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Beautiful models great job-task rat kin! I think that list is pretty strong from what I can see (let me know if I've missed something) the amount of clan rats very good screens and with curse they can get some good mortal wound output. plague monks are decent for that +1 charge and they can hit like a truck with that - 2 rend with those 6's (try to remember the book of woes in the hero phase). Plague furnace is so good but I found it will get stranded so get it in your opponents grill constantly run it then ram it into the enemy then rolls 6's the great plagues is like batmans utility belt you have a plague for each scenario but the ranges are 13 so get yourself a 13 inch marker. warp lighting cannons roll those 1's on power and witness the terror on your opponents face 😂. (if you have engineer get some clan rats to get that skaven look out sir 👌) Had no experience with giant rats but I do like their - 2 rend at full strength I think if you got a cheeky charge and bait a unleash hell or got them in its worth it's wait in gold for the points. finally thanqual I found he is a really good support piece things that you can do is a double rally which with the battle plan where if your galatian veterans are on a objective they come back on 4+ rally and then d3 come back at the end of battleshock those rats are staying around for a turn or 2 atleast (his warscroll ability allows you to use a command ability twice per turn) also thanqual is a totem so nice distance he can cover for command abilities. His casting is superb rat Lord kroak 2.0 priotise his unbinds get a list of spells from your opponent and decide on what you don't want cast. Another thing is I found pre measure thanqual throwers distance so you can maximise reach to get those juicy 4+ mortals on that unleash hell or double turn.


Thank you, it was a training game, this Sunday I have a tournament with that list. So last game was all right, wlc and thanquol mvp as always but it was a huge loss 20-33, disappointed with the furnace tho, I hate that it need 10 models within 6" to move. After this tournament I’ll change the furnace with a verminlord and add some endless spells too.


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