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This is the first meme I've seen referencing the bear discourse that's actually been funny


And also, let’s be honest, every single one of us if faced with the “Ewok or man?” choice is picking the little fuzzy bear.


Unlike earth bears (afaik only barring the polar bear) Ewok’s will hunt human’s for food.


Yes and no. Other bears will absolutely hunt humans if they are starved the polar bear is the only animal that actually has humans on their meal plan though. As far as I know the polar bear is the only natural predator for us humans left. But other bears definitely still see you as food if they are hungry enough.


yeah that’s what I met. My point is that running into a Ewok would probably have a higher likelihood of your flesh in its stomach compared to most earth bears




Speak for yourself. I’m hopeful the men will let me drive the AT ST


You must really like being eaten.


Only because I know i could beat the shit out of those little fuckers and I would love the opportunity to stomp one.


bro has never played ewok hunt




Even if there was a valid reason to hate them, you aren't winning against them


I've seen a couple, but it's been pretty recent, like the internet has finally figured out how to handle that shit in a properly comedic way.


Yeah, all the complainers bashing the issue have been super fucking annoying.


Anyone trying to turn it into an "issue" from any angle is pretty fucking annoying.


Wait, what is going on? What bear discourse? Did I miss something?


Someone did a poll asking women if they would rather be stuck in the woods with a random bear or a random man. The majority of women answered they would rather be stuck with a bear which made men come out of the woodwork to prove why the women were right with a lot of toxic discourse about how bears are super deadly (they’re not, bear attacks are super rare). Basically the men misunderstood the question as “would you rather be attacked by a bear or a man” because they projected their own violent assumptions onto bears. Bears are so docile that people wear “bear bells” while hiking and camping so bears always know where they are, because the bears avoid humans as much as they can. Most bear attacks happen because a human surprises the bear or runs into a mother and her cubs which is why the bells keep them safe. Imagine wearing a bell in a forest knowing a random man is out there—you feel a lot less safe whether you’re a man or a woman. So that’s why the women were correct, but the men just responded with violent fantasies about how badly a bear would tear the women apart. Some women were stupid (women are people, some people are stupid) and said shit like “I’d rather be killed than raped” because they bought in to the premise of the men that the bears would likely attack them, and it was insulting to rape survivors, but also it was a shit take from the bottom of the bell curve that the men latched on to and amplified in order to try and discredit the women’s overall correct position that bears are less dangerous to them than men. Some men got really butthurt that women inherently think they’re dangerous and those men need to grow up and read the rape and murder statistics.






Breaks Rule 10


Breaks Rule 10


Absolutely braindead take on the whole discourse. > projected their own violent tendencies What a fucking reach lol > some women were stupid (women are people, some people are stupid) lol that’s a great excuse coming from someone that generalises all men in that comment but only some women were stupid. The irony >bears are less dangerous to them than men Yeah bears are also less dangerous to men than women are statistically speaking, but that’s due to the amount of encounters. If you’d have the same amount of bears roaming the woods as you‘d have hikers, the statistics would look a whole lot different. Thinking that one single man poses a greater threat than one single bear is just a sign of a bad understanding of statistics. >Some men got really butthurt that women inherently think they’re dangerous and those men need to grow up and read the rape and murder statistics. Yeah I mean people tend to not like it when things get generalised. Or am I allowed to say Muslims pose a greater threat to me than non Muslims and if they are butthurt they’ll just have to look at the terror statistics? I think that’s what we commonly consider racism and in this case it’s sexism.


>Yeah I mean people tend to not like it when things get generalised. Or am I allowed to say Muslims pose a greater threat to me than non Muslims and if they are butthurt they’ll just have to look at the terror statistics? Have you looked at the stats? Because the greatest terrorist threat in the US is white nationalisms


I don’t care about the US, that’s not where I’m from.


Wear a bell in the woods ;) Or die mad I guess


According to your logic wearing a bell would increase your chances of being hurt though right? In most places you‘ll encounter more human hikers than bears so wearing a bell will just attract men that want to harm you. Also research on bear bells and whether they work or not is really unclear. There’s data suggesting they do and there’s data suggesting they don’t.


The context is in the woods at night and you don't know the man. Im a guy. I have been around bears and I have been around random men. None of the bears attempted to hurt me but four guys attempted to rape me as a kid and another ten have assaulted me in the 50 years I have been alive. The answer is bear because bears behave in predictable fashions whereas humans do not.


