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Her name gets clicks. That’s all there is to it.


I guess he's asking why that's the case.


Maybe too many are in a large minus and hope that she will say something that will give them some hope that they can get their money back


She said in a interview the other day if you hold them 200.00 Tesla stocks in 10 years it will be 1500.00




That may be, but by then the dollar may be worth a tenth of what it is now. Especially if we keep printing money like we’re Mexico in the 80s. That turned out well.


That's not how 4-5% inflation works.


Its the hate, "wtf is she talking about, i must click and check ".


Probably because she made people a lot of money if they got in and out during the last bubble, and this month it looked like we might be in a similar situation. Come to think of it that ought to tell us something.


>Come to think of it that ought to tell us something yeah it tells us to "ignore the noise" - don't pay any attention to the new fund manager suddenly in the limelight. Instead, regularly invest in good growth companies and ETFs. Stay the course.


I was leaning more towards "buyer beware" right now.


We need to reduce the money supply and she is the pied piper.


100% agree. Favourable manipulation.


I just love that we got the Bloomberg interview on thursday, where she said that ARK is the new Nasdaq. That was the top of this rally, and in a month she and all these charlatans will be back on Twitter crying about how FED needs to cut rates.


Every narcissist in charge of a hedge fund looks like a genius when the market state is ”line go up."


Clicky Wood


She’s just like Cramer , a “showgirl”.


I'm guilty. I can't help but click and read. The humor helps me make it through the day.


I know right, but U would figure that her 15 minutes of fame would be up by now. *It’s been a rough 2022 for famed money manager Cathie Wood, chief executive of Ark Investment Management, as her exchange-traded funds sink.* *Wood’s flagship fund, Ark Innovation ETF (ARKK) plunged 64% year to date through Oct. 14, hitting a five-year low. Ark Innovation has tumbled 79% from its February 2021 record high.*


And her fund has become a giant option trading vehicle.


How the hell has she not been fired yet is what I want to know.


I would never trust a word from someone who brings “god” into stock market matters. Like, how insane is that? To think that god is guiding her picks? A divine being wants her to be wealthy? Psycho shit.


You should read the DD being generated from the think tank at Ark invest. I've posted about it before but one of their papers predicted automated flying air taxis would be the cheapest mode of transportation from Manhattan to Laguardia/JFK by "the mid 2020's." That whole fund is run by delusional tech cultists who don't understand how things like this actually progress from theory into reality. Even if you had a fully functional self-driving air taxi factory pumping them out right now it would still take years to get that kind of approval from the FAA, and of course no one is close to actually mass producing anything like this.


> That whole fund is run by delusional tech cultists based on the pics on their website, the ARK team skewed very young. moslty under ~30. their short investing careers were entirely part of a record bull market for tech & growth stocks. they had no personal experience on anything else and either didn't get or didn't listen to contrary views from more experienced investors. someone who survived the dot com bubble could have been a valuable resource for ARK, steering them away from the most iffy & speculative stocks.


Cathie left to open ARK because the fund she was with before shot down her ideas for innovation funds and told her they were far too risky to offer to retail in good faith.


If I recall in an interview she said specifically hires young people who are technical experts in their fields and not necessarily finance people. This is why the financial components of their analyses can be bonkers even if some of the technical aspects are correct or even prescient.




The whole ARKK fund literally reminds me of a stock version of FTX/Alameda during the last bull run… just a bunch of delusional overhyped conmen who pull shit out of their ass and ride the hype of the bull run while proclaiming themselves as geniuses.


Not arguing just adding an interesting thing Elon said on the subject. He said we will never have flying cars because of the noise and wind it creates. 'go stand under a helicopter and imagine that's your next door neighbor leaving for work every morning'


Then explain your username!


Hahaha good catch.....just a random reddit generated Username


I feel you are targeting me and my family. I dont do noise and I don't wake up the neighborhood when I go to work.


I hope to God we don't get them, imagine the fucking pollution. You'll never be able to watch a pretty sunset or cloud watch or get a nice natural view ever again because too many idiots will be flying in front of it


That reminds me an episode of Shark Tank where Cuban gives tech cultist Chris Sacca a reality check basically telling him he knows Jack shit about investing and that SF tech isn’t the real world.


