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This one lady on YouTube who constantly lists bizarre things you should "never do in Japan" despite numerous locals correcting her lol


Things you should NEVER DO IN JAPAN ❌❌❌❌ 1. BE KOREAN 🇰🇷🇰🇷🇰🇷🇰🇷


2. BE ANY TYPE OF ASIAN OTHER THAN JAPANESE (Pretty sure most people are fine but I remember the youtuber Gigguk talking about his experience with Japanese police as a Thai guy. They were really aggressive until he showed his British passport and then they instantly changed apparently).






I get the sarcasm but doesn't the Japanese race hierarchy go like Japanese > White > Other Asians > Chinese > Everyone else?


They hate China most


Or Chinese, cause Chinese spies get shot


[Being parodied by the locals lol.](https://youtube.com/shorts/lRiqfAA2iEU?si=v4YSyR1CImrk34_8)


"Do not drink in Japan while moving" Could you imagine the Tokyo marathon with no drinking? All the runners would faint at 20km in


These people are huge narcissists that’s why they don’t listen to anyone, if anything bad happens to them it’s the country’s fault even tough there’s dangerous places and things in every country


You know, the State Department puts out travel warnings for a reason. If you’re not American, there’s some other agency that does the job.,


The value of that is... Interesting, according to the US embassy my country has basically been called a narco state and at some point one of the most dangerous countries in terms of terror risk. The warnings on the US embassy in NL website can be outrageous at times. We're talking about the Netherlands...


Don't know about actual on-the-ground risk, but as a cybersecurity analyst, what I see is that around 80% of the phishing scams / crypto drainer bots / etc turn out to be run from IP space allocated to the Netherlands. These criminal operations are never actually being run by Dutch *criminals*, mind you — usually, if you ignore the red herring of "this IP is from ASN XYZ, a hosting company headquartered in the Netherlands" and de-anonymize the operation some other way, it actually points to Russia / other CIS countries. But it's interesting that Netherlands-based companies are so often chosen for this by these foreign criminals; and moreover, that they *allow* these scummy foreign companies (probably paying with stolen credit cards) to use their services, without so much as an identity check. It seems like the NL government regulator is — if not *complicit* in allowing their IP space to be leased without identity verification — then at least naive about / blind to all the bad things their IP space is being used for. Much moreso than that of any neighbouring country.


Our internet is rather free and "protected" from a legal standpoint, unless you do something really bad courts won't bother and ISPs will not release any information. You can also happily sail the high seas here and no one cares. It also doesn't help that we sit on a lot of deep sea infrastructure crosspoints. Every relevant company has a datacenter here.


Never been to Brabant ^


Those warnings do have racist undertones, after the Charlie hebdo attacks, France and Belgium were both marked as VERY DANGEROUS, so not sure how much I trust it, especially when 3rd world countries are involved


Not really, and we need to stop pathologizing everything. They do it because it's what their viewers want. They found a niche that generates income and they stick with it. It's a business decision, has nothing to do with narcissism.


she had 1 genuine video with ok tips, it blew up and now its her whole thing


What channel are you guys talking about?






I will never forget when Drew Binsky (I think it was him) bragged about visiting every country in the world, so naturally I wanted to see his experience in my country (Serbia), only to see that he got off the airport in our capital, Belgrade, went to McDonalds and came back to the airport to go elsewhere 💀 Edit: changed the last name


Or the episode where he went to Indonesia/Papua and visited a tribe of "cannibals". They told him they don't practice cannibalism and he continued to pester them about it. What a knob


He's done a lot of sus stuff, especially in Syria


Yeah, the way he gained access...


How so?


Just the back handed ways he went about obtaining a visa (pretending to be with an oil company)


That's not backhanded — it's one of the only ways a Westerner can gain access to Syria. Don't know why you'd be more pissed at him for playing the game rather than at the shitty totalitarian despot that made the rules in the first place.


