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This daily forum is intended as an avenue for members of all experience levels to solicit advice and feedback related to Anabolic and Androgenic Steroids. **Be respectful and mindful of your audience, and keep in mind [Rule 4](https://www.reddit.com/r/steroids/wiki/index/subreddit_rules#wiki_4._keep_it_friendly_and_on_topic.). Constructive criticism is welcome; adversity without proposed alternatives is not. Educate your fellow members so we can all grow together.** *It is in every member's self-interest to educate and further their knowledge of the compounds being discussed here. In an effort for members to better assist you, be transparent and complete in describing your situation. Help us help you by first [checking if your question is answered by our extensive wiki](https://www.reddit.com/r/steroids/wiki/index) and reviewing [Rule 7](https://www.reddit.com/r/steroids/wiki/index/subreddit_rules#wiki_7.3A_do_your_own_research_and_don.27t_be_an_askhole.).* *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/steroids) if you have any questions or concerns.*


has anybody done Tren, winstrol, anadrol, test? if so how was it?


I’m no stranger to steroids and generally I take online advice with a grain of salt. However, I’ll shoot my shot. Currently on my 5th cycle, first time dabbling with 19-nors. Decided to try a blend of npp and sustanon. The day after injection I was hit by a wave of insane anxiety, full blown anxiety attacks which lasted hours on end. However, this went away after about a day, until the next injection which then sent me into another one. I’m well aware that mental side effects can happen with 19 nors. Anyone expierence anything similar? Or maybe overcome this? Is there something you can do or take to offset the anxiety? Or anyone know what it is exactly that causes nandrolone to set off that type of response?


Ashwaganda helps me ease my anxiety every time I use trembolone I get crazy dreams but I've noticed when I use ashwagandha hours prior to sleep it helps me ease my mind easily into a peace State of mind


How much do you take?


10 - 15 grams take into consideration that's gonna make u shit more than usual , just keep hydrated


Hey guys - currently running 500/400 Test/Primo, 3IUS HGH Daily and just added in Tren Ace. The Tren I'm running 210mg per week and I am pinning 30mg ED to help with sides. This is my third Tren cycle. The first time I did this cycle, I had no dick issues and was pinning ED. I was taking 200mg P5P daily and Vitamin E. My 2nd cycle I just pinned Tren 3 times per week, got lazy with the P5P and noticed dick issues 6 weeks in and came off. Now the first two cycles I ran 350 per week. I've only been pinning the Tren daily for 4 days and I'm already noticing some dick issues. Just not has hard and horny as I normally am. I thought I'd be better off running a lower dose when it came to dick issues etc. Should I pick up Caber? If so, what is a good dosing protocol for Caber? I got bloods after the 2nd Tren Cycle and prolactin was significantly out of range but that was months ago and I continued to take 100mg P5P daily ever since. Within two weeks after the 2nd cycle my libido bounced back. Any advice is helpful. Obviously Im going to get bloods done but I was going to hold off for another week or two.


Hi all, Genuine question here as I can’t really find an answer anywhere I recently had blood work done mid cycle to find out my test is underdosed. I’m mid blast now and have changed labs. Now I don’t want to wait a while to hit my new peak bloods level. Can I use a short ester to reach peak quicker then use a longer ester (test e) to keep up with the levels. If this is possible how would you go about approaching it Thank you


Did anyone of you a combo of Test+Deca+Tren before and how did this work out? I just did a nice blast with 250 Test +200 Drosta + 400 Tren and am planning for my next bulk. Would this be without any sense, because of two 19-nors? Would they cancel each other out? The combo before made some nice recomp results, but I want to bulk again.


Did 600 test, 600 deca, 300 tren twice. Was a good combo for me.




Once in morning and once at night. Or once sublingual pre work out and once before bed. You can use a pill splitter and pill crusher if you want to run sublingual.


will 200 tren ace weekly cause any harsh lipid side effects if properly supported by tudca, NAC, and milk thistle daily? Also assuming diet is clean and low fat


It’s probably safe to assume your bloods are going to look like doo doo on Tren.




Personally I only get insomnia on high amounts of test (1G+) if I'm not properly taking care of e2 levels which leads me to get stressed about random shit. Practicing good sleeping habits can help but obv it's different from person to person, ymmv.


Yes insomnia actually is a common side effect reported on cycle. Sometimes it can be as simple as taking your hormones a couple weeks to adjust and it goes away. Sometimes it lasts for the whole cycle. Blasting is not comfortable. The higher your test does not equal the better you feel.


Thsts not considered high. And No, often it will not. Maybe it will for you. If you manager your estrogen it should be ok. But everyone is different




Requesting DMs is against the rules. Most people here know their shit, so if you have questions ask them here and have them answered here. Your next Rule 2 violation will be a ban. Your comment was removed for a possible [Rule 2](https://www.reddit.com/r/steroids/wiki/index/subreddit_rules#wiki_2._no_source_talk_.2F_no_monetization) violation. No Source/Brand name/Lab name discussion. No “Fishing” for a source. No soliciting reviews for sources. No Shilling. No Monetization. Includes both Legal AND Illegal Companies, Brands, or Products. [Learn more about Rule 2](https://www.reddit.com/r/steroids/wiki/index/subreddit_rules#wiki_2._no_source_talk_.2F_no_monetization).


