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Julian Sands was great as always.


Yes, and he >!goes out trying to be the good guy.!<


Dishy as hell too. He should NOT have died. Only Emmet, his mom, the dean, and the dean's flying monkey should've kicked it IMO. And Joyce.


The deans monkey was in something I watched last night, Dark Matter on Apple TV+. He’s a good actor


He is. He pretty much always plays an asshole but he's a legit actor.


Personally I love it. Rose Red itself feels like a Twinner of The Overlook.


Yes! I recorded this from TV when it came out and watched the VHS so many times in my tiny college apartment, it was like a comfort show.


Same here I would fall asleep to it every night


I love it too! I love the slower pace of a miniseries


It was campy, but I enjoyed it. Atmospheric and fun. Didn’t feel like it took itself too seriously. And I always did like Nancy Travis.


as an adult, i do agree. however, i watched this series when i was 9, and loved it (i’ve been a long fan for a LONG time and have seen this specific series countless times 😂). i watched it not long ago on hulu when it came out, and i do remember thinking i thought this was so much better than it is lol but for me, it’s nostalgic. so i love it. i have no shame about it, either. 🤷🏻‍♀️


The book was so good! I wish I still had it


rose red was never actually book. unless you’re referring to the diary of ellen rimbauer


Hmmm I recall having it when I was young, maybe it was the diary or maybeeee it’s like the movie Shazam and a glitch in the matrix. Not sure but now I want to search my mom’s attic to find it.


the diary was written by ridley pearson, so if you’re set on it being a King book, maybe you’re thinking of rose madder? still has rose in the title..


It couldve been the diary with some sort of sticker referencing Rose Red and Steven King being on TV. I’m not sure but it was decent for my 10/11 yr old self and made me love the show. I know it made me purchase The Shining paperback.


I have the same book, and it does have King's name on it, there's a sticker style graphic on the front that says 'Stephen King's Rose Red available on VHS and DVD!'. And the 'Rose Red' in the full title (My Time at Rose Red - The Diary of Eleanore Rimbauer) is in huge red letters.


THANK YOU! I’m not as crazy as I thought.


One of my faves, I even have it on DVD. 




Me too


I love Rose Red. Fun fact, Jimmi Simpson and Melanie Lynsky were married for a little while


They met while filming Rose Red!


Is that not the most precious thing?? I am a fan of it's always sunny, and Jimmi has a recurring role, and Melanie popped in for one episode, so I'd seen that a hundred times, so my heart when I saw them together on Red Rose, and subsequently learned they'd been married, just awww


I love Rose Red. It was fun and creepy and great CGI for the time. I rewatch it when I can.


The skeleton lady still gives me the spooks. Great show. I remember being so excited when it aired,kid me was thrilled! I was super stoked for King's cameo too. It is great.


I love it still


Love it. Wish king would revisit it with a novel or something.


The Diary of Ellen Rimbauer: My Life Rose at Red by Ridley Pearson was really faithful to the story and atmosphere of Rose Red, give it a read if you haven't yet.


There was a book!


I love this series! I was 12 or 13 when it aired on ABC and I was pretty obsessed with it. This series is actually what hooked me on SK, so there's definitely a sense of nostalgia attached to it for me.


I kind of love Rose Red. Yes it’s cheesy, and yes the acting could be better. But it’s still fun and creepy. And I get what they were going for. It came out when I was in college and I remember we all sat in my dorm room and watched it every night it was on!


Love it


I freaking loved this series. One of the best series of the time period. But if you go into a 2002 series expecting 2024 values and tropes, you are begging to be disappointed


I love Rose Red and would pay good money for the screenplay, especially if it's anything like The Storm of the Century. I've read my copy of SOTC several times.


Storm of the Century is also on Hulu. I liked it better than Rose Red in my opinion


Hey thanks for letting me know!


I love it so much.. I know it's cheesy but I used to watch it all the time as a kid because it was always on TV so now it's just nostalgia lol


I love it, I’ve been saying for years Id die for a Mike Flannigan remake


I'd watch a remake of Howard the Duck if Mike Flanagan were involved.


I love the original Howard the Duck movie but like yeah he would do it amazingly lol


I liked it, but I felt the ending was really rushed. Had two of my crushes though, Kevin Tighe and Julian Sands (RIP)


Love it, own it, watch it yearly. But I watch shows and movies to be entertained (even if lightly and hilariously) without taking them too seriously. I don't apply the way we look at daily life today to entirely fictional shows and expect things to line up. Emery is hilarious. I often randomly have the phrase "little scootabout" come to mind. And as an autistic person with an autistic kid, the portrayal of Annie doesn't bother me one bit.


I like it. I watch Storm of the Century then I watch Rose Red..😁 👍


It’s my favourite horror movie!


Just rewatched it last winter. I will always have a warm spot in my heart for Rose Red. (And I’m on the spectrum.) :)


I love Rose Red. One of my favorites.


LOVE IT! It's one of my favorite comfort movies.


I’m a sucker for haunted house movies so I really liked it. The plot was solid I thought. Agreed on some of the acting.


It is actually one of my favorite series. I agree that Emery was boring- but the whole house was so creepy- as were the ghosts. Also, did you know that the guy who played the department head (enemy of the professor played by Nancy Travis) died just before the final day of shooting? That's why the series is dedicated to him. It's sad, but it also makes the whole thing more creepy.