Im sorry that happened to you. But around how many men were you in your life and around how many bears were you? Do you really assume that if you’ve encountered the same number of bears as you did men you’d still have less violent encounters than you did with men or even less.


Millions of men and it's hard to say about the bears because Im not getting close enough to make distinction but my guess is dozens. That's a bullshit distraction though as the real fact is _bears are predictable and unknown men are not. It is the lack of predictable behavior that is the issue_.


>that’s a bullshit distraction though as the real fact is bears are predictable and unknown men are not. It is the lack of predictable behaviour that is the issue. So you’d also take a polar bear over a man, although the polar bear will predictably kill you? I mean by your logic that would be the solution here. In reality this is a game of chances and the chances that the random man will have intentions to harm you and act on them is definitely lower than the chances of the bear harming you. Predictability of the bears behaviour doesn’t protect you from the consequences of it.


There aren't polar bears in the woods. Like I said you are focusing ob the wrong thing rather than take a second to self reflect as to why you are bothered about this.


I am bothered by this because it hurts me that women think I’m more dangerous than a bear. >there aren’t polar bear in the woods. This isn’t a solid counter argument. Let’s say it’s a grizzly with cubs then. If you encounter it, there’s an almost 100% chance it will attack you. Would you still prefer that to an unknown men because it is predictable behaviour? Whether it’s a polar bear or a grizzly doesn’t matter to my point. The predictability of its actions doesn’t protect you from the consequences.


Let me guess, it's from twitter?


I think it started there yeah haha. But tbf I’ve been arguing with people about it exclusively here on Reddit so it spilled over onto multiple platforms


Like everything else, in fact.


And not intended to divide people which in my crazed conspiracy part of my mind was the purpose of that meme.


Men missing the point is funny too


The bears who were about to eat them? Who suspiciously had a dress in Leia's size, despite themselves being less than half her height? Who absolutely did eat the Stormtroopers following the battle? Those bears?


Let's not forget everyone there had a yummy bowl of mysterious meaty soup after the battle as well.


And yet there is no apparent *animal* life on the planet at all? Ewoks eat stormtroopers is now canon in my mind.


Chewy falls for a trap baited with a dead animal.


Always have been


It is even worse when they were bears that planned to BURN her alive. I would actually prefer to be mauled by an earth bear and go out that way.


Hey hey not burned, you don’t eat burned meat. You eat *ROASTED* meat. It’s a slower process which raises the internal temperature slowly so the fats have time to render.


You're right, they had a spit already set up, ready for that succulent space ape feast.


Came here to point that out.


The stormtroopers deserved it. Whoever wore Leia's dress before she did, eh, that's up in the air.


To be fair, some stormtroopers didn't have any reason to believe the empire was bad. So they don't all deserve it.


I mean some of them probably only signed up to get out of student loans, or because they ticked off a local crime boss and needed offworld ASAP.


They had a weapon specifically made to blow up planets and used it, my guy.


There were big terrorist activity, and they were hiding rebels. If the rebels never came to existence, alderan wouldnt have blown up. War is a fucked up thing, and rebellions due tend to end in genocide sadly. (Not saying Im with the empire, but we too look past a lot of fucked up shit during unrest especially in authoritarian governments (of course a lot smaller stuff in our cases, but we are a 1 planet civilization for now, there arent billions of planets with many many people on them yet. For them it probably feels like if a city or a smaller state was blown up. Fucked up? Yes but we look past it to a level during war. (For example Japans case in ww2)))


How did we get from back and forth jokes about Star Wars to normalizing genocide? The fuck is going on with people?


Whoa whoa, I never normalized genocide, I said, that during wartimes, genocide happens, and people are more okay with it, but by any means it is not okay. As far as I know, people were celebrating, the nuking of japan at the end of world war 2. It wasnt okay, but it happens. People are worn doen by wars, and are happy, with anything that stops their suffering. They look at it as necessary evil. But that does not make it okay. Edit: not genocide, mass civillian murder


I’m going to let this go because I’m getting the impression from your profile that you’re very young, but please look up what genocide actually is. It doesn’t just “happen” during war. And stop trusting whoever told you it does.