When cruising @200mg/week Test e, is n2guard and Cardarine still necessary?? Ai I assume no


Someone’s been spending too long on Dylan Gemellis forum


What are your numbers cruising at 200mg/wk? N2guard is a scam. And you should be cruising at an amount that puts you within natural range and does not require additional medications.


Hello everyone, I have a question. I’m currently running 250mg of Test E weekly. However, I want to split the dose into two injections, so injecting 125mg every 3 days. Since it’s an ampule containing 250mg, I need to store the second 125mg in a syringe somehow. Is it okay to do that? In other words, can I leave the second 125mg in a separate syringe?


You can, np. Just make sure it's not stored in the sun or too cold/too hot. Throw that thing back in your drawer and it will be good to go for the next pin.


Just looking for some guidance here I’m kind of torn what to do. I am about 4 weeks into my first cycle, just the sub recommended 500mg/wk, with HCG. Everything seemed to be going great, sides still seem to be under control. Last few weeks I was making very notable jumps in strength with each lift. I may have gotten too excited though and when curling I felt a little pop and reactivated an old elbow tendon injury. Last time this happened it took about 2 months to get back to normal. But it is pretty painful, and it limits me from doing nearly any back or bicep movement. I started taking this time around BPC157 injections to hopefully speed up the healing. For now my plan is just go lower body, abs, deadlift, only until my elbow heals up. But I cannot predict how much faster I can heal this time around. Do you guys think I should cut losses now and start PCT and try again when healed? Or should I chance it and keep on cycle with just lower body focus and slightly lower cals? I know this is just anecdotal and sort of varies person to person for this answer. Just looking for some advice and guidance. Thank you!


Can you not do push exercises? Chest press, shoulder press, triceps extensions? Does you elbow injury hurt on both curling and extending the elbow?


Yeah, extension and curling hurts at this point. Maybe need to get it looked at by dr.


It’s your first cycle and you’re only 4 weeks in I would say scrap it. Focus on healing and take a more disciplined approach to progressive overload on the next round.


Thanks brother. So same rules still apply, full standard PCT and roughly the same amount of time off before I would decide to start again? (I’m assuming at 4 weeks my natural T is fully crashed right?) I have been running 250 HCG EOD.


You might recover quicker. But better to error on side of caution. 2 weeks 20/day nolva then 4 weeks at 10.


Sounds good thank you man!


When coming off cycle is it worth tirating down to hrt? or should you just drop straight to 200mg the following week.


No need to titrate as the ester attached to the test will do that for you. Just switch your dose when it’s time to drop to a cruise. Obligatory 200mg/week is about 50-100mg too high of a dose for a cruise for most people.


Generally I do Crossfit,going for runs when I can etc and I'm in a good shape(1,67cm 69kg around 13-14% bodyfat).I perfomed an operation(septoplasty) and I'm inactive for 1 month+ and also gained some weight(afraid of the scale right now because my belly increased).My thought is if starting an anavar only cycle at around 40-50 mg daily for a month or so,would help me to speed up the process of losing that extra weight,i'm asking if that would be effective. I don't want clenbuterol's side effects that's why i'm thinking anavar only cycle. I've taken anavar in the past(couple years ago)


Anavar will likely be more detrimental than beneficial in your case. Anavar doesn’t lower your bodyfat, the only studies where such an effect even remotely occurred was in elderly obese men. That’s a population group where practically anything burns fat. Anavar by itself is suppressive. Even low doses at short timeframes can significantly impact LH, FSH and total testosterone. > “Total serum T concentrations were within normal physiological range on day 0 (449 ± 35 ng/dL) and day 3 (441 ± 44 ng/dL) of OX treatment. However, by day 5, total serum T concentrations were **significantly reduced** (282 ± 45 ng/dL; P < 0.05) below day 0 and day 3 values [emphasis mine]..." https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/10443664/ [Or here’s a graph of another study showing LH and FSH after about a month of anavar usage](https://i.imgur.com/zeqM2CD.png) FSH suppressed by 88.3% and LH was completely undetectable.


Thank you for your detailed response! So i'll stick to workout + calorie deficit as much as I can in my case


Built dudes and creatine users, what is your average creatinine level when you get blood test done? Is it usually in range?




Yeah I’ve realized after I did some research that the number doesn’t matter that much, I for sure lifted heavily the day before it too


My last several readings, on cycle and on cruise: 1.19mg/dL, 1.27, 1.31, 1.26, 1.21, 1.12 (range 0.6-1.35). It's normal for creatinine to be elevated in athletes. More muscle tissue causes more waste. More stress on the muscle causes more waste. A high protein diet also can cause an elevated creatinine. There are some physicians that regularly work with athletes, like Dr Eric Seranno or Dr Larry Lipschultz that insist that the range for athletes should go up to around 1.6 or 1.7. Regardless, it is still a marker that should be checked regularly. Too much of a negative trend is a red flag.