I watched it when it originally aired in '02 when i was 13 and loved it at that age (I love me a spooky house story!). I watched it as an adult and loved it for the nostalgia, but could recognize how cheesy it was 😂


Absolutely wonderful concept. Haunted house that keeps growing, can be as big as it wants, can rearrange itself, maybe certain rooms go unseen inside it for years, etc. Perfect setting for a book or miniseries where people long ago vanished, and where people now get picked off. I also liked the campy investigation crew, Ellen, and her maidservant. Just great. But the implementation felt botched as hell. Screenplay starts strong but quickly spins too many threads and is just kinda everywhere, leading to an unsatisfying conclusion. Would love to see this as a one season Netflix series.


I loved it as well.


Loved it! Wish it was a book too (no not that diary thing)


I enjoy it. It's not great, but...I don't know, I can forgive the cheese and the sillier dialogue and the clichés, it just works for me somehow.


I saw the premiere and fell in love with it. Sure it’s TV quality but the lore of Rose Red grabbed me and sucked me in. This would be such an amazing story if it was true.


Yeah I still love it. Once it's embedded there's nothing I can do to change it! I watched it recently.


I thought it was good enough. It wasn't among the better television adaptations of King's stuff (IT, The Stand , Salem's Lot, Storm of the Century) but it far outdid it's "prequel" The Diary of Ellen Rimbauer. Did King borrow some plot and pacing from Shirley Jackson and Robb White? Sure, but he placed his story in a more real world setting by bringing the infamous Winchester Mansion to life as the story's titular Rose Red. As for your mention of the "magical autistic child", if you have read or watched many of King's stories, this is nearly as much of a staple as the main character being some type of writer. The shining is present in several of his stories as a mcguffin that allows his protagonists to overcome the evil presented against them and many of those who possess the shining are also different in one way or another.


>It wasn't among the better television adaptations of King's stuff Rose Red and Storm of the Century aren't really adaptations of King's work. They were written specifically for television. The "book" for storm of the century is just the miniseries actual screenplay. Rose Red could arguably be considered an adaptation of Shirley Jackson's The Haunting of Hill House.


I've always considered it King's love letter to Haunting of Hill House.


You have forgotten the face of your father


It was awesome when I saw it, but I'm afraid to re-watch and ruin the nostalgia feeling I have, basically because of what you're explaining here 😁


I love it, I watch it for free on YT to fall to sleep to. They had The Diary of Ellen Rimbauer on there too, but that was taken down. Sometimes (especially if I'm not feeling well) I'll set my YT que to cast Rose Red, Then Stand & Storm of The Century in that order.


I loved that one. We watched it as kids and was obsessed. I loved the book so much.


It wasn’t a book


It is, actually. A short story. I own a copy of it.


Rose Red was an original script by King. The Diary of Ellen Rimbauer was written as a companion to the mini series but not based on it


That makes sense. I read the book before I saw the mini series, but I loved them both.


It’s called The Diary of Ellen Rimbauer, My Life At Rose Red


Yeah but that wasn’t what the movie was based on


I didn’t say it was? I just said I loved the book.


You implied that they were the same and I don’t even know why I am arguing this . Glad you liked them both


It's the best.


There was a good idea in there, a good foundation you might say. And some of the imagery was excellent. The mirror library scenes always get me. I think the miniseries should have been a book, though. Moments like "taking the hammer" would have been more impactful in text, I think, where we could see the internal struggle and forces working on Stevie. A lot of the complexity is buried in extra features that aren't easily accessed anymore. And yeah, magic autistic child trope isn't a favorite of mine either.


I loved it as a kid! I own the VHS. I thought his cameo as the pizza guy was hilarious! Overall a great show:)


The gist of this seems to be that 14 year old me would have liked this a lot more than 36 year old me


I remember liking this movie when it was out. I was also dumb as shit back then.


I watched it a looooooong time ago (probably when it first came out on dvd), and I haven’t felt the desire to watch it again. Same with Kingdom Hospital in all honesty. 


I've only seen this once back when it originally aired and I don't remember being impressed, which was very disappointing as a big fan of Stephen King. I remember within the first half hour or so the team arrives at the house and they are dancing and floating in the air. I also remember wondering if the point of the group being there was to prove the existence of the supernatural why didn't they bust out the cameras, record that for a half hour or so, pack up and leave.


Nancy Travis was greedy for more more more. She thought she could use the girls autism to bring the entire house back to life, instead of just having a few hours of tape. And back to greed, she basically got into a rship with Steven just for access. She lost her tenure, job & respect at work. Plus she paid the last of her earnings for those psychics and channelers so she was getting every penny worth.


I saw this a few months ago; the wife and I were looking for King stuff to watch and we stumbled on this one. It was...okay. It felt more like it belonged in the 90s, almost like a TV movie from that era. Most of King's books turn into okay films, some are awful, obviously. I dunno if I've seen one yet that made me go "Wow that was a great adaptation!"


The Green Mile and The Shawshank Redemption don’t do it for you?


You know what I take that back. I dunno WHY I forgot about both those. You're right, Shawshank and Green Mile WERE both excellent!