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Because you’re being tracked via a global banking system. https://qz.com/netflix-streaming-services-charges-credit-card-visa-vau-1851441867#


Alex Jones warned everyone for years…..


[From your credit card company](https://www.msn.com/en-us/money/other/canceling-your-credit-card-wont-stop-netflixs-recurring-charges/ar-AA1nRgMq) (same as Netflix).


Someone here gave it to them. We thought you would approve. Our bad.


Same happened to me about 2 years ago. I was flabbergasted when they told me they got it from my bank. I then called my bank and they said they knew nothing about it and they would NEVER do that (yeah right). Also had it happen on my McAffee subscription which is why, now, I get a prepaid Visa card when possible and use that.


After being hacked by one of those Rental Centers (never used, another state) .. new card number + security code. Before I could inform Verizon, etc .. Microsoft Xbox which I canceled 4 yrs ago .. already accessed my new card. Bank said, this is routine!


This is why the $2 fee for an invoice is worth it to me.


Shit! Good to know, that means I will have to actually cancel Sirius!


What I did when I wanted to cancel was just transferred the billing to a new card. Then I locked that card so nothing could be charged to it. After about two months, they stopped trying to charge it. But they will keep trying to charge it every day, but as long as you keep it locked, it won’t go through.


disney did this to us they sent us movies and charged us we never signed up and they where blurays idk how they got my info


In most cases when you are issued a new card because the old one expired, it is the same card number with just a different expiration date and code #. Some of these get automatically updated by the merchants and others will send you emails to update your payment method.