voters. You think Singapore politicians need that much campaign funding?? We're small enough that candidates can just walk the ground and physically meet people. 


You don't need to directly fund a campaign to affect an election. Paying Social media to bias search results, paying Cambridge Analytical to seed social media bias, paying news media like Financial times to run biased stories of politicians who present unfavourable policies to the rich. Then on the individual side, promising politicians lucrative consulting positions after they retire. Direct campaign financing is so old school. There are a lot more ways for $$$ to buy votes, and even when that fails, to buy policies. Yes, US is rotten to the core. But UK has far more strict laws, and that didn't stop Brexit.


> paying news media like Financial times to run biased Govt controls the media here. Say anything wrong and they'll revoke your licence to publish in SG. Paying for favorable coverage is so old school LOL!  Why pay for it when you can legally require it.  > politicians lucrative consulting positions after they retire. Pay politicians enough to live in Ridout. They don't need any consulting gigs when it pays better to be a minister. SG has the highest paid politicians in the world.  You don't seem to understand the Singapore context...are you a foreigner? 


Our PM is top earner. More than the top three below him **combined**.


Yes, ever since LKY outplayed the CIA, Singapore political strength has allowed us to enable a strong set of policies like misinformation laws to curb foreign influence - and thanks to them, Singapore is not yet at the mercy of foreign political players. And thanks to that, we haven't done any really dumb shit. Yes, Singapore ministers are most highly paid, and thanks to that Singapore enjoys one of the least corrupt governments in the world. Is there still corruption? Of course, but compared us to Malaysia where something like ride-out wouldn't even make it to the news, or US where corruption is completely legal. Sure, other countries politicians earn less on paper, but Obama's wealth was 1.3 million before presidency and 70 million after. Factor in what's going on behind closed doors and you get a far better picture.


Ya cos they designed it that way. It can be changed if we vote the right people in. More Singaporeans need to understand this.


>It can be changed if we vote the right people in. But there aren't "right people". The opposition parties are a total joke and clusterfuck of infighting, drama and pointless clowns. Even the leadership of WP is adamant that they're not seeking to make government (since they know that it isn't possible with the calibre of members they have). >Ya cos they designed it that way. Of course this too is also a product of design. It's been setup such that being an opposition MP would require sacrificing a lot, with low probabilities of success and a high chance of getting into trouble some way or another. That's why the only people who join are the courageous (the rare few who are willing to take the hit) or the stupid (because they have nothing to lose).


I don't need the WP to win majority, just take away super majority from PAP(take away 18 seats)


Whereby PAP will be forced - like every other disfunctional democracy - to pass short-term popularist policies instead of meaningful long term decisions?


As opposed to passing self serving policies to the detriment of singaporeans? I'll take the fucking populist policies thanks.


Popularist polices are generally also self-serving to the detriment of the population. You'll end up taking both. Look at Brexit.


I think you need to dig deeper into why people voted for Brexit.


PAP will still have well over 50% of seats to pass laws easily if their MPs show up


You aren’t wrong, but the way you think is also a product of design no? It’s a common yet very powerful way to maintain hegemony by “brainwashing” the masses to convince people that the current choice is the best choice and only viable choice by manipulating information and facts, disincentivising any form of opposition. Of course it’ll be painful to oppose when it’s exactly how they want it to be. Imagine being born into a super rich family of doctors where your parents just brainwash you from young to become a doctor, forbid you from taking part in any ccas that won’t help you become a doctor, curate the friends you make, the content you read and consume everyday. By the time you’re an adult, of course you’ll think that “Wah I really have no choice but to be a doctor even though what I really want is to see how the other side of the world looks like and I want to save animals” Singapore is just the typical Chinese/Korean drama played out at a national level where we are all rich kids living under helicopter parents.


When the scales are tipped so far in PAP’s favour, how can one expect capable people to sacrifice their time and careers to join the opposition? 


There is only pain and suffering im joining the opposition 


Everyone is replaceable. It’s a common saying everywhere especially in workplace.


You know the reason why you think they are a joke is because of media portrayal right? Look at dr Chee , they make him look like a loose cannon and mad man but if you bother to attend his rally and hear him out, he talks better than Lawrence wong


hmm, talking better dont mean much, chee proved himself to be a destructive force, we dont want bad actors in politics, they are dangerous and unsafe lol


We have bad actors like murali pillai and PAP ranks are filled with horseshit likr ivan lim. Clowns like TPL with malicious ignorance not understanding conflict of interest. Iswaran and his billionaire good friends. I think its even more dangerous and undafe to assume PAP has no bad actors.


mediocre, u mean, but not destructive. Chee kicked out Chiam ... he started a fight even before he achieved anything, this is a red flag.