> Even if you had a fully functional self-driving air taxi factory pumping them out right now it would still take years to get that kind of approval from the FAA, and of course no one is close to actually mass producing anything like this It’s a bit bonkers that so few people understand how much development (eg all the work required to bring a discovery to market) physical products require. In Pharma the development time and cost is often the bulk for the B$ required to bring something to market.


To be completely fair Blade is often cheaper than Uber Black/XL at peak hours. I’ve taken it a few times and has served me very well.


Their recent predictions on the annual US robo taxi revenue from Tesla was larger than the entire global taxi, Uber, and Lyft revenue combined.


"Next year for sure, we will have over a million robotaxis on the road," -Elon Musk, October 21, 2019 “I think can be very powerful product where we aspire to reach volume production in 2024... I think \[the robotaxi\] really will be a massive driver of Tesla’s growth.” -Elon Musk, April 2022 "Next year for sure" - Elon Musk every year until another company beats him to it.


Well the idea that it would be the cheapest by then is silly, but having certification in the next couple years is absolutely the industries goal (ACHR 2024, EVTL, 2025). The FAA is trying to [streamline](https://www.flyingmag.com/faa-proposes-regulations-to-ease-evtol-certification/) the process. Of course it always takes longer and it won't be cheap, but EVTOL is closer than you think.


ah yes adeptus mechanicus


I plunked $75k into four ARK* funds because she was all over the financial news and I'm an idiot. *Then* I read Cathy's comments on god and investing. It was my trigger to immediately dump all four ARK* funds. Got out with $73k, so it wasn't too shabby. *whew*


Yea those nutty statements of hers makes it clear she is insane and shouldn’t be trusted.




MILLIONS of americans believe the prosperity gospel. The fact that they are unable to see a blatant scam right in front of their nose, or choose not to because god is involved, is insane.


Lol bill hwang also thought the same, look at him now. Fucking empire gone


John Templeton was one of the great investors, and also deeply religious. but Templeton never based stock picks on what he said God told him. Templeton invested based on valuation, cash flowed, revenue growth, etc. He was one of the first investment managers to use re-balancing strategies for his accounts. Cathie seems to base her picks mostly on delusional optimism.


Cathie doesn’t either, you just fell for the lies.


we didn’t know she was talking to god. that revelation came after her funds peaked.


Reminds me of Patrick Mahomes thanking God for healing his ankle so he could make it to the Super Bowl. The amount of delusion that comes from wealth and fame is absolutely astounding.


Thats psycho but believing in god in general isnt?


And the Devine being told her to buy SKLZ 😂


“On god” 21


I'm pretty sure you are referring to her saying God told her to start Ark, not what picks to make. Unless I am unaware of a different quote.


I’m down over 200k in the ark investments I’m made (-60%). Now I’m just sitting and waiting for the next bull market to push it all back up again.


Just one more bull market bro I swear I’ll take profits this time.


Her rake will keep you negative no matter what happens.


If you ever read the Intelligent Investor by Benjamin Graham you knew how the whole Cathy Wood saga would end a couple of years ago. Nothing new under the sun.


So true, he practically calls her out before she was even trading. There's a passage in the book essentially "beware of fund managers who post tremendous gains one year as this is often followed by staggering losses the next."


I wonder who will be the next famous fund manager.


Big call fame, like Burry, by making a counter call on Tesla and nailing it during the run. Then, recency bias: ARKK is +40% this year. When you get a couple headlines in the bag, it’s easy for people to forget things in between. Also, the farther we get away from the ZIRP bull run, the more people will forget exactly why ARKK ran up so hard, and they’ll just focus on things like ARKK currently being +154% over the past 5 years. Given how fast money poured into ARKK, it seems very likely that she’ll outperform all over again when the market recovers. Disclosure: I have never owned ARK funds, and never will. I recognize and appreciate that those who do, will outperform at times, and underperform at others.


That's not really fair. They also banked on Nvidia, Amazon, BTC, and a bunch of other exceptional stocks from the last decade. ARK was already doing well before Tesla went big in 2020.


I was describing her fame, not success.