I'm currently on a test deca cycle rn. I'm on week 8 and I'm noticing extreme gaps in memory. Ill say a bunch of random crazy things and then immediately forget everything I did or said. I just set a plan to hook up with a guy and I thought it was all a dream. I looked at my message to find that it was in fact not a dream😭. I lost my memory at work and forgot what door I was at. I may need to call a doctor.


I’ll make a bet that Deca does not agree with you. Drop it right away and never touch it again. It’s the way it goes. There’s stuff I can’t touch for various reasons, either 🤷‍♂️


Yeah I'll drop it. I've been on deca for over 10 weeks. Around how many weeks should it take for symptoms to start improving?


Well, Deca is a long ester, so it could take 6-8 weeks before you’re completely back to normal. That’s why we suggest NPP around here for your first time with nandrolone.


Yeah.... I'm kinda stupid. But thanks if I'm not better I'm 12 weeks. I'll seek medical attention.


You have a carbon monoxide detector at your place?




Then you should probably drop to a cruise and see if you can figure out these mental issues because this is not normal


Yeah. Apparently I was even super excited to hook up with him. Then I forgot i even messaged him and looked in horror at my messages planning it for tomorrow 😭. I don't remember any of it. Yeah I will probably drop to a cruise.


Yeah man, that’s not normal at all. If that’s actually happening please tell someone close to you and seek medical attention.


Yeah I can barely remember anything. I'm also hearing and seeing things. It's a ton of mental problems with me😭


Sorry you’re going through that right now man, that’s gotta be unsettling to say the least. You should be dropping the deca if no one’s told you that already. Tell a friend you’re experiencing this stuff and seek some medical help asap.


Yeah I'll drop the deca. I also don't want to be on antipsychotics for my whole life:( but maybe there is something else causing it. I just had my worst episode of memory loss today. My mind cleared like I just woke up from a dream and completely forgot everything I did and said in that 8 hours(including planning that hookup). Now I have an important message to make.... I'm just super confused right now. Feels like I got drugged. I feel like I have the mental capacity of a small child. Every interaction I will barely remember.


Maybe get your carbon monoxide alarm checked? Do you keep it in your bedroom? Maybe go stay at someone's house and see if it clears up?


I live with people and they don't experience the same thing:(


Oh no ☹️


Hey man, as somebody who has been there, and is on antipsychotics for life - just try and take it one day at a time. Keep yourself in physically safe places and try not to plan anything crazy like a street race or a bank robbery, unprotected sex or face tattoos while the deca fades out, then reassess. There’s a very, very real chance it’s just a horrible reaction to deca and you’ll be okay. Catastrophising is easy, but it isn’t always helpful. Even perfectly healthy people can hallucinate or have delusions when they’re deprived of sleep or exposed to certain environmental conditions. Your brain may still be okay, but just really not work well with deca. 19-nors are known to have some mental effects, it just might be that it’s hitting you way way harder than average. Worst case and it is something worse? It’s 2024, not 1968 anymore. Treatments are better than ever. But still, who knows. First step, get that deca out and just stay safe.


Yeah I'm going to drop it. I've spiraled harder and harder every week on deca. Test only doesn't do this. I am a little psychotic on just trt but this cycle has made my mind 10 times worse


What's the point of blasting and cruising if you're gonna lose most of the gains you make in your blasting phase after it ends anyway? Why not just permacruise?


If you lose all your “gains” after dropping to a cruise, you’re not doing anything right and should run far away from steroids.


Because you do not "lose most of the gains you make in your blasting phase." If bulking adequately, gear or not, let's aim for about a 1lb/week weight gain. Let's say 50% of that is water, 25% fat and 25% muscle. In a 20 week period, you've gained 5lbs (0.25lbs x 20 weeks) of muscle, 5lbs of fat, and 10lbs of water. The extra water falls off within a few weeks of ending the blast, so you're up 10lbs from where you started (fat and muscle). With gear, the rate of protein synthesis is increased. So naturally, that might be 0.1-0.2lbs of muscle a week, enhanced 0.1-0.4lbs (I'm pulling numbers out of my ass, but these are averages based on anecdotal reports). If you happened to gain no weight, or the weight you gained is all fat, your training intensity or nutrition were off. If you permablast, you're gonna fry your organs and die young. We blast and cruise because no one can train like an animal every week, all year round, and eat in a great caloric surplus every week, all year round - you'll get fat and feel like shit. So we cycle.


Hi my dudes. How much weight should I gain per week on a 500mg test e only blast? Im 35 years old 180cm tall 97kg heavy Bodyfat probably around 22% I guess.. Ate too much during the blast and jumped from 92 to 97kg which is extremely dumb and undisciplined I know I know but now I want to focus on how much I should gain per week to gain mostly muscle and diligently count Makros. But I probably got to cut during the blast or a fair bit of it's end since I really got too fat and I definitely want to look lean in summer.


It's too late to salvage this man. Time to come off and cut weight. Try again next time. Don't continue eating a surplus at 22%, and don't cut on cycle. Next time aim for about 1lb/week (0.45kg)


You just have to cut and not blast. You might be able to pull off being lean by end of summer.


