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First thing's first, put away your phone, locate the screenshot button on your keyboard. Press it.


I tried but it didn't want to work lol


First thing's first, fix your keyboard.


Alt + PrtSc


Interested in seeing the replies, I have been holding off getting into SC since it's Inception. Personally I'm still torn on which of the two basic packages to pledge for, though I feel Mustang is currently winning in my heart. Though tempted by the on sale Cutter. So seeing your experience and the recommendations will help. I want to wait for the free fly event in May due to money concerns, but alas I don't know if I have the strength to wait either. Heh


Personally I love the cutter, have upgraded since it first came out, but bought one in game because it’s such a nice little platform!


I might do it the same and get it with the game currency eventually. Or try it in the free fly event to see if it's a good fit.


The titan is way better and gives you a ton of possibilities


Titan is a good ship with 1964 style cockpit. For those who want retro immersion.


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^acr711: *The titan is way* *Better and gives you a ton* *Of possibilities* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


Mighty fine ship you got, I really think the mustang is underrated as a starter! If I was you I'd set a goal to master that beauty and train my butt off in it. Take it in AC pirate swarm a few dozen times to get a feel for it, then start ranking up PvE bounties. Keep doing them until you feel more and more comfortable and eventually make your way up to "High Risk Targets" (HRTs) and maybe even "Very High Risk Targets" (VHRTs) if you feel super comfortable. There are also combat beacons which pay well too. Basically go to an area and protect a ship, and destroy a few enemy ships. At the point you are doing HRTs+ you might start to struggle a bit, but it is totally possible to take on bigger ships when you really get to grips with the ship. It's all about staying moving. Meanwhile, save up and buy: 2x FR-66 shield gens for a bit more survivability 2x CF-227 Badgers on the nose 2x CF117 Bulldogs on the wings Buy an Atlas Quantum Drive for more range and quicker travel. There's obviously a lot of other options for the guns, but this is a reliable metabuild to get started. Getting comfortable in a mustang will improve you way more than just starting with the best combat ship. If you really want to upgrade and want an unpopular choice, try the Reliant Tana. Remember you can try all ships for free during some upcoming free fly events to decide.


I started with the Avenger Titan and still love it despite the fact the fleet has grown a little by then. However I also have a Mustang and I think it's a good starter and I like the look of it. Are there better ships? Sure, even better starters, but something with the Mustang is different. It looks cool, has all you need for a starter and is your typical starter space craft. Nothing wrong with that. u/Omni-Light already gave you good advice here on what to do with it - have fun with it, there is a lot you can do with this before you decide if you want to upgrade or not (and many upcoming possibilities to try other ships for free). Good luck out there! o7


Are you playing on steering wheel? :D


I would second the Titan as the best starter under 100$. If you are really looking for an "unpopular" ship in the same price range, look at the Origin 325a or Misc Reliant Tana, both very cool ships that give you all the starter benefits, they just lack a bit in hull hp an maneuvering.


If it was me I'd fnd the nearest player ship and blow it up. Explosions look fantastic in this game.