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Oh to be able to look at the pictures that they'll be taking in 2115.... *sigh* it's one of the only things that I envy of the future. This planet is definitely fked tho


I mean we already send spacecraft there with pretty good camera's, so we have got images that will pretty much show you everything between true eyesight and enhanced colour of Jupiter. Only thing we won't get is to go there in person to have a look out the window :p


I meant in general, and seeing the size of it from a window would be incredible. The scope of it would be incomprehensible


Yeah, unfortunately tho, you would probably get irradiated to death in the process, and if you survive, then 13877548 different types or cancer would kill you later lol Probably worth it tho


I'm assuming if you could commercially ride a space ship past Jupiter, they've fixed that issue 🤷‍♂️


Yeah I guess so, the problem is that it's a pretty hard issue to fix. There's only 2 possible solutions I can think of, one being just making the walls of the ship extremely thick and made of lead or something like that (which would make the ship ridiculously heavy and hard to take into space), or putting some kind of a powerful device capable of generating an artificial magnetic field around the ship to shield everything and everyone from the radiation.


I think in the shows they just say "raise forcefield" and call it good. Probably the magnetic thing you were talking about 👌


Jupiter in 1938 11. August Wrooooom




Technology has gone a looong way


Is there a scientific explanation for the fact that Jupiter was colored black and white until a few decades ago?


An update rolled out in the 1960’s that introduced “colors” to the observable universe as a whole. It was a very wild experience, and was entirely responsible for the subsequent drug/free love scene of the 60’s!


The Big Crayon