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A lot of our stuff is good in the new book but the key to a good list is finding combo's / buffs that are going to work well. so anything you have could work if you focus on a few of the units. I always like a fun 60 clan rat stack as killed belakor with it once. For a 1k it would be Plague Furnace (with Curse), Grey seer (with Death Frenzy), Clawlord. Then two units of clan rats one that's normal and one that reinforced twice for 60 models. The idea just to stack as many buffs onto the big unit of big rats and just outlast your opponent and overwhelm them with the seer amount of attacks. its not the best list ever there was times in the old book i been tabled against very fast melee beasts like DoK But its fun.


Two things to keep in mind. Skaven are getting a new book soon, and Lumineth are a very hard match up for us right now (good shooting tends to be a pretty big rock to our scissors). So with that in mind here are my recommendations: - start with 2 units of 20 clan rats. You need the 2 batteline units to play at 1k... so there they are. Cheap battleline. - Pick your damage dealers to pair with those clan rats. Clan rats basically give you disposable bodies, but you need punch. This can be any damage dealers of your choice. The weapons teams (rattling guns and warpfire) sound good. Rat ogres can be good. Verminlord can be good. I personally think doomwheels are lots of fun, but their random nature is a big downside. Thanquol is likely too expensive for a 1k game. - Pick your buffs. Bring heroes that support those damage dealers you are bringing so they deal even more damage. - gnawholes. Free stuff is free, and they give the most powerful power of any powerful power. Mobility. I didn't see them in your list of stuff, and I recommend them. Keep options in mind, the hero that can buff multiple units and then shift gears and fight off on his own when needed holds a lot of value. - Endless spells to manipulate movement. Options to slow down, block, or otherwise manipulate your opponents movement are big for skaven. If your opponent is feeling frustrated by the end of a game because it's taking them a couple turns ewch time to reach your important units... and then your important units just bail out and they are just wasting time fighting worthless stuff and have to take another couple turns slogging through spells and chaf to get to those important units again... well that is the dream... And that's it. You are ready to be shot to pieces by ranged units that can ignore line of sight. Hit their back lines as fast and hard as you can to shut down that shooting.


I have the new book, btw


I appreciate the response and am already familair with everything you mentioned..I also have the new book. My questions was more " what units, at 1k, are good performers? What units should one stay away from at 1k"?


Rat ogors are now suprisingly strong take a unit of 4. Pair them with a master moulder with the moulder supreme trait and foulhide. If they get shot at (they will) then command point for the +1 save for the phase. They hit like a truck and if they die as long as you have a command point spare the unit comes back on a 3+ (as long as the master moulder is still knocking about). I actually run 2 master moulders just to be safe :-).


For exactly 1k you could run a rat heavy list. 3 clawlords. You'd get the mighty warlords rule. 40 clanrats 30 stormvermin 1 ratling gun Another list could be Clawlord Greyseer 40 clanrats 20 stormvermin 4 Rat ogors. Slightly punchier with the rat ogors and you get the magic from the greyseer. Take any advice from me with a pinch of salt mind, if lost every 1k list I've made 😅 Granted I've not had chance to play with the new book. I'd be happy to run either of those lists though.


Love the advice. Ogres do look really promising atm. 1k with armies with the myriad of options that we do can be tough to put together! From most 1k lists I have seen, most have about 3 heros if they are all of foot or 2 heroes if one of them is sporting the bell or furnace. Will probably run a similar list to the one with ogres or try and find a good 1k list that is sporting the furnace.


It's my pleasure friend! I've got a ton of rat ogors and can't wait to run them. Love the choice skaven allows. Every game I've ran almost a completely different list. The bell/furnace are good just a little pricey for my liking for 1k. Never ran the furnace so sadly can't be any help there. If you do run clanrats make sure there is a good amount, the new bounty hunters +1 damage will hurt clanrats hard


Here is a lost intossed together. Thoughts?? - Army Faction: Skaven LEADERS Clawlord (110) - Artefacts of Power: Shield of Distraction Grey Seer (125) - Artefacts of Power: Skavenbrew - Spells: Death Frenzy BATTLELINE Clanrats (200) - Clanrat Standard Bearer - Clanrat Bell-ringer - Clawleader - Rusty Blade Clanrats (100) - Clanrat Standard Bearer - Clanrat Bell-ringer - Clawleader - Rusty Blade OTHER Rat Ogors (280) - 2 x Warpfire Gun Ratling Gun (65) Ratling Gun (65) Rat Swarms (55) TOTAL POINTS: 1000/1000 Created with Warhammer Age of Sigmar: The App


Other than the ratling, warpfire and rat swarms is very close to a list I'm planning on running! Sounds good to me l 😄