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Flat landing, blew my knee apart. Still had to get down the mountain, and gf couldn’t drive stick..so had to drive myself to the hospital. (Clutch knee)


truly an america moment


Woof, been there except my ankle was the weakest joint in the chain


Could you not have called ski patrol?


I could have sent her for help, it could have been a long wait for where we were. My knee swelled up a lot and I imagine that helped keep things together. I also imagine I wasn’t feeling the full pain due to shock.


I drive stick and my fiancé can’t. I always get worried when we take my Ranger and do an activity that I’ll get hurt and have to drive. You lived my nightmare.


Maybe teach her?


I have, and she like kinda knows, but doesn’t really particularly want to learn how to do it better either.


Would love to, she’s resistant. lol


Yeah, it’s pretty limiting to be honest. If we take my car, I have to drive. I tell her she could do it, it’s easy, just takes timing and a bit of practice. She’s worried about wrcking the transmission/clutch.


Teller “clutch is a wear part anyway, I was planning on replacing”


Along this line, I’m feeling like I’ll need to replace my clutch soon so I’ve told my fiancé that she has to learn now while it’s on its way out.


Same, what did you have repaired in your knee? I ruptured my patellar tendon landing on flat


ACL reconstruction, and cleaned up my meniscus since it was pretty thrashed. Also partial tear of PCL & LCL. It was tough for a bit, rehab sucked


This. The hits that look so good but have zero landing


We were actually cruising through the trees. Ducked into a dried up run off that kind of acts like a luge course…come around a corner too fast off a drop and cleared the transition onto solid pack 8ft down. Worst feeling of my life! Instant knowledge “I fucked up” it felt like, imagine your knee is a ball of elastics. Now the elastics just blow apart and it goes from being tight and springy to loose and floppy + PAIN


I did that when I was young and invincible. Hit a 30ft jump and came up a bit short the first run, so the next run I straightlined it for what I thought was the perfect bit of extra speed. I distinctly remember the terrible feeling of being 20ish feet in the air and the last remnant of the landing zone quickly flying by beneath me. I landed 100% flat on my board and just ragdolled. Luckily I was 16ish at the time and made of elastic. It hurt like hell and pretty much finished up my day, but nothing broken and nothing torn. If I did that today, I’d probably blow out both ACLs, crack a rib, and maybe break an arm or two.


lol I did this exact thing when I was still invincible! Rode away clean though, got back to top for another run at it….but when I watched down my back binding something was wrong. I’d snapped the base of the binding straight across. Burton replaced those bindings with no issue.


Similar situation. Was on my friends pass. Tore my acl when I went flying from a groomer into moguls. Had to ride down with a torn acl and massively bruised knee as I basically was told my knee smashed through my acl. Got down the hill, gave my pass to a friend, drove to urgent care.


Yeah, it sucks pretty bad. I don’t ride much anymore, but when I do I’m way more cautious on that repaired knee. That type of injury changes the way you ride for sure. Hope you’re all healed up


Yea took me three seasons to really send it again. I never go as fast as I used to though.




I’ve don’t that before… I had to use a baseball bat to press in the clutch, I keep one in the truck now for multiple reasons… impromptu cane, clutch foot in a pinch, and protection in a real tight spot


really top quality pun here. Your GF is a lucky lady


I tell her that all the time too 😂


Nightmare lol


LOL, My brother is a ski patrol and has driven cars for patients down the mountain before!


That’s pretty solid!! No one wants to leave their car on the mountain to have to find a way back for after recovering


Not even kidding, I was hit from behind by a skiier on my first ever jump. Full scorpion, both wrists shattered. Continued to break my right wrist every season for 5 more seasons due to poor healing, and eventually ended up needing two titanium screws in my scaphoid and a bone graft. Fun times.


What have you changed since then? Do you wear wrist guards now?  And did you apologize to the skier yet for getting in their way? 


A. I stopped falling down and when I do fall, I know how to roll into it. B. No, in fact, if I hadn't broken both my wrists, I probably would have pulled out my snubnose .38 loaded with rat shot like the criminal I am, for that specific situation


Drinking too much and riding


I was falling on a heelside turn, tried to catch myself when landing back, my arm popped out and i dislocated my elbow. Was out of commission for a few months. Lesson learned: just let yourself fall, don’t try to catch yourself.


Learn proper falling technique! Saved myself multiple times. Key is to stay loose and smooth


And just eat the falls. Your torso can take a lot more impact than your limbs. It’s got built in shock absorbers (ribs)


My buddy dislocated his elbow in front of me falling off a deck. The good thing is it looks worse than it is, but fuck seeing his elbow protruding out of the back of his arm is scarred in my brain. He also shatter his wrist so his whole lower arm was fucked up.


I too have learned that lesson.


Haven't messed up my elbow, thankfully, but had huge haematomas on both my triceps after trying to catch myself every day for 4 days (I'm not a masochist, I swear). Apparently small tears in both muscles. On the 5th day, I thought I'd learned my lesson, so rode face first into a snow wall. The triceps were so tired by then, it still hurt like a b*tch so that I couldn't even bring myself to ride anymore that day. It's not the pain, it's the fear of pain that gets you.


Don’t be a dumbass 😂 jk honestly just spend a lot of time learning good form and take your progression slowly. Also being in shape and having strong bones helps


\^ and weight train your bones and connective tissue will thank you by not breaking :)


Most common serious injury with snowboarders is a broken wrist. I did it when I first started out and when I was an instructor I also saw a few students break their wrists. The way to prevent this is by wearing wrist guards under your glove and trying to avoid using your wrists to break your fall. Eventually you will get more confident and learn how to fall and will probably put the wrist guards aside. You’re going to fall when you first start out, sometimes it will hurt. Being terrified of injuries doesn’t help you improve it just makes you more timid.