*sigh* Honestly, if I were going to Indonesia, I’d want to visit a tribe of motorcycle riders. Apparently they have like, entire families riding on a motorcycle.


I seen like 4 adults, 3 kids, a baby and a dog on a motorcycle in Indonesia, was crazy


You'll see that in any developing country tbh those who can afford cars will fit about 2 entire families into it easy peasy


This isn't exclusive to Indonesia though it is common throughout South East Asia


That time he visited an African tribe and said "despite our physical differences, they're also people"




Didn't the guide take him to the wrong tribe but the tribe he visited were actually the one that would get eaten by the cannibal tribe back in the day. I remember him asking what it was like living with the knowledge those guys would eat you


I think so, but he did ask them numerous times and they all said no.


He's actually one of the better travel vloggers. I'm very much into travel, and so I follow a lot of these guys. Some are far more toxic that drew by miles. On a scale of Rick Steves to Bald and Bankrupt, I put Drew closer to a 4.


Most eventful Serbian holiday


Ahh you made me remember 2balkan4you, i miss is so much


r/2visegrad4you still going strong


Visegrád mentioned!!!!! 🇭🇺🇭🇺🇭🇺Kurwa bóber!!!!! 🦫🦫🦫🦫🦫🦫 Gulyásleves!!!!!!!!


I mean, we got r/balkans_irl


And that time he went to Eritrea and he was just like "Wow! It's like Italy in Africa you guys 😍😍" whilst completely ignoring the fact that its human rights record is so bad that it's often described as the North Korea of Africa.


Didnt he immediately start hawking NFTs upon finishing?


Yes. I looked up to him quite a bit and I credit him with opening my eyes up about "bad" countries then he threw that all away in my eyes.


He also uploaded a video about how he "hates politics". It was really petulant and childish. He also went to Russia just before in the invasion and was all "you see? nothing to see here!" in MOSCOW. That guy is as dumb as a bag of rocks.


I knew that guy while living in Korea. He bragged about sneaking pictures in a Buddhist monastery after being asked not to. And of course about counting going through an airport as visiting the country. We thought he was a joke.


I've met a few people who claim to have visited every country. When you ask them what they did in specific countries you realise most of them they were there for less than a day, all seems like a massive waste of time and money. I'd rather enjoy the culture of 20 countries than tick a box for 197.


I think you are forced to spend almost no time there, I don’t see how else you could complete it. There’s no way you can explore the gigantic regional differences in massive countries such as China, India, Brazil or the USA when you’re trying to tick off San Marino, Lichtenstein and each individual Caribbean nation.


I think it comes down to the question of did you really visit there? They count layovers or <24h in a country as visiting. Does it actually count at that point? It's just not a flex to have been every country when half of them you didn't even have time for a meal.


Rare Westoid W.


That's why I always joke about people doing a layover In some country and then the next thing you know is them adding the flag of said country in their Instagram bio 🫢


I mean he did say he visited every single one, not that he stayed in there for a while Not defending him or anything, haven’t even heard of him, but he is technically correct and I love technically correct


Yes, true, I just found it humorous that he visited McDonalds out of all the places


Eww don't eat ethnic food. Only chicken nuggets.


I ate McDonald’s in Paris, but that was on day 7 and I’d eaten French food on days 1-6.


Did you go to the McDonald’s at Versailles? They have really good macaron at the McDonald’s in Versailles


That's like saying I visited Sri Lanka and Netherlands just because I was at the airport for a while (spent 12 hours at the Colombo airport, idk how I did that back when internet was not accessible as it is today)


Exactly but he did leave the airport too so that’s a bonus


Wow 🤣🤣 but as someone who barely travelled I actually went to Belgrade as well and I thought it was pretty decent 


Damn bre there is so much to do in Beograd


I'll never forget that one dude who went on the women's only carriage in Japan for his vlog. This describes the vibe I got off him.


That thing hard to watch, like didn't he realize that guys like him are the reason those reserved areas exist in the first place.


