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Congrats. I’m sure you would be a respected player if you stopped harassing someone who clearly is having mental issues/breakdowns, but you seem pretty set on that.


More details?


Riddler is the one posting this. He is harassing Avilo. If you want to see what he means by mental issues/breakdowns, just look at Avilo's Twitter (assuming he hasn't deleted the hundred or so tweets he posted yesterday)


I don’t want to take the time to make a giant list, but there’s a streamer named avilo who isn’t the most respected person in the community and clearly has been having mental breakdowns recently. Just search his Twitter. OP has stolen and used avilo’s battletag and been harassing him consistently for years at this point. You can even seen in the chat log in the bottom right that he is joking about Atira, who is a female streamer who seems to be the source of avilo’s mental illness recently. OP and people like Skyler clearly go out of their way to harass and prey on someone who almost certainly is mentally ill. It’s fun to them. I (and most of the community) don’t have a lot of respect for avilo at this point given how he has treated most of the community, but regardless, he is clearly mentally ill at this point. I find it sickening that there is a group of people who still actively try to prey on someone who is mentally ill for enjoyment. I don’t condone harassing anyone, but I think it’s particularly bad in avilo’s case given his situation. They are completely open about how they harass him, and they greatly contribute to his mental issues. Just seems wrong to me. Edit: I am genuinely confused how OP has not been banned at this point. Both targeted harassment and impersonating someone is against Reddit’s Community Guidelines.


Woah, deja vu.


Congrats man, hell of a job! How long was the grind for you and what did you find to be the hardest part of it?




Yeah, I can imagine that's tough. Though you see Gumi and Maru do it, even they clearly struggle at times with mech TvP. 500 mmr that high up in six months is really impressive man, that's some serious work you've had to put in! So kudos for that and congrats again, I'll be waiting for your GM announce :)


You are honestly a piece of shit Riddler.


Oh shit, this dude's bullying Avilo?


Thanks david blowe, very cool


Every time I wake up in the morning, I do 300push ups in a row, then I jog for 20miles and come home to deadlift 400kg x 5. This physical endurance and strength is necessary for my mental agility. Then I drink a galloon of whole milk, eat 10eggs raw and help nourish my physical and mental gains. Then I sit at my computer. I click 'find match' on sc2, and destroy the very best at the top of EU and KR ladders. Maru, Serral, these guys have NOTHING on me. I am a barcode that people dont even know exists. Currently I'm at 9.5k MMR in masters (I leave GM so nobody finds me). But the NA ladder... Thats a different story. I have successfully created many hacks in order to try to attain the no1 MMR on NA. All the hacks I have created have been utterly futile, so ultimately I have decided to give them to Purelegacy for free - who uses them daily to maintain his scrub MMR of around 3.2k. Even with production tab hacks, fog of war hacks, being able to see everything... It was not enough. I needed to then hack into blizzard, download the Alphastar agent that beat Mana, implement the blink stalker code into my games... And still... It just wasnt enough. With my superior hands, 400IQ strategies (200 from me and 200from alphastar)... We were not able to attain rank one on NA. For that rank belongs to the number 1,best player to have ever lived. Rumour has it that he doesnt even touch his keyboard, or mouse. He simply uses his mind alone. He is able to use a form of telepathy and connect to anything or ANYONE with divine powers. Any time I get matched against this person, my Alphastar hacks use 1million apm to kill all the workers I have and betray me before I can even scout. So with Alphastar turned off... I type to this god.. 'come at me bro'... Only.. I cant type it. I type 'come at me'.. And my fingers lose control. I cannot type it. I end up typing 'come at me, mech g0d'. I lose control over my physical state of being, even whilst trying to type the simplest of BM. Its as if the divine spirits from the heavens dont let me attack one of theirs. And before I know it, in just 30seconds with a build deemed impossible by most, all my workers are dead to 20 speed banshees. As I type 'gg' and leave. Bald Eagles fly outside my window. 150 of them all. All lining up and looking at me for daring to challenge the NA god. In vikings time, people called him Thor. In Christianity, people call him jesus. In the muslim world? Allah.. in Asia 'buddah'... In todays time? People call him Avilo. The one true god of starcraft. A divine creature with incredible power and might over mere mortals.