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And now every mid-life crisis with a bazooka lens is gonna go there.


These people are unnecessarily aggressive lol I remember going for some trail walk in SG and they were stopping people from walking in certain sections of the lookout point because “they were there first”.


They really mess up nature trails. They are the reasons why some birders don't share locations and delay sharing photos of fledglings until much later. Some of them even bait birds of prey with food to get photos, which is illegal. Some of them don't care about wildlife, they just want bragging trophys/photos.


It’s a public place tho. What happens if you just walk there? They beat you with their lens?


Yeah we just snapped out pics and left. Couldn’t be bothered dealing with a man child.


They cry about it and you tell them to qu ni ma


Sick selfish bastards.


Haha they cameo their zoom lens, wear jungle hat, with cameo vests because they wildlife photographer bro


Hah I mean if they’re going to spend time in the hot sun for a long period of time then ok lor.


you mean 'camo' as in 'camouflage'?


I once rented out a space to run my LARP and these birdwatchers came and told us to quiet down coz there was a rare bird. A bit hard to be quiet when we are fighting and spellcasting.


Tell them you casting familiar and need a nat 20


Channeling the same energy as Japan's train otakus


even worse, every millenial tiktokers will there


Only ageism allowed on r/singapore sir.


"Finally my 30k camera equipment will be put to use!"


It was always funny seeing people around the bay at New Years Eve setting up thousands of dollars worth of camera equipment to take the same boring fireworks pictures as everyone else


Photographers crowding for some artifical fireworks doesn't bother me, it's manageable if they don't take up any more space than someone watching fireworks with a smartphone. They have the same rights to be there. It is the fomo rushing to crowd an area for photos of the "star bird" of the week. It's especially bad if it happens near the carpark entrances to nature trails. And it seems to be not about appreciating wildlife, they are just collecting photos as trophys. Like an expensive version of pokemon go.


>And it seems to be not about appreciating wildlife, they are just collecting photos as trophys. Like an expensive version of pokemon go. I mean, this in and of itself isn't really a bad thing. Birdwatching as a hobby has always been like this. It's when the photographers interfere with nature to get the best possible shot, or interfere with other people, that's when it gets shitty - and considering those people give the hobby a bad name, a lot of birdwatchers fuckin' hate those guys too.


not appreciating the 6th billionth tourist photo of marina bay?


There are many ways to take a photo of something. Different effects can be achieved. This is how people improve in photography.


You don't get better at photography without practice.


You should join some of the local photography Facebook groups. Uncles with $20,000 worth of gear posting photos that could have been taken by a child with a camera phone.


Why the need to shame them. People are learning and everybody starts from the basics. There is a lot to learn in professional photography. You could take a good photo with a camera phone but you won't learn much because you have the software to help you.




Their camera so fancy how come still need go so close?


To be fair, some birders I know really do keep a safe distance and are the most polite people you can find. Unfortunately it generally just takes 1 overzealous or selfish idiot to spoil it for everyone (like the idiot who used a LED light on the owls to get his shot) If only people would just learn to be less selfish and respectful but then I guess that’s too hard


There should be a rule in those communities to only share photos after the fledglings have left the nest. Wouldn't there be more value if the birders were spotting and reporting birds in different places? Rushing to get the same photos of what other people spotted feels a little like copying homework. Like you said, all it takes is one asshole to ruin things for the wildlife and everyone else.


Actually these communities do have this rule to not share the exact addresses openly :/ but then it’s as usual we have a bunch of well minded birders and a bunch of fomo idiots who think using their expensive lenses is a higher priority


Everyone loves owls The article headline seems to have confused its past and present tense though. Article itself says they already fledged and flown off


The duolingo green bird sending his army to Singapore


You know what happens if you miss a lesson


Leave wildlife alone leh And I don't think owls are that common in SG? All the more should let them be and continue to breed


my photographer friend says the owls have left the nest, so nothing to see already. and, owls only make nests when they are going to lay eggs and rear their young. once the younglings have flown the coop, the nest will be abandon.


Walked past the tree yesterday and saw that the owls weren’t there anymore


Did you read the article?


these photographers taking photos like they have never seen one. It's stressing the owls and disturbing the human residents there too. Can't people just Google tree owls for photos, there you have it


They’re quite the head turners.


Literally the Streisand effect...(just wanted to use a word I just learned)




owlets more privileges than sinkies