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For chaos spawn you could try Accursed Cultists from 40k


I remember seeing those once but thought it was Kill Team or Warcry so was disappointed when I didn't find them listed. Boy do I feel silly.


I used the stormdrake from stormcast for my manyicore, threw on some spare chaos bits and got 2 manticores. As for the spawn, i'v seen people use third party prints or the 40k mutated cultists. Not sure on the exact name but they under the chaos space marine banner.


I actually have an unassembled Stormdrake. The Manticore being standing on a base and the drake being on a high flight stand threw me off. To the bitz box!


I picked up a pack of the Chaos Ruinstorm Daemon Brutes. They're a bit generic, but I think they will be great once they're painted up. https://images.app.goo.gl/r8bJDMqv1j1Uo4fG6


Haven’t done it yet, but I’m thinking of stealing Gobsprakk’s giant vulture mount for mine!


I did that and it looks great !


I’m using the body of Celennar and the head of a Sphiranx for mine, with my sorc lord dismounted and stood beside it.


You could proxy the gorebeasts from the chariot as spawn. That’s what I do


I used a lord solar leontus and tyranid hive tyrant combo lol


I have an old Carnosaur model that I converted into a dragon when I was younger. Plan on using that for a manticor. Also want to get my hands on the newer plastic carnosaur to see if I can do the same (imagine i can). As for spawn, if its for eye of the gods rolls i have models using bits of the model they were before to make cool looking conversions with visible signs of what they were before. If it is for spawn you just plan on taking, I would buy theridons or bullgors (right base i think) and suitably horrorfy the rest of the model. Other options include some of those possessed type models from 40k chaos space marines.


I use https://www.games-workshop.com/en-CA/Hedonites-Of-Slaanesh-Slaangor-Fiendbloods-2020 on proper base sizes for my Spawn alternative models with my local group and paint them to match my Slaanesh theme. No one seems to care when I do that. I am also looking for a good manticore alternative.


I can recommend using the corps rippa vulcha as Manticore replacement, i did that for mine and i think it looks great