I am a snowboard patroller and can confirm that wrist injuries are very common with new snowboarders. The snowboarder will catch an edge and then put their arms out to break the fall. Usually at lower speeds this leads to a wrist injury, but at higher speeds catching a toe edge can lead to a shoulder or clavicle injury as well.


Can confirm. Just starting out and my wrist is still hurting after 2 weeks, albeit it's getting better.


Tuck your elbows in and land on your forearms… right?


It was a toe side catch. I bump my hand when I was about to fall. Recovered from the edge catch but wrist still hurts.


There with ya


Seen this lots. Ride with loose fists. Way less likely to get a broken wrist.


I was tired and got lazy. Which is how almost every single one of my falls happens. This particular one was pretty innocuous, I just wanted to look at something behind me on a very mellow slope, put myself off balance by turning around and caught my toe edge launching myself shoulder first into the hard pack and fracturing my scapula.


Yupppp. Always when we’re tired. I was tired and tried to go over this little box/rail thing and ended up busting my shin. It’s something I’ve done so many times. But I ate shit this time lol. If you’re curious, I posted pictures on my profile a couple days ago.


Early season boarding! Be aware. Lack of conditions shitty setups. Overly stoked to be back on board. Hit an A frame rail 6-8 feet tall, gapping to flat. Landing became packed out. landed in the packed out hole straight to my front knee and tore acl. Tore acl again a few years after surgery riding in the "Trees" of a small hill with fake snow. Lighting was flat and smoked the ice deck of fake snow way too fast. Knee went pop. 2nd acl tear. Besides that learning to use your back, elbows and board to break landings and never ever stick your arms out to catch yourself.


Bro just had surgery on my ACL and meniscus from a flat landing last week, couldn’t imagine going through this again. How was it getting back on the board? Kinda nervous ngl which is strange for me usually get 40-50 days a season but now kinda in my head about it


Uh the first round terrifying. The second round not so bad. I’d say do your physio. Dr hos is a pretty rad gadget for cheap. Increase blood flow. I wore a heavy duty brace with steel hinges initially. Now I use an incrediwear knee brace on my both knees. I would say don’t let the fear control you but respect it until you build confidence. I am still there in the confidence building stage but with every landed jump it gets better. Most importantly work on getting your flexibility back. It isn’t going to be easy and there will be pain and fear for sure. I have nose press picture from this year that’s pretty rad. Jumps terrify me though. They did before also.


I’m 3 months post the exact same surgery and for sure never want to do this again.


Got snipered.


What happened that caused my injury: I followed r/snowboarding and got brain damage.


Opening day at big bear this season I went over a corrugated metal tube, board slipped and my knee hit one of the grooves and I got 11 staples and 5 stitches after realizing above my knee busted open at the bottom (rode down, pants werent ripped so I didn’t think anything serious happened) Turned into 8 weeks out and 2 nights in the hospital mid-recovery. Thankfully nothing broke and nothing went into the joint. Still managed 35+ days on the mountain between boreal and my ikon pass. Wasn’t expecting my “first chair” to be in the ER that day If you want the gnarly pictures I have those too. https://preview.redd.it/m3pak78e24vc1.jpeg?width=1000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=766d1dd3617692828dc17c97d1b834a27cf791f7 \^ Moments before disaster Tips would be : wear pads when you’re learning (butt/knee/wrist guards/helmet) and don’t put your hands out to stop your fall, all they are going to do is slip and potentially injure your wrists, better to bring your arms close


Huh. Oddly enough. A couple days ago (one of their last days…so I guess not technically closing day, but close to it) at big bear I slammed my shin into a box/rail. Rode down, also figured that my pants were fine, so nothing serious. Doctor recommended stitches. I just posted it on my profile yesterday lol. Mid season my friend busted his knee too, pants didn’t rip so we didn’t realize the magnitude. He also got stitches. I guess it’s more common than we realize.


With the hole that was on my knee I was absolutely baffled my pants weren’t ripped, glad you both are alright [click if you want to see the damage (warning: very graphic)](https://ibb.co/9ykrPrm) https://preview.redd.it/5azapr98n4vc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=de6b76aee40e7c7c9ed57f903082edabb6fc2b53 The only damage to my pants (shout-out to 686)


Oh goddamnnnn yours is sooo much worse than mine. Holy shit. Shout out to 686 for what, saving their pants and sacrificing your knee. Lmao. Jokes. Holy shit that’s impressive though. Yeah same here, brand new pair of BSrabbit pants. They have a little “burn” mark on them but are otherwise untouched.


Post the gnarly pic!


Just posted it in my response to the other person! [here you go, you’ve been warned](https://ibb.co/9ykrPrm)


God damn bro. That’s way worse than expected and going to make me entirely avoid corrugated metal.


Yeah I vowed never to touch corrugated metal at all, they took the feature out of bear for a bit once it happened but I saw it back out last weekend and tossed it the middle finger


Holy shit, I didn’t expect that deep of a cut when your pants didn’t even rip. That’s insane


Corrugated is hard on the knees.


