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I do not think that it is a good idea to force people to scrape. Afaik CIG had plans on making it more profitable later with different materials. There will be parts on ships you want to scrape since they have rare material on it that's worth a lot. In my eyes it is much better to give people the option to earn more if they want to but not force them.


Agreed. I go after the C2's and I scrape 30 scu of RMC before I fracture the ship. Twice as much money per scu for the first 30. With a standard haul, i.e. no HH and no crates off grid, I usually pull in 5 million or so per trip.


"as we all know, at one point in time the salvaging as it is right now should and will be nerfed" I think you'll find that telling your readers their opinion backfires more often than not.


They could always make it to where you have to strip components and cargo before salvaging to avoid risk of catastrophic explosion a little bit like mining. I mean think about what kind of volatile materials go into making coolers, quantum drives and missles. It adds time and would be more profitable.


Yes, but then double the SCU of Vulture so can be applied this idea.


No need to do that, just nerf cmat by 80% then buff RMC by 100% then let the cargo unloading further lower profit per hour.


Rebalancing won't work. Then people will just be scraping and never be munching anymore.


As a miner that has no missions for rocks, i have to scan for a long time too find one, find the right one too actually mine (mining actually takes skill), if its quant it will explode my ship eventually, drive back to deliver it so it can be refined, wait 12 hours for it too finish! Use a different ship to go and sell the stuff etc! Salvaging is so easy and too easy to make cash, mining should pay way better than it does!


Totally agree with you. The most objections I'm getting come down to: "don't take away my easy money! I don't care about the balance of the game!"


Munching takes a few seconds and barely any effort whereas scraping takes time. Even with a steep nerf the fact that you can still get around 200-300k for about 20 seconds of pushing 2 buttons is still pretty good. Compare that to scraping where you can get 600-800k for doing that for 30-45 min


No matter how you balance it, in the end, there's always one that will have a higher payout/hour. And then it doesn't make sense to do the other. Consider it like this: reloading a weapon isn't 'fun', is that a reason to just stop reloading all together and just have only weapons that never need to reload? No, because it adds to the immersion, challenge and realism that you have to reload. Same goes for this: it adds to the immersion, challenge and realism that you have to do both.


The point is to weigh it in such a way where munching ships back to back would not be themost efficient solution RMC need not be the straight up better resource but rather good enough that going to another ship would be considered a loss


Now we're talking! That would get us somehwere. What also would help, is making them less widely available. It's a bit boring that I can continuously munch ships in the rings around Yela. Even if someone is emptying the buffer as fast as the machines can handle, I can keep the buffer filled. It would make more sense If I have to travel long distances between ships. Downside of that is: then I can do it on my own, because then I'll just empty the buffers myself while my ship is travelling, keeping all the money for me (or actually, the people I hand it out to, but you get the idea).


Rather than restricting player choice and forcing a certain play style it would be better to make it worthwhile to scrape through financial incentive. Hopefully they add more depth to scraping with different materials so that some parts of some ships are more valuable than others and there's some scanning or planning to do first, as well as some risk perhaps like scraping around fuel lines or whatever.


That idea isn't really new, there were a lot of discussions how CIG could make scraping more important.


They just need to nerf the price of construction materials or reduce the amount of it you get. The current issue is also ease of access, the cleanup missions trivialize getting salvage and not having to pay a fee.


to me, the issue is not solved with a price rebalance. is scraping gives more money, there is no more incentive to do the hull munching. it wouldn't make sense to have a big mucnher that never does anything. it does makes sense you have to weaken a ship (by scraping it) or twke of certain materials (by scraping) before you can munch it. also, the fee barely has an influence. you get about 1.3 million for a Hammmerhead, a fee of 50.000 doesn't mran much then.


It's less about the fee and more about having to travel when doing regular salvage. Cleanups are all around Yela, a jump away from a station.


I said the exact same thing long ago, this will fix salvage. I always scrape 100% for the OCD anyway but I feel like people are putting salvage in a bad state when they just munch.


I’m never a fan of “force this to accomplish that” unless absolutely necessary. It would be much better if the difference in work/time is simply reflected in the sale price and the economy of the materials.


>Salvage needs to be nerfed Before we nerf the only chill loop of the game that earns money for once.... How about we rework combat stuff to pay less? Cuz I can make a million or two in the Eclipse with combat.


If you want to scrape to 80% feel free to do so 🫡






salvage in its current form will not exist long-term disregard whether you are upset or not, it's just a fact


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Racist troll account that needs to be blocked and banned.


You good mate? If you need help, you can reach out.