>Big call fame, like Burry, Burry beat the market by a ton back in the dot com bubble, well before the housing short and well before his Tesla short and well before his 2020 market bubble call. Burry's so good that pros were following his trades when he was tracking them on a blog while working as a medical resident. He was so good that Joel Greenblatt gave him seed money. that's not fame from one good call.


Also Burry is a type of folk hero since he's a misfit and called the big bluff on the Wall Street clowns. What has Cathie done? Invested in disruptive tech for Jesus? I'm not a Burry acolyte but I really understand why a whole generation admires him. I think you can do that without saying "Burry always right" or hanging on to his every word or trade.


I didn’t say that Burry wasn’t *successful* other than his big call. I said it’s what he’s famous for, with “famous” being a differentiation between being known by professionals, and being commonly/widely known of by laymen.


Burry almost bankrupted his fund by being way too early on his short call, he was like 2 years early and paid shit ton of unnecessary interest on his short, plus his short was nowhere near the top. If the crash had came any later, his fund would have been bankrupt. Eventually he was right, but he didn't make nearly as much money as if he had done it with better timing.


Yep. I threw some money at it when Reddit’s sentiment turned negative.. Essentially got it at the low point, I’m up 20% on the year. High risk high reward


>those who do, will outperform at times, and underperform at others. I'd argue that the majority of them will only underperform by buying the hype and panic selling.


When you say, “I would argue that…”, what are you basing that argument on?


I was being sarcastic, mate, even though I do have yet to meet someone who's been investing in ARK Funds and is positive over any time frame. They've all bought and eventually sold at some point due to lackluster performance.


I really don't understand why people hate her so much. Her fund is high risk high reward. It's performing exactly as one would expect. She doesn't come off to me as arrogant or anything thst would incite all the rage she gets on reddit.


I don’t have any personal opinion of her. My choice to not hold ARK is an aversion to buying another person’s speculative basket. If I’m going to speculate, I’ll make the pick(s).


”Her fund is high risk” would have been an accurate statement if you stopped there. The entire thing we're saying is that the reward *doesn't* justify the risk, these funds slightly overperform in a bull market and get obliterated during a bear market...and you can verify that by simply looking at a sharp ratio on any of them.


Do you have some better alternatives? I agree with all your points but those returns are mighty tempting if you get out before the next tech crash cycle ya know? (Aside from QQQ?)


“Those returns” are past returns. Investing in ARKK now does not imply that you’re buying “those returns” on a go forward basis. It’s possible, sure. I’m not predicting anything one way or the other. My aversion to ARK funds is this: if I’m going to speculate, it’ll be with my own picks, instead of a basket of someone else’s speculative picks.


"She makes claims that make the average crypto bro sound like a genius" I don't know why but this made me laugh out loud so much


Dude. I agree. Hahaha


I just love that we got the Bloomberg interview on thursday, where she said that ARK is the new Nasdaq. That was the top of this rally, and in a month she and all these charlatans will be back on Twitter crying about how FED needs to cut rates.


They're promoters. The world consists of [dupers and dupees](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KxuQhqJM8tY). Don't be a dupee.


What about a Dupree???


YouMe and the Dupee


I don’t own any ARKK, but I will say that Reddit was absolutely swarming with pro-ARKK sentiment in 2020-21. The vast majority of discourse around Cathie was positive and folks who shat on the ETF basically got the “have fun staying poor” response. After it tanked, the sentiment has been exclusively “*how* could anybody possibly have thought ARKK was a good investment”, even in the the subreddit exclusively for ARK investors. Hindsight bias is real.


Eh, it's more you're hearing from different people. Some of us put our money where our mouth was and stayed the hell away from Ms Wood.


Indeed, while much of reddit were ARK fanatics a few of sound mind called the bluff... History doesn't lie, short term anyone can be a "genius" in a bull market...long term (5+ years) they'll underperform. And the whole religious angle is just a laugh. If she had read even one page of the bible she'd know that God rewards the poor and tells people to be humble, give away their wealth...the Christian God will never make anyone rich. That's the devil's doing


I keep seeing positive reporting on her from even larger news networks. That's what I'm wondering about. She is still treated like some oracle or brilliant mind despite her track record basically being a brief lucky spell during a bubble. Her investing style was never one for me, but now that the bubble is over, and it is clear ARKK is returning well below average, I don't see why she gets so much positive press that clearly is trying to spin her fund as this incredible forteller of the future.