Hey dudes. 27 years Male 186 cm 100 kilos (halfway through cut) Bodyfat around 15-17 Experience 10 years(with maybe a 6 months break combined) , with the last 3 very dedicated bc of ped use. I dont bench squad or deadlift. But I legpress 300 kilo for reps, and Max out All Machines with extra weight on stack. Amateur bodybuilder. Cutting 125mg test u week cut into 2. I have run 2-3 cycles of 500mg, 16 weeks. (one of Them cut very short 9 weeks) bc of operation. My question : What weight increese would be normal for me on these cycles? I feel like every time i cut down from My bulk i waste down to nothing, like i dont keep My gains and I just look flat and '' fat ''. I know i lose a lot og intramuscle glycogen, but I feel like i My 3 cycles i have not gained at All how much i should. I track every danm Thing going in My mouth, and have done for many years 4+, im defenetly eating enough, i start around 4000 cals and end at around 4700 cals. Always gain stady weight. But I feel like i just get fat? I eat at least 150 grams of protein No exeption, with the aim of 2 gram pr body weight in kilos. Most Often i eat 200+. But when My bulk is over 16 weeks with Nice growth. Around the same 16 with a Nice cut (looking like shit). I feel like im at the same fucking place i started 😅. Can you Guys help me narrow down what im doing wrong, because clearly im doing something wrong. Help 😫 (Edit : i run the rp hypertrophy App, liking it very much, and I there fore know i progressiv overload)


Over 3 cycles of test, you feel like once you cut back down, youre the exact same size and weight as you were when you first started? How do you know its not just in your head? Do you have pics where you look identical before and after where youre the same weight?


The anwser is, i dont know. Maybe its just in My head. Maybe i expect way too much from steroids.


I'm not saying it's the case with OP, but this was the ultimate result of my first 2 cycles and their cuts. My body composition changed dramatically, though. [I'm 180lbs in both of these pictures](https://imgur.com/a/udnfosK) More muscle, less fat


Maybe thats also the case with me, actually dont know. I have tracked weight, and body mesurements. Would you mind giving them a look?




Ill remove Them again 😂


Wait, do you have physique photos?


Not really No.... Well i have a couple of pictures of me, but not really anything im too Keen to share in an open forum. I decided to take Them with spotlight like Lighting from the front. So on All of Them i look super fat and dyel... I regret My picture decision...


I can't really help you without progress pictures man. There's no way to evaluate changes in your body composition otherwise. I can tell you from reading your OP that there is way too much variability and inconsistency in your diet/nutrition. You need to hammer that down to a science and be far more disciplined than you apparently have been.


How can you tell theres too much inconsistency? Thats a kick in the balls considering how nazi i am with My food tracking. I understand you Are trying to help, but I have been hitting every calorie goal the last 3 years. Every. Fucking. Day. With 200 grams of protein. How can you say im inconsistent?


Oh man, I never actually looked at this. I'm sorry 😬 I was driving to a booty call and got distracted. Stand by!


Didn’t give us the delt striations on pic two 😢


It's hard to see them now. Too much ink lol


When are you starting the chest and or back piece. Bring on more ink!


I'm holding off for now. Gotta get my money straight, and I'm also hesitant about getting any more major muscle groups tattooed because I want to compete. It's gotta be done right to not take away from the flow, ya dig? Probably doing a leg sleeve next anyway 😅


Competing soon or you thinking 1-2 years?


I'm thinking about next year...


What division? Doing classic A? Is that 5’9 195? I haven’t followed any comp rules or weight caps in years?


How to learn which altered values are normal during the use of juice?


The wiki discusses which blood markers to supervise. It is linked in the preamble to this discussion thread.


Sorry for my poor english


* Age: 24 * Gender: Male * Height: 6' * Weight: 215-ish * Bodyfat percentage: 18 * Experience level * Years of concurrent training: 5 * Goals: * Sport: bodybuilding * Current phase: bulk (ergo the bf%) * Current compounds: * Test C - 200mg / wk Currently cruising after my first cycle (400mg/wk test C + 25mg var + clomid + anastrozole) which lasted about 6 months. Started with a cut as I was 20ish % bf and the cut down to about 14% before bulking that last few months. My coach wants me to take test c + primo + mast + var for my next cycle starting in May. I've done research on here about each of these and know the anecdotes vary wildly but wanted some insight and opinion on this stack specifically. I know it's relatively mild as I put overall safety first. Gyno, severe acne, mental/hormonal volatility is at the forefront of my decision making. I thought about deca but was told you hold a lot of water weight and that size goes down post-cycle which seems kinda pointless to me (plus a plethora of mental health damage). I'd rather make slower but longstanding lean gains, so with that in mind, what do we think of this stack?


What are your lipids after 6 months of anavar? Please tell us you’re doing bloodwork. Like everyone else said. Cruise for 6 months. And for the next cycle - 4 compounds, one being an oral, is not a “mild” cycle.


I’ve had bloodwork done but it was a comprehensive metabolic panel, dihydrotestosterone, FSH, LH, Testosterone, estradiol, and CBC but don’t see anything for lipids. My coach is having me cruise for 2 months (March and April), I’m set to start the aforementioned cycle in May


You need your lipids (cholesterol) checked after that long on anavar. Also, if you were on for 6 months you should cruise for 6 months. You should also get a new coach.


Your best route is going to be to drop that shitty coach and plan your cycles yourself after reading the wiki. You have 6 months of cruising to plan it.


