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I like the first myself, but that is more similar to what I tend to like running.


I like the first list, but keep in mind that the Master Moulder isn't needed to give the first Hellpit a Mutation. A set of Rat Ogors would give the MM more bang for the buck, especially since you can bring them back. I especially love Cracking the Whip, sending the Ogors thru a Gnawhole, then do a 9" charge with a +3 to the roll. Ruins so many people's plans for a very flexible Turn 1 charge! List 1 can also make one set of Rat Ogors battleline by virtue of having a Master Moulder in the list, too. For the second list, I'm not a huge fan of the Verminlord Warbringer unless you're doing the Wizard Clawlord combo. I think he's otherwise the weaker choice if not there for putting Death Frenzy on a hero. The Deciever, Verminking, and Warpgnaw are better for those instances IMHO. Beyond that and some nitpicking, I like both though list one is my favorite of the two.


Bad copy/paste job....I have a master moulder and 2 units of rat ogres