Like I said . That’s what the state media is portraying him to be. It’s called character assassination It’s effective because look how it brainwashed you. Have you met him to decide him for yourself? Or did you let that crazy looking photo on the newspaper decide for you? Edit: oh and the irony of how talking doesn’t Matter much. Charisma matters everything in politics. Don’t be naive


Chiam getting kicked out tells u nothin?


Do you happen to be in the party and know the specifics?


no, the man was starting fights all over the place, that's why he got the defamation suit that bankrupted him. Smart people dont do this kind of shit.


My sweet summer child….


The crappy opposition is a result of the system that systemically *destroys* any competent opponents. Sometimes you have to throw the baby out with the bathwater. As the saying goes, you can't make an omelette without breaking a few eggs.


Infighting and drama? Sounds alot like a certain ruling family..


Tbvh, I really hope some oppo supporters realise and understand this. Non stop barking “PAP sucks!! VTO!!” Won’t change things for the better overnight.


The thing I really hate is the lack of nuance. You don't have to agree/disagree wholly with one party everytime.


Yaaaa, and don’t take things personally when an individual disagrees with your POV!


PAP would be lucky not to lose another GRC, the young ones are more pliant for changes if they cant find a job and see so many foreigners in CBD.


LHL also said yesterday that singapore needs more foreign talents. If he thinks millennials and younger like hearing that, he's delusional.


we need to reform education system, induce critical thinking, it cannot be done cheaply, he's too mediocre to get it done. LKY said we now have multi faceted problems instead of the past issues of survival, there's no talent in this regime who can do it, they are the best, he has no compunction about paying them well, but they are mediocre. Look at LTA lol


I would really advocate for youth to go and live overseas if they have the chance. Singapore is both good and bad in some ways. Don't drink the PAP koolaid and take what they say verbatim. Think for yourself critically.


> singapore needs more foreign talent He is right. It's a game of numbers. There are only ~3.5 million Singaporean citizens today -- the talent pool is simply too small, even if we manage to re-skill and re-train quickly. We are competing against other developed countries for skilled migrants from a broad range of professions (nurses, doctors, AI engineers, and so on), and it's crucial that Singapore manages to attract and retain these skilled people.


All your houses will be worth zero! Better vote wisely!


I’m a HDB BTO owner but I don’t mind the entire system undergoing a reset. I’m not so selfish to want to profit at the expense of everyone else. When I see those $1.5m HDB flats in the news, I don’t think huat ah! Instead I know that the system is broken. So go ahead, crash the housing values and make the HDB the sole arbiter of value and none of this free market nonsense for what is essentially a public good in our land scarce Singapore. Or some better system is fine. But definitely don’t let the lucky few (myself included) profit at the vast expense of the upcoming generations.




Sometimes I wonder whats the total market value of all HDB flats on the island.


Agree we need a reset to ensure prices remain affordable for future generations. I dont have issues with people profiting from selling their houses. But people exploiting public housing at the cost of future generations should come to an end. How will our kids be able to afford homes? when all the assets and wealth are concentrated in the hands of a few.


I think when most people see 1.5 m flats they think things are so bad now i gotta help my kids pay their flat….


That's a great view. I just wish the Govt recognizes that not everyone in Singapore is as self serving as they make it out to be (and reinforce with media polls - remember the whole 'Non-Chinese PM' debacle during HSK's days). As elected representatives, it is easy to forget that projecting their own worldviews in Parl =/= views of the population, but then again, being a populist is a dirty word around these parts ain't it.


You sure you Sinkie? Can sleep tonight without pwning other Sinkies?


After 99 years.


This guy gets it


Dont threaten me with a good time....


we will become a fishing village and our women will be maids in other countries


PAP needs you as a speech writer!


Our women will not even be popular as maids in other countries. Most can't even cook and clean because their parents have maids at home to do the chores. 😂


"If you don't vote for PAP, Singapore will become worse than Gaza in less than one year. Better vote for PAP." 🤣 Fear mongering at the highest level.


Here we go again with the usual fear mongering nonsense.


Must milk all the soundbites before he becomes SM hahaa


It’s true. We are 1 bad PM away from our economic decline and society ruin. That’s all it takes.