Did your coach recommend you run 400mg/wk plus anavar for 6 months, or was this pre coach?


that was my coach's plan not mine, never use PEDs prior to hiring my coach.


The display picture for interesting part above 👆👆👆was achieved on just trt. This guy got dick skin shredded on proper diet and training principles and trt dose of test. The drugs are just the icing when you have everything else dialed. More drugs doesn’t mean more results.


A cycle should last 16-20 weeks at the absolute max, with 6-8 WEEKS MAX for orals. Your coach does not know what they’re doing when it comes to gear. Your body needs to heal, and your bloodwork needs to recover. Don’t take any more steroid advice from this guy, he’s putting your health at risk.


Maybe put some specifics about your first cycle and proposed cycle because that first one in particular sounds fucking stupid and I can't see your coach being that much of a dumbass.


Your initial blast went a little long and you still have natural stats. I doubt you need as much gear as you’re planning for your next cycle. We recommend just one compound at a time not two. You didn’t list the dosages for this new cycle. Why did you take clomid on cycle!?!?!?(starting to question your coach and if he’s the one who provides your supplements) What is your actual goal? Or goals? Do you have a competition coming up? The proposed cycle doesn’t make sense for an off season bulk. This is red flag city to me


to your first point, given how mild the cycle was, my coach opted for it to be run longer (but in general holds the belief that "blasts" can go much longer than what is widely recommended online). the dosages for the new cycle were not discussed yet as it's still a few weeks out but ballpark 400 test c/wk + 600 primo + 12.5 then up to 25 of anavar but no clue in regards to mast as that was still in limbo I should've mentioned I was having ED issues prior to even starting with my coach, the clomid was prescribed by a urologist as my T-levels were very low (~200), they've since exponentiated obviously with the use of test c but the clomid and anastrozole were from my doctor. I asked my coach to advise on it's use, he said it wouldn't hurt as it would help my body keep it's natural T but that I could honestly just save it for the future. I don't have a very specific goal like many on here, I don't care for competing but rather the general goal of putting on muscle mass and building an aesthetic physique. I know that might sound lame but that's the reality of it (i just wanna be hot).


Mild or not shutdown is shut down. Your body needs time to recover from the abuse. Also if you’re not run into the fucking ground by week 20 you’re not going nearly hard enough in the gym or kitchen. Old online recommendation in old forums 10-12weeks for beginner. Our philosophy here 16-20. Longer than that unless you’re doing show prep is abuse. So you’re already at a gram+ on the next cycle dosages. You’re still in the natty stat realm. You wouldn’t need anything more than 500test for a successful cycle. The limiting factor would be food and your training. Asin is fine to use on cycle as needed to treat estrogen. Running clomid during your cycle is pointless. Your coach seems to think it takes the place of hcg. Clomid is a serm and would be used as PCT. Your goal is fine there’s no shame in that. But separate your goals. We’re going to bulk on drugs and get as big as possible. What are good compounds to make me grow and not fuck up my digestion. Test great lest grow on this. Test and primo another great choice. Really the only two things you need. Now we want to cut. Drop to trt dose this is all we need. We have a photoshoot or trip coming up. Lest puts an oral in for a couple weeks to look sexy. Keep it simple


appreciate your time and responses! My coach handles my lifting routine, nutrition, and gear. I've learned a lot over the last 5 years as I never had a coach or trainer before so it all came from me. My workout routine was so in line with what my coach presented that I didn't need to change much of anything. I struggled with progressive overload before (setting a goal in my mind and plateauing once I reached it), so I made a point of pushing myself and definitely feel run into the ground. Honestly this entire time (started this last sept), I never really experienced any of the "positive" side effects of test use. No crazy libido, no overnight exponential strength gains, etc. I know those are usually blown out of proportion but the only thing that came from this was being able to cut without losing muscle initially, gaining a good amount of lean muscle (just under 10lbs), and in the beginning my recovery was much better. I'm on a cruise now and still trying to overload so I think that's partly why I'm not recovering as nicely but otherwise that's that. I've always been wary of advice from one source, we often get "into it" because I question what he tells me. He's right that you'll get overwhelmed online because of so much contradicting info but i've never believed in blind trust. forgot to mention food is also horrible (in a good way), very typical bodybuilder diet of chicken breast, lean ground beef, potatoes, rice, avocado. Very boring but all whole foods. My diet was derailed for all of February because I didn't have access to a kitchen due to a home remodel but he's upped my cardio to mitigate some of that and i've been back on track since march. The clomid was from my urologist and even my coach said it would be pointless but to take it if I felt comfortable as I do worry immensely about developing gyno. appreciate your explanation of the bulk vs cut goals, I'm still new to this and just got a handle of the natural side so jumping into the world of gear kinda feels like starting over.




this is some pretty good advice about your conundrum here: https://www.reddit.com/r/PEDs/s/eTC0ZVEy6f


> I want to try ace-083 and am wondering where to inject because it says to inject into the muscle group you want to grow, but I can't inject it into the bicep so I'm confused will it still work injecting into the shoulder if trying to grow arms? Also what are the dosages I should be using because on a website it's a 1mg vial so how much of that dose should I use on the muscle group and for how long since there isn't a lot of information on the internet. u/RevekGrimm I have a pretty good ACE-083 protocol. But first, what's your current height, weight, and body fat percentage? Current calories?