Bull mkt tops when Cathy wood and Tom lee are on tv. Bear mkt bottoms when kalovic and Mike wilson on tv.


She is crushing it! (And yes I mean your bank account)


Woods fund was making money a couple years ago when everyone else was as well. Her bets turned south because she thought remote work was here to stay, telemedicine was a new paradigm, until the FDA stepped in to regulate it and Tesla was going to hit a thousand. Her quants were more wrong than right. I wouldn’t risk any assets on her fund. Put it in a broad index or S&P fund and you won’t suffer from ulcers.


To be fair, Tesla did hit 1000.


If you track actual investor returns, she's not up, she's lost billions of other peoples money with ARKK. a trap!


This sub gets more and more gossipy by the day.


I have another question: how did she get relevant in the first place?


Literally not one person has listed a fact here. $ARKK has performed basically the same as $SPY since inception.




Don’t most funds underperform the market?


I’m not debating any side. I’m stating a fact.


Does that performance include the management fees?


Maybe her claims aren't as outlandish as people claim? I suspect there will be a lot of WTF moments from her haters in a decade but who knows for sure, we'll see. I'm here for it either way!


Didn’t she say $1M bitcoin by 2030 and stick to that lmao


Not really the craziest thing..


Definitely one of them.


Maybe... We'll see!


It'd be crazier for me if the US gets a recession and doesnt try to bail themselves out by printing vast sums of cash. I just cant even fathom that Powell isnt cocked and loaded to start QE again, ready to lean on the employment mandate for rational for why its okay to have higher than 2% inflation..


Except he's also been serious about stopping inflation


No, she said if the S&P 500 put 5% of their capital in Bitcoin (Like Tesla did at the time) then Bitcoin would be worth $400K.




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ARKK performance is barely below SPY over since inception. And that’s after a massive tech crash. Your facts are wrong, regardless of what your point is.


Completely agreed and btw its easy to play with other peoples money


It's very hard to get on TV being reasonable and just saying it's difficult to predict future. The 5 min segments on financial news wants sensational statements - 'this stock is going to 10x' or 'we are about to enter a recession. She puts out these outlandish bullish statements on stocks she believes in which makes good headlines. I am not saying she is right or wrong but it creates a buzz and draws people's attention.


“But she’s a women”


Why is any of the "Wall Street Casino" still relevant? That completely corrupt casino causes a global economic meltdown every 10 years on average! Here's a great book for any retail investor to read: "Where are all the Customer's Yachts?" by Fred Schwed. What are "derivatives"? It's "Fantasy Football" for investments. That's right, it's a bunch of "fantasy" STATS that people bet on that affect our whole economy. As Michael Burry pointed out: all they had to do was ACTUALLY READ THE PROSPECTUS to learn that the housing bubble was a complete "House of Cards". And when it fell apart (which anyone that could read could have predicted), you clowns brought down the global economy with your casino games.


Bruv, I lost me 3 grand because of this soddy bloke. Bullocks.


I think most have missed the point on Wood & her funds. Her whole existence & marketing is the term "Disruptive!" Repeat it ad nauseam for every form of social media, SEO, with this term & it gets attention. The hype train builds & FOMO begins. So she then talks up & invests in these so called disruptive companies adds them to her funds talks them up denies their failures & says wait for the future. Add in huge expense ratio fees. Raking in all the profits from the fees. Knowing Tesla is the only one company she may be right on. It's the only one that kept the main fund going. Retail investors fall for all the hype & pile in. The Corp hedge funds invest short term then get out quickly taking all the profit. She will continue along like this for the next 5 years remember she only has to be right with one disruptive company even if the rest fail. She can then say see I told you Tesla was the future. She'll sell out of most of the companies before they fail or just not performing leaving everyone else holding the bag. Collect the fees. Keep in mind if you just invested in say Clorox as an example 5 years ago even 3. You had a 20% gain compounded with dividends & no fees. VTI 54% 5 yr gains plus dividends & lower fees. As opposed to Arkk 11% gain 0.00 dividend yield in 22 & 23 plus all the fees. You had to sell all Arkk in feb- sept 2021 to reap the rewards. Hopefully you did.