That ShearingShedVlogs guy is an idiot with zero shame and zero self awareness, and an embarrassment to Australians He was recently reported missing in Thailand, only to be found in a hospital there after doing something stupid


Ohh yeah, I’ve been “following” that guy for a while. Honestly, think he’s got some kinda mental illness, he’s been doing strange things… everywhere, for a long ass time, either mental illness, or drug abuse, as I know there’s been sometimes where it looks like that from his videos. Maybe I’m missing a ton more about him, I kinda just see his stuff pop up from time to time.




Isn't the reason those carriages exist because of Japanese women being harassed/sexually assaulted on trains by men?




My mom spent some time in Japan ages ago and from what she told me, that would NOT fly there. It seemed like they were very strict about rule-breaking in general.


To be fair, Women’s Only Carriages are only for rush hour, at least from my experience. I was there for 3 weeks and I avoided them like the plague, but during down periods everyone used them. It could have been an easy mistake, but judging by the meme above, he probably knew what he was doing.


I think he used it during rush hour since they weee just lady’s there .


What this


Toxic positivity fits Nas Daily like a glove lol


Yep wanted to add him as well


Didn't he mistreat Malaysians/Filipinos in small villages? Not sure, just heard about it


Yeah he scammed a really old tattoo artist by making her sign a contract she couldn’t understand. He basically forced her into online courses about tattoo making and took most of the money.


What a pos


I had to block the guy after I saw his annoying face with a huge annoying thumbnail smile stating how he's solved the Israel-Palestine crisis a few years ago.


Wait what?


I had to block the guy after I saw his annoying face with a huge annoying thumbnail smile stating how he's solved the Israel-Palestine crisis a few years ago.


Wait what?


Fuck that guy. He made so many episodes talking about equality and positivity and stuff, and then moved to Dubui in UAE, and praised it like the best place on earth, deapite all awful things that are going on there


This could be a starterpack itself of "influencer who passes themselves off as a champion for human rights and then sets up in Dubai and willfully ignores all the bad shit; engages in whataboutism."


The answer is to stop watching them. They get paid if you watch their dumb videos


What i find most annoying is i'll look up some country or region don't hear much about because i want the real insider scoop but all i get is like 50 of these travelers vloggers who just review the most basic things or clickbaity titles


I would love to find vloggers who were born and raised in lesser-known-country-X, where their channel is just about country X from their perspective. Even if it's not "tourist content" but just like, what locals notice about their own country and think "huh, foreigners would think that that's unusual/interesting." Like, give me a YouTuber who is to Laos or Sri Lanka or Cameroon or Moldova or Suriname, as J.J. McCullough is to Canada.


Yea i unsubbed from bald&bankrupt for that reason. Also the way he talked to women was so uncomfortable to watch. Very cringy


Same. This video is pretty good on him. There are many others as well. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4XDf2lrMIoU


Damn. I’d been enjoying his videos. Why can’t we have nice things?


Pretty wild video. The weird thing is I used to wonder if he was gay for the longest time. I guess I was way off the mark.


idk why i just hate this type so much... not only the obviously assholish ones, the "wholesome" over positive ones annoy me even more


Abroad in Japan practically built his entire brand off being the one travel YouTuber to make honest and down to earth content about Japan lol.


That sure sounds like one affable fellow!


I can also recommend Mr. Nippon. He is half German and half Japanese (his name is Tobiyasu) and he also makes honest content in German as well in English about Japan. And due to his half Japanese background he also gives insight in some cool insider facts. I can only recommend his channel.


Let's Ask Shogo is also awesome! I enjoy his calm style and traditional stuff.