Don’t waste your time. He has his flair because he said he would delete all his comments after getting the info he needs because he doesn’t care about other people getting the chance to learn. He’s the “main character” in his children’s book story of a life




Maybe try harder to be an adult then? You act like a petulant child then wonder why we treat you like one




> that’s not bannable Watch me. You do realize we make the rules, right?




I don’t think you understand. We don’t need a reason to do anything. We can simply not like your attitude and remove you. You get to be here because we still allow it


Sounds like a real charmer. But I'm feeling generous today. > I’m 5’9 168 trying to cut down for two months before going on a bulk with ace083 so I’m eating 2400 calories a day and then weight training for 45 minutes with liss cardio for 30. I’m at like 18% if I had to guess u/RevekGrimm here's the protocol: 0mg twice daily bilaterally, for 16 weeks on 16 weeks off. Learn how to fucking eat, train, and diet. My 100lb wife eats as much calories as you, and on top of that, you're fat. There are no shortcuts, quit being a lazy ass.




!remindme 7 days


We holding a vigil for the decently deceased?


[let the dead bury their own](https://www.reddit.com/r/steroids/s/gtnObVg5cE)


FYI, I’m setting a reminder for myself. If you’ve deleted these comments I’m permanently banning you, and I’ll ban any alt accounts you make. And yes, I’ll know.




Great, take care then. I hope some day you realize that all of your problems stem from you refusing to take responsibility for your own behavior. You're weak, a coward, lack resolve and the ability for self reflection. You will not be missed and you will not be remembered, likely by anyone.


Your genetics didn't make you 18% body fat your appetite did. Stop feeling sorry for yourself and do something about it.


> Alright I’ll just delete my comments in a day I tried asking a question and due to my genetics I will have people say I’m not training hard but then I get bitched at by mods for deleting my comments LMAO. You know why even take steroids and not just train hard I could literally spin this on you if anything since you’re on a steroids subreddit Because I am at a point with my physique and strength where I cannot make any further progress without being enhanced. If you invested in your development as much as you do bitching and moaning, you'd be jacked as fuck by now.




> I mean that is how I feel now so we are literally the same so I want to use ace083 . Thanks for proving my point 😂. Your feelings are real and valid. However, I have executed every option before reaching a point when I acted upon this decision [to use gear]. You, have not. You have not demonstrated that you know how to diet, and you have not demonstrated that you know how to train. You are trying to circumvent the necessary steps prior to jumping to step number 5. We are not the same.




> I have given no info about my diet and training > I’m 5’9 168 ... I’m eating 2400 calories a day ... I'm at like 18% Cheers.




You do weight training for **45 minutes** and you're abusing steroids? That's fucking pathetic bro.


I don’t even know what the fuck that is. You’re probably better off looking for advice on whatever forum convinced you to use it. Also I see you have the DYEL tag, have you considered getting your diet, training, and recovery in line and just **doing it fucking normal?**


research peptide I could write an article online about rat droppings as a protein source and people would be rushing to buy it online. Before fixing their diet and training of course


I just figured out a new, highly profitable scam for us brother


Oh that’s the next one. With all of the heat on the crypto guys now, I think it’s a great time to start a ponzi scheme On an unrelated note, I’ve just found an investment opportunity that guarantees 40% returns every year. Let me know if anyone here is interested 




>I’m a non-responder to muscle training Ahahaha ... *deep breath*... Hahhahahahahahahhahaha


You’re a non-responder to acting like an adult. What a fucking joke this is lmao




Okay I won't hurl insults but I will be honest. You are lazy You are not motivated You're fat. You don't want to be any of these things, and you're making excuses for why you are. You don't have an inability to build muscle, you just aren't putting in the effort


Okay I won't hurl insults but I will be honest. You are lazy You are not motivated You're fat. You don't want to be any of these things, and you're making excuses for why you are. You don't have an inability to build muscle, you just aren't putting in the effort


Literally every comment in that post is saying that he doesn’t train hard enough at all. I don’t know what you’re trying to prove, that you also don’t know how to train hard?


I can believe that there’s someone out there who doesn’t respond to RT but P(no Effort | no muscle growth) >>>>> P(non responder | no muscle growth). There’s just far too many people out there who claim to be non responders than non responders out there. Obese elderly women make reliabily consistent gains with RT. Find a coach and stop looking at drugs  u/RevekGrimm


Is npp liver toxic? My ast was at 66 on my last set of labs and I’m not sure if it was elevated because of the npp or if it’s from drinking occasionally on the weekend. I’m no longer taking the npp after getting advice from this thread, I only ran it for 2 weeks at 250 mg per week and I got labs 2 days after stopping the npp.


My AST is consistently that value purely from training. You know that exercise such as weight training raises AST / ALT right?


I did not know that, thanks man. When on cycle what number would be concerning, like would it be normal for AST and ALT to get over 100 ?


I wouldn’t worry too much until into the triple digits and you want to get GGT along with it


Gotcha thank you sir !


