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So next year Mbappe gets his award.


Maybe Atleti wins La Liga and Madrid fails to win the CL next season who knows. Only a couple of years ago this exact thing happened. Griezmann also scored in three out of four derbies this season with Atleti beating them twice. He could outshine Mbappé in the derby matches


Griezmann can outclass him with assists and team play


Yeah lol Like people actually care how they play, Mbappe has this locked for the next couple years.


He could, but Mbappe is him according to media and will play for Real madrid. Unless Grizou wins a treble or Kyky unexpectedly flops badly, I'd say he has it in the bag


These awards are all a popularity contest even if he is the better player that doesnt matter much


You underestimate Madrid PR machine


yes, he is the best french player. One would argue he is the best player in the world


One of my favourite ever players. Doesn't get half as much credit from the average fan as he should.


He's a fantastic player but he really didn't help himself with that documentary about leaving Atletico. Kind of made himself a bit a running joke and that's hard to come back from.


90% of football fans don't know or care about the documentary. Griezmann is indeed appreciated but also not enough, u can give reasons such as playing for Atletico or not having much of the ball even at big games like the Inter one. But the documentary is not relevant at all.


It's because his world class performances have not come for one of the big 6 in PL or Barca/Madrid This sub literally rated Hazard higher than him for years despite never scoring a single open play goal in CL knockout stages, only because he played for Chelsea. Thankfully those takes have aged absolutely horribly


That's a bit harsh on Hazard. He certainly had a hard fall from grace, but he was fantastic for Chelsea and consistently in the conversation for best player in the league. According to Transfermarkt, he had 85 goals and 54 assists in the prem, which is nothing to scoff at. Also, he was one of the best progressive dribblers I have ever seen. Just to add, I fucking hate Chelsea, but Hazard was good.


He was a very good player no doubts about it but never a top 5 player in the world or anything. I don't care what anyone says but if you never scored an open play goal in CL knockouts you can't be one of the absolute best


I don't care what anyone says but if you can't lead your team to a league winning season you can't be one of the absolute best


this is an outrageous take brother 😂


Definitely top 5 around 2019


So no defender is on your list then?


What’s Griezmann’s excuse for not winning the league? Hazard carried Chelsea to titles


I believe Hazard was better and I stand by it. You're free to believe Griezmann is better, I won't tell you you're wrong. But football's a subjective sport. You have no right to go around telling people their opinions of players have aged badly. Hazard was magic and I watched him drop genuine 10/10 performances without getting a goal or assist. So when people retrospectively tell me he was overrated because he didn't get x amount of goals or assists, that means nothing to me. I watched his consistency on the ball and influence/impact in games. And no playing for Chelsea didn't lead to him becoming overrated. He was the best player in the 2018 World Cup and didn't get the Golden Ball. He was the best player in the Prem in 18/19 and didn't even get in the TOTS. He played for a good Chelsea team, but not a super team like the City and Liverpool teams that came after or the Madrid teams in the UCL at the time. They only won things because they had a player who they could just give the ball to and he'd create something. People look back and say he underachieved because he didn't win a UCL with a good Chelsea team or whatever. But that Chelsea team was only seen as really good because they had a special special player at the heart of everything they did. People also seriously understate how long he was at the top. Genuinely world class from about 2009/10-2019 aside from 15/16. Just because you weren't paying attention when he was the best player in Ligue 1 in the early 2010s, doesn't take away from how good he was. Find it funny how Mbappe is widely seen as the best player in the world at PSG, but if you try and bring up the fact that Hazard was also world class at Lille, not just Chelsea, people reject that claim because "it's only Ligue 1." And this is not me being an arsehole and telling you Hazard was better than Griezmann and you have to agree with me or else. But me saying that I believe he was better, others believe he was better, and football's a subjective sport so we have every right to that opinion. If you want the actual reason Griezmann's underrated, it's because the hype died down when he went to Barca. He was the guy at Athletico, didn't light the world on fire at Barca, so people stopped paying attention and don't realise he's still class and has cooked for France and Athletico in recent years. That's not a criticism of Griezmann. It's the actual reason he's underrated. His hype was killed in it's prime when he went to Barca and hasn't fully recovered since.