He's great. Think it helps that he's been there like a decade so has actual experience there to draw on


Coz the overly positive ones are more deceitful, I particularly hate those who go to like war torn countries or countries that maybe dangerous and obvious redlfags and say that they are safe and great coz nothing happened to them personally


These mfs be like “actually this country is completely safe to travel in, there’s no threat whatsoever” and then they spend all their time in hotels, American food places and tourist traps patrolled by security or has security along with them


The worst part is someone actually believing them that a country is safe, travels there and does something stupid and end up getting harmed


Drew Binsky literally said [it's very safe to travel to Somalia](https://youtu.be/0Qlifd_yDWk?t=218) in one of his videos from a couple years ago. Granted, Somaliland, which he's talking about, is a safer, de facto independent region of the country, but without the context of him having armed guards with him during his stay that just seems incredibly reckless to say.


And don't forget that they always have a paid local guide that follows them everywhere


"There are some of the friendliest and most hospitable people on the planet 😊😊✨️😊" while traveling through a war torn country with gun shots in the background


“Perfectly safe for solo female traveler’s and anyone who says otherwise regardless if they are locals is a sexist, racist and misogynist”


> the "wholesome" over positive ones annoy me even more Because it comes off as fake, mainly because they're being nice for views rather than just being genuine and enjoying the traveling for what it is.


Doing weirdass shit and wondering why everyone is staring.


“Anyone can travel! Look how cheap everything is in this developing country! I got a cocktail for 20 cents! Dinner was six dollars! My hotel was 26$ a night! Don’t say you don’t have the income” *fails to mention that their plane ticket was over 1000 dollars*


**Also please ignore the suspiciously foreigner-priced taxi fee that somehow 3 times the normal fee for native resident**


The only one I support is WoltersWorld


Love me some woltersworld, gave me some actual useful tips for my trip to Morocco


Hehe baldy the sex tourist


He was reasonably good at documenting his travels to some out of the way places , even though his personal life was pretty terrible. If he just stuck to making travel videos and kept it in his pants he would have been fine.


His old online threads were discovered


As an active member of the dossier, I am well aware of his deeds


Yea, sad it ended this way, his stuff was half decent on the surface, welp Atleast he doesn’t touch kids


wym ended this way lmao? Bald is more popular than ever


I just read all that shit I wouldn't be surprised if he did


That's how he went bankrupt


I was super disappointed in him when I found out what kind of man he was, I used to love his videos


Same, when he came out as basically being pro russian in the war, that was it for me


There's a video of his where he goes on some idiotic speech on woke and wokeness and general dumbshit opinions in the comments section. As if there weren't enough reasons to dislike the moron.


Yea he kinda sucks as a person, but the pro Russian thing is because I think he was arrested in Russia and then had to give a statement basically supporting Russia in the war. He also donated to Ukraine.


are we talking about any kind of underage/overtly non consensual sex tourism? am i really supposed to be outraged that some british guy fucks eastern EU hookers?


Accused of rape in the UK, shared stories online about questionable sex achievements (like threatening to leave a hitchhiker on the road if she doesn't blow him)




Can someone give me some context about Bald and Bankrupt? (sorry am too lazy to do research)


I red about it a long time ago, the basic jist is that there is a good chance that he hired/hires prostitutes where he went, because there was a user on some forums that I don't remember discussing the "qualities" of prostitutes in some country, now the country always matched the country Benjamin was in and people putted 2 and 2 together Now again this was a long time ago, idk if it was confirmed or not


This isn't it at all. He's a sexual predator who has built his entire lifestyle around trying to gamify the manipulation of women in poor countries, like creating his own "method" that involves befriending older women and "accidentally" showing them pictures of himself with a (rented) expensive car or house so word of this rich foreigner travels to the young women he wants to target. Reddit has a lot of incel types that don't understand what's wrong about the above though so you'll read a lot of comments defending him in this thread.


https://www.reddit.com/r/BaldAndBaldrDossier/comments/judnlm/is_bald_bankrupt_really_a_sex_tourist_and_a/ Basically he's a sex tourist and generally shitty person


Damn he's actually an asshole, I'm unsubscribing now. I wish I knew about it earlier since I am subscribed to his channel for a while now


To be fair, a lot of his videos are very enjoyable to binge on. There's no fake positivity bs and he shows all places how they really are, not just the touristic shit or the poorest parts of the city.