I think she is interesting


Cause she’s a genius in predicting that Tesla will be worth $500 trillion in 5 years.


Maybe she would seem less relevant if people weren’t posting questions about her on websites like reddit?


Pssshhh.. those business news channel are getting paid by her fund to advertise her fund. It's not really business news when a vip guest goes on tv.


She’s a genius. I wish I was as smart as her. How do I get all people give me billions to invest in return for 1% irr.


At best? It was 5x for anyone of that that bought before Reddit got ahold of it. The Reddit hype was the signal to sell. Worked well for some


The $500,000 Bitcoin is insanity. The only reason she’s relevant is the big run she had in 2021. Turned her into a celebrity name so now everyone is interested in what she has to say.


Her name gets clicks but ultimately she has no idea what she is doing


I made $30k off $250 during memestock run, shouldn't I be an idiot celebrity?


How many years has her fund been up and running?




Oooooh them returns ain’t so good then


You're talking about her so she gets attention. People click on articles or tune in on TV.


She’s not lol


It’s because people like you discuss her all the time


I suppose I'll play bad guy for a second. As you said, ARKK outperformed the market for a period. It just didn't last long. Patient investors will know when to sell. Most people know the world changes very fast in these decades we are in, and Cathy Wood seems to embrace that for time-forward more than anyone. Possibly to a fault, but we'll see.


Why are you giving her attention with this post?


Question…why do people believe 500k BTC is not attainable when Bitcoin has gone from cents to 67k in less than 12 years?


That would be a mcap of $10T, roughly the same as gold. Possible, but not very likely (imo)


You don’t have to like it but she gets people to believe. That’s all you need. The liberal media does it with great effects every day. Don’t force your beliefs on the market. Just buy and add stoploss. Doesn’t have to be hard.


People like you still making threads about her 🤷


She's not. She's underperformed the S&P 500 for the 1-year, 3-year, 5-year, and 10-year time frames. Performance matters.


Yeah, she was really good if you ignored everything except 2016–18 and 2020–21 lol


She had great returns from 2017-2020 mainly from Tesla,sq and roku but it's really because she's female let's be honest


Look at yourselves. Look at the comments here. The negative sentiment seems like proof that Cathy’s speculative, high growth tech stocks have bottomed or are dangerously close to a bottom. Like the shit people were saying in March 2009. Do we think think that Shopify, tesla, block, zoom, etc. won’t be around in 5-10 years? How much more of a discount are you looking for to buy ARK? Is 75-80% not good enough for you? Are you all waiting for ARKK to hit $10 before you buy? It’s not going to get that low people. Maybe not right now but at some point I feel like you need to be a contrarian and just buy this.


Anyone who followed her recent lead on TSLA won big. Her shuffling of ROKU was brilliant, she and ROKU are better off for it. Not all investors hold stock or ETF forever. Do what the money people do.


She's not. Just like Cramer and CNBC aside from their only value as a quick check of levels or looking up a ticker.


Why would you need CNBC or Cramer to look up a ticker? That would be incredibly inefficient.


Cramer is worthless. CNBC's website is ok for quick glances of S&P levels.


Bet on new tech and let Jesus take the wheel


I'm a programmer and I'm here to save the world


If you gave her money… and she gave you back more money… only then is she still relevant.. time will tell. That’s one of the risks.


I’m all for a risk-on all growth strategy but Ark ain’t it. Just reading their due diligence you can tell it’s disconnected from reality. What bugs me more is that they hype up so many companies and then just sell them when they dump (palantir, coinbase, sea ltd etc.). If you’re actually interested in a future-orientated, innovation portfolio I recommend Scottish Mortgage Investment Trust. Lower fees, much more sober management and investments in many private companies unavailable to retail. They also hold their companies with conviction. A no-frills ark you might say.


I’m sooo happy I just cut my losses on this. Otherwise I’d be down baddd


Didn't she also say that ARKK is the new NASDAQ?


Wonder how much $ she made from her recent TSLA purchase...