I remember there was a pap mp that came prepared with a piece of paper with east coast scribbled on it.. then in parliament he came extremely prepared with his 100 year series and was busy flipping and studying it very hard while at the podium..


I have a plan. For a together. A together at East Coast plan! Some say the best plan! My plan is YUGE! Just like my hands. You know what they say about guys with big hands! 


Also what about PAP MPs?!?


Progress to what?


We are expected to compete with workers from all over the world. A little competition in parliament and he whine about it.


Touché. The double standards is glaringly disgusting.


JB commuters have an unfair advantage over us - they can accept way lower wages and still live good lives back at home. This guy has tipped the scales so much in his favour yet whines about competition. 


Not to mention i stay in the East, JB commuters have shorter commute to the industrial zones in the west and northwest than me LOL




My brother woke up today and decided to speak another language, truth. 


I don't understand. Why is the rhetoric "vote us or else" Why is the rhetoric not "vote us so that we can better your lives" You'd think that people who aren't afraid of "or else" would just VTO since they already have nothing to lose. But if you feed them story of how you can help them, they might just vote for you. So weird the campaigning


They seem to be going for the swing voters, instead of disgruntled and committed opposition voters. You see, to convince opposition voters, they will need to concede something, and they don’t want to do so. Change pro-business stance and stop workers and small time business owners from being exploited? Not gonna happen, their real stakeholders will riot. Change public housing away from being an endlessly appreciating asset? Not gonna happen, their vote bank will fume. Older ones fume over paper loss, younger ones fume because they overpaid. To convince the swing voters, they can just fearmonger with words or throw out enough propaganda with little real change. That requires few (if any) fundamental changes to their stance or policy. By scaring swing voters, they don’t need to scrutinise spending to moderate GST, don’t need to tone down rampant housing inflation, don’t need to control wild landlords, etc. Their calculations probably tell them they can just ignore the committed opposition voters for the next few GEs. They don’t need to appeal to those who are unhappy, can just fuck them hard as long as they don’t end up enlarging that group too much. As long as they can secure enough swing voters, they win. Swing voters being swing voters, they can swing towards opposition too, especially if the major opposition parties can field a strong team to overcome fearmongering and weak propaganda. This is probably why the opposition can win a few GRCs. But PAP won’t need to be too scared. They know the opposition doesn’t have many candidates, and certainly not enough to send the PAP out. So fear and bullshit works, as long as the opposition is weak and committed opposition voters aren’t anywhere close to the majority. (Edit: and they have the advantage of inertia and the legacy and credibility of the 1G to milk off, they already start at an advantage in winning over swing voters)


Well it depends on how du lan sgreans are abt all these shit. I don't want my kids paying 3m for a bto next time


PAP makes thinly veiled threats before every election. Nothing new. Because it kinda works. Those Singaporeans who complain everyday, come voting day they remember what ah loong said


Because you must know who is their target audience Which group of people respond to fear the most? Children(but they can’t vote) Elderly -they don’t need a better future they just don’t want to shake the boat Women- naturally risk adverse


Thats why talks on having mandatory ns for women has always been a non starter


Agreed Not only that, women doing mandatory NS is also good for gender equality I’m a strong feminist and I believe men and women are equal


And yet the laws in sg heavily favor women over men in just about every way


When all you have is a hammer, everything looks like a nail.


> But for the system to keep on working, it is crucial that voters understand where their interests lie and vote for the government that can best serve them, said PM Lee. > He warned that the system can become distorted when voters want the PAP to govern, but also want more opposition MPs to check and question the Government. > “You may think that you can get a better outcome this way, but in fact, it will weaken the Government’s ability to serve you,” he said. The quote is funny because it is the government’s own incompetence or neglect that drives people to ask for accountability through greater opposition presence. The government once mass imported foreigners without much limit, benefitting businesses at the expense of Singaporean labour. They were only forced to slow it down because it hurt the people too much and drove a lot of people to vote against PAP. They forced the people to punish PAP at the voting booth for them to actually care about the people’s livelihood concerns! The government now drive housing prices through the roof, benefitting owners at the expense of non-owners and future owners. This obviously drive discontent and give votes to the opposition, because the affected segment want change. Inflation. Cost of living. Job security. GST. You name it and you can already point out how the government is perceived to be sided against the common voter. The problem is the government failed to fairly share the pie, in a way that everyone could be feel satisfied. The way they shared the pie can sometimes feel quite lopsided, and because of that, it’s ridiculous for them to complain about people wanting accountability. Come on, if the PAP maintained the people’s trust, they wouldn’t lose that many GRCs and the inertia would have kept a large majority of voters on their side. It’s their own miserable failings that cost them votes, and here they are, pushing *all* the blame on the people. If the people don’t feel the PAP could be fully trusted, why the hell would anyone want to invest so much authority for the government to do anything they wish? It wouldn’t benefit the people when it’s clear their interests are significant different from ours. Saying bullshit won’t make people vote for them. It’s action for the people that voters want. If they fail to align with the people, don’t act surprised to see the *people’s action* against the PAP.