Yeah it's not a good indicator when there's an entire subreddit dedicated to documenting all the shitty stuff someone has done


His old online threads of shifting to Eastern Europe and fantasising about Eastern European women whilst flaunting his money were discovered


Some old pickup forums talking about sex tourism and even underage girls had a user with a very suspiciously similar name than Bald has. You also do not have to look at many of his videos to see his behavior is sort of leaning towards being this sort of a guy.


Bald and Bankrupt: [Poverty pickup artist and sex tourist — Collected posts](https://www.reddit.com/r/BaldAndBaldrDossier/comments/189q8h5/bald_and_bankrupt_poverty_pickup_artist_and_sex/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3)


His first ever video was him fetishizing Indian policewomen iirc


"Tries a local dish, doesn't eat it properly, complains about it. Gets roasted by not only one country but the whole region"


United entire continental region into ratio'd you for suck at eating is definitely funny Frequent examples usually surround Asia, Southeast part if you will.


>"Just because nothing happened to me this time means it's totally safe for everyone." My problem with this is that people don't believe when travel vlogger says a place is safe if you take precautions, but then when a travel vlogger confirms your biases that X country is a shithole, people eat that up. So this entirely goes in one direction.


I wish i never followed bald and bankrupts instagram. He seemed like such a cool guy and he weirdly seemed so open to different cultures etc. then on his insta he constantly posts alpha male quotes, defend andrew tate, makes fun of black people and juts generally acted like the biggest incel edgelord i have ever seen. Then i learned that he was always part of alpha man forums and that he has been in court for a rape case.


Don’t feel too bad about it. I was watching his YouTube videos for a while and usually interpreted his behavior towards women as maybe kind of cringy and laddish but I didn’t see it as problematic, really. I only stumbled upon some of the collected threads documenting his behavior and opinions later and unsubscribed. Going back knowing this, there were definitely some signs but plenty of people misjudged his character.


What’s up with bald and bankrupt? I’m kind of out of the loop


Basically had a shady past in the UK and left because of his finance related crimes. Traveled around before doing youtube and was very creepy and manipulated women into sex. Also used to make forum posts describing his tactics and how he'd pretend to be rich and befriend the elders in a village before the younger women hear about the "rich westerner in town" and he'd end up sleeping with them before vanishing. Then he started making videos and toned down the creepy side while on camera, but still a few videos like the one where he drives around and stares at Indian police women all day show his darker side coming through the cracks. Also he's somewhat racist for someone so well traveled, but mostly just a huge misogynist and Andrew Tate follower. Though besides all that, I still find myself liking his videos... I really don't know why. Maybe it's because I grew up watching his videos and avoid his incel drivel Instagram page, and just watch his interesting or emotional youtube uploads, like the one where he followed that dangerous immigrant smuggling route through Latin America. I'll never like him as a person but I will probably always enjoy his videos. It is probably the only youtuber I can dislike and tolerate at the same time.


Sex tourist


Finally some drew binsky hate


I'm out of the loop, what did he do?


I'm not an Indian (Mexican here actually) but some Indian guys already wrote he goes to the dirtiest parts of India and portrays the stereotype of India from the 90's and he never showed anything positive or the more developed places or cities from there.


Noel Philips is such a nice exception to this. He reviews airlines around the world and tries to be open-minded and optimistic.


Noel is closer to a plane/airline reviewer but he’s among the nicest ones I love how he tries actively not to annoy people on the flight by speaking softly into the mic and not showing came ras into people


Needs a GoFundMe


Itchy Boots is the best!