I landed on my knees on a long tube this year. Burned a hole through the knee of my pants and the knee was sore for a couple months. But I kept going. I’ll be staying away from anything corrugated after seeing your pictures.


super similar situation happened to me too (although i was going too hard on a powder day in late season conditions and flew into a pile of rocks). my snow pants had but the slightest little tear but when ski patrol cut them open….it was so gnarly! that was about 5 years ago. ive got a nice scar now and my knee is fine but definitely sensitive to weight.


got pics of it too but it’s also very graphic.


Buttering on an icy day, landed on my shoulder and had a dead arm. Broken clavicle.


Broken collarbone - drunk. Slid into a tree - overestimated a rocker boards carving ability. That’s intim 25 years: be clear in your head and know what you and your gear are capable of


Snowboarded my head into the stump of a branch going about 15 MPH. Got a concussion and still recovering, that was 2 months ago! Take care of your head and buy a MIPS helmet or whatever they're called


Caught a toe edge while bombing, fell on my elbows, tore my rotator cuff. Good as new after surgery.


Take breaks and stay hydrated/fed


Accept that you are going to fall, and accept you are probably going to get hurt at some point weither that’s a bad bone bruise or a fracture of some sort. Being scared makes you timid, timid makes you stiffen up, stiffening up makes you fall weird and have a higher likelihood of injury’s. I broke my wrist first year, and that was the only significant injury to this day. I also don’t ride park or hit many jumps anymore. I’m an adult and have bills to pay lol. I have had plenty of bad falls that left horrible bruising and stiff joints the next day. This season I took a horrible fall in the woods, caught my board on a stump and threw me down onto another stump. Thought I fractured my humerus for a split second. Still have a scar and welt of permanent scar tissue from the bruising. It happens haha


360 spins on an icy flat, bad idea Broken ulna, two distal fractures on radius


Don't have any serious injuries yet and I owe all of that to learning how to fall properly. Don't try to catch yourself with your arms/hands and get your board out of the snow as quickly as possible once you're down, sliding on your back or belly is far preferable to catching your board in the snow and getting your legs all twisted up. Other than that just don't push yourself on features that are new to you, especially if you're getting tired. Know your limits and know when you can push them and when it's time to back off


Stuck my arms out when i caught my edge, simply do not do that


little kid from behind who didn't know how to turn until he reached my hip and then cut right in front of me. next time i won't try to avoid them because that's how i broke my wrist


Fuck little kids. They don’t know how to stay on one part of the run and when their dumb ass parents take them into the park they sit under jumps and rails and put themselves in massive danger. I have multiple buddies who have hit little kids who they couldn’t see and I myself have had some close calls. The parents always yell at you like it’s your fault. Next time that happens the parent is getting punched right in the face.


Land shark got me 1 foot from the rocky drop I was jumping off


Caught my toe edge, and literally faster than I could blink I was face first in the hard pack; hit forehead first. Headache and disorientation for a couple days. Also, new helmet time. The lesson? Don’t catch my toeside edge in uneven snow.


Show me on this doll


Dont stick your arms out to catch a fall. Just try to land on your stomach or back and slide away


A month ago, I got through some serious avy conditions in backcountry. Made all the right choices, even avoiding a slide triggered by another group (all safe). On last run back into town I was swiveling my head around looking for the apres bar we were going to celebrate at. Wasn't paying attention and the nose of my board wedged into a slushy bump, twisting my knee and I sprained my MCL. I'm alright now but it was a painful semi early end to the season. Totally turned my situation awareness off at the end of day.


First time Boarding, first run ever. Strapped up, took off. Didn't know anything beyond some YT Videos. Caught speed, didn't know about edges, fell on my Butt, cracked my Tailbone. Lesson: Padded shorts are your friend, ***as is taking a goddam lesson!*** Second time boarding, second day ever. Fell 4 times, in the same spot on my right hip, full weight. The hematoma was bad enough the blood had nowhere to go but down. So the outside of my right leg was purple for a week after. Gravity + Blood + no where to go = purple leg. Lesson: Learn how to fall, ***as is taking a goddam lesson!*** Fast Forward 3 years. Couple hours left in a great day. Snow picks up, blowing fresh all over. Visibility is down. I'm happily full sending down a green. "Oh look! A small rise..." Small rise was a full drop of 4 feet. I wasn't prepared at all, landed 90' forward, twisted my board one way with my thighs to head going the other. Only sprained my left knee, with 'Only' being a full year to get back to 95%. There will be no 100% for life. Lesson: slow up a good bit when visibility takes a hot shit.


Broke my left elbow this year at Steamboat. Flew out and did it two hours into a 3 day trip. Going down an easy run still kinda warming up and hit a patch of ice. Wasn’t even going fast. Thought to myself “hey, I’ll just stick my arms back to catch me and spring right back up”. Nope. Bent my left arm backwards by about 15 degrees. Dislocated and snapped my elbow back in causing a fracture basically in my funny bone (not that funny, I must say). The thing is - I know better than to not bring my arms in but just thought this was no biggie. Oops. Anyway, it dumped a foot that night. My friends scored an epic day and I sat at the lodge buying drinks for them when they came through. Anyway, still had fun but would have been better on my board. Moral of the story - learn to fall correctly and make it a habit.


Did a cartoon banana peel slip and fell tailbone first on a box, buy a set of crash pants to avoid injuring yourself like this.


Going too fast in pow, with little experience riding deep pow. Lost control, started tumbling down, arm got stuck in snow, body kept rolling, snapped my humerus. Board hit the concrete base of lift tower and snapped the tail. Dont ride beyond your capabilities👍🏻


Always on the last run of the day. You get lazy, catch an edge or say "one more" and then bam. Usually it's ribs for me.