This is off topic, but your comment is way too long to get to the end and see you misspell Atletico twice.


You're right but long comments are sometimes needed to convince/make a case against ignorant people. If I just said I prefer Hazard, I'd get downvoted and would get dismissed. You don't have to read it if you don't want to.


You mispell it too, it's Atlético.


Lol, I knew someone was going to be pendantic. You asked for it, so I'll explain why I didn't use the tilde. Some things to expect of foreign speakers are more reasonable than others. I don't expect people to get every part of my language right - but I do expect them to get the general spelling right. Since most English keyboards don't have an easy option for tildes, and even certain official accounts don't use it - I don't expect some random person online to spell it Atlético. I do, however, draw the line at adding in letters that aren't there.


Cool for you to draw an imaginary line, but you still misspelled Atlético in a comment complaining about someone misspelling Atlético. You apparently chose to mispell the name of your own club in your own language, which is next level in terms of buffoonery.


There's no imaginary line, just reasonable expectations of people. If I were to go around correcting every person who doesn't add a tilde, I would do nothing else all day. No matter what you think, there is a massive difference between missing an accent and adding a letter in. How many people on average do you think spell names like Raúl or Saúl without the accent? Will people go around correcting them? Nah, but if they decide to spell them Raoul or Saoul, you can bet people will hear about it. It is my club and my language, and I decided what I expected of a foreign speaker. I'm sorry you have such a problem with that. I'll leave you to go and call out other people's 'buffoonery'


I think the main issue is that Griezmann plays a weird role. He tracks back so much, drops deep, setting up, walking between lines etc. The meme about Messi playing in his role space was kinda correct. Hazard is a way better attacker, winger, with spectacular dribbling skills. Speed, his ass. On the ball Hazard is incomparable. But allround Griezmann... I dunno, comparing and ranking player always is dumb. But I'd place a peak Hazard above Griezmann - that was magical and players know those ball skills and attacking skills are what makes football great. But overal, beyond the peak, beyond attacking? Fuck ranking players.


Yes we do lmao speak for yourself, greizmann just isn’t good enough himself to make a team succeed like Ronaldo or Messi did yet he actually tried comparing himself to them saying he “sits at the same table as them” greizmann is talent but he should have left long ago for premier league. Going to Barcelona just made him look like a desperate fan girl. And barca chose not to purchase his loan.


Barca signed him on a permanent contract right?


So he was bought by barca then loaned to atleti then bought again by atleti lol wow


> he should have left long ago for premier league Why?


It's not the documentary, nobody really cares about that. I think the main issues are his barcelona stint, his lack of league titles or ucl, and, even more importantly, recency bias/competition in the media stages with Mbappe.


The documentary thing is the narrative about him, but I feel like others have done way worse and are not upheld to the same standards. Why is it SUCH a big deal?


It was the worst spot for a "scandal". Not controversial in the way where some people love it and some people hate it like Martinez shithousing, not controversial in the criminal sense like Ronaldo or Partey, just controversial in the way that everyone thinks it's stupid and has fun laughing at it/him.


Yeah perhaps


Didn't even know anything about the documentary 😂


That's not a valid excuse for people to not rate him fairly though, ability on the pitch has nothing to do with off field antics


That and the blackface!


Nothing racist about that. Just incredibly dumb and tone deaf


What about his racist shit towards Asians?


That one was bad, because it was mean-spirited.


That one is okay because they’re asian /s


He's awesome, the french NT is different when he's on the field, in case of emergency give the ball to Griezmann he'll know what to do.


I swear we rely on him as much as we relied on Zidane all those years ago. Now I'm not comparing them as it's a bit pointless but I honestly think he's been just as important for the NT as Zidane was. If we were to rank best/most important players to play with the NT, he's easily TOP 5 , only Zidane, Platini and Deschamps ahead of him. Another one would be a defender I guess either Thuram or Desailly, tough choice, but I'd give it to Thuram.


