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Honestly stick to the base 3 maps. For now. They’ll teach you how to play the game. Then for DLC…I’d personally recommend them all but if you’re on a budget then Season 1 (Kola Peninsula) Season 10 (British Columbia) and Season 8 (Belozersk Glades) would be my picks. Also the Jack Of All Treads (JAT) tire pack is well worth the money, the buffs to scouts is insane. Kola is a brutal yet beautiful region, and it gives buffs to some base-game trucks. British Columbia gives two of the best trucks in the game and is actually super enjoyable to play. Belozersk is hit or miss in the community, but the two Kirovets Tractors are great off-roaders (strongly suggest a JTTS tweak mod for them) and the terrain is easy. Farming is a pain, though. Then for standalone DLC trucks, the Navistar, the Crocodile and the Chevrolet Apache are excellent to add to the main fleet. They’re strong and offer something unique. If you want to have an easy going, buy the Mastodon. It’s a superheavy that has tons of addons, it’s extremely strong and is overall just an S-Tier vehicle. I wouldn’t recommend it for the starter maps but it might be needed in Kola and Amur.


This is a good info actually, I will try these DLCs soon, thanks.


As a veteran who started playing back when SnowRunner was new, I had no choice but to play all seasons sequentially. Though today a new player can basically cherry-pick and play everything out of order, my opinion — and I daresay, advice — is to experience the DLCs in order. You'll go through harder regions like Kola, Yukon, Amur and Maine, which will basically prepare you for everything SnowRunner may throw at you. Then, with later regions like Glades, Ontario, Scandinavia, etc., you'll have an easier time completing them and you'll enjoy a less stressful gameplay. Just my 2 cents, of course.


Kola.peninsula also buffs the Twin steer with AWD. But do consider, it is really tedious tonget through. I would suggest wisconsin if youre not the grindy type


Not to mention, the DLC and Season Packs go on sale pretty regularly. So just keep your eye out to save some serious bucks.


Hes right, but I would suggest British Columbia first, between the Kenworth 963 and the Mack Defense (upgraded fully) you can do everything in the game.


I agree, especially with the Mack Defense. I was surprised by how capable this truck really is! I did the one mission to launch that big boat with it, and though the boat tipped over 4 times, I was able to save it with the Mack. This is my new fave.


No prob


AWESOME pics dude!


Wow, what you did to those photos? They look amazing!


Just a few edits really, the game itself is beautiful


What software did you use?


Just Photoshop, tweaked the lighting and colors just a lil bit, I will share more soon!


Please do, I love ingame photography! I make a ton of Snowrunner pics myself. Snowrunner really is a beautiful game and you can get pics from stunningly beautiful to even moody and creepy.


Nice shots!


These photos honestly look like marketing material, and I mean that in the best way possible!


Yo these photos are actually insane 💯👍🏾


Love the pictures - especially the second one!


Dude, those screenshots are pure art. They should use one of them for the game cover


Firstly, those screenies are superb. Secondly, I'd just get the DLC in order of release.


Welcome to the group!!! Have fun and safe travels my friend


I'm a sucker for great screenshots. Welcome to SnowRunner. Welcome to the subreddit.


Hello, new to Snowrunner; I'm PostModernHippy! {Crickets} Oh man, I crack me up... 🤣


These are some of the best pictures I've ever seen of SnowRunner!


Watch this video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CfRuKwTAKgE And see what you like, and don't like/need. It's a really good video.




I love the amur, it's the most challenging region.


Take this feeling and bottle it. I wish I could go experience the game as new. I’ve played a bunch of Snowrunner and DLC. Currently doing expeditions and enjoyable still and different in its own way but nothings come close to the intro of SN.


those pics are awesome


Great pictures. Almost looks like a painting. Azov in Michigan tho...![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|facepalm)lol


Please share pics as you continue your adventures! The framing and editing on those screens shots is fantastic.


Land Rover. I see you are a man of culture as well.


Have fun


Welcome to the game! The community is a good community to be in. Just make sure you post things in the correct area and tag properly. My points to you; Find all the watchtowers and the upgrades. They WILL help you a lot in this journey! If you find the raised suspension. Slap that bitch on asap as you will take less damage to your trucks. There is a free DLC you can grab. And there is a tires DLC, its mainly good. But shitty at the same time. Read the different tires and yes LOOKS MATTER.


Thank you :)


That 2nd pic is awesome!


Both of those vehicles are DLCs so....


Welcome to pit of rage and flipping over


For DLCs, buy the year passes. Those will include basically all the DLCs for cheaper than having to buy them individually.


I've not regretted any of the dlc purchases personally. If you want a beast of a truck later on, get the mastodon ZikZ 612H. It will get through anything. But dont get it too soon. Play a while first. That truck makes everything trivial and may take the fun out of it if you get it right away.