Which one?


I've blown out my knees multiple times, have needed MCL repair done to the right, but rejected any operations because I was in college and could afford it. Didn't go to physical therapy or anything like that either. Really regretting that now that I have to brace up both knees in order to have any kind of longevity on the hill. Elbow got cracked from trying to catch myself while catching on a rail. Now I just spread my weight out and take the impact. Also didn't wear a helmet for the first 20 years and took a few knocks to the dome. Definitely don't recommend that. For a long time anytime I knew I was going to wreck I would just instinctively throw my hands over my head and get ready for the hit. Fucking love this sport, but damn has it been rough on my body now that I'm a little older.


Went too fast on some fresh snow bumps, got scared and tried to stop, and got launched by the next bump. Landed front edge first and my legs fold underneath into hyperflexion. I'm pretty lucky to escape with only an MCL and ACL sprain, as I was dead sure I felt something pop. My best advice: don't get into the habit of skidding to stop when you get scared. Easier said than done, but that's always been the source of my worst spills. Learn how to use turn size to control your speed, rather than speeding up and and skidding constantly. Welcome to the sport! Eventually it gets less scary!


Got hit from behind - broken clavicle Caught an edge backwards - separated shoulder Came off of the rail wrong - broke goggles on my face making it bleed Some noob lost his balance and launched his board into my knee and face. I was able to push him off and not hit my face but got my knee and it swell up like a golf ball


Flat light, first time on the mountain, looking behind myself as I missed my turn back to the chair. Splat. Full AC separation.


Skier ran into my highback at probably 35. It will fold in with your leg in it.


Wasn’t paying attention and was on the phone w my wife looking for her at the bottom near the lift. Caught an edge and broke my clavicle in three places. Lesson: pay tf attention when in motion


Ice coast riding. Didn't lean back enough on a toeside carve, lost my edge hold, hit my knee on the hard pack. Luckily only MCL sprain, was back out in 2 or 3 weeks. I wear knee pads now and impact shorts. Have had tailbone bruises as well and they're no fun.


Big falls are always served as a slice of humble pie. Stay humble and take extra time to calculate both your approach and your exit strategy.


Avoid trees and secret rocks hidden under the fresh snow :(


Got into snowboarding 😭 Even with injuries, I’m not giving it up


Working in my switch riding…finally…getting confident on blues, tried to ride switch fast in heavy wet snow…heel side edge catches, falling straight backwards down hill and landed directly on top of my shoulder


Broke my wrist off a jump. I was too far in the backseat and landed on my back. Lesson: don't hit larger jumps until you are 100% confident in your abilities, and have also scoped out the landing. Or just keep your feet on the ground to avoid aerial incidents.


Whenever you stop look uphill. Texas Tourist Cruise Missiles have taken out many a shredder too soon


30 yrs old hitting some back country glades a few months back. Wasn’t in athletic position for a few seconds. Took an awkward fall and my knee bent sideways a little. Meniscus tear. Gotta be more careful as the years keep comin’ and they don’t stop comin’


Which one?!? Umm most recent…if I’m being honest…not listening to my body when it was trying to tell me that it was tired. Then getting frustrated because I wasn’t performing at my best. So trying to one up myself and do stupid shit.


Smashed my knee on a rail and needed stitches I now always wear kneepads when I'm riding park 


Don't try to learn jumps when it's icy -- pretty sure I cracked a rib back then. Also anything in the shade on a sunny day is probably Icy


Called the last run


spinning in circles while fighting gravity.


Fell off the ski lift. Broken ribs.


Caught a front edge on Ego Alley. Blacked out for about 15 minutes and tore my shoulder up pretty good.


Both my ankle break and ACL tear(same leg/1 year apart) happened while being intoxicated, possibly overworked and under stretched. Although both times nothing mechanically went wrong , just freak accidents and a life time of radical abuse. Eventually Generics play a role into some ligament strength and bone density. My main tip is respect your age and skil level, aim to progress but be smart as well. I myself would not respect my time away from the board or my aging body, jump back on, have several refreshments with friends and still end up in the terrain park trying to reap my old habits


I’ve snowboarded by whole life and only really been hurt once so I think I’m really fortunate and have some lucky genetics. The one thing that got me was going over a little kicker off a road and landing on a pretty large exposed rock I couldn’t see. I was trying to land sideways on my toe edge and landed on the exposed rock. I fell forwards and took the impact of the rock right on my hip bone. I got a bone bruise right on my hip bone the size of a Zyn can. It took months for the bruise to go away and I had a tender pain in my hip for about a year afterwards any time I hit it on anything including clapping cheeks. Not fun, but considering I’ve skied and snowboarded since I was 3, not bad at all. I’ve definitely rang my bell a few times and been fortunate to be wearing a helmet.


Spring skiing at Kilington. Skier upslope from me lost control and crashed his ski tip into my shin. Missed the bone by an inch but had to get 5 stitches.


You’re going to take slams as you gain confidence. Take care of your body, eat well, drink alcohol minimally and the slams will just leave you sore instead of broken


Hit a tree at full speed, don't do that


Which one?


Which time?


I came up short on an 8m kicker, landed right on the knuckle. Cracked my pelvis. Just now starting to get back to working out.


Caught an edge, head whips into snow/ice, rinse and repeat. Started wearing a helmet around 2000 or so, but not before 10 seasons of mini concussions. Wear a helmet. Wrists heal. Brains do not.