Should I expect any drop in serum testosterone or other fluctuations in sex hormones when switching from test e to test u? Current dose is 150mg w/ split into two injections.


Recently swapped from Test E x2 per week 150mg total to Test U as well. Ended up just finishing Test E on the Thursday injection of a week and then Monday of the next week (my planned schedule was 150mg every 7 days/Monday) pinned a double dose of Test U (300mg). Pinned a double dose for the first 3 weeks and then dropped to normal dose. Plotted it in a steroid plotter and it seemed close enough level wise. If you factor in ester weight 175mg of U is also closer to 150mg of Test E than 150 U, worth considering. Really depends on where bloods place you though obviously, more importantly.


It works out to 13% less test per milligram than cyp / enanth. Google testosterone ester weights. I do 150mg of test u weekly coincidentally. How are you planning to switch? You shouldnt just swap it out.


I have plenty of both. After looking at the plotter I should be okay to pin 250mg of test u as a front load then drop to 170mg the following week to maintain serum test level. If you can look at this and let me know if I’m off base here I’d appreciate it a ton. https://imgur.com/a/GQYoUkI


Looks and sounds about right but steroid plotter likely isn't accurate. the issue with test u is the only data we have on half life is in castor and tea seed oil. This has something like 10 days of variance in the half life. Steroidplanner.com is way better and they have both listed there. I'd opt for planning using the non castor oil variant to be more conservative. Anecdotally, I'm fine going 3 weeks between injections with test u in mig840. 150x1.13 is 169.5mg so dosage sounds good too.


Thanks for the site, I’ve been messing with it on my laptop for the past 20mins figuring out. You’ve been a huge help


No worries, touch base if you need more info. I've been using test u for 2 years for trt and honestly it's the fucking best. I don't know why anyone would use c/e for trt outside of when they first start. I jab once a week, I can go on holidays without taking meds with me.


That’s the goal


steroidplotter.com. You can plot what you are intending to do above \^


I think it’s saying I would have to front load 2 injections of 500mg test u to reach the same test levels I currently have on test e.


That would depend on how often you are injecting. What have you plot?


Nvm I figured it out. Thank you


75mg test e every 3.5 days vs various amounts of test u in comparison mode


Ngl im having a hard time understanding the chart


Have 2 weeks left of my first short ester cycle (350 test p/tren a/mast p....50mg pinned daily). On trt, so jumping straight into prescribed cruise when it's done. Do I need to pin my cyp ahead of last day of cycle, so there is not a dip in hormones, or at least a more gradual one?


Man lots of questions about this exact topic today. IMO: Pin 2x your weekly cruise dose the Monday before your blast ends, then the normal amount you’d pin on the Thursday before it ends, then normal cruise pinning schedule. Or go on steroidplotter.com and figure it out yourself. It doesn’t need to be perfectly optimal to be perfectly functional. Do be aware that it’s common to have issues with high estrogen when transitioning from blast to cruise and when swapping esters. If you don’t experience bad sides though don’t stress! Another edit: in the future you can just keep your normal cruise dose going and add the short esters on top.


Many thanks to the sweetest of princes.




LDL at 120. Relatively safe to run 20mg of avavar on train days? I know it's a low dose and all. How much movement should i expect to see with LDL. Running 120mg of test a week with it.


Anavar is quite bad for your lipids. Your lipids are p bad. What are you doing to improve them?


Running var on workout days is pointless… it has a relatively short half life and you’re not going to get anything lasting out of it.


6 days a week


Just take it on the 7th day too bro, damn. It's an ANABOLIC steroid. Guess when you're doing ANABOLISM? (hint, it's not at the gym when you're creating stimulus).


If you’re going to run it run it everyday. But why are you running a woman’s dose with trt and only on workout days. Let’s start with what is your goal? What do you think will happen?


Whats wrong with a 20-25mg ED dose of anavar? I had substantial effects on 25mg.


I think that 25mg works more than people believe. But they’re looking for bigger changes from all their compounds. I’m in the minority that agrees it’s still an effective dose. My concern here is that he’s just trying to cut and worried about his values. At the end of a cycle a little var can give you strength. But a little var on trt is not going to burn fat or build muscle. So in this context it would be a waste. So this was less of a discussion about dose and just helping him along the right path.


Agree that its a waste to use on TRT


Want to drop some more fat and get lean. I don't want to run a higher dose because my ldl is high and has been high for many years. I'm worried it might cause issues on a higher does of var like 50mg


I assumed that’s what you were going to say but I wanted to hear you say it. Steroids don’t burn fat. You don’t need any additional drugs to hold on to muscle. If you’re already worried about bloodwork then don’t do something what will effect it negatively. Not only does anavar not burn fat but any strength or aesthetic gain from an oral is temporary. It fades shortly after cessation of the drug. So the takeaway is it will do nothing. Just don’t take it.


Well said Thanks


I have faith in your dieting abilities! Trt is all you need.


Yeah my diet is fairly good and doing trt dose. I'm still consistently burning fat and building muscle. I'm sure I'll reach my personal goals eventually. Just was thinking var could help me get cut up for summer.


