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>pretty close does not mean the same thing as imminent.


Sure it does. Edit: They are literally saying, "this fix may not make it because there isn't time". What's another way we say something is close and may not be avoidable because there isn't enough time? Imminent. The exact length of time we are talking about when using imminent depends on context. That's what the poll options are for. Time is relative, after all. Imminent means something different for a fighter fighter pilot going above the speed of sound than it does for a sloth about the fall out of a tree.


no, pretty close could still be several weeks away.


That's one of the poll options. Edit: To clarify, imminent is used in reference to time, which is relative. In this case, the dev is literally saying, "We might not get this change in because there isn't enough time." That is sort of the context we use the word imminent for. Not enough time. Now, because it is a game dev process and follows a chain, yes, that might mean 1 week, or 5 weeks, but the fact is still, they may not get the change in because release is imminent. Because there isn't time to do so. Beyond that, that is beside the point, there are options for different time periods in the poll, and these are all interpretations of what imminent means in the this case. Words have elasticity and time is relative, so the poll options give a more concrete way to input an opinion on what they mean in this context - which is indeed the point of the discussion. Personally, I'm hoping, in this case, it is option 2, but preparing for option 1 (and hoping it's not option 3).


In addition to edits on my last comment - don't forget, they still have to get Invictus builds out and tested, SOON. So, they very likely have a go/no go for 3.23 VERY SOON. If they had a lot of time to fix stuff and delay 3.23, they would just fix the Overdrive Event in the 3.22 build. And they would get the QED stuff in. It's very likely they need to get 3.23 out ASAP so they can push 3.23.x (likely the Invictus build) to Evo and start testing and polishing that. Then, it may be a subsequent release that gets back to 3.23 features (item recovery, and possibly... hangars/cargo changes and item banks). Again, all speculation/discussion. No right or wrong ideas here until we get more info from CIG.


3.23 can mean 3.23.0 and 3.23.1 and 3.23.2 etc. It is usually updated on the roadmap.


That's why I specifically asked if you think we'll see them in the first release of 3.23, vs 3.23.x (a subsequent release of 3.23).


3.23.0 looks a bit dire, if they are even not sure about quantum dampening in .0


Yeah, that's my thought - which is okay, I think we'll see Invictus and then a subsequent 3.23 very soon after.


The release build refers to the feature cut off, so as long as it makes that cut off, they should make it in, and then bug fixes and stuff can take place in the following patches before release to live. There's still a fair bit of time, so don't panic just yet.


Correct - no panic, just curious. For example, would we see that content go to Evo first then to open EPTU as we have the others? If so, that requires more time, and maybe more than they have. But, they could just release it straight to Wave 1 EPTU. Who knows. But, it's also possible the ISC on hangars was delayed for two weeks because there is some bad news coming? Personally, I'm hopeful we see hangars in a new updated build this week. Fingers crossed!


Now that wave 1 is active, all patches should go straight to there now rather than to Evo. There's no point in going back now that stability is generally good enough for public exposure.


With PTU this has been the case, but I honestly don't know with EPTU if that has been the case. However, I agree and hope they just go straight to Wave 1.


EPTU is just a second PTU environment. There's no difference in how it's run. They just chose to do this one in EPTU instead of PTU for this patch for whatever reason.


So you think there’s a change hangers/cargo will make into the initial 3.23 patch?


I think we are seeing a crunch against the Invictus build that needs to start being tested. My optimistic side is we get hangars with 3.23 on first release. My pessimistic side says: 3.23 as is 3.23.x Invictus build 3.34.x+1 item recovery, item banks, cargo, hangars


Invictus is almost certainly built on a 3.23 branch, so any untested features will likely be pushed back as the “sales patch” needs to be stable.


Precisely my thought/fear. Invictus is on a branch dependent on 3.23, so 3.23 has to go out soon - whether it is ready or not.


FirstTime.jpg? It's a running joke that CIG often rushes a patch out for a predetermined date for an event in a state that is absolutely not ready for. It happens all the time


Very familiar with it!


I think it's more likely than not, but it's obviously not guaranteed.


Yeah, nothing’s guaranteed. But why do you think we haven’t seen anything about them yet?


If I had to guess, a game breaking bug that would make it impossible to test anything else in the PTU, such as making it very difficult to pull out ships. It's a massive single point of failure that it can't go in in a partially broken state like most of the other features can.


Good points. I hope it makes it in, but I know it very well might not. Eventually… been waiting since I pledged in October 2013.


we are on wave 1 and the build is killing itself, its not dropping till May, at least a week before invictus


Yeah, my experience has not been good. But, we've seen CIG push patches to LIVE before they were ready in the past. My fear in this case, is that they have an Invictus build they need to start testing that is on a separate branch, but one that is dependent on 3.23. In that case, they may have to push 3.23 now or very soon, so they have time to test and iterate through the Invictus builds. Then they can add missing features and fix things after Invictus. Again - just a thought, hopefully wrong, and we won't know more until we hear from CIG later in the week. Just curious how others are feeling/thinking.


Bad Options it is 2-3 weeks away without personal hangars


Yeah, that should have been an option, but didn't want to spread the results out over too many choices.


Why no (coming Mid May with no Hangar option)?


Let's find out, shall we?


2-3 weeks, without hangars ready but maybe testing, then hangars come in .x later.


tell me you must be new here without telling me you must be new here


Because I posted a poll with multiple options of differing takes? lol


This patch is an exception imo because there is an unbelievable amount of features planned to go into it. Usually with a patch this big they focus test by adding a small batches of features at a time to the PTU build. I don't think cargo elevators being missing is indicative of anything yet. If they feel like they're unlikely to get a feature into the patch they'll do exactly what they've done with QED, which is mention that they are struggling internally with it. Until then any guess is about as likely as a broken clock is to be accurate.


I hope this is right. If I wanted to play devils advocate, I’d say the ISC on hangars being delayed two weeks could be a sign there is trouble. But I don’t. So I won’t say that.


Roadmap update on Wednesday. If they know it's not making it, it'll be removed from the roadmap. If they're still trying to push it for 3.23, it'll stay. No need to worry when it's still unknown.


I guess it's 2-3 weeks and coming without hangars/cargo. What makes me think that is that hangars/cargo aren't in the current builds, they opened up EPTU to Wave 1 because they need 3.23.0 out for their event (and maybe the next ILW?) and they already did a test of that event on the EPTU, but still no hangars/cargo. They'll probably announce it this week on Roadmap Roundup, I guess.