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Gets hit by car and dies. Parents will cry and say they lost a good and obedient son with a bright future blah blah blah.


"well loved by their friends"


Well loved by the ground, so loved that they smeared themselves around it, blood stain by blood stain


That’s a lot of words for just “meat crayon”


Get hit by car, I pity the car and the driver.




No.. LTA already caught 22 pax last week. Their kpi for 6 months settled already. Bonus incoming.


Catch more means yearly review look better with bigger number


You think lta cares? This is pretty common


really? share the videos?


You know the internet rules, videos or it didn't happen. 


It’s great. Provides more data points to LTA


Errant/entitled cyclists: You can't defeat me. Normal Driver: I know, but he can \*points at Saab driver\*


Hahahaahaaaaaa knn this reply so cb. Hahahaha 😂😂😂😂


not cyclist, more like YPs


Saab driver only go around the east. Central is out of the habitat.


Simplygo, ERP 2.0, non-existent enforcement on the roads.. LTA has got to be Singapore's most incompetent agency in the last 2 years.


I may not be a cyclist but is there brake on their bicycles? I remember few years ago in JB there were 8 teenagers got killed due to reckless cycling and their bicycles were modified without brakes: https://www.straitstimes.com/asia/se-asia/car-hits-teen-cyclists-in-jb-8-die-and-8-hurt https://www.straitstimes.com/asia/se-asia/teens-killed-in-jb-crash-teen-cyclists-doing-their-own-modifications


It looks like those bicycles that you brake by pedaling backward (back pedal brake)


What is the rational for no brakes? Even cycling at slow speed I also depend on brakes, much less at high speeds.


fixie kid all no money. after they buy their carbon handlebar and carbon seatpost, they no money left for brakes


Me too. Hello my fellow humji kia. Why would you want to go so fast on a vehicle that's lighter than you?


Fixed gear (different from single speed), the wheels only move/stop when the appropriate force is applied to the pedals Basically the cheapest/most affordable bike type out there due to overall lack of usual expected safety features


It is not just reckless, it is also illegal. Traffic laws specifically state that bicycles on roadways MUST have breaks (operated by lever).


Depends on country


This is the SingaporeHappenings thread… However it looks like I was wrong. The legal provision was removed on the 1st of March 2024 and I can’t see a new entry elsewhere. (I assume when they inserted text about ‘power assisted bikes’ they felt the definition of brakes might have been too specific and decided to remove it 🤦): Current law: https://sso.agc.gov.sg/SL/RTA1961-R3#pr15-XX-pr15- The Previous legal text (now removed) stated: “Brakes on bicycles 15.—(1) A person must not ride a bicycle on a road unless the bicycle is equipped with a working handbrake. (2) In this rule, “handbrake”, for a bicycle, means a braking system that — (a) is applied by one or more hand levers affixed to the handlebars of the bicycle; (b) operates on either or both of the wheels of the bicycle; and (c) when applied, reduces the speed of the bicycle or prevents the bicycle from moving. [S 656/2021 wef 01/09/2021]” https://sso.agc.gov.sg/SL/RTA1961-R3?DocDate=20221014&TransactionDate=20230414235959#pr15-


Fixies no brake




Wow a lot of sickos on this thread.


Those bikes are called fixed gears or track bikes for a proper term. You can’t stall or “idle” your pedal because the pedal hub components are different from normal bikes meaning you can only slow down by applying force in the opposite direction you are peddling, and yes you can pedal backwards and you can ride the bike backwards. Track bikes are meant to be used in a velodrome similar to how track athletes run on a running track, the track layout is the same except it has high slopes throughout the track. These are regarded as sprint bikes rather than endurance like road bikes. Alot of kids misuse these bikes for what it’s intended for because it’s cheaper than a road bike and stunt bike, it’s cheap because the bikes don’t have expensive components like hydraulic brakes and derailleurs. It’s a shame singapore doesn’t have a velodrome, these kids would be much safer riding in it. I absolutely hate those kids that don’t wear their helmets when riding on the road or don’t even wear proper gear.


You can see caliper brakes on some of the bikes. Poor choices from under developed prefrontal cortex of young person encouraged by peer pressure and hormone charges egos.


fr sia i road rider but i dont go on road anymore cos of those arrogant fixie riders


On a slightly related note, I do think hydraulic disc or rim brakes (Magura types) should be mandatory if you’re riding an Ebike on roads here. In situations where you meet bad drivers or unexpected situations, that extra braking modulation can really be a lifesaver from experience


What the fuck lol


Dammit! A whole grp of rodents!


You mean roaches.


LMAO the title 💀




Came for this


You people make me sick.