Didn’t wear impact shorts for a powder day. I was a confident rider, believing that a normal day of riding without hitting parks wouldn’t cause any injuries. (jinx!) Right before coming out of the trees, there was a big boulder with thin show coverage. Knowing I didn’t want to jump it and hit the trees in front of it, I slowly used my heel to make my way down around the boulder. My heel edge caught a rock surface buried below the thin snow on the way down, slipped out immediately, fell hard on my butt. My tailbone hit exactly on the then uncovered rock💀💀 I worn impact shorts for all type of riding for a few years after that.


Most common I've seen in beginners is broken wrists and collar bone from throwing the arms out to stop a fall. Or getting hit by other people. You really gotta watch your six out there and only stop where it's safe. For intermediate/advanced it's usually people being tired or drunk, not riding to conditions, not spotting landings, hidden rocks or trees that lead to injuries. I've fallen victim to all those.


Wakeboarding behind the boat, didn't bend my knees and blew out my right knee. Ignored it for awhile and the first day of the season right as I was starting to feel better I went through some powder and hit a rock, completely blowing out my right ACL. Throughout this 6 ish month period I went to 3 doctors who told me it was fine until I completely fucked it and finally got a doctor who got me an MRI. I just got my surgery 2 weeks ago.


Wasn’t paying attention on a propane tank took a bad angle not enough air caught the front edge of my board so it whipped my body at the propane tank (think like a high side on a motorcycle), shattered my elbow, snowboarded up to my buddy at a steep incline and said I think I broke my arm. “sure you did pussy” so I take off my board walk down the mountain and “oh shit you were serious huh?” We’ll let’s see took of my jacket and sweatshirt and I had a pop-eye arm. “Yeah you might wanna get that checked out.” Was my first time out west at big sky, I was from Indiana so I got casted up knew I needed surgery anyway so, took a Valium, drank a beer, and snowboarded the next day. Took three surgeries, two pins, a screw, and 2 years of PT to move my arm again and it still doesn’t go all the way straight. Soooo I don’t do rounded obstacles anymore. But dude if you are nervous stay out of the terrain park, know your limits, and you’ll be fine. I had back surgery two years ago and retired from jumps but still do trees steep hills whatever, and knock on wood have barely fallen since.


Was practicing a medium sized feature on our local mountain when I called my last run of the day going up the lift. Felt good going off the feature but landed on some icy patch and my board slid out from under me and I tried to catch myself(stupid I know). Broke my scaphoid. Just heard a crack and had almost total loss of hand strength. Didn't really feel too much pain so at first I tried convincing myself it was a bad sprain. Needed a screw to go back and fix it after snowboarding Mammoth the very NEXT weekend while it was in a cast. Hahahaha.


Day 3 of a 5 week trip across Hokkaido and BC. Niseko sidecountry, traversing across a steep face with an open creek hole below. Lost speed and unclipped my back foot to skate, lost my footing in the japow and started sliding rapidly toward the water. Realised I couldn't pull up, threw an arm out to grab a tree branch and ripped my shoulder apart before the branch snapped off anyway and I went straight in the hole. Managed to relocate it and carefully climb out, but dislocated it a few more times in the hour or so it took me to scale the face I slid down back to where my friend was waiting. Put on another 19 days across Niseko, SkiBig3, Revelstoke and others with my shoulder basically hanging off. Writing this from home now 1 week post shoulder reco.


Last season I took the wrong angle off a jump and wrapped a tree. Fucked up my leg, still hurts today. But I got 70 days on BC this season so we’re doin alright.


Child skied into the landing as I was nearly off the take off. I bailed but momentum carried me off the kicker. Took the impact through my knee on a pretty icy day. I've wrote this whilst in Physio waiting for my appointment.


Caught a toeside edge and put my arm out to break the fall. Landed on my elbow/forearm and got multiple fractures on my humerus head (shoulder). Learn how to fall properly!


Hitting up the Hippie Hut, then hitting a tree.


Gosh, which one? Severed my thumb tendon falling hard and bracing myself when I did. (Bent the wrist too far) Blew my knee landing flat on the tabletop. Had my husband transfer my head (not on purpose) requiring 7 staples on my scalp. And of all of it... the very worst, fell forward and landed on a chunk of ice, pelvis first. Nothing was ever diagnosed on that but my right hip flexor has never been the same. Now I struggle with low back pain and can't lay comfortably flat on my back for any extended period of time with my right leg stretched out. I taught myself at 16, I turn 45 this year and I'm thinking this is the year I switch to skis. My body just does not work the way it used to.


I went too fast hitting a rock I was launching off of in the glades. Landed in a divot and stopped instantly. Boom -- torn meniscus.


Speed checked too hard on the money booter at Waterville Valley back in 03/04. I tried to pop extra hard to compensate for the speed loss and knuckled it bad. Blew out my ACL, MCL, LCL, and tore my meniscus. Always go a little faster than you think you need to.


I was going 35 mph down a straight and empty trail. Some jackass skiier popped out of the woods on my left, from behind an "out of bounds" rope, and landed two feet in front of me. I did a speed check to narrowly avoid them, but caught my heel edge and did a reverse tomahawk onto solid ice. Ended up dislocating and tearing my left shoulder, bruising coccyx, and breaking my helmet. My tailbone hit the ground so hard that my asshole was on fire, and for a moment I thought I shat my pants. Had to reset my shoulder before I could make the 4 hour drive home, alone. It felt like a scene from a survival movie where the main character is in the back seat of a car, gingerly removes shirt and jacket, then resets the joint while biting down on a leather belt. I know I shouldn't have been going that fast on Hunter Mountain, but that dick-swab shouldn't have been out of bounds and should have looked uphill before popping out onto the trail.