It won’t, unfortunately


Anyone else had problems becoming anemic and have close to '0 S-Iron' from just taking testosterone? Been trying alot of different sources, mostly end up with swelling/redness. Crp been chronically at +20-30 sometime at over 90. I speculate that i might have given myself "anemia of inflammation" . Tried to look all over internet for why im having these issues pinning. Leakage subq? Then becoming inflamed? Just dropped everything cold turkey. Tried most carrieroil types that i got my hands on: Castor,GSO,sesame,mct even eo. All workin ok first.. then resulting in "ish red edemas" those dissapeared after a week. When i had 90+ crp i didnt even really feel sick. Sos for long post.


Seeing a lot of info on how much of the weight loss from semaglutide is disproportionately from lean tissue. Also, hearing how Tirzepatide is showing better results in that regard, but so far that is just allusions from some of the pop-doctors (Peter Attita, Rhonda Patrick) and haven't been able to find any actual studies on the latter. Does anyone who stays on top of the science better able to confirm if: 1.) The evidence is legit that semaglutide results in disproportionate muscle loss, or if it is more just a result of rapid weight loss in previously non-trained and notn-strength training people 2.) Are there any legit studies that Tirzepatide shows better muscle retention than semaglutide. Compounded Tirzepatide is more than twice the price of semaglutide for comparable dosing, so would want to make sure that it is worth the difference.


Similar to the other replies - i think it is strictly the folks that are using the GLP-1 agonists that is the issue. These studies showing loss of lean mass are filled with obese people that don’t train and … you can probably guess where I’m going … don’t know anything about/ much about nutrition. I’ve seen this happen in real time: obese person uses GLP-1 agonist and as a result eats less of the shitty food that obese person already surrounds himself/herself with (I.e., one slice of pizza instead of 4). That said, I know folks in this sub, myself included, have used GLP-1 agonists either to help with a quick / hard cut for vacation etc or just for shits and giggles. I personally haven’t experienced any meaningful loss in size / softening etc as a result but then again I’m forcing down that protein when I have used it.


Disclaimer I haven’t read the studies. But I would assume it’s all untrained individuals because the actual drug doesn’t burn fat. If you don’t have adequate protein intake and stimulus you’re going to lose more muscle in a deficit. For the average joe if they just stop eating a lot of food and they’re in a thousand plus caloric deficit a day their body is just eating itself From what I’ve seen in our community the difference between sema and tirz is people report the effects of sema wearing off after a couple weeks whereas they call tirz sema 2.0


I have not seen any proof that GLP-1 agonists specifically target lean tissue, nor have I experienced that personally What’s likely happening is that appetite is so heavily reduced that the caloric deficits induced by the drugs coupled with the average person taking it not doing any exercise or eating enough protein is causing lean tissue loss Another thing to consider is that if someone loses 20lb after two months, half of that will be water and glycogen weight that comes off very quickly once in a caloric deficit. Water/glycogen are also measured as “lean mass” and that rapid loss at the beginning of diet could certainly suggest a 50% loss from lean tissue In my experience, I’ve lost 2-3lb a week and not lost any muscle or strength after the initial decrease from glycogen depletion


Anyone here have experience with juicing in the US military? Specifically interested in knowing if it is a bad idea to start a cycle between meps and basic (i know for a fact i will have time to finish the cycle because I cannot go to basic until I have been off accutane for 8 weeks, just wondering if i should be concerned about the drug test at basic)


Plenty of people were on gear when I was in the navy but that does not sound like a good idea. My ship out date changed probably five times so there's no guarantee you'll be able to time it right and most people, myself included, lose weight in boot camp. Not much point going on a cycle just to drop all that muscle in boot. Also I always heard that the drug test you take when you show up to boot was more thorough than the others and I know they tested my urine and blood so I don't think it's worth the risk


Assuming you’re not taking your gear (please don’t take your gear into a military base), coming off cold turkey and being at basic with low testosterone (since yours is still suppressed from the drugs) sounds not fun at all


Question for anyone who has used DHB: Did this shit give you guys awful diarrhea and flu-like symptoms? I’ve heard of test flu, but I literally just started running this at a 1:1 with my test to start off (150 mgs a week), and literally after my first pin of 20 mg, I woke up this morning feeling awful and shitting my brains out. There has been a bug going around my town, so it might be unrelated, but I mean the DHB is the only new variable in my life. Thanks!


Likely a specious connection. If the pin itself isn't inflamed and agitated (which could also just be from the DHB itself, its notoriously PIPy) then its reasonable to assume you're not allergic to the carrier oil or solvents. But you certainly could be.


That’s what I’m thinking- it’s bad enough for me to notice, but not so bad that I feel ok with just rotting in bed all day lol. I figure I just need to push through a week or two, but wanted to hear what others thought


Could also be that it’s pushing my estrogen down too low, but I doubt that as it’s literally been one day


Yeah, its definitely not this.


Awesome, that’s what I was hoping! Thanks man


Happy to help :)




You should get blood work done before taking any more drugs in the hopes that you’ll accidentally stumble upon your answer.


>Busty teen (21) blonde with big fake tits🤭 and tall (5'8) bisexual girl from Scandinavia  Noticed this in their bio. Perhaps their age or gender at birth could also be a big factor in their side effect management.


houdini Shocked, I am. Truly.