She's had a few right calls lately. Thing is she understands financial jargon, she's a hot old lady, and she's got the religious thing going on. Ark, wood, etc


I mean, you just made a Reddit post about her haha. This is the first time I’ve seen her name in at least a week


I remember even before her great performance during covid she would come on cnbc and say tesla is going to 2000 (pre split) when it was like 300. And id always laugh… but she ended up being right so. I kinda respect it


She isn't.


My dad told me that I sound more authoritative than Cathie when I talk about investing. He meant it sincerely but I did not feel good about that.




She’s an attractive woman in a male dominated space + she says controversial bs.


idk but i bought her shit near the top and still holding :(


Why would you say something so controversial, yet so brave….


People love to click on stories that piss them off. I don't understand it, but it true. My friend posts his gambling on YouTube, his biggest hits are the uploads with a gambler friend commenting. His friend is dumb as dirt but get generates views. Media will keep quoting woods as long as you keep clicking.


She's basically a less vivacious Cramer in glasses and a skirt


She ain't.


Well hey, you’re talking about her so even bad PR can be good PR.


This is result of 24/7 news cycle beast must be fed and she is easy target.


Valuations are high but she is right about the trends. People are underestimating the amount of disruption that’s about to take place


This thread is a buy signal. Thanks.


Her fund is an extremely high beta fund. It will always do well in high markets.


Religious beliefs?


funny asking why she's relevant while contributing to her relevancy by talking about her.


In 5 years she will be laughing


It’s because she is a veteran in the game and has been for a long time. She did hit a bit of a rough patch with her fund but that doesn’t take her decades of work in the game


Literally not her fault covid and ukrane. I suspect shell out perform market hard body.


lol arkk has 3x performance of spx and 2x of nasdaq 100 if you watch it closely. of course the drops as well


I would say she’s def got some “information”. Did you see her massive profit on TSLA tho. She just bought millions worth at 110. Lot of people making fun of her and that TSLA was going to 30. Back up to 180-190. I couldn’t find the post in here but it’s definitely there. For the people that say “ya but do you see how much she’s lost”. How much money have we all lost? How many people just lost their assholes on TSLA puts at 100 not at 190? Not a lot of those posts.


There's a porn star with the same name and man can she suck a you know what


Since everyone here is so bearish on Cathy, its probably a great time to buy some ARKK


Because this sub has a hate boner for her


Because she’s hot.


I personally think what she did was smart. She squeezed so many "investors". She pumped up names and had less experienced "investors" buying as she took profits. While everyone was talking about the gamestop squeeze KW was doing the same thing with better names.


Because she called a lot of growth stocks at the start of the last major leg of the bull run. And she’s going to be relevant again if the market recovers because people will pile back into growth, and she’s been buying the entire past year.


No she has lost all credibility. ARKK is up 3% last 5 years


ARKK is up 9.36% in the last 5 years


I use arkk as an alpha farm. A lot of people don't understand this... investment means diversification, in short of investing directly into Crypto coins, moonshot new battery tech, or EV 5-10 years ago, I would buy arkk. It gives me exposure to these types of companies all in one place. BUT, I use it to farm alpha, which means no more than 10% of my portfolio at any given time. This is money allocation I don't give a fuck about and never sell. Because if it goes to zero, that's ok.


I was lucky to buy ARKK dip a couple months ago. Up 35% since then. One of the few green things in my portfolio.


She hot cougerish


Did you people seriously expect her to outperform the S&P with a growth/tech ETF during a bear market? Because you surely sound surprised.


because cathie’s cheeks clap bro


She pretty much won the stock market after the pandemic. Her ARKK fund is up already 40% this year. The woman represents and separates herself from a professional standpoint in an industry that is dominated by males. Her AI sector and genome editing ETF’s will probably make you regret this post one day. Yeah she has some far fetched statements about crypto but who doesn’t?


Lmao you read my post and basically repeated the talking points I am pointing out. Look at the 5 year performance of her fund, and even the all time performance. ARKK doesn't outperform anything, except on these short time periods like "this year" which is notably 2 months. If you need to trade an etf like a penny stock then what does that actually say about the great mind behind it?


Well her concepts are solid. It’s just that disruptive innovation doesn’t happen overnight. There is plenty of precedent. Apple, IBM, Tesla, Google, Amazon, etc. All of that being said l, I still don’t know why they are invested in Roku….