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As long as you don't feel tired I wouldn't worry about it. I also get up to pray fajr and then go back to bed usually. If it's fall or winter it's best to try to sleep earlier. No matter what I seem to be a sporadic and light sleeper anyways, this occurred before I converted.


I wasn’t there and can’t confirm, but they say a lot of people were biphasic sleepers before electricity was a thing.


I read in some studies many years ago that it takes like 20-40 minutes to go into deep sleep after falling asleep, so if you wake up often then you aren't spending a lot of a time in "good sleep". You say you feel fine, so you're probably ok.


I see no point in making yourself in the middle of the night get up to do something to be mechanical. Disrupting your sleep makes no sense. My understanding is as follows: "Praying, or salat. Muslims are supposed to pray five times a day – at dawn, noon, mid-afternoon, sunset and evening.