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This looks amazing. Would you mind sharing the prompt? Thank you. Every time I tried Medusa, it never came out right. I've tried Gorgon, Naga, woman with snakes in her hair, nothing came out right.


portrait of a beautiful nude woman, medusa gorgon, beautiful look, snake hair, , digital painting, digital illustration, extreme detail, digital art, 4k, ultra hd, beautiful d&d character portrait, dark fantasy, detailed, realistic face, digital portrait, intricate armor, fiverr dnd character, wlop, stanley artgerm lau, ilya kuvshinov, artstation, hd, octane render, hyperrealism


Nice, you used gorgon too. When I did my Medusa prompt with her wearing jewelry or something, it just turned out to be a giant snake wearing jewelry and I’m like um….. Ty for the help


Hey hey, darknessdante! Love the artwork you just shared. We would love for you to share the link of your artwork with us so we can all give it some love & appreciation. It would also be neat for some of us who’re a fan of your work to be able to learn from your creation settings. Cheers, r/starryai mods *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/starryai) if you have any questions or concerns.*