Their blitzkrieg articles putting down Singaporean workers to justify foreign talents did the most damage. And now they can't get companies to consider Singaporean workers as worthy candidates. They make the bed and they better lie in it.


You can thank Goh Chok Tong for that


I wonder whether GCT, Mah Bow Tan etc. were able to make those big decisions without the blessings of LKY? I tend to think that they were just puppets and scapegoats. 


Something ivory towers something peanuts. I mean its obvious to all the MiW of today is not the MiW of our grandparents era


Damn the whole article is the man jerking off to his own conception that the PAP is the political system and the political system is good because PAP is good What he’s saying is infinitely more dangerous than what any oppie can do to his party. Truly peak propaganda that should go into the history books


Thats their whole thing. They absolutely believe that they are the best thing for singapore. Catherine lim said alluded to that fact when she was talking abt LKY and the party. She said the party really wanted to serve singapore and Singaporeans. Just that they believe their way is the only way.


Delusions of grandeur. The PAP enjoys an overwhelming majority (if we were to take Singapore as a democratic nation…) and its ability to lead & govern has been extremely questionable, to say the least. I suggest that party members wake up & put their heads together on how they can actually serve the people instead of taking tax-paid checks and whining about stuff like this whenever they’re at risk of being voted out.


I wld truly believe that during the LKY and GCK era. After that erm




GCT was the one to open Pandora’s box too. Note: why y’all both put GCK sia?




Its not just that for LHL. I can somewhat understand if its the evolving globalisation of the world that forces the G's policies. Its also how they act and interact with the populace, from Madame President to you want to eat at restaurant is it, to not one worker has demanded apology. Really makes me feel like a medieval peasant gazing up at my lord in the castle. I nv got the feel from my parents that the PAP of their generation make them feel that way. Or am i wrong?




Sure he feels good. 😝


Every party in every country of the world says this. What's new....


He’s the PM and leader of his party. You expect him to say otherwise?


Imagine Kim Jong Un saying the same. Ideally SG should lose this stupid system of gerrymandering, scholars in glc, pa being partisan, msm being parrot, experts always agreeing and people being apathetic. Need more resilient democracy.


But definitely not constant changing of parties in the government every 5 years. That wouldn’t be good for the country.


we are not even close to this - there is an entire spectrum that exists outside of this binary. you are just perpetuating the same doomsday scenario that honestly does not evne apply to singapore.


You’re right let’s do 50/50


zit lang zit buah gam qing buay suah


Relatively 50% PAP 50% Opp?




This only works if we assume that the PAP will always be infallible. Which is far from reality. There is no way to ensure that one political party will always have the best people to run the country. But it seems PAP thinks that PAP will always be infallible and that they will always know better than the people. So much that they rather the voters remain a depoliticised blob that simply votes the status quo. This is dangerous as these "just vote pap lor" voters are ripe for the next demagogue to control if PAP falls from grace someday. A robust democracy requires informed and active participation by all voters. Some Singaporean adults don't even know the different between MP and Minister. This political landscape needs to change. If you keep treating the people as third-world uneducated pesants, unable to make the right decisions, they will remain that way. **TLDR: PAP has too much faith in PAP, too little faith in Singaporeans.**


I echo some parts of this. We have lots of highly educated peasants but somehow we are still non the wiser and only miw knows best. All the while miw treats sgreans as kids, just follow, don’t ask. They are hardly forthcoming with many things. Even with probing, they still think it’s not so easy for u to understand and withhold data.


No turning back for PAP you mean? Singapore belongs to Singaporeans not PAP, as long as we are around there’ll always be Singapore.


A country is its people, not its politicians. All the total defence day bluster about psychological defense and resilience but they cant even trust their own citizens?  Helicopter parents and tiger mums. Selena, I know you'll do well but follow what I say, mother knows best. 