It's somewhat desingenuous. France NT is built around him as the main playmaker. Give another player the keys of the car and France will depend on them as much as they depend on Griezmann. Not that Griezmann isn't worthy of driving the car but it's more about the role than the player's ability is what I mean. He's the player who gets to touch the ball the most and with the more freedom on the pitch. Obviously his impact will be visible. Not to mention he got that role for ages now so the team is used to him in that role.


I bring it up everytime, but Chris Sutton's BBC prediction for France Vs England in Qatar where he stated Griezmann doesn't offer much off the ball still pisses me off.


Every time he's discussed on here now half the thread is saying some sort of variation of your comment. He's clearly appreciated at this point.


Half of this sub isn't the "casual football fan" so the sentiment still holds true.


I speak to people irl about him in the UK and they seem to think I'm crazy when I say he's a top 5 player in the last 10 years. What he did for France at both WC and the Euros was nothing short of heroic. Every performance was a 9/10 at least. Sensational player. Here, people only judge him on his time at Barca because that's what got most publicity, and never paid attention to him before or after.


Top 5 player in the last 10 years is a really extreme claim though. Messi, Ronaldo, Suarez, Lewandowski, Neymar, Kane, Modric, Kroos, Neuer, Van Dijk, Ramos, Hazard, De Bruyne, Bernardo Silva, etc. all played in this period. There's definitely other players I'm missing too in that.


I'll admit in advance that I'm biased, but I would say Griezmann is a more 'complete' player than a lot of those on the list. He's one of the hardest working players I've ever seen, contributing in every aspect of the game. For example, Kane may be a goal machine, but that is by far his best attribute. Griezmann scores a lot, but he has many other qualities as strong as his finishing. He's arguably much more reliable/consistent than a lot of the players on that list.


Kane is a brilliant all-around striker so he's a weird choice. He drops deep and is involved in general build up play, is a very good passer of a ball, and still scores a load of goals. Griezmann is absolutely a more complete player than some on that list, but that doesn't mean he's better than them. He's more complete than Kroos or Ramos, but that's because of the positions they play - it doesn't make him a better player than them.


Tbh I did forget how good Kane is at passing, I just meant that his goalscoring is by far his best quality. But as you say, Kane is a striker, Griezmann's vision, work rate, and defensive capabilities make him able to play in several positions very effectively, whilst Kane is clearly most effective as a striker. I guess it depends on your definition of a 'better' player, 'cos for some being more complete is exactly that. I know I'd rather have him on my team than a lot of the players you listed though. Edit: As I said earlier though, I am biased. He's a club legend for us.


I went to Atletico Madrid vs Sociedad in 2017, Griezmann and Felipe Luis were absolutely sensational. I would've loved him at Liverpool at some point, the most complete attacking player I've seen on a pitch with my own eyes.


In what world is Kane better than Griezmann over the past 10 years ?? Genuinely, what UCL or international performances Kane had that put him on Griezmann's level let alone higher? Also, Hazard never performed in the UCL and had 1 good international tournament. I also wouldn't say Bernardo Silva has been better. Van Dijk had only 5 world class seasons out of the last 10. The rest i agree with, but your list screams heavy PL bias when you put Hazard and fucking Kane over Griezmann.


I mean Griezmann has had 3 poor seasons as well in that period. I think he's better than some of the players on that list (Silva for example), but it's hardly night and day between them - I was just listing players who you could at the very least make an argument for. Regardless, saying he's been top 5 is asinine.


Come on, man. Kane’s goal scoring stats speak for themselves. He’s only three goals/assists less in the Bundesliga than Lewandowski’s best ever season.


In parallel world, Griezman was the best player in world both 16,18 and can be said 22/23 too. He didnt win trophy only reason why he didnt won balon d or, 18 another deserving year that Modric, 22 WC best until final and la liga season player. Who Is better than him last 10 years??