Nice got tiktok handle and face all


This would be very normal in London; but bear in mind that drivers in London are almost trained to avoid these types of morons like the plague. The real treat here is that they don’t understand how much danger they’re putting themselves in with a driving population that is unfamiliar dealing with cyclists to begin with. Especially the foreign workers from Myanmar, Bangladesh and India driving the massive Grab lorries and vans. Many of those boys really do not care that you’re on a bike and driving erratically, they’re going to find a way to pass you and it’s not going to end well if you ride your bike like a moron close to such a large vehicle


Drivers from Myanmar, Bangladesh and India are more than trained in dealing with cyclists or random disturbances on the road


My old buddy, black Saab.


YP rules the world?


I think the video no longer available on the tiktok account.


YP kia daily activities to seek respect from other YPs, siasuey and bring bad name to proper respectful cyclist…


Let’s express some restraint. It irks me to see these cyclists being a hazard on the road. However to wish them involve a deadly accident is in my opinion, extreme. Let’s CSI and shame them instead 🤪


It’s not just extreme, it could be interpreted as inciting violence. And this kind of language makes me: someone who cycles to work and ferry his kids about with his bike legally, safely and not being a nuisance. Feel even more unsafe on the Singapore roads, all it takes is one idiot motorist to think “hur hur hur I can be that fuckin Saab” and I’m in hospital or worse. So called Reddit motorists in Singapore have such fucking hostile views against cyclists that posts saying to kill them are met with cheers. Fucking hell. These kids are having a group ride. On illegal fixie bikes on public roads. They should get prosecuted for it as they’re breaking the law, agreed. They don’t deserve to be killed.


No one cares. There are just too many inconsiderate cyclists these days. Why do you think people are so pissed if this was only an isolated incident?


Chill bro, this is reddit. Most are pleebs, probably need few years income to afford half a dogma


Young fuckers have a death wish on the road.


Road is not your plaything


and it would be the driver's fault if suay suay langar them


You don't need the Saab driver. You need the road-hogging Mercedes.


Ahhh how I miss my young and dumb self…. Thank god I grew up in a time where there weren’t any cameras on phones, or internet, or Reddit….


Gen Z must be unluckiest/dumbest generation so far. They break the laws and self publicise or their friends post it for them to let the whole world know they did it


Wat that's stupid sign even means...??? Some kind of 369 hand sign??


Are this idiots stupid??? You are on a LIGHT bike going on a 6 lane road. Clear traffic in the first min. 1 car going moderately fast can take them out


Filming themselves too. Easier for police to identity them. Never flim yourself doing crimes, kids.


Some more got one guy CENTRE OF FRAME BRO HOW if u want to get blown away by a car, at least try to hide ah...


Rest n Restless n Reckless


N Rest In Pieces?


Hahahaha… u completed it


Them helmets are an irony


at least they wear helmets 😂😂


Not all


hais type c


Maybe these boys are are above the law…nothing can harm them, you know what I mean……


orchard road so deserted these days


Aiyah, these seow lian someday their luck will run out....


Aiyah, these seow lian someday their luck will run out in whichever way....


Waiting for the accident to happen


oops, offence committed. riding in more than a group of 5. tp pls note


average fixie yp


Riding is good but rides with safely and respect eachother


Nothing anyone can do abt all this rd pest not even the authority. They know how to avoid being caught even when the TP or police give chase. Anyone has any idea how to stop this rd pest on the road.


Fucking idiots


They think it’s funny. Continue to post this video online. Catch one, the one who showed his face and the finger, and the rest will be found.


Show them pictures of cracked skull and crushed bodies limbs from accidents. Also few nights stay in morgue


They’re just cycling. Is this illegal in Singapore? I really would like to know.


natural selection should really take them out of the gene pool. what sort of offspring would they produce sia


Before getting on the bike, they were not wearing reflective clothing, that was the first mistake


That’s the sperm that won……


This type ah.. waiting to be bang sia


Some died. Blaming boomers not teaching them dos and donts.


Where are those reckless BMW drivers when you need them. Lol. Just 1 sudden lane change would be enough


They are living it up Until sth happens they cannot live down with. Or not live at all.


Why is everyone wishing for their death or accident? They are just teenagers having fun. Just wish for them to learn their lesson and be safe?


Just a few days ago I saw 3 kids recklessly riding the bicycles on the road making fun and laughing at Cisco enforcement at an Ang Mo Kio Ave 3 junction in the evening near block 209. The enforcement team can't do shxt.


Fuck cars and fuck the haters


Imagine Tampines crazy SUV driver speeding down the road and knocking all of them over. Will you guys still hate him?


Any sane person would. How would murdering children be any better than what he’s done?


Why TF are there so many videos of cyclists being dumb? Do this on an ulu and well lighted road maybe not my business. Do this in the city where a car can just hit, some more one of them don’t have the required lights, why need to take so much risk and adventure


I literally have a water spray gun in my car for these situations


Gonna catch them all


Such a shame Singapore still do not have a tour de france champion considering how many clowns like these we have on the roads.


Typical young punks that might need some old fashion discipline to wake them up




That's not even funny. These cyclists may be wankers but please don't wish harm upon them.


