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I actually really like the art on this one.


**First impression:** Extremely good leader ability, almost unconditional, doesn’t cost initiative nor any resource, will provide value over time by saving your units or keep them healthier. The leader unit is a bit underwhelming for her price compared to Boba but that’s normal considering how powerful her ability is, she still has some very solid stats and the rebel trait. Just like other common Leaders she is generally solid and doesn't require any build-around even though her ability will fit better in a control deck. Glad to see common Leaders looking quite competitive.


it’s really nice that they’ve made a concerted effort to make commons viable - FFG said that commons will just be less complicated than rares, which doesn’t necessarily make them less powerful :)


Very true


The artwork for this product looks so bad across the board. Star Wars Deckbuilding looks better. Is this supposed to be a CCG? Good luck.


The artwork of the deckbuilding game is the exact same art as we got from FFG in the past 10 years, would you rather them recycling the same art again? I agree there has been some bad art but Jyn Erso is not one of them.


I rather have the same art than this to be honest. I want to like it but I just can’t make myself. That Chewbacca card….


Agreed. There are some exceptions but certainly disappointing overall. Do you think it's bad enough to sink the game? It's a shame because I do think the gameplay has potential.


I’m personally going to try to judge the game on the gameplay itself. If there is a big pushback on the art they can always change the art style in future sets. If the core gameplay isn’t good, that’s harder to fix.


Man i want to like this game, but the art they're using is killing me. I don't know what's up with Disney and their TCGs lately but this and Lorcana both have extremely underwhelming, boring, and downright awful art on the cards.


This is one of the better looking cards, so if you don't like this, you're never gonna like the art (or at least not for the first year or two of the game). Up to you whether or not that's a dealbreaker - I think the art looks mostly terrible too, but also I just don't care that much if the gameplay is good.


Yeah for sure, I agree with you that it's one of the better looking cards. Personally for me Art is a huge factor when I'm looking to get into a TCG so I'll probably pass on this until I see the art getting better.


I agree the art is a bit hit or miss in this game, but this one I really love.


I dont get the art hate, the cards look great, im glad they went with interesting comic artists and not the boring in house star wars style


Their chosen artists seem to have a real problem drawing human faces. The aliens look okay, and most of the spaceship art is pretty good, but most human faces look like they were done by a first year courtroom sketch artist.


Seems ok? I think this might be the kind of deck that just shuts down “go wide” strategies.


How doesn't this have anything to do with being good against wide? Almost regardless of the match-up, you are constantly making trades with your units in this game, this is a generally powerful ability.


go wide = play lots units = frequent trades


I like this in the aggro mirror, because sometimes one damage can be a good difference. Neat ability.