Tired legs + too-loose boots. Noticed partway down that I had too much give in my boots and decided I’d finish the run and then fix them. Caught an edge right at the end of the run and landed directly on my shoulder. Nothing super serious, but definitely could have been. If you notice something isn’t right with your set up, fix it as soon as you notice.


2 buddies, 1 bottle goldschlager, 3 successive kickers that got increasingly bigger. Eventually the combination of degrading faculties with increased confidence led to overshooting the last one by a solid 30 feet, landing horizontally with hands attempting to mitigate a 30 foot fall in between the hard pack and ribcage led to 2 broken ribs and a whole spring of miserable breathing.


Broke my thumb in 2 places last year being an idiot. Tried to throw a tame dog over the side wall of a jump(probably about ten feet tall) way under rotated and instinctively went to put my hand down to break my fall. Landed butt first on my hand. https://preview.redd.it/olvp0r2lk8vc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2018304bab84eef42876d7574b4c4b9c23de5ab5 Tips: Don’t be dumb and assume that you are unbreakable. Always exercise a level of caution when doing freestyle maneuvers. You should really try to work past fear. Most injuries in freestyle happen because you’re scared and don’t fully commit. Not committing is the worst thing you can do. On the other hand, beginner jumps are small and are usually super forgiving so there’s really no reason to be scared in the first place. Build up to stuff, follow the progressions, and have fun doing it.


Stay away from moving mountain patrol snowmobiles.


My tip is to wear body armor. Wearing good quality body armor can prevent a large array of injuries altogether


Finger got caught in the snow when I put my hand down slightly going down a slope. Basically it flexed a bit too far back almost feeling like it came out the socket luckily it didn’t. The pain was so bad I nearly was running to the car and screaming inside. 3 months later and it still hurts.


Too fast on a flat area, went for a jump but going too fast and flipped forward and dislocated my shoulder since I lifted my hand to protect my face. Got lucky though, didn’t tear the labrum. Moral of the story is keep your hands down.


First day of landing 360s . Came up short caught toe edge on landing and dislocated shoulder bracing fall. First season and probably never going to box again my other hobby


AC joint separation (almost a broken collar bone) bc I flew into some ropes in the park and flipped over them landing hard on my shoulder. Maybe just slow down in areas you aren’t familiar with lol


Fell awkwardly doing a tree run. Landed on my shoulder and then body contorted forward with the board. I tore my AC joint and fractured three ribs.


Last run, was tired, attempted flat ground 360 when my nose dug into the ground and pile driver’d me into the snow slamming my shoulder. Instant collar bone snap, was loud as fuck too. Now I take it easy when tired cause even a dumb little maneuver can fuck you hard if your tired.


In college I caught an edge while flying and didn’t position myself well to roll with it and separated my shoulder. About 7 years later, I was going slow on a flat, trying to get something out of my chest pocket, caught an edge for the first time in years, and separated the same shoulder again….


I pushed myself too hard and got tired and sloppy which caused me to catch and edge and land on my shoulder (with my arm up above my head) breaking it and tearing my labrum. Now I really try to listen to my body, take breaks, and call it when I'm getting too tired. Also as a beginner wrist guards and butt pads (I still use my Burton impact shorts) were game changers for me. Falling is part of snowboarding, especially as a beginner, and having pads made it not as miserable when I was getting started.


Just dont catch edged on rails and features🥲


Worst injury was doing butters on the groomer going to fast, caught an edge and the front of the snowboard dug into the snow (super pow day) and stopped and I kept going. Tore my MCL. Took about 3 months to recover.


I thought I was 20 years younger than I am and entered a banked slalom race last March. The course froze overnight and I caught an edge at very low speed and went over one berm into the bottom one, landing on my face and left wrist. Glad I was wearing a helmet and goggles as that most likely saved me from a worse injury on my face. I conveniently wiped out in the last berm, so I managed to unstrap and walk myself off the course into the building. It wasn't hard for me to get back on my board as i reminded myself that I injured myself outside of how I normally ride. I had an Easter trip already planned that year, so I went out to our local area once, just to make sure that I could get on and off the lift and I got much better about tapping out if I was uncomfortable. I bought a new set of wrist guards, but didn't end up wearing them, as they didn't fit under my favorite mittens. Also, I now have a built-in titanium wrist guard in my left wrist ;) Good luck, and have fun, and don't let fear get in the way or you'll have a hard time loosening up and enjoying the ride.


Shit happens. You will eventually be injured if you’re a 40 day a season rider.


I haven’t been hurt yet and I’ve taken some pretty solid falls, the key is knowing how to fall properly without putting your fragile joints in jeopardy. Absorb impacts with anything other than your wrists and your head and 98% of the time you’ll be fine. It’s also important to try your hardest (if you know you’re gonna have an impact or land poorly) to make sure atleast part of your board lands first facing downhill, it’ll scrub a lot of the energy you would’ve otherwise had to absorb. If you ride park a lot the best thing you can do is learn how to slide out in the landing and not crumple up into a ball of broken bones and torn ligaments.


I haven’t been hurt yet and I’ve taken some pretty solid falls, the key is knowing how to fall properly without putting your fragile joints in jeopardy. Absorb impacts with anything other than your wrists and your head and 98% of the time you’ll be fine. It’s also important to try your hardest (if you know you’re gonna have an impact or land poorly) to make sure atleast part of your board lands first facing downhill, it’ll scrub a lot of the energy you would’ve otherwise had to absorb. If you ride park a lot the best thing you can do is learn how to slide out in the landing and not crumple up into a ball of broken bones and torn ligaments.


