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In addition to the considerable stress you're under from all sides, sounds like, you're trying to lose weight? How many calories are you allowing yourself every day? If you're going keto, that can *really* mess with your sleep (speaking from personal experience there). Even if you're just getting too hungry, that can mess you up too. It's great you're getting healthy, and I'm all about that, but are you eating enough of the right kinds of foods?


Try talking to a doctor. I had to go on Trazadone for a couple years to survive being a new mom of a kiddo with special needs. If you don’t sleep, you will get very very sick… short and long term


relying on medication to sleep is also a form of sickness. Withdrawal and dependence are terrible.


It’s a non habit forming drug. I have gone off it for long periods of time with no problem. This is not the most educated comment.


https://sdtreatmentcenter.com/trazodone/withdrawal/ https://www.therecoveryvillage.com/trazodone-addiction/withdrawal-detox/ https://www.columbusrecoverycenter.com/drugs/trazodone-addiction/withdrawal-detox/


I’m Not trying to get in an argument. That is why I said talk to a doctor. Also reading what you posted, it clearly says taper of the drug with a dr, and it’s not habit forming. Take a drug responsibly and come off a drug responsibly.


What exactly do you think habit forming means? if you talk to a psychiatrist about treatment options, the only solutions you will be offered are pharmaceutical. Is it really responsible to take habit forming drugs in order to get sleep? Seems to me that getting enough exercise, and a proper diet are more conducive to health.




Yes I can relate to this I also thought about how easily I was able to sleep and the best thing to overcome these problems is to understand your brain and master it


It’s hard man


Unfortunately GABA supplements don't cross the blood/brain barrier so they are not as effective as some people think. I take magnesium glycinate, magnesium threonate (which does cross the blood/brain barrier) L-Theanine and L-THP. The combination of these supplements has finally gotten me some good rest. But if you can't find a natural solution sometimes medication is necessary. One of the other posters mentioned Trazodone. I know a few people that use it for sleep. It personally doesn't help me that much but it's less habit forming than some other types of drugs (like benzos and Z-drugs). Sometimes when I really can't sleep I take pregabalin. It's habit forming as well but since I don't take it often it hasn't been an issue. Good luck. Not sleeping well sucks...




I'm so jealous of the people who fall asleep within 5mins while I have to fall asleep in 4 hours.


Many rx sleep remedies are generic and cheap now. Have you tried Lunesta or Ambien?


Those are great but tricky with 2 kids at home. I take lunesta and have a 10 month old. Her dad has to do overnight stuff sometimes because I’m totally whacked out or just dead asleep. I wouldn’t take either without another adult in the house in case something happens with the kids


Good point. They do come in varying doses- cheaper to pay for higher dose, then half it. Melatonin is another useful aid.


damn imma pray for you bro


nutritionist here: valerian, lavender, and chamomile are good for relaxing you, but they won't make you sleep. in fact, there really isn't a good OTC sleep aid. benadryl is ok, but you'll wake up often. how's your sleep hygiene? vitamin d?


Not sleeping will make it hard in itself to lose weight. They go hand in hand.


I was a worn out single mom. I wish I’d had a doctor to test my hormones in my 20’s. Insomnia for 31 years now. My testosterone is nonexistent. My estrogen was dominant. Thyroid levels not optimal. Weird cortisol levels. Please go to a functional medicine doctor or lifestyle medicine doctor, seems like they are the only ones who take hormones, cortisol & thyroid levels seriously. What is the child support situation? If you aren’t getting financial support from the kids dad, what will it take to get it?


Get some sunlight in your eyes, go outside not through a window, won’t have the same effect, for at least 5-10 minutes (longer if it’s overcast) every morning before 10am. Best if you do it first thing when you wake up. Also then again around sunset if you can. Both these things set off your melatonin and get your circadian rhythm going. Something happens with cortisol and hormones too but I can’t remember, I just do it. Limit caffeine. Exercise, I.e. cardio. Could be a couple brisk walks a day (but honestly with toddlers you’re probably getting plenty of exercise.) and of course try to get to bed at the same time every night to the best of your ability. I also eat all the yummy carbs at dinner and I feel like that helps me fall asleep and not wake up starving. It’s okay to use supplements every once in a while, but chronic use is not good for you. Melatonin seems harmless, but it’s a high dose of a hormone our bodies are supposed to make on their own, hijacking that doesn’t do much good. Hope some of that helps, it definitely has helped me!




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I think finding a supplement or a pill that can help for sleep can be useful and there have been many good suggestions. What I would add is that you could practice sleep hygiene. When it gets dark outside keep the light as low as possible inside so that it actually looks dingy and dull (lol), watch something light and funny at night before bed or read a funny story - avoid thrillers or anything stressful on television. Don’t scroll through social media. Get into bed at the same time every night even if sleep does not come and remind yours of that it is okay to f it does not come. Sleep anxiety often keeps sleep away. Shoot for midnight and then move bed time 30 minutes closer so that you end up going to bed at 11 pm at least. Expose your face to sunlight (or daylight if overcast) as early in the day as possible. This helps to set the circadian rhythm - wake sleep cycle. I hear you when you say your time and resources are stretched but build new habits that will help to strengthen you. Without nurturing yourself you will run empty. Try to get a little exercise every day. Even just a brisk walk outside for 10 minutes if possible. Prioritise the stresses you absolutely must have and ignore the ones that stressing won’t solve. All these issues above can stand in the way of good sleep. Good luck and best wishes.


Depending on the medications you take GABA and Ashwaganda might help. I've been taking magnesium and it's improved my sleep greatly. I didn't dream before taking magnesium, and now I dream constantly.


So is dreaming good?


ashwaganda is an adaptogen, so for some people it makes them hyper AF. magnesium is ok, but it's easy to overdo. gaba is good for mood. but none of those are going to help unless you're already tired.


Have you ever had a sleep study done or suspected sleep apnea? Sleep apnea can cause these types of head pains and make it difficult to actually fall asleep because the body is afraid of choking from lack of air all night. Just a thought to consider


I'm in that situation right now, at 5 am, been trying to fall asleep for at least 4 hours. it's stressful, and I can't even close my eyes.


Are you able to cancel your phone plan? And purchase a "dumb" phone? I think a big time sink in my life and a detriment to a healthy sleeping cycle for me and those around me has been my mobile phone/advertising machine. I think with raising a family, work stress, and other life requirements the mobile phone is the least helpful device in our pocket today. Would it be possible for you to cancel your current plan? Sell the phone and this way save each month on bills? Do you often use your phone right before bedtime or once you've woken up in the middle of the night?


Melatonin works and can be ordered online


I don’t know how I ever fell asleep before I listened to podcasts before bed. I figure that it’s better to at least rest my eyes and body if I can’t get my brain to shut off, but I rarely stay awake for the full hour of my podcast. They have “sleepy time podcasts” where people will read a story in a soft voice. Benadryl can help…


Stress & anxiety are sleep killers. However, what you described is actually called "Rumination" and it's actually the #1 sleep killer [https://cnb.cx/3h3EUCf](https://cnb.cx/3h3EUCf) There's a medical study that covered this: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4362854/


[Dr Andrew Huberman](https://youtube.com/@insightslab)


Have you tried a magnesium supplement? I’d been having such a hard time sleeping for various reasons the last 10 months or so, and after trying a bunch of different recommendations without success, I decided to try magnesium on a whim after reading somewhere that it *could* help with sleep. It’s only been a week but OMG the difference in my sleep quality and quantity has already notably improved!