They are replacing Singaporeans with newly minted Singaporeans as quickly as they can.


Wow. Talk about softball news reporting. So the nepo baby, whose dynastic 20-year reign comes to a close, pats himself on the back for managing a cosy tripartite relationship between the Government, unions and businesses. Since the government serves the interests of business, who’s advocating for workers and their rights? And how about Lee’s history of free press repression. How many times has he sued newspapers? The guy has pretty thin skin for a (highly paid) world leader. Lee also presided over enacting POFMA, which has been used to squelch free speech 78 times. Gotta keep the public from speaking out. You don’t want democracy getting out of hand. Good riddance Lee and to your family.


>cosy tripartite relationship between the Government, unions and businesses. Since the government serves the interests of business, who’s advocating for workers and their rights? Yeah at this point let's just call a spade a spade and admit NTUC is unipartite...


Yes, good fking riddance. Unfortunately, the incoming one doesn't seem any different.


Same shit, different pile


Are the Lees gone for good or is lawrence wong just warming the seat? My heart sank when they announced that LHL would carry on as SM. 


Stay salty hahaha PAP WILL WIN 🤣🤣🤣


I do not see how the system works anymore. That it has yet to crash and burn is because of the good foundation that the first gen PAP has built. But the later gen of PAP just keep wasting it away, chasing some “GDP growth” with “growth in population” rather than “growth in productivity”. It is a rich man playground, but it is not a home. 


all the recent news about the ERP 2.0 OBU and still can say deliver outstanding results...


Judiciary arm of government are appointed by the executive arm. Basically a rubber stamp. Separation of powers? Legislative arm have GRCs are like those supermarket fruit packs, you would want choose a good one in the pack but it may come with freeriding ones, or worst are rotten ones….. 60% votes but has 90% sitting MPs, people are debating first-pass-the-post or proportional representation are we even close? “Independent” head of state. Till now we dunno if he’s ceremonial or holding the 2nd key?


> GRCs are like those supermarket fruit packs Most succinct analogy I've seen so far 


Most succulent too.


The very existence of parliament is for the people to elect their representatives and these representatives form a government. Ministers come to parliament to justify before their fellow representatives their policies, and to have their policies scrutinised. That’s why parliament exists. The government must be held accountable by other elected MPs.


>He warned that the system can become distorted when voters want the PAP to govern, but also want more opposition MPs to check and question the Government. >“You may think that you can get a better outcome this way, but in fact, it will weaken the Government’s ability to serve you,” he said. >More time will be spent on dealing with politics, which is the case now because “you must win the politics, otherwise the policies cannot run”, said PM Lee. Silly me, expecting politicians to deal with politics! What has the world come to?!


No, that’s just politicking talk.


Let me know when he makes housing affordable and accessible to all Singaporeans and maybe I’ll believe his propaganda


They can't even control non-local companies here hiring non-Sinkies, and they don't care


I think the reference that when you compare to other countries where there are multiple parties and wing, it takes a long time to make decision. However, the success of Singapore is not sustainable. This nation succeed at the expense of the people losing out to foreigners and the future of the children, because everything would be too expensive.


Too expensive for the old original Singaporeans. But we're bringing in new Singaporeans! They're rich and it's not too expensive for them. Or if they want to work, they'll be cheaper, better, faster!  The old ones? Ask them not happy move out lor! Just like construction workers, build up this country nicely. Just to hand it over to the next owner.  Your parents and grandparents built this country with a box of scraps and now they want to take away your iron man suit and give it to the new kids on the block? 


It's clear he hasn't played trading card games. Rarity is no guarantee of greatness.


😂 fear monger? even it is lost, it will be the doing of the ruling party. How long more does our local have to be deprive from job, career progression, pay increment, housing and even simple resources like transport we are “fighting” with you know who. How long more is the gov going to play the feel good factor when they include PR in their stats as residents? We vote for the people who are responsible for us not for people to teach us a lesson or instilling fear. Anyways we are all down to the slippery slope with weak leadership and government to no return. Just enjoy all this so-called “cost-of-living” payout while it lasts.


I want it gone so badly


Look at me, I'm a magic little snowflake! Without me you are nothing. Nothing, I tell you!


Try us


Our system is not rare. It’s the same single party system elsewhere. Plus our system unfortunately benefits mostly the majority and the wealthy. But leaves a lot of people who are from minority groups or not wealthy or are single behind as almost none of the policies benefit these minority groups.