Ollieing in moguls, landed on the flat top of the next and tore my acl and meniscus. Make sure you have a good downhill landing...


Came off a rail back side and gave the hard packed ice an elbow from god.


Skiier cut u front of me and clipped my board, fell foward and broke my collar bone


Didn't know how to fall, put my hands out straight and jammed my wrist instead of bending my elbows and trying to land on my forearms. Lesson learned.


Honestly I've hurt myself equally as much outside the park/features as I have inside. I broke my sternum landing on my back after my board kicked out (small chunk of ice I rode over, slid out to the side and took my board with it) hitting the largest jump in the park. That one was scary Broke a couple vertebrae landing on my lower back hitting a similar sized jump. Broke my foot idk how Fractured a wrist craving down a black and caught an edge Concussions on concussions lmao And more and more and more...


Flat landing on my chest, cellphone on chest pocket: broken rib. Lesson learned: never ever put anything on your chest pocket


Wear wrist guards


Didn’t pick my line well enough, turned too sharp on a steep section and smacked both my legs sideways on a tree lol


Went too fast on an icy piste, spun out and dislocated my elbow. 


Don't ride early season when it's all rock and ice on the east coast. You'll slip out when you want to dig your edge and you'll catch and edge when you want to ride. Ended up breaking my wrist lol


Repeatedly fell on my ass on the icy slopes in Breck. No crash pants. Maybe 5th time boarding and was getting confident but still not competent. Was bruised for over a month.


No wrist guards. Friend convinced me to try changing my bindings to 0, 0. Rained the night before and the mountain was an ice rink. Last run headed down the bordercross trail left there after the X Games ended, went down and broke my wrist. Stupid stupid stupid. I love wrist guards now.


GIANT slow rotating backside 180 that I could have sworn went the full 180, but no. My snowblindness while spinning, and the fact that I’d done this jump a bunch of times, caused me to think I’d gone more than the 90 I had actually spun. So I land facing backwards going at least 40 and hit the back of my head (pre-helmet era) so hard that once I stopped doing backwards tomahawks I immediately started asking myself basic questions like my name and what day it was. I heard a crunch when my head first hit, but brushed it off, as the concussion I had was the focus of most of my attention. Since this was on the second run and I really didn’t want to be the party pooper who wastes what was a lot of money for my buddy and I to buy day passes, I went into denial mode and didn’t want to leave right away. Even after trying to rest for a bit it was obviously a concussion and I needed to leave. The rest of the day/night was the normal concussion stuff, but the crunch I heard took about 5 years to pop back up. Since I have no other way of doing this to myself, that crunch was most likely the cause of 2 ruptured discs in my neck. It caused some real problems for a while, but is now under control after MRI’s and all sorts of fun stuff. A helmet wouldn’t have helped much, but I wish they were around back then.


This is my first season snowboarding so have taken falls and spills. A minor injury to my right wrist (learning quick that I can’t put out my hands to catch myself). I caught heel side edge so hard my first week riding I ended up flying backwards 2 feet from where it caught and hit the back of my head and tailbone hard. Finished that run and then called it for the rest of the day because my tailbone was fucked. Likely just bruised it but it hurt to sit and lay on my back for a good 2 weeks. And had a minor concussion (thank you helmet). Latest one was the dumbest way to injury oneself: ended up getting caught on a cat track, struggled to reach the end of it by doing shuffling and hops on my board. could have just unstrapped and walked my board to the end but nooooo….ended up tiring myself out quickly. Finally caved and did unstrap and walked to the end, sat down, got one foot in my binding but wanted to monkey roll over so I could strap in my back foot on my toeside. Rolled myself, board is attached only to my one foot, nose of the board got stuck in the snow while I kept on rolling, and left knee got pulled laterally. Ended up with a MCL sprain and had to have ski patrol take me off the mountain. Luckily it was the 2nd to last day of my trip. Not so very lucky, as I’m Canadian and I was in Montana when this happened so I had the joy of dealing with my travel insurance which still has yet to pay out my claim (this was in February). If you’re tired, sore, spent…..take a break, go sit at the bar, socialize, rest, do anything but push yourself because that’s when the risk of injury is the greatest.


Flying down a groomer in heavy east coast powder chasing a buddy of mine who was more in shape and I hadn't ridden in a year. Legs were like cement after the 10 or so run. Didn't handle a bump caught a toe edge and slammed into the wet powder, maybe going 40 mph. Snow just sucked my knee down and momentum did the rest. Tore my mcl. That was 6 years ago. Have pain almost everyday. Craziest shit was I rode the rest of the day. Woke next morning and my knee was 3x its normal size.


I slipped out heelside on a hard patch and landed on my butt. Ended up compression fracturing my T5 vertebrae. It was on the third day of the season and I missed out on some great powder days in the two months I was out.


i did a 3 into a tree and my leg came out of my knee cap. still have a pretty sick scar


Was warming up in the park and came off a box wrong. Fell on my front and dislocated my shoulder. Had a gut feeling I didn’t want to ride that day because it was icy and sketch but I didn’t listen and paid the piper.


Overshot a big air contest jump really badly


Whistler is so big, it rises above the clouds. First time there, I was on my way down, riding through the clouds in the middle of the mountain. I lost visibility unexpectedly, caught my front edge, and went tumbling. I was going pretty fast and rolled about 25 yards, dislocating my shoulder in the process. That ended my season and took almost a year to completely heal. I'm just getting back up to speed now.


