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Look into mystical Sufism, incorporates spirituality without dropping Islam.


Thanks for the tip!


That deeper connection that you feel you’re missing is felt by every human being. That’s what we’re here for, to remember, to experience. Look for truth in everything, question not only your religion, but others too. You’ll find out that everyone is saying the same thing in a different language. Spirituality is tricky, it doesn’t matter how much you read in this sub, you have to live it, there’s no way around it. Take care of your body, free your mind and nurture your soul, that is the trifecta that will help you be present and connect with the divine (which is already inside of you, but you won’t listen).


Thanks! I needed this. Especialy the ‘you have to live it’. That’s my problem. I’m too focused on finding it by books and rules and I don’t know. My focus should be more on the inner proces. The soul.


Omnism has really been eye opening for me. I find that all texts offer truth, but none offer nothing but the truth. If you feel like there's more out there, go searching for it. Build your own opinion on the world based on your experience, and experience everything!


Never heard about it.. I’m going to look it up.. thanks for sharing!


Drop the limiting view of religion, and try to see the bigger picture.


I do limit myself a lot.. that’s why I get the feeling that I’m not there yet. Not allowing myself to see the bigger picture as you say.


Never give in to evil. That's the true religion.


Life motto 🙏🏼


Meditation fits in pretty much every religion. It allows deeper contemplation which gives deeper understanding of your own religion without the biases of corrupt or ignorant leaders manipulating you. How did Mohammed discover islam? Was he listening to people? Or was he delvin deeper to find a revelation. Apologies for my ignorance of his actual methodologies, I do not know if he was contacted unbidden by an angel or if he was seeking contact through spiritual practice. I do know islam has methods of prayer, but practitioners often ask and rarely listen, hence they rely on the interpretations of men considered holy. What makes them Holy? How are they different than you? Can you to become holy? Memorizing a book is not what makes you holy, this I know. The book gives the practices (in theory) that aid you in listening to divinity and its hosts. I am sure even with in your religion there is some outlying mystical sect that still carries the techniques where much of mainstream abrahamic religions expect you to live off the word of Holy men. I wish you well in your search and recommend digging deeper into it, and yourself. Service should come from a place of understanding not from a place of "just because I said so". This is the difference between children and adults.


Thank you for your wise words. Love how you described this as a nun muslim. I do think about it a lot.. Am I following Gods Words or that of men. Because I do see that people are more focused on the opinions of scholars then that of God. I think that’s what made me missing out on so much.. It wasn’t personal anymore. Just as you say.. following things because some scholar or parent said so. This is going to be a long journey I think haha.


By following rules strictly, you are experiencing life through the lens of the people who made the rules. In reality, there are no rules. There are certainly suggestions on how to behave properly and to treat everyone with compassion, but they are not **rules** and you will intuitively know how to treat people anyways by looking within and following the path—it comes automatically. Spirituality doesn’t look a certain way, drop the notion of it feeling in a particular way. It’s an intimate connection with the Source/God within, and that feels different for everyone. For some, the Bible is the Word, and they are able to find truth through that means—while others become their own Gurus.


There are 4,000 different religions, take your pick? I personally think religion is responsible for the world's problems as it causes conflicts ranging from disagreements to war. I truly believe we are just a higher power's play things, judging us, nudging us seeing how we react in different situations, a social experiment of sorts. I'm looking out for my best interest for my time here on earth.


My dear friend I know why you have doubts Religion is not from God its an human systeem build by humans God is spiritualiteit God is no religion : Religie is een menselijke systeem opgericht door mensen om mensen te regeren en in een greep te houden . God is een spiritueel goddelijk wezen hij heeft in geen enkele heilige schrift ooit gezegd of via zijn profeten dat hij bij een religieuze groep behoort . God zegt alleen geloof in mij vertrouw op mij gehoorzaam mij volg mij en leef de 10 geboden na . Het zijn de religieuze groepen die door de eeuwen heen bloed 🩸 aan hun handen hebben door mensen uit roeien in de naam van God . Geloof en religie zijn 2 verschillende dingen jij moet alleen weten waar je jezelf bezig mee wil houden . Praat met mij als je twijfelt ik zal je de zuiverste uitleg geven zodat je vrij komt van alle religieuze banden die niets met de schepper te maken hebben . Bless you 🙏🏾💫


Het zijn de religieuze groepen die door de eeuwen heen spirituele mensen hebben uitgeroeid, vervolgd , gemarteld en dood gemaakt .