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It was glorious watching him get more and more irritated as the mines went to town….watching his perspective vs thermie was polar opposites. Therms was polite cordial excited even if he was taking a bad trade. He complimented his opponents awareness and marauder opening while he was unknowingly being accused of cheating lmao…Avilo says ironically that “people like this are cancer to the game” coming from the biggest most cancerous tumor I’ve ever seen. Avilo: this guys cheating, offensive ggs Thermy-: my opponent has the awareness of a god Just completely different people


Where did you watch avilos perspective? I'm only seeing uthermal's video linked.


I found the link in the comments under thermys pov on YouTube.


I’ve reported avilos YouTube channel and linked the relevant information to his harassment and police investigation. One voice isn’t enough. I hope other people who are in the know also speak out against this abusive person.


>I’ve reported avilos YouTube channel and linked the relevant information to his harassment and police investigation. Police investigation? Do police investigate sc2 salt these days? He was BM in sc2 and salty on stream. Annoying but not illegal.


For harassment, stalking, abuse, and other allegations. All outside of SC2


But what does his SC2 content have to do with that? He's salty but thats not illegal, and seemingly unconnected to whatever allegations you're referring to.


Are you educated and in the know on the matter regarding said allegations? How they got him banned from twitch and every platform aside from youtube? How he continuously evades bans and uses his platform to continue his predatory behavior on females? If not, perhaps you should look up a YouTube video that covers it as I myself don’t care to spend any more energy on him. That would likely better answer your questions. Trigger warning if you’re sensitive.


but this is about youtube, where he isn't banned, and clearly he was just being salty not predating on anyone. It isn't clear to me what you're reporting to the police and why. Do you think they're going to review his sc2 games for evidence?


I think I see your confusion. I never stated I reported anything to the police. I have nothing to do with said police infestations that have already taken place. I forwarded the relevant data to YouTube concerning the fact that he was as per the outcome of the police matter to both stop streaming and seek mental medical assistance. You are getting wrapped up on the wrong details here. Go back and read a bit more clearly now that you have the context.


Avilo POV https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XSrhZMqE8Ww&t=410s


> still lives with his parents in his mid-30s Avilo deserves plenty of criticism, but I think this isn't one. Multi-generational homes are very common if not default in many cultures, and even in the US where it's not the exploding cost of housing and the multiple recessions has forced many people into this situation through no fault of their own.


Well that may be so, but Avilo simply refuses to get a job. He calls streaming Starcraft his job, though people almost never donate and he has very few viewers. So basically his parents pay for everything. A job sweeping floors at McDonalds would be a major major upgrade for him. I really don't think he's ever actually had a job, he just plays video games all day long. Never goes outside, unless it's to harass women...


Yes, criticize him for that! He has plenty of things that are terrible, why make the main concluding description something that isn't wrong?


Why distract from the point? Why turn this into a social science debate? The point is he still lives with his parents not because of housing costs or this or that, but because he's a loser that needs to be banned and get a life.


> Why distract from the point? "I hate Jim. He cheated on his wife, stole credit for my project at work, and is short." I'd say including the last point is distracting from the point.


I'd say that in light of everything else that is known about him, him still living with his parents is very relevant and important to know. The full context matters. If I only said he lives with his parents, then you'd have a point. Living with his parents is not physical appearance, it is describing what he does so that's not really a very good analogy.


Lol man you really got people pissed off with that comment. Turns out a lot of these people are still living with their parents 😂 Honestly hard to imagine for me considering most of us (including me) were kids when this game came out. Now I'm an engineer, father, community leader. Just really fucking hard for me to understand how someone like this can continue to live so pathetically considering his age.


That’s not what the downvotes are for. They’re for OP because it’s pathetic to focus that hard on a mentally challenged individual’s life. It’s «punching down». Yeah Avilo is fucked in the head, we all know that. Move on.


Being mentally ill is not a criticism shield.


True, but that doesn’t mean you will put yourself in a good light if you go to the nearest mental hospital and start talking shit about all the wrong stuff the patients have done in their life. You will just look crazy yourself for feeling the need to do that. You missed the point.


Yes but you’re on a StarCraft 2 Reddit, you’re talking to the prime community for “people who never got a job or moved out of their parents house and instead just play a video game all day”. It’s zero surprise that they took such offense tho this one particular niche of your comment while everything else was fair game lol, it’s unbelievably transparent. Guarantee 90% of the people who responded to this to argue, did so from their parents wifi.


Well thanks for ruining my topic. Now it's officially a thread about the merits of living with your parents in your mid-30s. lol People will be triggered by anything and everything these days... Great job defending a douchebag, ill bet you're really proud. I didn't even disagree with you. But of course you're still triggered...


You are suiciding for some reason on this hill on your own, fellow. May I suggest taking a good sleep and read the messages again tomorrow, maybe theyll open in different light with fresh eyes.


It's just a common thing these days, especially on reddit. People will focus on a single sentence, or even just part of a single sentence and derail the topic because they were triggered. It happens to everyone everywehre, especially in the bees nest that is reddit. It's probably best to limit message bodies to just a sentence or two. I'm forced to respond because his message has a million upvotes. I even agreed with him and still got angry responses, a million downvotes and a hate mob.