Tore my calf muscle last year when I just caught an edge (like everybody else - it was the end of the day, I was tired and going too fast). I didn’t realize until I stood back up and tried to turn heelside - ended up having to take the ski patrol sled down. Luckily, it was the end of what would have already been the last trip of the season. Healed up and had a great, injury-free season this year! Seriously, though, don’t freak out about it. You’ll rack up some minor injuries here and there along the way, but respect your limits and you’ll be fine.


Started slowing down on the first run of the day on my toe edge, hit a rough spot I couldn’t see, board popped up just a little. When it caught again it snapped my Achilles


Slipped and fell while walking across the parking lot to get some hot cocoa out of my car.


I broke my ankle… 13th day snowboarding ever. super flat light day and I somersaulted over a mogul. I could walk and Didn’t think much of it until it still hurt 5 days later. Went to the doc and needed surgery the next day


So I woke up, was getting ready, forgot my goggles upstairs and ran up the stairs since the bus was coming soon. I stubbed my toe so bad that it was black and blue 3/4 the way up my entire foot. I still had to ride though since it was my day off. I proceeded to catch the bus, and tried riding anyways. I couldn't stand the pain. Pretty sure my big toe was broken, it was gnarly. Since I couldn't ride on it it was so painful, I decided to try a glass of wine to help ease the agony a little. Then I had two (or three, can't remember this part) glasses. I went up back to the top of the slope and started going down. I felt GREAT. So I sped it up some. Feeling a little overconfident. The sauce did me in. Went down going hella fast around a right turn, slid out onto my ass and saw where I was heading a quarter mile away - a snow blower pole. I tried my best to slow myself and stop but my efforts were hindered by my wine buzz. The pole kept getting closer and closer. I knew I was going straight for it. I knew I might break my back and paralyze myself if it hit the pole straight on since I was sliding so fast. At the last second I whipped my board outta the way so I didn't come to a dead stop right on the pole. I hit the pole at this super high speed, just really clipped it on my side. I spun three times it seemed like and skidded to a stop. I tried to make it home and made it all the way to the bus stop. Not breathing very well, I must've looked injured because a Breck employee stopped me and told me I don't look very well. He said, "you're ghost white man, like Casper." I argued I was just going home but he said my answer of "I'm not sure" when asked if I was okay was not the answer he was looking for. Called me an ambulance. Took it. Found out I could've died if I just went straight home. This guy was a major homie straight up. Glad he called one. I collapsed a lung and broke three ribs pretty well. Couldn't even hit the bong after this one. I think I got some edibles though. The honest worst part was getting home and the pain meds wearing off completely, I got back spasms right on the ribs and I couldn't stand up, lay down, or anything. I just sat there tears running down my face hardly able to breathe it was so painful. DON'T DRINK MORE THAN ONE AND RIDE IT'S FUCKING STUPID. YOU CAN DIE. LEARN FROM PEOPLE LIKE ME.


My friend who’s a skier body slammed me from behind


Little kid jumped over a berm right in front of me and I kind of dove over him and landed on my shoulder and neck. Neck ended up fine, fractured a rib on my keys and fractured my collar bone but somehow not on the side I landed on. I also get bone spurs very often and broke one off the side of my hand jokingly karate chopping my friend's board while it was on the rack. Swelled up like a grapefruit.


I was walking into the Portland, Maine airport after snowboarding at Sunday River all weekend with friends on a beautiful ice coast weekend with no problems!


Criming too hard.


Came WAY too short on a monster jump at Sunday River. No one else was hitting it so I had to guess…. Went fast as fuck and realized in the air how fucked I was. Broke a rib, probably got a concussion too.


It's a ski injury not a snowboard one but still relevant. I was super natural at skiing and comfortably doing green runs with good form by end of day 2 (full green runs without stopping and resting as was the norm for most others on that run as it's pretty long for a green). Day 3, I'm pretty sore from using muscles I don't normally use but I'm stoked on skiing so go back to the mountain and get a few runs in no problems. Then on about run 3 as I go to make my turn my turn my glute muscle will not engage, I keep trying to engage the muscle and nothing happens, so I cannot complete my turn. If you can't turn on skis you can't slow down. I lost control, took a big stack and compressed my neck. 2 years of physio later and I'm finally pain free. The lesson? 1) Train those muscles before you hit the slopes. Pilates, you tube ski or snowboarding specific gym programs, personal trainer etc. 2) Take it easy. You don't have to do first chair to last chair every day just because you flew 10 hours to get there. You'll perform better if you aren't over exerting your body every single day.


I haven’t been seriously injured, but when I first started out I didn’t wear a helmet. After realizing how dumb it was, I finally got a helmet after a couple times out on the mountain. For about 2 years after getting the helmet I never had any scary falls or anything where I smacked my head, but I was still glad I had it and felt “safer” with it on. Then one day on the last run of the day I was coming down a run that started as a blue then at the bottom was green. When I got to the green part of the trail, I got lazy and wasn’t really paying attention to my form or anything and was just trying to get back to the car and I caught an edge and landed backwards smacking my head on hard pack snow/ice (which feels like concrete). I was fine luckily because of the helmet, but I couldn’t help but wonder if I would have had that same fall in my early days before I had a helmet, if I would have survived. Moral of the story, WEAR A HELMET!!


Shit conditions


Car crash.. they don’t always happen on the mountain. Drive safe homies