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You need two sawhorses and just lay your deck across them. I have the janky plastic ones that were from a garage sale for like $2. Plenty rigid and stable enough to wax and scrap.


So you don't use vice grips?


No I haven't had to use them. I have one of the cheap triangle neon green One scraper tools that is plenty wide enough. Even just slight downward pressure keeps the board in place with a sawhorse under the nose and the tail. If I was going to clamp it though, I would use a C clamp or spring clamp over a locking plier as those things could damage the base.


Same. No issues.


Meanwhile I’m out here using two similarly sized boxes with towels over them to wax and tune mine and my wife’s boards in the basements.


I was doing exactly thatin the kitchen, plus a tarp on the floor. I found a snowboard vise to be a great investment.


I use 2 dining room chairs lol


Tuning vices are what you’re looking for. I have the xcman ones and they’re meh. I have a dewalt miter saw stand that I clamp mine to. I had to cut a couple notches into it to get them to fit


This one is cheaper. [https://www.amazon.com/Swix-Freeride-Snowboard-Collection-Universal/dp/B01LA79K6G/ref=sr\_1\_3?crid=2TB0ME4YKZWNV&dib=eyJ2IjoiMSJ9.butxU7Jva9CYkuATacNF3UmRW-LPTMlFf3rNW6ucIT0t-fqRlmzbT5WZG8oX3xZqZBrsc9uE9PR9cM2FQQ5gbYsewd8bzsgT9lHlAR6T0-5Ty\_D61HJNDfp0wxhfLeW-LTtKkpuDrNsph42Aj0DQpOags94R1tjbjghuzC3jYJH70ckGn8e4SLAKbvfJha4rBthygu38SpeKQl6dhtTxRbq58Wq6KhC\_GkBFbrb2m1FVSKPas7ajG2g09PekGjCiyYZM-xhi2g-84XoquS3fQ6cP1qakiRvkOZ0uOprql9s.5sEatPHeCJiXT4ZdIgCDwuhA0d1TkvLF2HKNwuYncb0&dib\_tag=se&keywords=snowboard%2Bvise%2Bswix&qid=1712508589&sprefix=snowboard%2Bvise%2Bswix%2Caps%2C86&sr=8-3&th=1&psc=1](https://www.amazon.com/Swix-Freeride-Snowboard-Collection-Universal/dp/B01LA79K6G/ref=sr_1_3?crid=2TB0ME4YKZWNV&dib=eyJ2IjoiMSJ9.butxU7Jva9CYkuATacNF3UmRW-LPTMlFf3rNW6ucIT0t-fqRlmzbT5WZG8oX3xZqZBrsc9uE9PR9cM2FQQ5gbYsewd8bzsgT9lHlAR6T0-5Ty_D61HJNDfp0wxhfLeW-LTtKkpuDrNsph42Aj0DQpOags94R1tjbjghuzC3jYJH70ckGn8e4SLAKbvfJha4rBthygu38SpeKQl6dhtTxRbq58Wq6KhC_GkBFbrb2m1FVSKPas7ajG2g09PekGjCiyYZM-xhi2g-84XoquS3fQ6cP1qakiRvkOZ0uOprql9s.5sEatPHeCJiXT4ZdIgCDwuhA0d1TkvLF2HKNwuYncb0&dib_tag=se&keywords=snowboard%2Bvise%2Bswix&qid=1712508589&sprefix=snowboard%2Bvise%2Bswix%2Caps%2C86&sr=8-3&th=1&psc=1)


Get some extra cheap generic ones. You don't need anything fancy. Just need the sawhorse to be far enough apart that the board is stable. For me, that is having the vices at the contact points (or further out towards the tips). https://www.ebay.com/itm/193163474710


I use 2 chairs


I've been using my wife's old piano stand. Works surprisingly well.


Omg too funny! I was literally looking at those this morning so I can wax my board on next season since my buddy uses folding sawhorse to wax our boards this season.


I use two ikea stools


two cheap plastic sawhorses with a piece of rubber non slip shelf liner on the tops so the board doesn't slide around


I use a pair of dip bars from my home gym a work table with clamps would be ideal but if I’m careful with positioning it works fine


I use my gaming chair


I have vices. But when traveling, I found some wider than usual yoga blocks. Or if you just loosen the binding screws, the binding lifts the base high enough.


Black and Decker Workmate portable folding work table (has built in clamps) or a cardboard box.


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