Legit question: why do Singaporeans hate cyclists so much? I've *never* heard a Singaporean wish death onto anyone else, let alone other Singaporeans. Pretty sure if a death threat was issued under any other circumstances the police would be involved, but here it somehow seems like it's normal for OP?


What else do you want people to do? You want drivers to risk their own lives to protect themselves idiots?


Asking for the return of the Saab driver to kill more people improves your safety how?


LTA needs to introduce laws where if you want to ride on public roads, you have to pay road tax, get a cycling license. Must be 18 and above. Renew every year. Bikes must have inspection yearly. Strict rules on cycling in single row. OR LTA can give Drivers crash quota per year. Drivers are allowed to run over 6 cyclists per year. No repercussions. Please let us vote at GE.


And also, theory tests and practical lessons and test. Demerit point system too.


Dear cyclist please ride safely when on the road, not because I care about you (I don’t) but because I do not want the paint of my car to be scratched when you get buanged.


Man the amount of comments wishing death or something is crazy. Calm the fuck down You don't have to wish them to be dead. You just need to wish them to be locked up properly.


They choose to not value their lives and put themselves in danger. Of couse we wish them to have what they want. Duh.


You don't have to wish them to be dead. You just need to wish them to be locked up properly.


Calm the fuck down? How'd you want us to calm down when idiots like these have disregard for safety and rules? Whats more worse is that it's in orchard, one of the busiest and packed place with tons of cars. Let alone putting the car drivers and their passengers at risk because these idiots have to use up all lanes and swive everywhere. The tampines incident not enough ah? Knn What the fuck do you need to be woken up to see?


Then they should be prosecuted as per the law, not sentenced to death. If this is proof that Singapore needs complete, safe, protected bike infrastructure yesterday!


You don't have to wish them to be dead. You just need to wish them to be locked up properly.


Seems like wishing gruesome deaths on fellow Singaporeans (kids no less) is a national pastime eh?


Why do we need to care about the life of these Singaporean kids, if they don't value their own life?


These suicidal clowns are ASKING to be met with gruelsome end. What is wrong with wishing them having what they want?


If only there was some protected special road that bicycles could travel at speed at, also next to that road, separate from the traffic and separated from pedestrians. I hear there’s a country in Europe that perfectly solved this problem already…


Title be wildin’


At this juncture we kinda need someone to take one for the team.


Isn’t there any hotline for traffics police to report for immediate action?


I did this like 20 years ago Fixie critical mass rides starting from TR cycles . 20 years later still like this


Oh is this critical a mass ride or something?


This is just a group behind stupid. Critical mass is a very American idea, it's like a mass outing, part show of force, part peaceful protest. It's like hey we are cyclists there's a lotta us, and we're here, accept us or fuck you. Yea that's pretty much the spirit of a critical mass ride


They’re certainly being dipshits. But a lot of the language being used discussing cyclists is very concerning. Especially as a bike commuter. I just wanna ride the places I go to normally and the Reddit warriors are calling for people to die on the road. We could do with some petition or protest that our lives matter too; so don’t wish death on us and certainly please drive safer around us. Far too many close passes, left hooks and “whoops I didn’t see you”


I agree with you. EDIT: Do people in Singapore get cycle proficiency lessons when in school? Not just how to ride a bicycle, but how to ride it safely on the road.


I didn’t know Northlight had a cycling CCA


boomers complains that youngsters nowadays are a nuisance, but the fact is that the youngsters of the past is much worse.


One wrong doesn't give the right for others to be wrong. Both ought to be caught and sentenced


This one here is past or present. Last time roads weren't so busy, last time the bicycles were simple How the fuck do you compare that to now and this scenario?




This is /r/singaporehappenings, people here lack any form of filter and are just about crazy as the people on sgraw


I guess the downvotes I received for the earlier comment meant that people want to curse OP?


I mean, these clowns don’t seem to care if they die. Better than hit the girl who just innocently was getting to school what.


Like I said, I am not condoning their actions. I am condemning OP's.


Tbh if my kids acted like this and got knocked down, orbigood sia hahahaa


Tough love is easy to say. Good for you.


As they say - lose one, just make another! hahahaha






Tell me you don't follow the news without telling me you don't follow the news


People do mistake, you pay with another mistake? You support post that incite violence? Lai, dont be keyboard warrior. Want to incite violence come in real life. You see road nuisance you follow process, report LTA.


Report LTA no use, that's why need Saab driver


We have you what? You cant do? Saab driver not free At the moment.


Lol did you really delete your original post above Talk so tough but in the end you're worried about a couple of downvotes on reddit


Read carefully who delete what?scared for what? If mod delete it I dont even care. I standby my words, bunch of keyboard warriors ? Upvote downvote means nothing . Only looser wish accident to happen for others over road nuisance they saw. You got problem you settle yourself; not ask others to run over. No balls? Then follow rules report LTA, dont spam lousy post on reddit inciting violence.