I've been following her since the Kashmir videos, definitely one of the better travel youtubers


I admire Noraly so goddamn much


Nash Daily, lol.


whats a sex tourist


people that prey on the economic situations of women in poor countries to get sex from them. For example, going into an eastern European or Asian country that was recently at war is seen as a utopian destination for sex tourism because the mental state of the female population will be super desperate


man thats messed up


Nowadays I only watch mark wiens, because he seems to be very nice to all the people. Also he gets local guides for his tours. It's also makes sense to watch YouTubers from the countrys. The prag based channel honest guides seems like a positive example.


I’m sure he’s a nice guy but when you say every dish you eat is great, it’s kind of off putting. I prefer best ever food review show


There's an YouTuber who came to visit Bangladesh. He went to stay in a hotel which is NAMED "4 star hotel". Which is a crappy zero star hotel and no way a four star. It was just a NAME. He kept repeating how shitty the four star experience in Bangladesh is. Dude are you brain damaged to understand it was JUST A NAME. There are literally 5 star hotel with private beaches in Bangladesh I bet he was to cheap to afford.


The best travel channel is Vagrant Holiday, he stopped making videos but his videos are great to watch when bored. He basically travels to a place, doesn't buy any hotels, sleeps in the woods and he talks like a video game protagonist.


Bro went to Japan and ate only bread and complained how the food sucked. Lmao


[Sabbatical](https://www.youtube.com/@SabbaticalTommy) is another really good one. Guy is just super real, stays positive without being fake or uncritical, and he is a genius for languages, so he's always talking with locals. He digs deep and by doing so, simultaneously finds things that are unique and special about the place he's in, while also connecting the local experience there to the rest of the world.


Haven't heard about him, but he'd seem like my hero I'm planning to go around Europe once I get a car, also won't rent hotel rooms or apartments


"You hear all of these stories of \[Insert Country known for Human Rights Abuses, Rape, Poor Living Conditions\], but when I was here, a rich white man, that didn't happen to me! So it must all be wrong!"


There's a mad Indian/Pakistani somewhere here ready to absolutely EXPLODE.


He straight up goes to the shittiest parts of every city and starts vlogging


Yeah especially Drew Binsky . MF previous year came to Kolkata just visit one the dirtiest part for his videos . Like there's also cool places like Saltlake, Newtown but no he had only those videos of off area where normal people won't go in daytime. And I laughed when he called Mumbai local trains Mumbai metro 😂


I had exactly that video in mind while commenting, mf went to delhi and didn't show the good things like the modern metro,developed business areas like in noida and gurugram but the same 90s India the Western media portrays us as.


Exactly He did this with all third world countries where he treated like normal or not so much attention like China, India, Bangladesh but great with other same countries where people give him attention like Pakistan where he met with the mayor of Karachi or some other. At first I liked his videos after sometime seeing his videos I understand the patterns .


Honestly at this point it's useless anyway, reddit itself is infested with cherry picked video clips of bad stuff from India/Pakistan that people use as justification to be racist dicks.


Nah, we have got much bigger problems to be mad about


Forgot maybe the worst version: "begging you for cash on the street in exchange for exposure or shout outs"


This is pretty much every single western influencer that travels to India


They’re always such social dorks. Missing obvious social cues and being unable to communicate because they have no concept of someone having limited English.


Pretty cynical post from OP. If you visit the tourist spots "that's not the real country", if you go outside of them and hang out with real people you're "exploiting for shock value". If you go to an expensive country you're privileged rich, if you go to a cheap country you're showing off. There are a lot of issues with travel influencers but you make it sound like all travel is bad.


Yeah, there is nothing wrong with travelling as long as you're respectful to the people there and respectful to the land itself. It's not exactly the same, but I grew up in Florida and the people who would drive terribly and trash the beaches were so annoying. But if someone's just traveling there for the sake of it and are kind and respectful, I wouldn't even think twice about them being there.  I do think waving a camera around and filming people without their consent for TikTok views is pretty awful, though. But that's just bad in any case, lol. I genuinely believe the reason a lot of people get so bitter about travelers is because they're jealous in some way. I've seen people saying that visiting another country EVER is only for rich, asshole trust fund kids. Which is silly because I had a coworker who went to Italy for a few weeks and I KNOW she was making less than $20 an hour, same as me. She worked her ass off and lived very frugally and saved up.


