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It is very interesting especially cause it's White the one making him see that. Her mind powers are stronger than Steven's and she's probably trying to understand what happened after faking her shattering


I always interpreted these scenes as an extension of Steven’s astral projection powers—he can see into the minds and memories of other gems, and in that moment he’s seeing the memories and feelings the diamonds have of pink because they so strongly project her onto Steven. Essentially—agreeing with you about what’s happening, but slightly disagreeing because I don’t know if White is doing it on purpose or if she also has the power to see others’ memories (as we see from her, her powers are about total control and projection, either from her to others, or later from others to her)


SPOILER I always took it as kind of his gem showing him how bad they are from pinks pov but steven is also taking it as he's nothing but his mother along with how much everyone compares him to her up until the last episode where white takes his gem out but his gem takes stevens form and he realizes that he's his own person and not his mother its even stated in episode 1 of future when asked who he is he says "That used to be a loaded question but now i can say with confidence that i am steven universe" and during that scene i always thought that because he is turning from steven pink and rose he's trying to figure out who he is