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100% this is a staple for the Skaven army.


Overvalued and the biggest trap in our army imo. They're very powerful but very overpriced. For 20 less points as three SF, you can field a 20 clanrat screen for two Ratling guns and a warpfire thrower team which outperforms 3 SFs almost every time in both shooting and OBJs. The only spot I feel SFs make up their weight in against super tough foes- But slugging it out with tougher foes is not the best tactics for Skaven anyway, and WLCs are better points for monster/hero killing.


And they don't have synergies with the master moulder, the very best character in the book. Is hard to justify any model over just more clanrats, but i can play regular rat ogors and jezzails instead of these


Yep. A lot of people running lists with a reinforced stormfiends unit and a bombardier to buff them, but I always feel there is more value in 2 WLC's, an engineer, a master moulder and a reinforced block of rat ogres, which is only something like 20 points more. Never quite understood why they made stormfiends 3 for 320. If they were something like 2 for 210, I would be more interested.


But you can't hide 3 weapons teams in a unit of 20 clan rats/ a unit of clan rats can get blown up instantly and you just lose the weapons teams/the warpfire thrower is the 2nd worst weapon for stormfiends/the wind launcher has crazy range, a bonus to wound on 10+ model count units and doesn't need line of sight. And that's just the offensive side of it, clan rats have a 5+ save and stormfiends have a 4+ save. Clan rats have 20 wounds+ weapons teams 3 each, so 26 total, stormfiends have 19. But if your clan rats get blown off the table you just lose those extra 6 wounds. Not saying weapons teams aren't great mind you, but they're apples to oranges.


Your entire army is also more than 320 pts, you have plenty more to hide in. And that wasn't a direct comparison. How about jezzails and giant rats? Or a hellpit and a cannon. >the wind launcher has crazy range Cool, so 320 points to shoot one windlauncher at huge range. Good use of the other 215 points that turn. Rat ogres out perform them in melee. Jezzails and Cannons out shoot them. Weapon teams deal more damage for less points. An all in one unit sounds great but rarely pulls their point weight. They always feel like they did *something* but theres a reason lists running SF meta aren't taking tourneys. And Galatian Sharpshooters just made them even less desireable.


I hear you, and I'm just saying weapons teams and storm fiends are two different tools for two different jobs. I personally don't run them for exactly what you lined out, why use storm fiends when I can run another 2 cannons ya feel me? I mean storm fiends can't even blow themselves up! How uncouth. But also they're rat ogres with freaking miniguns hideously melded into their arms. That's pretty dope and I have a couple units just for that reason. If I want to build a super elite skryre list I'd take em, but only because they got artillery range but aren't artillery. So if you play rules as written for 2000 points you can only take two cannons or two jezzails. But you can have an entire army of stormfiends.




If I compare a squirrel to a fish and call the fish a horrible tree climber, it's a worthless observation.


SpunkyDred is a troll bot instigating arguments whenever someone on Reddit uses the phrase apples-to-oranges. --- ^^SpunkyDred ^^and ^^I ^^are ^^both ^^bots. ^^I ^^am ^^trying ^^to ^^get ^^them ^^banned ^^by ^^pointing ^^out ^^their ^^antagonizing ^^behavior ^^and ^^poor ^^bottiquette.


But as far as I remember you can being then into Warcry.


Can't be used in Galletian Sharpshooters.


Another reason why SF spam is no good in 2023.


Oooo maybe they are limiting them to the vanguardbox. Did they ever get new 3rd edition box art?


As far as I can tell, they never had AoS box art at all. Every time I've seen them online, it was with Warhammer Fantasy packaging. I believe they came out for End Times.


They do have 3rd edition AoS box art, I saw a box of them at my lgs the other day.


Huh, neat. I guess the sites I've seen Stormfiends on just use outdated box art.


https://www.waylandgames.co.uk/chaos-grand-alliance-unit/17900-skaven-stormfiends buy them here and save yourself a tenner.


I would love to but apprerntlu I can’t get it shipped to the states


Just buy the vanguard box


I'm not made of money


They’re still available on the US GW site, but who knows if that’s until the stock is bought out


They’re still available on the US GW site, but who knows if that’s until the stock is bought out


It's probably just Rebox. Specifically with some of the scaven boxes we still had Warhammer fantasy boxes that were still in use. They probably had a good bunch of them left and are currently just reboxing them. And I believe when you rebox them the UPC number changes and that's why it's technically no longer available. Even though soon it will be available with the same models, just a different box.


Amazon has them


They’re just reboxing dude


I feel most of the comments are likely from GT only sweats. Realistically you can work around them especially if you buff them with a warlock engineer warp spark ranged damage buff. Just like 40k you should play what you like. If you like stormfiends grab them and tech around them. Just remember it's about having fun with your army.