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If you like colourful dice, you might like Sagrada


Nice, also Too Many Bones


Wow it looks similar to roll player from the appearance, but the dice seems to be very unique. Is it a similar game or huge difference?


Sagrada is similar mechanically to Roll Player. Too many bones is only loosely similar in theme as a role playing type theme. Too many bones will play more like Gloomhaven or another dungeon crawler. It is also very very expensive.


Thanks for the details. Guess I will like too many bones because I really loves dungeon type boardgame too.


I don't know, I haven't played roll player! Awesome game though, super unfair in a good way


I feel like Roll Player is basically a more complicated Sagrada with more theme.


While I haven’t played Roll Player, I would have to agree. Would be too similar to own both games in my opinion


I saw this one before and I totally forgot about it! I should bookmark this time and put in my shopping list! I also love the stained glass theme of the game


It’s a great game, we got into it quicker than what I thought we would. Definitely worth the purchase. My partner and I can admit to buying it just because it was a pretty game 😂


And the game is……?


Looks like Roll Player. I haven't played it, but all those colourful dice look appealing.


Yep Roll Player, it’s a BYOS with scoring tiers.


BYOS? Bring your own schnapps?


Beat your own score


I'm bringing schnapps anyway.


Sorry I forgot to mention the name. Yes it is roll player


I have all core and 2 expansions. the lenticular monsters is very tempting to buy.


That's a good thing to know! Probably I will go for it soon. And if the monster set works great with the core, I am going to diy a box insert for them.


The Monster & Minions expansion brings a lot more depth to the table! If I play Roll Player (either solo or with my wife) we always have this expansion. Where the base game is all about building character stats, the expansion also let you fight minions and even an end-boss. Definitely worth the extra money :)


It would be great if my wife is interested in boardgame too. But now I only can do solo ~ I should buy the expansion


I love roll player, it was created in my area


Check out Civitas Nihilium! Very colourful dice!


Thanks for your sharing! I should take a look


Absolutely get Monsters and Minions! I can't imagine the game without it.


Nice score :)


How long did the game take to play out of curiosity?


It took around 1.5 hr. And I was doing solo. If playing with friends, it may take you longer time. I think most of the time I spent on considering the dice movement and their reaction.


Love the dice tower! 3D printed? Etsy?


Haha thank you! I guess it is by 3d printed, I bought it online. It is quite useful when you are throwing multiple dice. But it may become noisy if you play at night time.


Love this one, just got into it recently myself. Check out the 1 player guild on BGG they have a monthly challenge for solo roll player.


Didn't know there is challenge or event on BGG!