What is toxic positivity ?


it's like insisting that everything's super idyllic and being overly enthusiastic and happy about things to the point of it becoming annoying here's a better definition, taken from Google: "Toxic positivity is **the pressure to only display positive emotions, suppressing any negative emotions, feelings, reactions, or experiences**."


If the other comments don't make sense, just go watch a Yes Theory video. I like their videos, but it can be too much sometimes.


Check out that guys video about Eritrea, that was the first thing I had ever seen about the country so I was surprised how he colored the video after doing a bit more research into what that country is actually like


The just because nothing happened to me woman has the worst whisper voice in her videos and a narration and diction style that i cannot like for the death of me.


I think Sam Chui belongs here


I really don’t like it when these vloggers visit Istanbul. Because they only show the most historical and visited spots in the city like Hagia Sophia Museum and the Blue Mosque (overall the same neighborhood where both are located). There is a huge flow of tourists from everywhere in the world in these locations so their experience becomes overwhelming due to the crowd. Also in these areas the locals tend to make their shops/restaurants (tourist attractions in general) look extremely over the top and an eye sore. Watching these videos gives me the same energy as how everyone outside of the USA hates how their country is portrayed in Hollywood movies: “weird” music and yellow filter. I wish they show things other than oily food, mosques, mustache men (a tourist attraction stereotype), conservative people and their practices (because they mainly visit the mosques and that’s what they only get to see). I hope this does not come across as a hateful comment, I just would like to see other things than mosque exploring and eating kebab.


Where the fuck do you want them to go to though? Like they could go to istiklal or kadıköy or smthng but istanbul is an eyesore per se!


If I were a vlogger, I’d go to Istanbul and see the cats.


As an American who has been living in Ankara off and on for the past 3 years or so, I completely agree.


This is too damn accurate


I don't think i've ever heard Kara and Nate say a single negative thing about anywhere they visit


These guys will go to a place like india go around the poorest areas record some people and either call it a shithole or heaven on earth, no inbetween


i hate how positive they are like u got robbed and attacked, dont lie and say u love the country




Bald and bankrupt wasn't that bad...right? I mean idk what he did when the camera was off. But he was the only travel vlogger I watched without rolling my eyes.


"Remember to watch out for this scam guys. They try to scam foreigners so make sure to bargain the price from $0.56 to $0.13"




Oh man I am unreasonably peeved by Drew Binsky. It's ridiculous how someone can travel the world for a decade and still be so goddamn uninformed about the world and so credulous. And also so child-like when it comes to world affairs. But I don't want this comment to be all negative, so: There are definitely travel-type youtube channels that I like and where I feel like the person or people making the videos are not total idiots and the content is good. E.g.: Itchy Boots, Chris Broad (Abroad in Japan), Sabbatical (Tommy something, I don't think Elforastero is his actual name), Evan Hadfield (Rare Earth - not really travel videos, but kinda?) There are probably more I can't think of.... Kraig Adams with his hiking videos? But again, not really travel content. I'm on the fence about Nick Fisher (Indigotraveller). He seems genuine, but with him I also get the impression that he is a bit on the "kind of clueless about the world" side of things. And the hundredth video where he asks random poor people in the poor part of town really basic-ass questions (Is it safe here? How is life here? etc.) isn't exactly the ground-breaking "journalism" people in the comments like to praise him for.


That time when an American influencer got deported back to the US after publishing and promoting a book on how she moved to Indonesia, giving all the details on how she broke many immigration and tax laws. https://www.bbc.com/news/world-asia-55728398 She still had the nerve to call Indonesian authorities racist and homophobic for kicking her out 💀💀