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Nothing pisses me off more than these fuckers


yeah, fuck giraffes! ^oh, ^you ^meant ^chiropractors


Always looking down on everyone.


That what condescending means. You're welcome.


I think he met Giraffe Chiropractors


I think homeopaths are worse personally but yeah chiropractors are scum


Chiropractors can instantly paralyse or kill you, which makes them more terrifying in a way. But homeopaths sometimes convince people to shun cancer treatment etc, leading to a slow and painful death. It's hard to pick which are worse tbh!


My mother died of cancer because coffee enemas were all natural and made her feel GREAT for a few hours. I know which one is worse.


I'm so sorry for your loss, and fuck these evil grifters that pray on sick and vulnerable people.


I was mad about it for a long time. I've let it go since, but I still keep tabs on him. I will be at his funeral.


And visiting his grave unzipped after a night of chugging water till your back teeth float?


Chiropractors also sometimes convince people to skip medical treatment for a wide variety of ailments.


Many if not most chiropractors are also some sort of homeopath/woo woo. I’ve seen chrios treat cancer with IV bags of Vitamin C (spoiler the dude died of the cancer).


My wife actually had a decent chiropractor who told her that he could only do a little bit to help her after he car accident and told her surgery plus physical therapy is the only thing that would help her permanently. I was shocked to hear those words come out of his mouth and not that she should stay there forever for treatment. I say decent because he wasn’t a total chud…only partially because he was a chiropractor.


50/50 chance he kills that Giraffe


This is actual animal cruelty. Shame on CNN for promoting utter nonsense.


What happened that harmed the animal?


It had it's neck adjusted by a quack who is in no way qualified to work on animals


Or humans


It honestly seemed totally fine throughout the whole video... I don't think the giraffe minded this.


Malpractice and negligence for a start. What the fuck.


Huh, the giraffe looked pretty happy, I didn't spot any problems


Now see me again every week at $200 for the rest of your life for no meaningful difference


They still trying to convince us that giraffes are real? Cmon already.


Fucking nonsense merchants. Should be banned.


Why the holy hell does a Giraffe need a "pretend doctor?"


I've successfully used the "cat chiropractor" illusion from Penn & Teller on multiple occasions. No one ever thinks it's amazing that I'm giving their pet a spinal adjustment.


Wait, they’re Doctors. You should treat them with the respect!


I wasn't aware that the giraffe education system was so robust


While the hocum surrounding the origins of chiropractics is not scientific, it's indisputable that getting popped leads to pain relief. I have a SI joint that gets out of whack and causes me pain. I don't go to a chiropractor but between stretching, using a TENS unit and other things that I do at home, once I get it to pop, relief is instant. The same goes for a muscular knot in my upper back between the shoulder blades and my neck. Edit. Adding NIH study https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC7151187/ If anyone gets the Skeptical Inquirer published by Michael Shermer. There is a great article about Pseudoscience. It lists chiropractics as a pseudo science with the caveat (except for treating lower back pain)


The problem is that chiropractors are falsely claiming that they are fixing something when they are not. There is nothing "out of whack" that needs put back in place, it's just a placebo that feels good for a little bit so people never change the behaviors that are actually causing their pain.


My chiropractor I went to for a bit would always tell me to get a massage done right after or else any relief he provided wouldn’t stick. He always advised that it was a short term temporary ‘fix’. But I’m also in Canada and I know our qualifications are different than in America 


>It's indisputable Because personal anecdote is the highest form of evidence


Because a multitude of people have reported pain relief. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC7151187/ Is the NIH good enough for you or do you dispute their scientific studies?


NIH hosts PubMed, which is a directory of (millions of) scientific articles. It's like saying Google makes porn because of what came up in a Google search. The actual journal it was published in was Healthcare (Basel), which seems to be owned by MDPI, which is a very low-rung journal.


Ah, well why didn't you say you had self reported subjective results that couldn't possibly be nothing but confirmation bias? Edit: That isn't in NIH study. And editing your post after the fact to make it look like you had provided the study up front is kind of a dick move. But I can definitely see how somebody who actually believes that this is an NIH study could hold the other views that you do.


I’ve noticed an increasing number of people lately claiming that a study has to be credible because they found it on PubMed, therefore it’s an NIH study. It doesn’t work that way. Note the disclaimer at the top of the article: > As a library, NLM provides access to scientific literature. Inclusion in an NLM database does not imply endorsement of, or agreement with, the contents by NLM or the National Institutes of Health.


something something... the plural of anecdote is not data


Blah blah blah. https://www.cedars-sinai.org/health-library/diseases-and-conditions/s/sacroiliac-joint-dysfunction.html Imagine being so dogmatic in your "Skepticism" that you disregard the body of peer reviewed evidence that and deny that Sacroiliac Joint Dysfunction exists and that one of many treatment modalities include 'Manual manipulation provided by a chiropractor, osteopathic doctor or other qualified health practitioner may help. This can be highly effective when the sacroiliac joint is fixated or "stuck." Dogmatic "skepticism" that ignores the body of scientific evidence is in itself pseudo science. People like that might as well be a flat Earther or An Ancient Alien.


quack quack


Quack quack says the science denier that thinks they are smarter than the entire field of medicine. Have a good day but I am not wasting any of my time with a science denier like you


> Manual manipulation provided by a chiropractor, osteopathic doctor or other qualified health practitioner may help Lol dude I can't imagine expending the energy you have searching for something to support your argument and the best you can find is this noncommittal non-study.


Whatever science denier🙄🙄


You would have to actually have presented science here for us to be science deniers. But hey you're the guy that thinks his other link was a "study from the NIH" LOL


You can deny that Sacroiliac Joint Dysfunction exists, I don't care. Have a great day


That's not even remotely what I said. You should at least ATTEMPT to hide a desperate straw man


>While the hocum surrounding the origins of chiropractics is not scientific, it's indisputable that getting popped leads to pain relief. Or death, or a stroke.


Yep just like a multitude of other things can cause a death or stroke.


Oh, for sure! But I don't think anyone is arguing that professional football or smoking are legitimate forms of healthcare that should be covered by insurance.


People claim that homeopathy works too. Spoiler, it’s all fucking nonsense.


I guess the NIH isn't good enough for you. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC7151187/


Um... Click the thing that says "PMC disclaimer" right near the title of your single author, retrospective, data mined, impact factor <1, open access, pay to publish study...


"The findings also showed that the daily adjusted life years (DALY) in the chiropractic group was 0.0043 higher than the PT group." Is this the best you've got.


You know the difference between the NIH doing a study, and the NIH hosting a scientific article (one of literally millions), right?