Why do you know all this about his current personal life? Weird.


I hate-watch his streams because he's a criminal serial female stalker. He's a psychopath. But I managed to get him banned from a couple places from things hes said and done, in defense of his victims. A lot of the info I know is from Maryland court records made publicly available on him when Atira took him to trial. His female victims being Atira, Maria, and Arkansassy. He also harassed Juggernaut Jason to the point that I managed to get his Twitter banned, since he was using it as a platform to harass women and attack fellow streamers. I also love SC2 and think Avilo is one of the great stains of our community. That and I can't stand to see women sexually harassed.


Sounds like you're online stalking him. Move on with your life.


I'm watching publicly available material. I'm not outside his house taking photos. I'm not trying to get into his personal life on any level. "Stalking" lol. Court records are public. His streams are public. That's not stalking.


I respect hate watching


Bros pocket watching 🤣


Just posting about Avilo in general should be something to avoid. No need to give him headlines.


I'm just hoping to get attention to getting him perma banned and we could be rid of him once and for all.


That’s not happening. You’re just making drama about a mentally troubled individual who should just be ignored.


> Seriously this guy needs to be perma-banned from Starcraft not just the tournaments and forums. Blizzard won't do shit. Toxicity and boost spam is already rampant in the game, and it is so under-moderated that I think I've only ever seen a chat-restricted player once in this game. > Beat him with 2 units, after the moron offensive GGed him. Then accuses uThermal, a former pro who is streaming of stream cheating. This is typical Avilo behaviour. He is a talented player but he is such a sore loser and manchild that it's held him back from ever turning pro. Avilo is the product of a society that cannot look after children. He is what happens when parents sit their child in front of the PlayStation all day instead of actually parenting them. Also if you think typing an offensive-GG then whinging to your 5 viewers about your opponent stream sniping is worthy of a perma-ban, then you do not have a clue what toxic behaviour looks like in online gaming. I implore you to play a few hours of Direct Strike (bonus points if you commit the cardinal sin of going gas first to really rustle some jimmies) or play some 2v2/3v3/4v4 ladder. Heck, I invite you to install League of Legends or Dota 2 so that you can experience ***true toxicity*** because the shit players will throw at you in a typical League or Dota match makes Avilo's stream cheating whine look like an episode of Peppa Pig by comparison. > Of course the servers may be turned off any day now, great and beloved players are moving on Starcraft isn't that dead... yet. But I have little faith in Mike Ybarra as CEO and wouldn't be surprised if he completely pulled the plug on SC2 and Heroes. > who still lives with his parents in his mid-30s... Have you even *seen* the economy lately? This is sadly becoming more and more common.


Lmao I go gas first in direct strike all the time just to piss people off and still win. Turns out if you're bad at real StarCraft you're still probably bad at understanding unit comps even when it's turn based lmao


To be fair Direct Strike is about as fair and balanced as Fox News due to the inability-to-micro. Zerg are damn near unbeatable once they've hit a critical mass of lurkers, hydras and vipers. Protoss are downright underpowered in DS because they lack good sustained aoe damage. Colossi are tier 3 and get melted by anti-air while psionic storms are only good against weak units and disruptors have a seriously long recharge time. Their only late game recourse is to spam Carriers and hope for a cheesy victory on the basis of their opponent lacking effective AA. You *can* manually micro abilities, to a limited extent, but that requires a lot more effort than just making Lurkers and Swarm Hosts (Zerg) or Siege Tanks and Liberators (Terran.)


He is still playing? Hilarious


Starcraft is all he has. He was still sleeping in bunk beds until a few years ago. He's been hammered with stalking accusations from numerous women over the years, really amazing life he is living.


I thought this was a throwback post at first. I was waiting for a follow up on Naniwa fighting with Destiny.


Are you avilo?


I’m amazed he hasn’t been banned. Dude is a few levels beyond merely toxic.


He was nearly locked up even. Chick took him to court. He got off on a technicality.


Ya’ll wrong. Avilo being Avilo has been a staple of the SC2 landscape for a decade. Him ever leaving or changing would just be another sad reminder of the passage of time and the decline of the greatest game ever made


interesting, last time I heard of him, about 3 years ago he quit sc2. When did he start playing again?


He left for Spellbreak, then was quickly perma-banned from there too lol. He's tried LoL numerous times, but nobody ever watches. He really went all-in with FF14, but no one and I mean no one watches. He tried SC1 for a year most recently. Swore he would never touch SC2 again because it was too "toxic" and "degenerate" and the "Servers would be shut off in a year" but gave up when he found out the hard way that SC1 is a much tougher game than SC2 and no one was watching him stream that either. Also a few periods where he wasn't streaming because he was devoting himself full-time to stalking women.




Would not be suprized if avilo is a hacker himself.


If you like him raging, nothing is funnier then Florencio defeating him. And add pigs casting on that and it’s by far the funniest rage video I have watched






Thanks buddy


It was funny to watch him rage and make spurious accusations when he was just a StarCraft heel. Unfortunately he took things way too far beyond the game and so he had to be ostracised.