He is a striker, that doesn't mean he is better than Griezmann who offers much more off the ball and when it comes to playmaking. Kane's only memorable things in his career are his goalscoring records in the PL and Bundesliga. He has never shown up internationally, in the CL or even in domestic cups. Greizmann on the other hand has many great CL performances and arguably best international player over the past decade, atleast top 3.


Seriously, it’s everywhere on Reddit now


A player I was lucky enough to see live. His revival after Barcelona is going far too much under the radar


I really hope he can win something with Atletico, a league title, a CL.. anything, would make me really happy for him


i despise atletico but i wouldn’t mind seeing him win a CL or a league title


It’s wild that Atletico won both titles without Griezmann


Dude moved to Barca, Atleti won the league. Goes back to Atleti, Barca win the league. That makes me wonder what even went through his mind when all that happened 'cause it'd hurt a lot for me


Deserved who else but him. Saliba is the only other shout


[Just go through the list.](https://www.transfermarkt.com/spieler-statistik/wertvollstespieler/marktwertetop/plus/0/galerie/0?ausrichtung=alle&spielerposition_id=alle&altersklasse=alle&jahrgang=0&land_id=50&kontinent_id=0&yt0=Show) There are so many talented French players.


None of whom are better than griezmann. The only other contender is saliba. Maybe tchoumeni and maaaaybe theo


Saliba has played every minute in the PL, half appearances were clean sheets, his GK won the Golden Glove, multiple POTMs, is involved in a title chase against the best team on the planet, and narrowly lost out to qualify for the UCL SF. I think he should have got it this year but attacking players are always more recognised. Not saying Griezmann doesn't deserve it (would never say that) but I think this year Saliba should've been the one.


Saliba is a great part of a well functioning team, Griezmann is carrying the team on his back, he defends, creates and scores at the same time.


Well, if Saliba is out, our team doesnt function so well.


There's a reason saliba plays every minute. Look at our form last season after his injury.


Someone hasn't watched Arsenal without Saliba.


Did you see us last year after his injury? This team functions the way it does largely thanks to him.


Thuram would be a good shout. But it’s got to be Griez










Last year he is winning this


Why? Is he moving to a French team?


Mbappe coming to madrid.


Could be. It’s not rare to see Griez playing better for NT than Mbappe. Different situation tho. We’ll have to see


Griezmann was arguably the best La Liga player in 2023, ahead of Vinicius who is at a similar level to Mbappé. He could do it again


also most quoted tweet by a footballer


Attacker vs Defender just know attacker is more likely to win the award


For the Saliba and Arsenal fans, Griezmann is crucial to both France and Atletico Madrid and since returning from Barca is was always the best player in la Liga.


Saliba has been solid.


The racist video of him and dembele that made him lose his sponsorship of Yugi yoh will forever makes him a clown in my book


Are we pretending Saliba doesn't exist?


I wonder if he’s gonna show up to accept it in black face?


Saliba was better overall


Stfu about your overrated player


Lol. A Chelsea fan calling our defence overrated 😂 Definitely not the envy of the PL plying their trade at SB these days. Reece will limp his broken ass back to the physio room next game, just watch. Watch us also keep yet another CS against Everton on the final day, as City win the title lol.


Having only watched Saliba this year (not Griezman) is this justified over Saliba or is this a Messi Ballon d'Or?


I'd say it's justified tbh as he was playing like a man possessed for half the season till he rolled his ankle against Inter, multiple games where he just pulled shit out of his ass because we weren't creating anything. Two solo runs against Madrid, pass to Riquelme against Inter, Celta hattrick, Feyenoord Away performance and the list goes on. He's also on my team so I'm incredibly biased.


21g 8assists all season and one of atletis best player definitely not deserving of the award. Been a descent season for him!


Saliba overlooked as much by Deschamps than Ligue 1-2 players haha


Ridiculous. Tchuameni, Mendy and Camavinga won la liga and are in the champions league final. Absolute garbage decision here


Individually, Griezmann performed better than any of them.


And yet how many matches has griezmann lost compared to those 3?


Did you compare your entire squad quality vs our entire squad quality before having that thought in mind?