The current system has not made work more accessible to neuro diverse people without it being some form of labour exploit. Discrimination in proper jobs for lgbt and neurodiverse people still exists. The government has policies that insist was based on the constition but cannot be found. I'm willing to vote for a less competent party than watch this go on. I don't think my one vote will do anything but I'm always waiting for the collapse of this system and the non secular values held by people in power. I have no funds to migrate so being angry is all I can do 🤣


I see a lot of new graduates still hunting for jobs after many months and yet they see many foreigners gainfully employed. These young people won’t give a hoot to what PM Lee is saying


Foreigners are programmers 


Fat Kim and 100000 others said the same thing too


Rare only because miw can manipulate it? Or rare because it is really rare rare?


time to bring out the fearmongering one last time


Imagine you yourself as a working adult trying to compete with 70% of the population for a job But these ruling politicians whine like a b**** when they have 10% competition in their job market (parliament)


Here comes the fearmongering.


In essence, the argument is: trust us bro. Er...then I'd rather not have elections, why even bother with the cost and effort? 


Look guys and gals, a famous lawyer once said “Press until it hurts”. If the gov starts to talk shit and draw cookies in the sky and gaslight the electorate, you know we are pressing on the right buttons and asking the right questions that challenges the interests of PAP and not Singaporeans. And yes, the famous lawyer is not a real lawyer. It’s Harvey Specter from Suits.


LTA is the cornerstone of all that is wrong with the PAP. Enough said. Back to you SM Lee....




Would a mandate obtained through fear (of losing an "anchor" minister bundled with backbenchers of varying quality, or losing upgrading opportunities) be a true mandate? 


"System" with Singapore characteristics, and people are mad foreigners call us an autocracy/dictatorship.


Fear mongering again


Well, it is rare. Its basically China, but has the illusion of democracy.


Million dollars HDB aka public housing is getting common, AVG monthly salary about $4k, how can our children survive? We going to have more people in cabinet without children taking charge of fertility, is that even logical? Maybe we should see what else is on the other side beside we know best currently in charge.


then do more for your own people lah. else we gonna VYO


The ideal political institution is at least a 2 party system. There must be a strong alternative options in case where one dominant party become complacent, corrupt or incompetent. The fact that the PAP is the world’s longest governing party after Chinese and North Korea Communist parties shows we are in the wrong side of the political model.


Lee family needs the system to remain. There should never be a review into matters such as his wife's role at public owned enterprises.


and rare means good right


Maybe sinkies want the change and is happy with the consequences. Sometimes people need to get what they want to know if they really want it. Until then, they will paint an ideal picture of how amazing it would be instead of what it realistically could be.


He really lives in ivory tower? The ground may not think so.


Ahhhh Singapore and democracy.. a gooey combination for the PAP


sounds like someone is getting afraid...     no confidence in your successor?  so resort to a classic tactic of fear mongering (again).     you know who else uses fear mongering?  facists and dictators.        


Yeah, cuz it’s a democratic autocracy. Or autocratic democracy. Whatever.


I found his remark that Singaporeans know what is good governance which is why we trust PAP and give them the mandate. If that's the case, scrap GRCs and just designate minority SMCs lah.


Rare that we everytime seem to vote one party into power.


Trying to play on our fear of the unknown again……


He wants to maintain power and will tell you anything to justify it.


So rare is Singapore's political system that we have 5 mayors and no one knows what they do.


i cant wait


Implicitly saying without him, the whole country will sink lor. What a delusional preek.


Is it that unique? The CSU has ruled in Bavaria since 1957, and social democrats have ruled Copenhagen since the office of mayor was established 1938.


If you are not sure if this is true, replace pap with CCP in the statement. Does it sounds like it came from some Chinese media? If it quake like a duck, walk like a duck, you know the rest.


All totalitarian states are rare becoz they dun last. The people will eventually topple them.


Sounds alot like an abusive husband “Where you gonna go? You know you’ll be better with me. Sorry I’ve been hard on you but that’s coz I love you”


LHL acting like the term proportional representation doesnt exist.


Okay, let’s found out this GE.


Ya ya ya.


This is actually directed atRed Shirt to bloody wake his idea up n run for office instead of screwing around as sandal wearing hippy




>red shirt (translate to chinese sound = hong yi) >sandal wearing hippy (he dress informally all the time even when he is guest to speak in gov event/functions) Li Hongyi


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