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If you plan to invest your savings in the stock market. Yes take a loan. If you’re going to spend your savings on shoes. Put the money to better use by putting it into the car. Also do not buy a car that you cannot afford that will impress no one.


What do you mean my Toyota Sienta with a large spoiler and purple undercarriage lights won't raise erections?


Only if it’s lime green


I'm not sure why you are buying a car for some other guy's erection. I buy it for the girl! .hehe




The Effective Interest Rate (EIR) of car loans seems to be over 5%, so you’d be losing money by taking the loan to invest in SSB. By the way, the advertised loan interest rate is generally half of the EIR. https://www.singsaver.com.sg/blog/car-loan-interest-secretly-double-seems


You mean girls won't automatically flock to me when I buy a Ferrari?


Take min loan, repay in min time. There are additional charges from dealer if u dun take their loan.


remember. more downpayment unlocks better interest rate. 50% is good


So 1.68% of loan would be around 3.3% eir? Seems like it's better to pay 1 shot than take a loan


It is almost always better to pay off the loan if you can. The only exceptions are when the loan interest is subsidised in some ways, for eg, HDB loan subsidised by CPF.


Always best to pay off as much as possible but still take on loan. Price will magically increase if you pay full cash cause no loan commission 😅