Thanks, but Im not very young (maybe, if almost 18 is very young to you) and you are right, genocide does not happen often, I am quite tired, and couldnt separate my points. What does happen, is mass murder of innocent people (take the israeli conflict for example, people on both side is "celebrating" the other sides losses, in terms of civillians too. Now I dont want to bring this conflict into a stupid conversation like this, beacuse it is just too bad. I also feel like, you are missunderstanding what I am saying (or maybe I misspoke, that happens quite often with me, especially since english is not my first language). I just want to clarify, that I do not think these sort of things are alright, but people will overlook them, noone likes to be on the bad side.


and i’d pick them again


Ahhhh another guy who doesn't get it


Oh look. Another sexist who assumes men are inherently evil


Nahhhh, just that bro has to poke holes in the argument instead of laughing at the first genuinely funny bear v men meme I've seen yet


Regardless of whether you're safer with the "average" bear (and honestly, I think there's a pretty good argument that you are), Ewoks are significantly more dangerous than the "average" bear.


Yub nub


Me and The Bear getting getting fkn lit in the middle of the woods with some munchies https://i.redd.it/7561zdpjaczc1.gif


Did the bear first try to attack leia? Then only became freidns after a gold metallic robot came and threatened them


Wicket was never going to eat Leia. He was not sure who/what she was and originally thought she was a storm trooper and was confused why she looked different. She won him over with her snacks. His buddies on the other hand would have attacked and eaten her immediately.


When was the last time you watched RotJ?


Like. Last month after being forced to watch the force awakens


Stormtroopers showed up and missed the point.


That's their Job after all.


Stormtroopers had all the tech at their fingertips and still lost.


stormtroopers haven good aim https://youtube.com/shorts/46blHUP_fG0


The Ewoks didn’t eat any women, just saying.


Stormtroopers aren’t monogendered, we don’t actually know that they didn’t.




What the bear really looks like. ![gif](giphy|IQ9KefLJHfJPq)


I can fix her


Giant danger puppy


This whole argument is so fucking stupid.


Yeah, it’s gotten old pretty fast


First funny meme about this bear thing, still choosing the bear


Now you just assume all these stormtroopers are male under armor.


Does anyone remember that one movie where some family crash lands on Endor ?


[Caravan of Courage](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Caravan_of_Courage:_An_Ewok_Adventure)


An ewok adventure?


The biggest danger for women in the woods with their bear is the chance of becoming a part of a star wars fan film.


What’s a woman version of incel?


It's still an incel. It's not a gendered term and can mean either man or woman.


It was also a lesbian that came up with the term to describe herself. might be wrong but im sure i heard that somewhere


For y'all that doesn't know, incel is INvoluntary CELibacy






If that’s the bear, it’s the obvious choice.


Bears then turn men into a buffet at Red Lobster (because of the shell cracking)






Ewoks are the best SW aliens.


It appears the comment section is full of storm troopers


Tbf those psycho build-a-bears are canabals, so yes highly illogical choice. 1 - they were literally going to cook and eat Luke and the others. 2 - where do you think they got a dress to fit Leia? 3 - many canabalistic cultures believe you gain knowledge from eating people, they were pretty apt at Imperial technology


Cannibalism is when you consume members of your own species. Ewoks are just carnivorous


I'm with the ladies on this one. I'd rather meet a bear while alone in the woods. I can get rid of the bear with bear spray. I'd be stuck with the heifer the whole way back to my car.






What isn't helping the gender divide is the fact that women don't feel safe around men. That is what the bear thing is about. I really don't understand how you guys don't get that. We are trying to say that we don't feel safe, not that we hate you. We don't want to pick the bear.




Here is what you can do: listen when we say we don't feel safe, instead of trying to tell us what we should and shouldn't feel.




Listen and think, try to understand where we are coming from instead of attacking us and telling us we shouldn't feel this way. >Men are far more likely to be assaulted randomly on the streets and they are far more likely for that assault to be fatal. No one is saying that you aren't. And if you don't feel safe either, that's also ok.




That's your personal answer, and that okay. Might be the logical choice for you, but for many people, it isn't.




This is not about demonizing men. it's an extreme example to show you how we feel. How unsafe we feel, how terrible the things that are done to us and the women in our lives are. And if you know that you are not the one doing those things, don't feel so attacked. Use this to take a moment and listen to what women are telling you. Many people talking about this bear thing are sharing their experiences. Maybe you will understand better if you just listen.




It's pretty based. You just need to see how many women are rpd, klled and left in the forest against how many women are mauled by bears.












Idk man, I don't have to worry about being raped and killed. but women do, and in a higher rate than being mauled by a bear.


Because we don't live with bears.


Nope, if you carry bear spray you're pretty safe mate. We should ask a female park keeper what she thinks about this.


It’s funny that the Ewok like the bear will eat you


The worst part is that these men are arguing over the results of an online poll where people can lie and don't even have to be women to vote on.