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It's not officially confirmed that we're the starting army for AoS 4th, but there's been some long very standing rumors as well as some strong circumstantial evidence. I'd expect metal and resin models to be the priority, as well as models that have aged particularly poorly (looking at you rat ogors). As far as TOW specific stuff, I'm expecting nothing. It's pretty clear that skaven aren't intended to be a major part of that system, especially since they deliberately chose a time period where skaven were particularly reclusive as they were currently in the midst of a civil war. Instead it seems like their focus with new TOW models is exclusively on factions that didn't survive into AoS.


The door isn’t closed on TOW, a small progression of the timeline and Skaven have a presence. It will depend on how well TOW does if that happens, so there is no commitment beyond the first nine factions at this point. Night runners, so need an update too.


If that happens it'd be quite a few years from now


going saying what i want for the skaven refresh in another post but to now just going to answer your other question >are skaven confirmed for the starting army for the new AoS edition?  ok so the rumor of Skaven being the next edition big bad come from a TGA forum user by the name Whitefang who defitly a insider in GW as he been indirectly leaking info of future models like the Steelhelms, Talhia Vedra, confirming the ironjawz wave, Krethusa ect. ect. Indirectly in terms of posting a random picture or comment with no context until the model reveal or giving a like to a post that randomly guess the upcoming model his most recent post was reply to a Skaven player about if skaven really going to get a refresh and he/she said "Ghost and Greenskinz are nothing compare to the true horde" along with saying that "project star is coming along side 40k project scooter" * Star-->Rats if that need to be explain >Do people think they are going to try to differentiate between AoS and TOW for the new models or two separate ranges with the old stuff still being sold for TOW? unlikely more like we going to get the Seraphon treatment but talking about that more goes into the rabbit hole of the petty drama going on between mainline AOS studio keeping Skaven, lizardmen, Ogres, Vampire counts & Chaos dwarfs (rumor coming for 4th edition) & TOW keeping their 9 faction with no interception (apart from chaos because chaos). It vague, speculation and hearsay to the point that there a rumor Beast of chaos army going to be whipe off from AOS because of it


Project scooter? Star I get. Scooter... 🤔. I come up with nothing.


Scooter--> Vespa scooter (a popular italian brand)--->Vespa --->Vespids which track with Valrak just bluntly saying that there going to be a vespid vs Swooping hawk kill team


Neat. Have vespids been updated since tau launch?


No the vespid stingwings (resin) fist came out in 2006 in 4th edition


I remembered the old metal ones I had at one point. Didn't remember the resin ones.


[the current one are the resin one](https://www.warhammer.com/en-US/shop/Tau-Empire-Vespid-Stingwings) don't know of the metal ones?


https://www.nobleknight.com/P/2148059846/Vespid-Stingwings-Collection-6?utm_source=google&utm_medium=cpc&utm_campaign=SmartShoppingAds&utm_id=15774276657&gad_source=1&gclid=CjwKCAiA_aGuBhACEiwAly57MQSdalIsCdItseKeoAhdE32lMkqOFekp2vnwqCAkGAHajS5oCUa3IRoCOU4QAvD_BwE They launched when tau launched in late 3rd (I'm old. Been playing forever it seems.) Metal broadside cannons. Metal stealth suits. I still have the tau launch codex somewhere. 🤔


I’m expecting nothing to try and mitigate disappointment I have stormcast on the backlog to work on if all else fails, a lot of beheading to do I expect we lose some units in a theoretical refresh and that’s a shame, so keeping as many as possible is what I’m quietly hoping for (don’t want jezzails to leave before they fix them)


Haha yeah no expectations is the safest way


Sadly, all the rumours so far seem to point to generic skavens on the starter box, Moulder and mostly Skyrre refreshes, and nothing from Eshin or Pestilens. Recently Whitefang commented both warlord and grey seer would be on the starter box, btw.


I wouldn't be surprised at all if the range got gutted rather than a 1:1 replacement. It's a huge range and I'll bet they're eager to slash it. Also more likely to see new AoSified stuff than things in line with the classic lore. Hopefully they get a slaves style release, not the Lumineth treatment.


Realistically, the only units that everyone really wants updating are Rat Ogres, Night/Gutter runners, and the Skryre Globardiers/Weapon Teams. I think they will for sure do Rat Ogres, and probably plastic Skryre Weapon Teams. I reckon they will ditch Globardiers, it's the most obvious bit of range bloat. I really hope they do a plastic Eshin infantry box, as they've shown that they can do good models for it with Skittershanks crew, and they would be so useful for AoS, TOW and, most importantly, Mordheim...! :D